Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will iterate through the DataRows inside this Group in order to form
        /// the appropriate repeating composite bodies as its correct XML amalgamation.
        /// For example, in the case of an Account group with two rows, it could then
        /// generate XML like the following:
        /// <Account>
        ///   <AccountType><![CDATA[Checking]]></AccountType>
        ///   <Currency><![CDATA[Ethereum]]></Currency>
        ///   <Amount><![CDATA[10.5]]></Amount>
        /// </Account>
        /// <Account>
        ///   <AccountType><![CDATA[Savings]]></AccountType>
        ///   <Currency><![CDATA[USD]]></Currency>
        ///   <Amount><![CDATA[20.5]]></Amount>
        /// </Account>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The serialized Wonka XML that represents this Product Group</returns>
        public string AssembleGroupXml()
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            StringBuilder GroupBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (WonkaPrdGroupDataRow TempDataRow in this)
                GroupBuilder.Append("<" + this.MasterGroup.GroupName + ">");

                foreach (int nTempAttrId in TempDataRow.Keys)
                    WonkaRefAttr TempAttribute = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrId(nTempAttrId);

                    string sTempAttrValue = TempDataRow[nTempAttrId];

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTempAttrValue))
                        GroupBuilder.Append("\t<" + TempAttribute.AttrName + ">" +
                                            WrapWithCDATA(sTempAttrValue) +
                                            "</" + TempAttribute.AttrName + ">");

                GroupBuilder.Append("</" + this.MasterGroup.GroupName + ">");

Пример #2
        public void Execute()
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv =
                WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, moMetadataSource);

            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");

            WonkaProduct NewProduct = GetNewProduct();

            string sStatusValueBefore = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

             * NOT YET READY
             * // Cue the rules engine
             * WonkaBreRulesEngine RulesEngine =
             *  new WonkaBreRulesEngine(CONST_SIMPLE_RULES_FILEPATH, moMetadataSource);
             * RulesEngine.GetCurrentProductDelegate = GetOldProduct;
             * WonkaBre.Reporting.WonkaBreRuleTreeReport Report = RulesEngine.Validate(NewProduct);
             * string sStatusValueAfter = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);
             * if (Report.GetRuleSetFailureCount() > 0)
             * {
             *  throw new Exception("Oh heavens to Betsy! Something bad happened!");
             * }
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will iterate through a list of Products and apply the default value to every instance
        /// of an empty Attribute (i.e., in every DataRow of its Group).
        /// <param name="poProducts">The product list that we are iterating through</param>
        /// <param name="poDefaultValues">The default values for Attributes</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static void ApplyDefaults(List <WonkaProduct> poProducts, Dictionary <int, string> poDefaultValues)
            foreach (WonkaProduct TempProduct in poProducts)
                var iDefaultValEnumerator = poDefaultValues.GetEnumerator();
                while (iDefaultValEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    int    nDefaultAttrId    = iDefaultValEnumerator.Current.Key;
                    string sDefaultAttrValue = iDefaultValEnumerator.Current.Value;

                    WonkaRefAttr TempAttr = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance().GetAttributeByAttrId(nDefaultAttrId);

                    WonkaPrdGroup TargetGroup = TempProduct.GetProductGroup(TempAttr.GroupId);

                    foreach (WonkaPrdGroupDataRow TempDataRow in TargetGroup)
                        string sTempValue = TempDataRow[TempAttr.AttrId];

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTempValue))
                            TempDataRow.SetData(TempAttr.AttrId, sDefaultAttrValue);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will serialize a ProductGroup within a Product instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="poTmpPrdGroup">The target ProductGroup being serialized</param>
        /// <param name="poProductListBuilder">The buffer that is holding the written WONKA-XML message</param>
        /// <returns>None</returns>
        private void AppendProductGroup(WonkaPrdGroup poTmpPrdGroup, StringBuilder poProductListBuilder)
            WonkaRefEnvironment WonkaRefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            if (poTmpPrdGroup.GetRowCount() > 0)
                string sTmpAttrValue = null;

                foreach (WonkaPrdGroupDataRow TempDataRow in poTmpPrdGroup)
                    poProductListBuilder.Append("\n      <" + poTmpPrdGroup.MasterGroup.GroupName + ">");

                    foreach (int nTmpAttrId in TempDataRow.Keys)
                        sTmpAttrValue = TempDataRow[nTmpAttrId];

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sTmpAttrValue))
                            WonkaRefAttr TempAttribute = WonkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrId(nTmpAttrId);

