public void CreationParagraphsWithRectangleShapeAndImage() { string fileName = "shape-image"; string fileTargetPath = Path.Combine(s_BasePath, fileName + ".docx"); using (WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument()) { File.Delete(fileTargetPath); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create(fileTargetPath, true, out _), OutputCode.OK); doc.AddImage($"{s_BasePath}\\tres.jpeg", 20, 20); doc.AddText("Inline text. ", new List <string>()); doc.AddShapeWithText("", "SQUARE2", 3, 3, 0, 0, new List <string>() { "strokewidth:4", "color:blue" } , new List <string>() { "fontsize:30", "color:#32a852" }); doc.Save(); } ExtractXlsx(fileTargetPath, Path.Combine(s_BasePath, fileName)); }
public void CreationTestWithoutOverwrite() { WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument(); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\test.docx", false, out _), OutputCode.FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS); doc.Close(); }
public void CreateReplaceSimple() { string fileName = "create-replace-simple-1"; string fileTargetPath = Path.Combine(s_BasePath, fileName + ".docx"); using (WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument()) { Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create(fileTargetPath, true, out _), OutputCode.OK); doc.AddText("Text with no Bold no formatting style", new List <string>()); doc.AddText("Text with Bold", new List <string>() { "bold" }); doc.AddText("Text with bold and italic", new List <string>() { "bold", "italic" }); doc.AddText("Text with bold and italic and red color", new List <string>() { "bold", "italic", "color:red" }); Assert.AreEqual(doc.ReplaceTextWithStyle("bold", "BOLD", false, new List <string>() { "color:blue" }), 4); doc.Save(); } ExtractXlsx(fileTargetPath, Path.Combine(s_BasePath, fileName)); }
public void CreationTest() { WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument(); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\test.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK); doc.Save(); doc.Close(); }
public void CreateShapeWithTextAlignment() { WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument(); string filePath = $"{s_BasePath}\\rectangle-shape-text-alignment.docx"; File.Delete(filePath); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create(filePath, true, out _), OutputCode.OK); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold" }); doc.AddShapeWithText("", "TOP-RIGHT", 6, 6, 0, 0, new List <string>() { "strokewidth:4", "color:blue", "verticalalignment:" + VerticalAlignment.Top, "horizontalalignment:" + HorizontalAlignment.Right } , new List <string>() { "fontsize:35", "color:#32a852" }); doc.AddShapeWithText("", "BOTTOM-CENTER", 10, 5, 0, 6, new List <string>() { "strokewidth:4", "color:blue", "verticalalignment:" + VerticalAlignment.Bottom, "horizontalalignment:" + HorizontalAlignment.Center } , new List <string>() { "fontsize:35", "color:#32a852" }); doc.AddShapeWithText("", "Middle-Left", 10, 5, 0, 12, new List <string>() { "strokewidth:4", "color:blue", "verticalalignment:" + VerticalAlignment.Middle, "horizontalalignment:" + HorizontalAlignment.Left } , new List <string>() { "fontsize:35", "color:#32a852" }); doc.Save(); doc.Close(); }
public void AppendAndReplace() { using (WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument()) { string fileTargetPath = $"{s_BasePath}\\append-replace-test.docx"; Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create(fileTargetPath, true, out _), OutputCode.OK); Assert.AreEqual(doc.AddText("Aggregate", new List <string>()), OutputCode.OK); Assert.AreEqual(doc.AddText("Declaration", new List <string>()), OutputCode.OK); doc.ReplaceText("Aggregate", "AggregateReplacedText", false); doc.ReplaceText("Declaration", "OtherText", false); doc.Save(); } }
public void CreationWithImage() { WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument(); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\testImage.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold" }); doc.AddImage($"{s_BasePath}\\uno.gif", 100, 100); doc.AddImage($"{s_BasePath}\\dos.png", 50, 50); doc.AddImage($"{s_BasePath}\\tres.jpeg", 20, 20); doc.Save(); doc.Close(); }
public void CreationParagraphsWithRectangleShape() { WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument(); string filePath = $"{s_BasePath}\\rectangle-shape.docx"; File.Delete(filePath); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\rectangle-shape.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold" }); doc.AddText("Italic", new List <string>() { "italic" }); doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List <string>() { "fontsize:54" }); doc.AddText("color red italic", new List <string>() { "color:red", "italic" }); doc.AddText("This text without format", new List <string>()); doc.AddText("This text without format", new List <string>()); doc.StartParagraph(); doc.AddText("Inline text. ", new List <string>()); doc.EndParagraph(); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { doc.StartParagraph(); doc.AddShapeWithText("", "R" + i, 1.5, 1, (-0.4 * i), (0.15 * i), new List <string>() { "strokewidth:1", "color:red", "fillcolor:white" }); doc.AddText("This text without format for line: " + i, new List <string>()); doc.EndParagraph(); } doc.AddShapeWithText("", "SQUARE", 3, 3, 0, 0, new List <string>() { "strokewidth:5", "color:#32a852", "fillcolor:silver" } , new List <string>() { "fontsize:30", "color:red" }); doc.AddRuledLine(10); doc.AddShapeWithText("", "SQUARE2", 3, 3, 0, 0, new List <string>() { "strokewidth:4", "color:blue" } , new List <string>() { "fontsize:30", "color:#32a852" }); doc.Save(); doc.Close(); }
public void CreationParagraphsWithProperties() { WordServerDocument doc = new WordServerDocument(); Assert.AreEqual(doc.Create($"{s_BasePath}\\testFormats.docx", true, out _), OutputCode.OK); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold" }); doc.AddText("Italic", new List <string>() { "italic" }); doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List <string>() { "fontsize:54" }); doc.AddText("color red italic", new List <string>() { "color:red", "italic" }); doc.AddText("This text without format", new List <string>()); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("Italic", new List <string>() { "italic", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List <string>() { "fontsize:54", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("color red italic", new List <string>() { "color:red", "italic", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("This text without format", new List <string>()); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold", "numbering", "level:0" }); doc.AddText("Italic", new List <string>() { "italic", "numbering", "level:1" }); doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List <string>() { "fontsize:54", "numbering", "level:1" }); doc.AddText("color red italic", new List <string>() { "color:red", "italic", "numbering", "level:0" }); doc.AddText("This text without format before page", new List <string>()); doc.AddPageBreak(); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold", "bullet" }); doc.AddText("Italic", new List <string>() { "italic", "bullet" }); doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List <string>() { "fontsize:54", "bullet" }); doc.AddText("color red italic", new List <string>() { "color:red", "italic", "bullet" }); doc.AddText("This text without format after page", new List <string>()); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold", "bullet", "level:0" }); doc.AddText("Italic", new List <string>() { "italic", "bullet", "level:1" }); doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List <string>() { "fontsize:54", "bullet", "level:1" }); doc.AddText("color red italic", new List <string>() { "color:red", "italic", "bullet", "level:2" }); doc.AddText("This text without format", new List <string>()); doc.AddRuledLine(60); doc.AddText("Bold", new List <string>() { "bold", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("Italic", new List <string>() { "italic", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("FontSize 54", new List <string>() { "fontsize:54", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("color red italic", new List <string>() { "color:red", "italic", "numbering" }); doc.AddText("This text without format", new List <string>()); doc.AddText(" d ", new List <string>() { "underline" }); doc.AddRuledLine(40); doc.Save(); doc.Close(); }