Пример #1
        public Wonka.Eth.Orchestration.Init.OrchestrationInitData GenerateInitData()
            Wonka.Eth.Orchestration.Init.OrchestrationInitData InitData = null;

            if (moOrchInitData != null)
                InitData = moOrchInitData;
                InitData = new Wonka.Eth.Orchestration.Init.OrchestrationInitData();

                InitData.BlockchainEngine = new WonkaBizSource("N", msSenderAddress, msPassword, msWonkaContractAddress, msAbiWonka, null, null, null);

                InitData.AttributesMetadataSource = new WonkaMetadataVATSource();

                InitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource = moDefaultSource;
                InitData.BlockchainDataSources       = moAttrSourceMap;
                InitData.BlockchainCustomOpFunctions = moCustomOpMap;

                InitData.TrxStateContractAddress = moOrchInitData.TrxStateContractAddress;

Пример #2
        // This constructor will be called in the case that we wish to initialize the framework
        // with configuration files locally (embedded resources, local filesystem, etc.)
        public WonkaCQSOrchTest()
            moAttrSourceMap = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();
            moCustomOpMap   = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

            var TmpAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            // Using the metadata source, we create an instance of a defined data domain
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv =
                WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, moMetadataSource);

            // Read the XML markup that lists the business rules (i.e., the RuleTree)
            using (var RulesReader = new StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.VATCalculationExample.xml")))
                msRulesContents = RulesReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules engine
            // (like addresses of contracts, senders, passwords, etc.)
            using (var XmlReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.VATCalculationExample.init.xml")))
                string sInitXml = XmlReader.ReadToEnd();

                // We deserialize/parse the contents of the config file
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthInitialization"));

                Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization WonkaInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization;

                // Here, any embeddeded resources mentioned in the config file (instead of simple file URLs) are accessed here

                // The initialization data is transformed into a structure used by the Wonka.Eth namespace
                moOrchInitData = WonkaInit.TransformIntoOrchestrationInit(moMetadataSource);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Number of custom operators: (" + WonkaInit.CustomOperatorList.Length + ").");

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules registry
            // (like Ruletree info, Grove info, etc.) - this information will allow us to add our RuleTree to the
            // Registry so that it can be discovered by users and so it can be added to a Grove (where it can be executed
            // as a member of a collection)
            using (var XmlReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(TmpAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("WonkaSystem.TestData.WonkaRegistry.init.xml")))
                string sInitRegistryXml = XmlReader.ReadToEnd();

                // We deserialize/parse the contents of the config file
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthRegistryInitialization"));

                moWonkaRegistryInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitRegistryXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization;

                // Here, any embeddeded resources mentioned in the config file (instead of simple file URLs) are accessed here

            // Here, we save all data from the config files to member properties
            // This region and the usage of member properties isn't necessary, but it's useful for debugging
            #region Set Class Member Variables
            msSenderAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.SenderAddress;
            msPassword      = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.Password;

            if (moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress == null)
                msWonkaContractAddress = DeployWonkaContract();
                msWonkaContractAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress;

            if (moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress == null)
                msOrchContractAddress = DeployOrchestrationContract();
                msOrchContractAddress = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress;

            msAbiWonka        = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractABI;
            msAbiOrchContract = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractABI;

            moDefaultSource =
                new WonkaBizSource(moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.SourceId,

            foreach (WonkaRefAttr TempAttr in RefEnv.AttrCache)
                moAttrSourceMap[TempAttr.AttrName] = moDefaultSource;

            moCustomOpMap = moOrchInitData.BlockchainCustomOpFunctions;

            // We initialize the proxy that will be used to communicate with the Registry on the blockchain
            Wonka.Eth.Contracts.WonkaRuleTreeRegistry WonkaRegistry =

            // Here, the data domain is serialized to the blockchain for use by the RuleTree(s)
            RefEnv.Serialize(moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngineOwner, msPassword, msSenderAddress, msWonkaContractAddress, msAbiWonka, moOrchInitData.Web3HttpUrl);
Пример #3
        public void Execute()
            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.GetInstance();