                            poProductListBuilder.Append("\n        <" + TempAttribute.AttrName + ">");
                            poProductListBuilder.Append("</" + TempAttribute.AttrName + ">");

                    poProductListBuilder.Append("\n      </" + poTmpPrdGroup.MasterGroup.GroupName + ">");
Пример #5
        public WonkaProduct GetNewProduct()
            WonkaRefEnvironment WkaRefEnv               = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();
            WonkaRefAttr        NewSalesTransSeqAttr    = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("NewSalesTransSeq");
            WonkaRefAttr        NewSaleEANAttr          = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("NewSaleEAN");
            WonkaRefAttr        NewSaleVATRateDenomAttr = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("NewSaleVATRateDenom");
            WonkaRefAttr        NewSaleItemTypeAttr     = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("NewSaleItemType");
            WonkaRefAttr        CountryOfSaleAttr       = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("CountryOfSale");
            WonkaRefAttr        NewSalePriceAttr        = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("NewSalePrice");
            WonkaRefAttr        PrevSellTaxAmountAttr   = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("PrevSellTaxAmount");
            WonkaRefAttr        NewSellTaxAmountAttr    = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("NewSellTaxAmount");
            WonkaRefAttr        NewVATAmountForHMRCAttr = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("NewVATAmountForHMRC");

            WonkaProduct NewProduct = new WonkaProduct();

            NewProduct.SetAttribute(NewSalesTransSeqAttr, "123456789");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(NewSaleEANAttr, "9781234567890");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(NewSaleVATRateDenomAttr, "2");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(NewSaleItemTypeAttr, "Widget");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(CountryOfSaleAttr, "UK");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(NewSalePriceAttr, "200");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(PrevSellTaxAmountAttr, "5");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(NewSellTaxAmountAttr, "0");
            NewProduct.SetAttribute(NewVATAmountForHMRCAttr, "0");

        public static void AddNethereumERC20GetBalanceRule(this WonkaBizRuleSet poRuleSet,
                                                           WonkaRefEnvironment poRefEnv,
                                                           Web3 poWeb3,
                                                           WonkaRefAttr poTargetAttr,
                                                           string psAddRuleDesc,
                                                           string psTargetOwner,
                                                           string psERC20ContractAddress)
            WonkaBizRule NewRule = null;

            WonkaBizSource DummySource =
                new WonkaBizSource("ERC20", psERC20ContractAddress, "", "", "", "", "", null);

            WonkaEthCustomOpRule CustomOpRule =
                new WonkaEthCustomOpRule(mnRuleCounter++,

            CustomOpRule.OwnerWeb3 = poWeb3;
            CustomOpRule.PrimaryContractAddress = psERC20ContractAddress;
            CustomOpRule.CustomOpDelegate       = CustomOpRule.InvokeERC20GetBalance;

            CustomOpRule.AddDomainValue(psTargetOwner, true, TARGET_RECORD.TRID_NONE);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psAddRuleDesc))
                NewRule.DescRuleId = psAddRuleDesc;

Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var ownerAddress       = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c";
            var password           = "******";
            var destinationAddress = "0x6C547791C3573c2093d81b919350DB1094707011";

            var web3 = GetWeb3(ownerAddress, password, CONST_ONLINE_TEST_CHAIN_URL);

            var erc20TokenDeployment =
                new ERC20TokenDeployment()
                DecimalUnits = 18, TokenName = "TST", TokenSymbol = "TST", InitialAmount = Web3.Convert.ToWei(10000)

            //Deploy our custom token
            var tokenDeploymentReceipt = ERC20TokenService.DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, erc20TokenDeployment).Result;

            //Creating a new service
            var tokenService = new ERC20TokenService(web3, tokenDeploymentReceipt.ContractAddress);

            //Creating the rules engine, using the default set of rules
            var wonkaERC20Service =
                new WonkaERC20Service(ownerAddress,
                                      new StringBuilder(CONST_WONKA_DEFI_RULES),
                                      new WonkaDeFiDefaultMetadata(),

            var RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr OwnerAddressAttr   = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("OwnerAddress");
            WonkaRefAttr VaultAddressAttr   = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("VaultAddress");
            WonkaRefAttr TokenTrxAmtAttr    = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("TokenTransferAmt");
            WonkaRefAttr VaultYieldRateAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("VaultYieldRate");

            var trxData = new WonkaProduct();

