public void Wingを子に持つ() { Plane plane = new Plane(); Wing wing = new Wing(plane); Assert.AreEqual(plane.Wing.Value, wing); }
public void Generate(List <Cell> cellList) { if (cellList.Count < 2) { return; } Cell firstCell = GetRightmostCell(cellList); Cell currentCell = firstCell; Cell previousCell = null; for (int safe = 0; safe < 1000; safe++) { Cell nextCell = getNextPeripheryCell(currentCell, previousCell); Wing wing = (GameObject.Instantiate(wingPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as Wing); wing.transform.parent = transform; wing.frontCell = nextCell; wing.backCell = currentCell; wingList.Add(wing); if (nextCell == firstCell) { break; } previousCell = currentCell; currentCell = nextCell; } }
private Vector2Int RelativeCoordinateConversion(Wing wing, Vector2Int enemyCoordinates, Vector2Int attackCoordinates) { Vector2Int convertedVector; switch (wing) { case Wing.port: convertedVector = new Vector2Int(enemyCoordinates.x + attackCoordinates.x, enemyCoordinates.y + attackCoordinates.y); break; case Wing.starboard: convertedVector = new Vector2Int(enemyCoordinates.x - attackCoordinates.x, enemyCoordinates.y + attackCoordinates.y); break; case Wing.bow: convertedVector = new Vector2Int(enemyCoordinates.x - attackCoordinates.y, enemyCoordinates.y - attackCoordinates.x); break; default: convertedVector = new Vector2Int(0, 0); Debug.LogError("enemy wing is not defined."); break; } return(convertedVector); }
public IHttpActionResult PutWings(int id, Wing wing) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } if (id != wing.Id) { return BadRequest(); } try { _WingsService.Update(wing); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!_WingsService.Exists(id) ) { return NotFound(); } else { throw; } } return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent); }
public int[] GetInstance() { int[] instance = new int[Perm], order = Wing.Random(); int head, remain = MainCycle, current, i = 0; current = head = Buffer; order[Array.IndexOf(order, head)] = order[0]; order[0] = head; while ((--remain) > 0) { i++; instance[current] = order[i]; current = order[i]; } instance[current] = head; foreach (var cycle in OtherCycles) { remain = cycle; current = head = order[++i]; while ((--remain) > 0) { i++; instance[current] = order[i]; current = order[i]; } instance[current] = head; } return(instance); }
private void OnEnable() { targetWing = target as Wing; // Instantiate undoManager UndoManager = new HOEditorUndoManager(targetWing, "Wing"); }
// Entrance with the most space outward from it int BestEntrance(Wing checkWing) { int entranceIndex = 0; int largestDistance = 0; for (int i = 0; i < checkWing.entrances.Count; i++) { Int2 point = checkWing.entrances[i]; int side = (int)Side(checkWing.entrances[i], checkWing.bounds); int[] bounds = new int[] { point.x, point.x, point.z, point.z }; foreach (Wing wing in wings) { if (wing.bounds == checkWing.bounds) { continue; } int newDistance = CheckSpace(point, side, bounds, checkWing); if (newDistance > largestDistance) { entranceIndex = i; largestDistance = newDistance; } } } return(entranceIndex); }
// Get amount of space out from point on side of parent int CheckSpace(Int2 point, int side, int[] bounds, Wing parent) { int space = Distance(PointAxis(point, side), zone.bufferedBounds[side]); // Check all other wings for (int w = 0; w < wings.Count; w++) { // Ignore parent if (wings[w].bounds == parent.bounds) { continue; } // Other wing is overlapping if (InOrEitherSide(bounds, wings[w].bounds, side)) { // Opposide side on overlapping wing int oppositeBounds = wings[w].bounds[Zone.Opposite(side)]; // Overlapping wing is outwards from this side (not on the other side) if (OutwardFrom(bounds[side], oppositeBounds, side)) { // If closer than current closest distance, store int distanceToWing = Distance(bounds[side], oppositeBounds); if (distanceToWing < space) { space = distanceToWing; } } } } return(space); }
public Target CreateTarget(Wing wing, Guid guid, Type type, bool isTrendingEnabled, int displayOrder) { var result = TargetRepository.New(wing, guid, this.Name); result.Description = this.Description; result.ClrType = type.AssemblyQualifiedName; result.IsReferenceTarget = this.IsReferenceTarget; result.DisplayOrder = displayOrder; result.IsDisabled = false; result.Publisher = this.PublisherName ?? "Unknown"; result.PublisherEmail = this.PublisherEmail ?? ""; result.PublisherWebsite = this.PublisherWebsite ?? ""; result.IsTrendingEnabled = isTrendingEnabled; var assemblyVersion = type.Assembly.GetName().Version; result.Version = new Version { Major = assemblyVersion.Major, Minor = assemblyVersion.Minor, Milestone = assemblyVersion.Revision //Number = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", assemblyVersion.Major, assemblyVersion.Minor, // assemblyVersion.Revision) }; return(result); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { LocalWing = GetComponent<Wing>(); LocalControlSurface = GetComponent<ControlSurface>(); LocalPropWash = GetComponent<PropWash>(); LocalGroundEffect = GetComponent<GroundEffect>(); }
