Пример #1
        private static string FeatheredTransformStr(WingData previousWingData, PlayerBase player)
            string intro = "Pain ";

            //someone took care of other wing types so i didn't have to do it manually! WOOOO!!!
            if (previousWingData.type != NONE)
                intro = $"Sensation fades from your {previousWingData.LongDescription()} slowly but surely, leaving them dried out husks that break off to fall on the"
                        + " ground. Your back closes up to conceal the loss, as smooth and unbroken as any normal human's. Before you can process the loss, pain ";

            return(intro + "lances through your back, the muscles knotting oddly and pressing up to bulge your skin. It hurts, oh gods does"
                   + " it hurt, but you can't get a good angle to feel at the source of your agony. A loud crack splits the air, and then your"
                   + " body is forcing a pair of narrow limbs through a gap in your comfortable clothes. Blood pumps through the new"
                   + " appendages, easing the pain as they fill out and grow. Tentatively, you find yourself flexing muscles you didn't know"
                   + " you had, and " + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("you're able to curve the new growths far enough around to behold your brand new, "
                                                                            + player.wings.featherColor.AsString() + " wings", StringFormats.BOLD));
Пример #2
        private static string DragonflyTransformStr(WingData previousWingData, PlayerBase player)
            string intro;

            if (previousWingData.type == NONE)
                intro = "You scream and fall to your knees as incredible pain snags at your shoulders, as if needle like hooks were being sunk into your flesh, " +
                        "just below your shoulder blades. After about five seconds of white hot, keening agony it is with almost sexual relief that something splits out of your upper back. " +
                        "You clench the dirt as you slide what feel like giant leaves of paper into the open air. Eventually the sensation passes and you groggily get to your feet. ";
                intro = "You scream and fall to your knees as incredible pain flows through your " + previousWingData.LongDescription() + ". You gasp as they being to shift and reform," +
                        "becoming almost paper thin. It takes about five seconds too complete, and the sudden relief from the indescribable agony is almost orgasmic. ";

            return(intro + "You can barely believe what you can see by craning your neck behind you - " +
                   SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("you've grown a set of four giant dragonfly wings", StringFormats.BOLD) + ", thinner, longer and more pointed than the ones " +
                   "you've seen upon the forest bee girls, but no less diaphanous and beautiful. You cautiously flex the new muscle groups in your shoulder blades and gasp " +
                   "as your new wings whirr and lift you several inches off the ground. What fun this is going to be!");
Пример #3
        private static string BeeLikeTransformStr(WingData previousWingData, PlayerBase player)
            if (previousWingData.type == WingType.NONE)
                string sizeText = player.wings.isLarge
                                        ? " As you do, you briefly lift off the ground. It seems like they are large enough to fly with! "
                                        : " Unfortunately you can't seem to flap your little wings fast enough to fly, but they would certainly slow a fall. ";

                string armorText = player.wearingArmor
                                        ? "You hastily remove the top portion of your " + player.armor.ItemName() + " and marvel as "
                                        : "Checking your exposed back, you can't help but marvel as ";

                string modifyText = player.wearingArmor
                                        ? "A few quick modifications to your " + player.armor.ItemName() + " later and"
                                        : "Once you figure out how to handle your wings when you aren't using them,";

                return("You feel an itching between your shoulder-blades as something begins growing there."
                       + " You twist and contort yourself, trying to scratch and bring yourself relief, and failing miserably."
                       + " A sense of relief erupts from you as you feel something new grow out from yourbody. " + armorText + player.wings.LongDescription()
                       + " sprout from your back. Tenderly flexing your new muscles, you find you can flap them quite fast. " + sizeText + modifyText
                       + " you are ready to continue your journey with " + SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("your new bee wings!", StringFormats.BOLD));
                string sizeText = player.wings.isLarge
                                        ? " A quick flap of your now bee-like wings confirms they are large enough to fly with!"
                                        : " A quick flap of your now bee-like wings confirms they are too small to fly with, unfortunately.";

                return("you feel a strange substance suddenly coating your wings. Bringing a " + player.hands.ShortDescription(false) + " to them, you notice it's sticky, " +
                       "and you're pretty sure it's honey. Before you have time to confirm your suspicion, your " + previousWingData.ShortDescription() + "fully convert into the " +
                       "honey-like substance and fall off your back in a giant, goopy mess. Some of the substance remains on you, where your old, " + previousWingData.LongDescription()
                       + " met your back. You go to wipe it off when you notice " + player.wings.LongDescription(true, true) + " sprouting there. " +
                       SafelyFormattedString.FormattedText("You now have a pair of bee wings!", StringFormats.BOLD) + sizeText);