            trxData.SetAttribute(OwnerAddressAttr, ownerAddress);
            trxData.SetAttribute(VaultAddressAttr, destinationAddress);
            trxData.SetAttribute(TokenTrxAmtAttr, "12");  // Must specify the amount in hex form

            var currentBalance = tokenService.BalanceOfQueryAsync(ownerAddress).Result;

            for (int i = 0; (i < 1000) && (currentBalance.CompareTo(0) > 0); ++i)
                trxData.SetAttribute(VaultYieldRateAttr, GetCurrentInterestRate());


                currentBalance = tokenService.BalanceOfQueryAsync(ownerAddress).Result;

                var vaultBalance = tokenService.BalanceOfQueryAsync(destinationAddress).Result;

        public string RetrieveValueMethod(WonkaBre.RuleTree.WonkaBreSource poTargetSource, string psAttrName)
            WonkaRefEnvironment WkaRefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr TargetAttr = WkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName(psAttrName);

Пример #9
        public void SetAttribute(WonkaProduct poTargetProduct, WonkaRefAttr poTargetAttr, string psTargetValue)
            if (poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId).GetRowCount() <= 0)

            poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId)[0][poTargetAttr.AttrId] = psTargetValue;
Пример #10
        public IMetadataRetrievable ImportSource(Type poDataStructType, object poDataStructure = null)
            WonkaImportSource NewImportSource = new WonkaImportSource();

            PropertyInfo[] Props = poDataStructType.GetProperties();

            foreach (PropertyInfo TmpProperty in Props)
                Type   AttrType  = TmpProperty.PropertyType;
                string sAttrName = TmpProperty.Name;

                WonkaRefAttr TmpWonkaAttr = new WonkaRefAttr();

                TmpWonkaAttr.AttrId   = GenerateNewAttrId();
                TmpWonkaAttr.AttrName = sAttrName;
                TmpWonkaAttr.ColName  = sAttrName;
                TmpWonkaAttr.TabName  = poDataStructType.FullName;

                if (poDataStructure != null)
                    object oTmpValue = TmpProperty.GetValue(poDataStructure);

                    TmpWonkaAttr.DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(oTmpValue);

                TmpWonkaAttr.Description = "";

                TmpWonkaAttr.IsDate    = IsTypeDate(AttrType.Name);
                TmpWonkaAttr.IsNumeric = IsTypeNumeric(AttrType.Name);
                TmpWonkaAttr.IsDecimal = IsTypeDecimal(AttrType.Name);

                // NOTE: These values are simply defaults and have no real meaning
                if (TmpWonkaAttr.IsNumeric)
                    TmpWonkaAttr.Precision = 9;
                    TmpWonkaAttr.Scale     = 0;
                else if (TmpWonkaAttr.IsDecimal)
                    TmpWonkaAttr.Precision = 9;
                    TmpWonkaAttr.Scale     = 9;

                // TmpWonkaAttr.MaxLength = ?;

                TmpWonkaAttr.FieldId   = TmpWonkaAttr.AttrId + 1000;
                TmpWonkaAttr.GroupId   = CONST_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID;
                TmpWonkaAttr.IsAudited = true;

                TmpWonkaAttr.IsKey = (TmpWonkaAttr.AttrName.EndsWith("ID") || TmpWonkaAttr.AttrName.EndsWith("Id"));


Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will update the contents of a row (at index 'pnRowIndex') with the values from the supplied DataRow
        /// (via matching on the key), but only for the Attributes of a given Field.  In addition, if any Attribute inside
        /// the updated Field has an associated AttrModDt, we will set that Attribute with the timestamp of CurrTimeStamp.
        /// NOTE: This code assumes that only 1 AttrModDt will be updated per call of updateField(...)
        /// <param name="poThatGroup">The Group that we are using to update this one</param>
        /// <param name="poTargetField">The Field that possesses the Attribute list of interest</param>
        /// <param name="psCurrTimeStamp">The current Timestamp that we will use to set any associated AttrModDdt</param>
        /// <returns>The AttrID of the AttrModDt which has been updated with the CurrTimeStamp</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public int UpdateField(WonkaPrdGroup poThatGroup, WonkaRefCadre poTargetField, string psCurrTimeStamp = null)
            int nUpdatedModDtAttrId = 0;