public FighterGeometry() { var nose = new Nose(0.5f, 0.6f, 26, 0.4f); var cockpitFuselage = new CockpitFuselage(nose, 1.2f, 1.2f, 3f); var mainFuselage = new MainFuselage(cockpitFuselage); var intake = new EngineIntake(cockpitFuselage); var underside = new Underside(intake); var canopy = new Canopy(0.65f, 0.5f, 3f, 16); var wing = new Wing(4.5f, 4.5f); var rear = new Rear(mainFuselage, underside); var tailFin = new TailFin(); var stabilizer = new Stabilizer(); var exhaust = new Exhaust(rear, 0.6f); var bottomFin = new BottomFin(); var path = exhaust.FlangeEndXSection; var graySlide = new Vec3(1f).Interpolate(new Vec3(0f), path.Vertices.Length); path.Vertices.Color(graySlide); Paths = EnumerableExt.Enumerate(path); Fighter = Composite.Create(Stacking.StackBackward(cockpitFuselage.Fuselage, mainFuselage.Fuselage) .Concat(EnumerableExt.Enumerate(intake.Intake, intake.Belly, underside.Geometry, canopy.Geometry, wing.Geometry, wing.Geometry.ReflectX(), rear.Geometry, exhaust.Geometry, exhaust.StabilizerFlange, exhaust.StabilizerFlange.ReflectX(), tailFin.Geometry, stabilizer.Geometry, stabilizer.Geometry.ReflectX(), bottomFin.Geometry, bottomFin.Geometry.ReflectX()))) .Smoothen(0.85f) .Center(); }
private void RenderRoof(Wing wing, Transform wingFolder) { if (wing.GetRoof.IsScaled) { //Debug.Log("Placing with scale " + new Vector3((float)wing.Bounds.max.x, 1.0f, (float)wing.Bounds.max.y)); PlaceRoof(wing.Bounds.max.x - 1, wing.Bounds.min.y, wing.Stories.Length, wingFolder, wing.GetRoof.Type, wing.GetRoof.Direction, new Vector3((float)wing.Bounds.max.y, 1.0f, (float)wing.Bounds.max.x)); return; } for (int x = wing.Bounds.min.x; x < wing.Bounds.max.x; x++) { for (int y = wing.Bounds.min.y; y < wing.Bounds.max.y; y++) { for (int i = 0; i < wing.Stories.Length; i++) { Story s = wing.Stories[i]; if (i < wing.Stories.Length - 1) { if (!wing.Stories[i + 1].Bounds.Contains(new Vector2Int(x, y))) { PlaceRoof(x, y, s.Level + 1, wingFolder, wing.GetRoof.Type, wing.GetRoof.Direction, new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); break; } } else if (s.Level == wing.Stories.Length - 1) { PlaceRoof(x, y, s.Level + 1, wingFolder, wing.GetRoof.Type, wing.GetRoof.Direction, new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); break; } } } } }
private void OnEnable() { targetWing = target as Wing; // Instantiate undoManager UndoManager = new HOEditorUndoManager( targetWing, "Wing" ); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { cone = null; engine = null; fuel = null; wing = null; }
public void WingSectionを子に持つ() { Wing wing = new Wing(null); WingSection wingSection = new WingSection(wing); Assert.IsNotNull(wing.PartWings.Where(x => x.Equals(wingSection)).FirstOrDefault()); }
public void AttachComponent(ShipComponent component) { if (component.GetShipComponentType() == ShipComponentType.CONE) { cone = (Cone)component; component.PlaceComponent(conePosition); } else if (component.GetShipComponentType() == ShipComponentType.ENGINE) { engine = (Engine)component; component.PlaceComponent(enginePosition); } else if (component.GetShipComponentType() == ShipComponentType.FUEL) { fuel = (Fuel)component; component.PlaceComponent(fuelPosition); } else if (component.GetShipComponentType() == ShipComponentType.WING) { wing = (Wing)component; component.PlaceComponent(wingPosition); } if (cone != null && engine != null && fuel != null && wing != null) { SceneManager.LoadScene("WinScene"); } }