            // Now we assemble the data record for processing - in our VAT Calculation example, parts of the
            // logical record can exist within contract(s) within the blockchain (which has been specified
            // via Orchestration metadata), like a logistics or supply contract - these properties below
            // (NewSaleEAN, NewSaleItemType, CountryOfSale) would be supplied by a client, like an
            // eCommerce site, and be persisted to the blockchain so we may apply the RuleTree to the logical record
            CQS.Contracts.SalesTrxCreateCommand SalesTrxCommand = new CQS.Contracts.SalesTrxCreateCommand();

            SalesTrxCommand.NewSaleEAN      = 9781234567890;
            SalesTrxCommand.NewSaleItemType = "Widget";
            SalesTrxCommand.CountryOfSale   = "UK";

            Wonka.Eth.Orchestration.Init.OrchestrationInitData InitData = GenerateInitData();

            #region Invoking the RuleTree for the first time as a single entity

            // The engine's proxy for the blockchain is instantiated here, which will be responsible for serializing
            // and executing the RuleTree within the engine
            CQS.Generation.SalesTransactionGenerator TrxGenerator =
                new CQS.Generation.SalesTransactionGenerator(SalesTrxCommand, new StringBuilder(msRulesContents), InitData);

            // Here, we invoke the Rules engine on the blockchain, which will calculate the VAT for a sale and then
            // retrieve all values of this logical record (including the VAT) and assemble them within 'SalesTrxCommand'
            bool bValid = TrxGenerator.GenerateSalesTransaction(SalesTrxCommand);

            if (!bValid)
                throw new Exception("Oh heavens to Betsy! Something bad happened!");

            // Since the purpose of this example was to showcase the calculated VAT, we examine them here
            // (while interactively debugging in Visual Studio)
            string sNewSellTaxAmt    = Convert.ToString(SalesTrxCommand.NewSellTaxAmt);
            string sNewVATAmtForHMRC = Convert.ToString(SalesTrxCommand.NewVATAmtForHMRC);


            #region Invoking the RuleTree as a registered entity and as a member of a Grove

            // Here, we attempt to call the same RuleTree as above, but we are going to invoke the execution of
            // its Grove "NewSaleGroup" - since it is the sole member of the Grove, it will still be the only RuleTree
            // applied to the record - in this scenario, we pretend that we know nothing about the RuleTree or the Grove,
            // effectively treating it as a black box and only looking to retrieve the VAT
            Wonka.Eth.Contracts.WonkaRuleGrove NewSaleGrove = new Wonka.Eth.Contracts.WonkaRuleGrove("NewSaleGroup");

            // The engine's lightweight proxy for the blockchain is instantiated here
            Wonka.Eth.Orchestration.WonkaOrchestratorProxy <CQS.Contracts.SalesTrxCreateCommand> TrxGeneratorProxy =
                new Wonka.Eth.Orchestration.WonkaOrchestratorProxy <CQS.Contracts.SalesTrxCreateCommand>(SalesTrxCommand, InitData);

            // We reset the values here and in the blockchain (by serializing)
            SalesTrxCommand.NewSellTaxAmt    = 0;
            SalesTrxCommand.NewVATAmtForHMRC = 0;


            // NOTE: Only useful when debugging
            // TrxGeneratorProxy.DeserializeRecordFromBlockchain(SalesTrxCommand);

            Dictionary <string, Wonka.Eth.Contracts.IOrchestrate> GroveMembers = new Dictionary <string, Wonka.Eth.Contracts.IOrchestrate>();
            GroveMembers[NewSaleGrove.OrderedRuleTrees[0].RuleTreeId] = TrxGeneratorProxy;

            // With their provided proxies for each RuleTree, we can now execute the Grove (or, in this case, our sole RuleTree)
            NewSaleGrove.Orchestrate(SalesTrxCommand, GroveMembers);