            HashSet <int> FieldAttrIds = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance().GetAttrIdsByFieldId(poTargetField.CadreId);

            string sTimeStamp = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psCurrTimeStamp)) ? psCurrTimeStamp : DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

            foreach (WonkaPrdGroupDataRow ThatRow in poThatGroup)
                WonkaPrdGroupDataRow ThisRow =
                    (this.GetRowIndex(ThatRow.GetKey()) >= 0) ? this.GetRow(ThatRow.GetKey()) : AppendRow();

                foreach (int nTempAttrId in FieldAttrIds)
                    string sThatValue = ThatRow[nTempAttrId];

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sThatValue))
                        WonkaRefAttr TempAttr = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance().GetAttributeByAttrId(nTempAttrId);

                        ThisRow[nTempAttrId] = sThatValue;

                        if (TempAttr.AttrModDtFlag)
                                WonkaRefAttr TempAttrModDt =

                                string sThatAttrModDtValue = ThatRow[TempAttrModDt.AttrId];

                                // NOTE: We will only use the CurrentTimestamp if there isn't already a timestamp value
                                //       in the provided DataRow of ThatGroup
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sThatAttrModDtValue))
                                    ThisRow[TempAttrModDt.AttrId] = sTimeStamp;

                                    if (nUpdatedModDtAttrId == 0)
                                        nUpdatedModDtAttrId = TempAttrModDt.AttrId;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("ERROR!  Cannot set the ATTR_MOD_DT sibling (" + TempAttr.AttrModDt +
                                                    ") for ATTRIBUTE (" + TempAttr.AttrName + ").");

Пример #12
        public WonkaPrdException(WonkaRefAttr poAttribute, string psErrorMessage)
            if (poAttribute == null)
                throw new Exception("Provided Attribute is null!");

            AttrId = poAttribute.AttrId;
            Msg    = psErrorMessage;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will compare two values of the same Attribute type.  It will then use the
        /// Attribute information to help determine if the two values are the same.  For example,
        /// if the Attribute metadata specifies that they're decimal values, then they will be
        /// converted to Decimal types and then compared that way.
        /// <param name="poAttr">The Attribute type of the two values</param>
        /// <param name="psThisValue">The left-hand value being compared</param>
        /// <param name="psThatValue">The right-hand value being compared</param>
        /// <returns>The bool indicating whether or not the two values are actually the same</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public bool Compare(WonkaRefAttr poAttr, string psThisValue, string psThatValue)
            bool bResult = true;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psThisValue) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(psThatValue))
                bResult = false;
            else if (poAttr.IsNumeric)
                if (poAttr.IsDecimal)
                        // NOTE: Do we need to do any rounding here?
                        decimal fThisValue = Convert.ToDecimal(psThisValue);
                        decimal fThatValue = Convert.ToDecimal(psThatValue);

                        if (fThisValue != fThatValue)
                            bResult = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        bResult = false;
                        // NOTE: Do we need to do any rounding here?
                        long nThisValue = Convert.ToInt64(psThisValue);
                        long nThatValue = Convert.ToInt64(psThatValue);

                        if (nThisValue != nThatValue)
                            bResult = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        bResult = false;
                bResult = false;

Пример #14
        private WonkaProduct AssembleProduct(Dictionary <string, string> poAttrData)
            var NewProduct = new Wonka.Product.WonkaProduct();

            foreach (string sTmpAttrName in poAttrData.Keys)
                WonkaRefAttr TargetAttr = refEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName(sTmpAttrName);

                NewProduct.SetAttribute(TargetAttr, poAttrData[sTmpAttrName]);

Пример #15
        public static bool SetAttribute(this WonkaProduct poTargetProduct, WonkaRefAttr poTargetAttr, string psTargetValue)
            bool bSuccess = true;

            if (poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId).GetRowCount() <= 0)

            poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId)[0][poTargetAttr.AttrId] = psTargetValue;

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will compare two Groups to see if they are equal, but it will
        /// only compare those Attributes mentioned in the target Field.
        /// NOTE: The auditing containers 'poThisAttrValues' and 'poThatAttrValues' will only
        /// work correctly with a group that only has one row.
        /// <param name="poThatGroup">The group being compared against (usually representing old data from the DB)</param>
        /// <param name="poTargetField">The Field that has the Attribute list of interest</param>
        /// <param name="poIgnoreAttrIds">The list of Attributes that should be ignored when comparisons are done</param>
        /// <param name="poThisAttrValues">Storage for the values different from "this" group</param>
        /// <param name="poThatAttrValues">Storage for the values different from "that" group</param>
        /// <returns>Bool that indicates whether or not the two Groups are equal</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public bool Equals(WonkaPrdGroup poThatGroup,
                           WonkaRefCadre poTargetField,
                           HashSet <int> poIgnoreAttrIds,
                           Dictionary <int, string> poNewAttrValues,
                           Dictionary <int, string> poOldAttrValues)
            bool bResult = true;

            foreach (WonkaPrdGroupDataRow ThisRow in this.DataRowVector)
                int nThatRowIndex = poThatGroup.GetRowIndex(ThisRow.GetKey());

                if (nThatRowIndex != -1)
                    WonkaPrdGroupDataRow ThatRow = poThatGroup[nThatRowIndex];