public void Componentのコンストラクタを実行する() { Wing wing = new Wing(null); wing.GlobalPos.Value = new Pos(1, 1, 1); Assert.AreEqual(wing.GlobalPos.Value, wing.LocalPos.Value); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates C_L of the flaps /// </summary> /// <param name="ld">Wing type that flaps are mounted on</param> /// <param name="deployment">Flap extension in the interval [0, 1] to indicate 0-100% flap extension</param> /// <returns></returns> private static float CalculateFlapsC_L(Wing ld, float deployment = 1) { var hld = ld.Flaps; var d_C_L = 0f; var extension = ld.Flaps.ExtensionRatio; // Assuming c'/c = 1.1 switch (hld.HighLiftDeviceType) { case HighLiftDeviceType.Plain: d_C_L = 0.9f; break; case HighLiftDeviceType.Single: d_C_L = 1.3f * extension; break; case HighLiftDeviceType.Double: d_C_L = 1.6f * extension; break; case HighLiftDeviceType.Triple: d_C_L = 1.9f * extension; break; } d_C_L *= deployment; var S_flapped = ld.RootChord * ((Constants.Defaults.HighLiftDevice.FlapStart) + (Constants.Defaults.HighLiftDevice.FlapEnd)) * ld.TaperRatio * (ld.Span * (Constants.Defaults.HighLiftDevice.FlapEnd - Constants.Defaults.HighLiftDevice.FlapStart)); var D_C_L = d_C_L * (S_flapped / ld.Area) * Mathf.Cos(ld.CalculateSweep(0.95f) * Mathf.Deg2Rad); return(D_C_L); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { LocalWing = GetComponent <Wing>(); LocalControlSurface = GetComponent <ControlSurface>(); LocalPropWash = GetComponent <PropWash>(); LocalGroundEffect = GetComponent <GroundEffect>(); }
public override Wing[] GenerateWings(BuildingSettings settings) { if (settings.Size.x > 1 && settings.Size.y > 1) { RectInt firstBounds = new RectInt(0, 0, settings.Size.x, 1); RectInt secondBounds = new RectInt(0, 1, 1, settings.Size.y - 1); Wing[] wings = new Wing[2]; if (settings.wingStrategy != null) { wings[0] = settings.wingStrategy.GenerateWing(settings, firstBounds, settings.Height()); wings[1] = settings.wingStrategy.GenerateWing(settings, secondBounds, settings.Height()); } else { wings[0] = ((WingStrategy)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <DefaultWingStrategy>()).GenerateWing(settings, firstBounds, settings.Height()); wings[1] = ((WingStrategy)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <DefaultWingStrategy>()).GenerateWing(settings, secondBounds, settings.Height()); } return(wings); } else { return(new Wing[] { settings.wingStrategy != null? settings.wingStrategy.GenerateWing(settings, new RectInt(0, 0, settings.Size.x, settings.Size.y), settings.Height()) : ((WingStrategy)ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <DefaultWingStrategy>()).GenerateWing(settings, new RectInt(0, 0, settings.Size.x, settings.Size.y), settings.Height()), }); } }
void Start() { mover = GetComponent <Mover>(); enemyTarget = GetComponent <EnemyTarget>(); combatController = FindObjectOfType <CombatController>(); spline = GetComponent <splineMove>(); savedWing = GetComponent <EnemyTarget>().wing; }
public override void OnAddedToEntity() { base.OnAddedToEntity(); wing = Entity.GetComponent <Wing>(); mind = wing.mind; mind.inspected = true; // enable trace debug }
public ActionResult WingDelete(int ID) { Wing w = new Wing(); w.WingID = ID; w.Delete(); return(RedirectToAction("WingList")); }
public IActionResult DeleteWings(string Name) { Wing dbentry = context.Wings.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == Name); context.deleteEntry(dbentry); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Home))); }
void OnPlayerSpawn(GameObject player) { Debug.Log("OnPlayerSpawn"); this.player = player; wing = player.GetComponent <Wing>(); controller = player.GetComponent <Controller>(); }
public Wing GetWing(int ID) { Wing w = new Wing(); w.WingID = ID; w.SelectByID(); return(w); }
/// <summary> /// attach this mind to a wing's entity /// </summary> /// <param name="wing"></param> public void attach(Wing wing) { var nt = wing.Entity; nt.AddComponent(new MindComponent(this)); // load components = nt.GetComponent <Wing>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { wing = GetComponent <Wing>(); joint = GetComponent <Joint>(); health = GetComponent <Health>(); initialBreakForce = joint.breakForce; initialLift = wing.liftAxis.magnitude; }
public int Create(Wing wing) { using (var db = new LiteDatabase(_connectionString)) { var collection = db.GetCollection <Wing>(_collectionName); return(collection.Insert(wing)); } }
void Start() { if (player == null) { Debug.Log("No Player assigned to GroundSound"); } wing = player.GetComponent <Wing>(); }
public int getOpinion(Wing wing) { if (opinion.TryGetValue(wing, out var val)) { return(val); } return(0); }
public WingData(Wing wing) { uid = wing.uid; name =; wingClass = wing.wingClass; energy =; ply = wing.mind.soul.ply; armed = wing.HasComponent <Shooter>(); }
/// <summary> /// wingからElementsを作成 /// </summary> /// <param name="wing"></param> public VLM(Wing wing) { //パネルデータ生成 /* * Pos rf, rr, tf, tr; * * double yk, ck, osk, dk, ak, xnumk, ynumk, dam0, dam1, dam2, ykp1, ckp1, oskp1, dkp1, akp1, xnumkp1, ynumkp1; */ }