            // Again, since the purpose of this example was to showcase the calculated VAT, we examine them here
            // (while interactively debugging in Visual Studio)
            sNewSellTaxAmt    = Convert.ToString(SalesTrxCommand.NewSellTaxAmt);
            sNewVATAmtForHMRC = Convert.ToString(SalesTrxCommand.NewVATAmtForHMRC);


            // Now test exporting the RuleTree from the blockchain
            var RegistryItem = NewSaleGrove.OrderedRuleTrees[0];
            var ExportedXml  = RegistryItem.ExportXmlString(InitData.Web3HttpUrl);

            System.Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: The payload is: \n(\n" + ExportedXml + "\n)\n");
Пример #4
        // This constructor will be called in the case that we wish to initialize the framework
        // with configuration files that will be accessed through IPFS
        public WonkaCQSOrchTest(StringBuilder psPeerKeyId, string psRulesMarkupFile, string psRulesInitFile, string psRegistryInitFile)
            moAttrSourceMap = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();
            moCustomOpMap   = new Dictionary <string, WonkaBizSource>();

            var TmpAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            WonkaRefEnvironment RefEnv = WonkaRefEnvironment.CreateInstance(false, moMetadataSource);

            Wonka.IpfsW.WonkaIpfsEnvironment IpfsEnv = Wonka.IpfsW.WonkaIpfsEnvironment.CreateInstance();

            // Read the XML markup that lists the business rules
            msRulesContents = IpfsEnv.GetFile(psPeerKeyId.ToString(), psRulesMarkupFile);

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules engine
            // (like addresses of contracts, senders, passwords, etc.)
            string sInitXml = IpfsEnv.GetFile(psPeerKeyId.ToString(), psRulesInitFile);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sInitXml))
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthInitialization"));

                Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization WonkaInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthInitialization;


                moOrchInitData = WonkaInit.TransformIntoOrchestrationInit(moMetadataSource);

                System.Console.WriteLine("Number of custom operators: (" + WonkaInit.CustomOperatorList.Length + ").");

            // Read the configuration file that contains all the initialization details regarding the rules registry
            // (like Ruletree info, Grove info, etc.)
            string sInitRegistryXml = IpfsEnv.GetFile(psPeerKeyId.ToString(), psRegistryInitFile);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sInitRegistryXml))
                System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer WonkaEthSerializer =
                    new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization),
                                                               new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute("Wonka.EthRegistryInitialization"));

                moWonkaRegistryInit =
                    WonkaEthSerializer.Deserialize(new System.IO.StringReader(sInitRegistryXml)) as Wonka.Eth.Init.WonkaEthRegistryInitialization;


            #region Set Class Member Variables
            msSenderAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.SenderAddress;
            msPassword      = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.Password;

            if (moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress == null)
                msWonkaContractAddress = DeployWonkaContract();
                msWonkaContractAddress = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractAddress;

            if (moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress == null)
                msOrchContractAddress = DeployOrchestrationContract();
                msOrchContractAddress = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractAddress;

            msAbiWonka        = moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngine.ContractABI;
            msAbiOrchContract = moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.ContractABI;

            moDefaultSource =
                new WonkaBizSource(moOrchInitData.DefaultBlockchainDataSource.SourceId,

            // Here a mapping is created, where each Attribute points to a specific contract and its "accessor" methods
            // - the class that contains this information (contract, accessors, etc.) is of the WonkaBreSource type
            foreach (WonkaRefAttr TempAttr in RefEnv.AttrCache)
                moAttrSourceMap[TempAttr.AttrName] = moDefaultSource;

            // Here a mapping is created, where each Custom Operator points to a specific contract and its "implementation" method
            // - the class that contains this information (contract, accessors, etc.) is of the WonkaBreSource type
            moCustomOpMap = moOrchInitData.BlockchainCustomOpFunctions;


            Wonka.Eth.Contracts.WonkaRuleTreeRegistry WonkaRegistry =

            RefEnv.Serialize(moOrchInitData.BlockchainEngineOwner, msPassword, msSenderAddress, msWonkaContractAddress, msAbiWonka, moOrchInitData.Web3HttpUrl);