                    HashSet <int> FieldAttrIds =

                    foreach (int nAttrId in FieldAttrIds)
                        WonkaRefAttr TempAttr = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance().GetAttributeByAttrId(nAttrId);

                        if (poIgnoreAttrIds.Contains(nAttrId))

                        if (poTargetField.MergeNullAttrFlag || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ThisRow[nAttrId]))
                            string sThisValue = ThisRow[nAttrId];
                            string sThatValue = ThatRow[nAttrId];

                            if (sThisValue != sThatValue)
                                // NOTE: Need to record these values, maybe for auditing
                                if (TempAttr.IsAudited)
                                    poNewAttrValues[TempAttr.AttrId] = sThisValue;
                                    poOldAttrValues[TempAttr.AttrId] = sThatValue;

                                bResult = Compare(TempAttr, sThisValue, sThatValue);

Пример #17
        public WonkaSimpleNethereumTest(string psSenderAddress, string psPassword, string psContractAddress)
            msSenderAddress   = psSenderAddress;
            msPassword        = psPassword;
            msContractAddress = psContractAddress;

            // Create an instance of the class that will provide us with PmdRefAttributes (i.e., the data domain)
            // that define our data records
            moMetadataSource = new WonkaMetadataTestSource();

            var TmpAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            // Read the ABI of the Ethereum contract which holds our old (i.e., existing) data record
            using (var AbiReader = new StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.WonkaEngine.abi")))
                msAbiWonka = AbiReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Read the bytecodes of the Ethereum contract which holds our old (i.e., existing) data record
            using (var ByteCodeReader = new StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.WonkaEngine.bin")))
                msByteCodeWonka = ByteCodeReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Read the XML markup that lists the business rules
            using (var RulesReader = new StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.SimpleAccountCheck.xml")))
                msRulesContents = RulesReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
            WonkaRefEnvironment WonkaRefEnv =
                WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, moMetadataSource);

            WonkaRefAttr AccountIDAttr       = WonkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("BankAccountID");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountNameAttr     = WonkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("BankAccountName");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr      = WonkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountCurrValAttr  = WonkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountTypeAttr     = WonkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountType");
            WonkaRefAttr AccountCurrencyAttr = WonkaRefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrency");

            // We create a target list of the Attributes of the old (i.e., existing) record that currently exists on the blockchain
            // and which we want to pull back during the engine's execution
            moTargetAttrList = new List <WonkaRefAttr>();

            moTargetAttrList =
                new List <WonkaRefAttr>()
                AccountIDAttr, AccountNameAttr, AccountStsAttr, AccountCurrValAttr, AccountTypeAttr, AccountCurrencyAttr
Пример #18
        public static string GetAttributeValue(this WonkaProduct poTargetProduct, WonkaRefAttr poTargetAttr)
            string sAttrValue = "";

            if (poTargetProduct.HasProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId))
                if (poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId)[0].ContainsKey(poTargetAttr.AttrId))
                    sAttrValue = poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId)[0][poTargetAttr.AttrId];

Пример #19
        private void Init(T poCommand, OrchestrationInitData poOrchInitData)
            WonkaRefEnvironment WonkaRefEnv = null;

            if (poOrchInitData == null)
                throw new WonkaOrchestratorException("ERROR!  Initialization for orchestration has not been provided.");

            if (poOrchInitData.AttributesMetadataSource == null)
                throw new WonkaOrchestratorException("ERROR!  Initialization data for metadata retrieval has not been provided.");

            if ((poOrchInitData.BlockchainDataSources == null) || (poOrchInitData.BlockchainDataSources.Count == 0))
                if (poOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource != null)
                    Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource> BlockchainDataSources = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

                    Dictionary <PropertyInfo, WonkaRefAttr> PropMap = poCommand.GetPropertyMap();

                    // Set Commentary Attributes
                    foreach (PropertyInfo TmpProperty in PropMap.Keys)
                        WonkaRefAttr TempAttr = PropMap[TmpProperty];

