Пример #1
            public IEnumerable <EntryResult> Search(string query, int maxScore = int.MaxValue, int patternMatchLimit = 2999)
                //using (new DebugTimer("File Index Search"))
                    if (!m_IndexReady)
                        return(Enumerable.Empty <EntryResult>());

                    var tokens = getQueryTokensHandler(query);
                    Array.Sort(tokens, SortTokensByPatternMatches);

                    var lengths  = tokens.Select(p => p.Length).ToArray();
                    var patterns = tokens.Select(p => p.GetHashCode()).ToArray();

                    if (patterns.Length == 0)
                        return(Enumerable.Empty <EntryResult>());

                    var wiec         = new WordIndexEntryComparer();
                    var entryIndexes = new HashSet <int>();
                    lock (this)
                        var remains = GetPatternFileIndexes(patterns[0], lengths[0], maxScore, wiec, entryIndexes, patternMatchLimit).ToList();
                        patternMatchCount[patterns[0]] = remains.Count;

                        if (remains.Count == 0)
                            return(Enumerable.Empty <EntryResult>());

                        //Debug.Log($"R({remains.Count>entryIndexes.Count}):" + GetDebugPatternMatchDebugString(tokens));

                        for (int i = 1; i < patterns.Length; ++i)
                            var newMatches = GetPatternFileIndexes(patterns[i], lengths[i], maxScore, wiec, entryIndexes).ToArray();
                            IntersectPatternMatches(remains, newMatches);

                            //Debug.Log($"I({entryIndexes.Count}>{newMatches.Length}>{remains.Count}):" + GetDebugPatternMatchDebugString(tokens));

                        return(remains.Select(fi => new EntryResult {
                            path = m_Entries[fi.index], index = fi.index, score = fi.score
Пример #2
            public IEnumerable <EntryResult> Search(string query, int maxScore = int.MaxValue)
                //using (new DebugTimer("File Index Search"))
                    if (!m_IndexReady)
                        return(Enumerable.Empty <EntryResult>());

                    var tokens   = getQueryTokensHandler(query);
                    var lengths  = tokens.Select(p => p.Length).ToArray();
                    var patterns = tokens.Select(p => p.GetHashCode()).ToArray();

                    if (patterns.Length == 0)
                        return(Enumerable.Empty <EntryResult>());

                    var wiec = new WordIndexEntryComparer();
                    lock (this)
                        var remains = GetPatternFileIndexes(patterns[0], lengths[0], maxScore, wiec).ToList();

                        if (remains.Count == 0)
                            return(Enumerable.Empty <EntryResult>());

                        for (int i = 1; i < patterns.Length; ++i)
                            var newMatches = GetPatternFileIndexes(patterns[i], lengths[i], maxScore, wiec).ToArray();
                            IntersectPatternMatches(remains, newMatches);

                        return(remains.OrderBy(r => r.score).Select(fi => new EntryResult {
                            path = m_Entries[fi.index], index = fi.index, score = fi.score
Пример #3
            protected void UpdateIndexWithNewContent(string[] updated, string[] removed, string[] moved)
                if (!m_IndexReady)

                //using( new DebugTimer("Refreshing index with " + String.Join("\r\n\t", updated) +  $"\r\nRemoved: {String.Join("\r\n\t", removed)}" + $"\r\nMoved: {String.Join("\r\n\t", moved)}\r\n"))
                    lock (this)
                        List <string>         entries = null;
                        List <WordIndexEntry> words   = null;

                        // Filter already known entries.
                        updated = updated.Where(u => Array.FindIndex(m_Entries, e => e == u) == -1).ToArray();

                        bool updateIndex = false;
                        if (updated.Length > 0)
                            entries = new List <string>(m_Entries);
                            words   = new List <WordIndexEntry>(m_WordIndexEntries);

                            var wiec         = new WordIndexEntryComparer();
                            var partialIndex = BuildPartialIndex(String.Empty, 0, updated, 0);

                            // Update entry file indexes
                            for (int i = 0; i < partialIndex.Count; ++i)
                                var pk               = partialIndex[i];
                                var updatedEntry     = updated[pk.fileIndex];
                                var matchedFileIndex = entries.FindIndex(e => e == updatedEntry);
                                if (matchedFileIndex == -1)
                                    matchedFileIndex = entries.Count - 1;

                                var newWordIndex = new WordIndexEntry(pk.key, pk.length, matchedFileIndex, pk.score);
                                var insertIndex  = words.BinarySearch(newWordIndex, wiec);
                                if (insertIndex > -1)
                                    words.Insert(insertIndex, newWordIndex);
                                    words.Insert(~insertIndex, newWordIndex);

                            updateIndex = true;

                        // Remove items
                        if (removed.Length > 0)
                            entries = entries ?? new List <string>(m_Entries);
                            words   = words ?? new List <WordIndexEntry>(m_WordIndexEntries);

                            for (int i = 0; i < removed.Length; ++i)
                                var entryToBeRemoved = removed[i];
                                var entryIndex       = entries.FindIndex(e => e == entryToBeRemoved);
                                if (entryIndex > -1)
                                    updateIndex |= words.RemoveAll(w => w.fileIndex == entryIndex) > 0;

                        if (updateIndex)
                            UpdateIndexes(entries.ToArray(), SortIndexes(words));
Пример #4
            private IEnumerable <PatternMatch> GetPatternFileIndexes(int key, int length, int maxScore, WordIndexEntryComparer wiec, HashSet <int> entryIndexes, int limit = int.MaxValue)
                bool foundAll = entryIndexes == null || entryIndexes.Count == 0;

                // Find a match in the sorted word indexes.
                int foundIndex = Array.BinarySearch(m_WordIndexEntries, new WordIndexEntry(key, length), wiec);

                // Rewind to first element
                while (foundIndex > 0 && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex - 1].key == key && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex - 1].length == length)

                if (foundIndex < 0)
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <PatternMatch>());

                var matches = new List <PatternMatch>();

                    bool intersects = foundAll || entryIndexes.Contains(m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].fileIndex);
                    if (intersects && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].score < maxScore)
                        if (foundAll && entryIndexes != null)
                        matches.Add(new PatternMatch(m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].fileIndex, m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].score));

                        if (matches.Count >= limit)

                    // Advance to last matching element
                } while (foundIndex < m_WordIndexEntries.Length && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].key == key && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].length == length);

Пример #5
            private IEnumerable <PatternMatch> GetPatternFileIndexes(int key, int length, int maxScore, WordIndexEntryComparer wiec)
                // Find a match in the sorted word indexes.
                int foundIndex = Array.BinarySearch(m_WordIndexEntries, new WordIndexEntry(key, length), wiec);

                // Rewind to first element
                while (foundIndex > 0 && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex - 1].key == key && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex - 1].length == length)

                if (foundIndex < 0)
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <PatternMatch>());

                var matches = new List <PatternMatch>();

                    if (m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].score < maxScore)
                        matches.Add(new PatternMatch(m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].fileIndex, m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].score));
                    // Advance to last matching element
                } while (foundIndex < m_WordIndexEntries.Length && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].key == key && m_WordIndexEntries[foundIndex].length == length);