                        BlockchainDataSources[TempAttr.AttrName] = poOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource;

                    poOrchInitData.BlockchainDataSources = BlockchainDataSources;

            if ((poOrchInitData.BlockchainDataSources == null) || (poOrchInitData.BlockchainDataSources.Count == 0))
                throw new WonkaOrchestratorException("ERROR!  Initialization for data retrieval metadata has not been provided.");

                WonkaRefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();
            catch (Exception ex)
                WonkaRefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, poOrchInitData.AttributesMetadataSource);

                // NOTE: Should/could contract be deployed here along with metadata (i.e., Attributes)?
        public async void ShouldInvokeERC20WonkaService()
            var ownerAddress       = "0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c";
            var destinationAddress = "0x6C547791C3573c2093d81b919350DB1094707011";

            //Using ropsten infura if wanted for only a tests
            //var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetInfuraWeb3(InfuraNetwork.Ropsten);
            var web3 = _ethereumClientIntegrationFixture.GetWeb3();

            var erc20TokenDeployment = new ERC20TokenDeployment()
                DecimalUnits = 18, TokenName = "TST", TokenSymbol = "TST", InitialAmount = Web3.Convert.ToWei(10000)

            //Deploy our custom token
            var tokenDeploymentReceipt = await ERC20TokenService.DeployContractAndWaitForReceiptAsync(web3, erc20TokenDeployment);

            //Creating a new service
            var tokenService = new ERC20TokenService(web3, tokenDeploymentReceipt.ContractAddress);

            //Creating the rules engine, using the default set of rules
            var wonkaERC20Service =
                new WonkaERC20Service("0x12890d2cce102216644c59daE5baed380d84830c",

            var RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr OwnerAddressAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("OwnerAddress");
            WonkaRefAttr VaultAddressAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("VaultAddress");
            WonkaRefAttr TokenTrxAmtAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("TokenTransferAmt");

            var trxData = new WonkaProduct();

            trxData.SetAttribute(OwnerAddressAttr, ownerAddress);
            trxData.SetAttribute(VaultAddressAttr, destinationAddress);
            trxData.SetAttribute(TokenTrxAmtAttr, "12");  // Must specify the amount in hex form

            var ownerBalance = await tokenService.BalanceOfQueryAsync(ownerAddress);

            var beforeBalance = await tokenService.BalanceOfQueryAsync(destinationAddress);


            //validate the current balance (in decimal form)
            var afterBalance = await tokenService.BalanceOfQueryAsync(destinationAddress);

            Assert.Equal(18, afterBalance);
Пример #21
        public WonkaPrdGroupDataRow(WonkaRefGroup poGroup, Dictionary <string, string> poDataRow) : this(poGroup)
            if ((poDataRow != null) && (poDataRow.Count > 0))
                foreach (string sTmpAttrName in poDataRow.Keys)
                    string sTmpValue = poDataRow[sTmpAttrName];

                    WonkaRefAttr TmpAttribute =

                    this[TmpAttribute.AttrId] = sTmpValue;
        public List <WonkaRefAttr> GetAttrCache()
            List <WonkaRefAttr> AttrCache      = new List <WonkaRefAttr>();
            XmlSerializer       AttrSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(WonkaRefAttr));

            XmlNodeList AttrNodeList = moXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Attr");

            foreach (XmlNode AttrNode in AttrNodeList)
                WonkaRefAttr TempAttr = (WonkaRefAttr)AttrSerializer.Deserialize(new StringReader(AttrNode.OuterXml));


Пример #23
        public string GetAttributeValue(WonkaProduct poTargetProduct, WonkaRefAttr poTargetAttr)
            if (poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId).GetRowCount() <= 0)
                throw new Exception("ERROR!  Provided incoming product has empty group.");

            string sAttrValue = poTargetProduct.GetProductGroup(poTargetAttr.GroupId)[0][poTargetAttr.AttrId];

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sAttrValue))
                throw new Exception("ERROR!  Provided incoming product has no value for needed key(" + poTargetAttr.AttrName + ").");

Пример #24
        public void Execute()
            // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            // To test whether the data domain has been created, we plan on retrieving the value
            // of the "AccountStatus" Attribute
            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");

            // Creating an instance of the rules engine using our rules and the metadata
            WonkaBreRulesEngine RulesEngine =
                new WonkaBreRulesEngine(new StringBuilder(msRulesContents), moMetadataSource);

            // Gets a predefined data record that will be our analog for new data coming into the system
            WonkaProduct NewProduct = GetNewProduct();

            // Check that the data has been populated correctly on the "new" record - also, we will use
            // it later for comparison purposes
            string sStatusValueBefore = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

            // Since the rules can reference values from different records (like O.Price for the existing
            // record's price and N.Price for the new record's price), we need to provide the delegate
            // that can pull the existing (i.e., old) record from the blockchain using a key
            RulesEngine.GetCurrentProductDelegate = GetOldProduct;

            // Validate the new record using our rules engine and its initialized RuleTree
            WonkaBre.Reporting.WonkaBreRuleTreeReport Report = RulesEngine.Validate(NewProduct);

            // Now retrieve the AccountStatus value and see if the rules have altered it (which should
            // not be the case)
            string sStatusValueAfter = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

            // We will evaluate whether or not any failures of the rules were detected during the engine's execution
            if (Report.OverallRuleTreeResult == ERR_CD.CD_SUCCESS)
                // If successful, we will write the record back into the contract on the blockchain
            else if (Report.GetRuleSetFailureCount() > 0)
                throw new Exception("Oh heavens to Betsy! Something bad happened!");
                throw new Exception("What in the world is happening?!");
Пример #25
        public RuleTreeReport ExecuteWithReport(WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr CurrValueAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr ReviewFlagAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            Dictionary <string, string> PrdKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var contract      = GetContract();
            var senderAddress = moEthEngineInit.EthSenderAddress;

            var executeWithReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_EXEC_RPT);

            RuleTreeReport ruleTreeReport = null;

            if (pbValidateWithinTransaction)
                var FlagSource    = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName];
                var CurrValSource = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[CurrValueAttr.AttrName];

                var executeGetLastReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_RPT);

                WonkaProduct OrchContractCurrValues =
                    poRulesEngine.AssembleCurrentProductFromChainSources(new Dictionary <string, string>(), CONST_ONLINE_TEST_CHAIN_URL);

                // Before invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "" and CurrVal as "999"
                string sFlagBeforeOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                var EthRuleTreeReport = new Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport();
                poRulesEngine.ExecuteOnChain(moEthEngineInit, EthRuleTreeReport);

                // After invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "???" and CurrVal as "1014"
                string sFlagAfterOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueAfterOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                ruleTreeReport = executeGetLastReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>().Result;
                ruleTreeReport = executeWithReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>(senderAddress).Result;

        public async Task <RuleTreeReport> ExecuteWithReportAsync(WonkaBizRulesEngine poRulesEngine, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr CurrValueAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr ReviewFlagAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            var contract      = GetContract();
            var senderAddress = moEthEngineInit.EthSenderAddress;

            var executeWithReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_EXEC_RPT);

            RuleTreeReport ruleTreeReport = null;

            if (pbValidateWithinTransaction)
                var FlagSource    = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName];
                var CurrValSource = poRulesEngine.SourceMap[CurrValueAttr.AttrName];

                var executeGetLastReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_RPT);

                // Before invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "" and CurrVal as "999"
                string sFlagBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                string sValueBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var EthRuleTreeReport = new Wonka.Eth.Extensions.RuleTreeReport();
                await poRulesEngine.ExecuteOnChainAsync(moEthEngineInit, EthRuleTreeReport).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // After invoking the RuleTree, the storage contract should have Review Flag as "???" and CurrVal as "1014"
                string sFlagAfterOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(FlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                string sValueAfterOrchestrationAssignment = await RetrieveValueMethodAsync(CurrValSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName).ConfigureAwait(false);

                ruleTreeReport =
                    await executeGetLastReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>().ConfigureAwait(false);
                ruleTreeReport =
                    await executeWithReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>(senderAddress).ConfigureAwait(false);

Пример #27
        public bool Execute()
            // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            // To test whether the data domain has been created, we plan on retrieving the value
            // of the "AccountStatus" Attribute
            WonkaRefAttr AccountStsAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountStatus");

            // This collection represents the product key(s) for the record being sought - for now,
            // we do not need to specify one
            Dictionary <string, string> PrdKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Gets a predefined data record that will be our analog for new data coming into the system
            WonkaProduct NewProduct = GetNewProduct();

            // Check that the data has been populated correctly on the "new" record - also, we will use
            // it later for comparison purposes
            string sStatusValueBefore = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

            // Write the product to the contract, which will then be used by the rules engine on the
            // blockchain during the engine's execution

            ** Now execute the rules engine on the blockchain.
            ** NOTE: We are only issuing a call() now when we execute the rules engine,
            **       since we are only looking to validate here.  However, there is a chance
            **       that sendTransaction() might be used in the future because we wish for
            **       the rules engine to alter the record.  In that case, we might want to
            **       pull back the record afterwards with a subsequent function call, in order
            **       to examine the record here.
            bool bProductIsValid = ExecuteRulesEngineOnTheBlockchain();

            // Now we pull back the product from the blockchain
            WonkaProduct ProductOnBlockchain = GetBlockchainRecord(PrdKeys);

            // Now retrieve the AccountStatus value and see if the rules have altered it
            string sStatusValueAfter = GetAttributeValue(NewProduct, AccountStsAttr);

Пример #28
        public RuleTreeReport ExecuteWithReport(WonkaBreRulesEngine poRulesEngine, bool pbValidateWithinTransaction, WonkaBreSource poFlagSource)
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaRefAttr CurrValueAttr  = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AccountCurrValue");
            WonkaRefAttr ReviewFlagAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName("AuditReviewFlag");

            Dictionary <string, string> PrdKeys = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            var contract = GetContract();

            var executeWithReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_EXEC_RPT);

            RuleTreeReport ruleTreeReport = null;

            if (pbValidateWithinTransaction)
                var executeGetLastReportFunction = contract.GetFunction(CONST_CONTRACT_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_RPT);

                // NOTE: Caused exception to be thrown
                // var gas = executeWithReportFunction.EstimateGasAsync(msSenderAddress).Result;
                var gas = new Nethereum.Hex.HexTypes.HexBigInteger(1000000);

                WonkaProduct OrchContractCurrValues = poRulesEngine.AssembleCurrentProduct(new Dictionary <string, string>());

                string sFlagBeforeOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueBeforeOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                var receiptAddAttribute = executeWithReportFunction.SendTransactionAsync(msSenderAddress, gas, null, msSenderAddress).Result;

                string sFlagAfterOrchestrationAssignment  = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, ReviewFlagAttr.AttrName);
                string sValueAfterOrchestrationAssignment = RetrieveValueMethod(poFlagSource, CurrValueAttr.AttrName);

                ruleTreeReport = executeGetLastReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>().Result;
                ruleTreeReport = executeWithReportFunction.CallDeserializingToObjectAsync <RuleTreeReport>(msSenderAddress).Result;

Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will assemble the new product by iterating through each specified source
        /// and retrieving the data from it.
        /// <param name="poKeyValues">The keys for the product whose data we wish to extract/param>
        /// <returns>Contains the assembled product data that represents the current product</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public WonkaProduct AssembleCurrentProduct(Dictionary <string, string> poKeyValues)
            WonkaProduct CurrentProduct = new WonkaProduct();

            // NOTE: Do work here
            if (SourceMap != null)
                foreach (string sTmpAttName in SourceMap.Keys)
                    WonkaBreSource TmpSource  = SourceMap[sTmpAttName];
                    WonkaRefAttr   TargetAttr = RefEnvHandle.GetAttributeByAttrName(sTmpAttName);

                    string sTmpValue = TmpSource.RetrievalDelegate.Invoke(TmpSource, TargetAttr.AttrName);

                    CurrentProduct.SetAttribute(TargetAttr, sTmpValue);

Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// This method will assemble the new product by iterating through the known Attributes
        /// and retrieving the data via the Wonka engine on the chain (acting as a proxy).
        /// <param name="poEngineSource">The address that represents the instance on the chain</param>
        /// <param name="psWeb3Url">The URL for the Ethereum client to which we want to connect</param>
        /// <returns>Contains the assembled product data that represents the current product</returns>
        /// </summary>
        public static WonkaProduct AssembleCurrentProductFromChainWonka(this Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthSource poEngineSource, string psWeb3Url = "")
            var RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            WonkaProduct CurrentProduct = new WonkaProduct();

            var AllAttributes = new HashSet <string>();

            RefEnv.AttrCache.ForEach(x => AllAttributes.Add(x.AttrName));

            var CurrRecordOnChain = poEngineSource.GetAttrValuesViaChainEngine(AllAttributes, psWeb3Url);

            foreach (string sTmpAttrName in CurrRecordOnChain.Keys)
                WonkaRefAttr TargetAttr = RefEnv.GetAttributeByAttrName(sTmpAttrName);

                CurrentProduct.SetAttribute(TargetAttr, CurrRecordOnChain[sTmpAttrName]);