public async Task<ActionResult> Index(int? Id) { Wing wing = new Wing(); if (Id != null) wing =await _WingsRepository.GetById(Id.Value.ToString ()); var Wings = await _WingsRepository.GetAllWithChildren(); var roomtype =await _RoomTypeRepository.GetAllEnabled(); WingViewModel model = new WingViewModel { List = Wings, Wing = wing, Roomtypes =roomtype }; return View(model); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { AttachedWing = GetComponent<Wing>(); if ( null != StallWarnerClip ) { StallWarnerSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); StallWarnerSource.clip = StallWarnerClip; StallWarnerSource.volume = 1.0f; StallWarnerSource.loop = true; StallWarnerSource.dopplerLevel = 0.0f; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Parent = transform.root.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); AttachedWing = GetComponent<Wing>(); if ( null != StallWarnerClip ) { StallWarnerSource = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>(); StallWarnerSource.clip = StallWarnerClip; StallWarnerSource.volume = 1.0f; StallWarnerSource.loop = true; StallWarnerSource.dopplerLevel = 0.0f; } }
public object BindModel( ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, MemberDescriptor memberDescriptor) { List<RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewDetail> res = new List<RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewDetail>(); var form = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Form; int i = 0; while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomTypeId"])) { var model = new RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewDetail(); var Wing = new Wing(); var RoomReservation_RoomDetails = new RoomReservation_RoomDetails(); if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty (form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel["+i+"].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.Id"])) RoomReservation_RoomDetails.Id = long.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.Id"]); RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomTypeId = int.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomTypeId"]); RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomAllocationId = int.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomAllocationId"]); RoomReservation_RoomDetails.Rate = decimal.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.Rate"]); RoomReservation_RoomDetails.Total = decimal.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.Total"]); RoomReservation_RoomDetails.GST_Rate = decimal.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.GST_Rate"]); RoomReservation_RoomDetails.GST_Charges = decimal.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.GST_Charges"]); if (! string.IsNullOrEmpty (form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomReservation_Id"])) RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomReservation_Id = long.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].RoomReservation_RoomDetails.RoomReservation_Id"]); Wing.Id = int.Parse(form["RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewModel[" + i + "].Wing.WingId"]); model.Wing = Wing; model.RoomReservation_RoomDetails = RoomReservation_RoomDetails; res.Add(model); i++; } return res; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Make sure we have a parent wing before we try and do anything and also make sure they are similarly parented. if ( (null != ParentWing) && (transform.root.gameObject == ParentWing.transform.root.gameObject) ) { //Do not try and copy self. if ( this == ParentWing ) { return; } //Copy name ( only if changed ) string newName = + "(Mirror)"; if ( != newName ) { = newName; } //First copy transforms.. transform.localScale = new Vector3( -ParentWing.transform.localScale.x, ParentWing.transform.localScale.y, ParentWing.transform.localScale.z ); transform.localPosition = ParentWing.transform.localPosition; transform.localPosition = new Vector3( -transform.localPosition.x, transform.localPosition.y, transform.localPosition.z ); transform.localRotation = new Quaternion( -ParentWing.transform.localRotation.x, ParentWing.transform.localRotation.y, ParentWing.transform.localRotation.z, ParentWing.transform.localRotation.w * -1.0f); //Copy wing if ( !LocalWing && ParentWing ) { LocalWing = gameObject.AddComponent<Wing>(); } if ( LocalWing && ParentWing ) { LocalWing.SectionCount = ParentWing.SectionCount; LocalWing.WingTipWidthZeroToOne = ParentWing.WingTipWidthZeroToOne; LocalWing.WingTipSweep = ParentWing.WingTipSweep; LocalWing.WingTipAngle = ParentWing.WingTipAngle; LocalWing.Aerofoil = ParentWing.Aerofoil; LocalWing.CDOverride = ParentWing.CDOverride; } else if ( LocalWing && !ParentWing ) { //deleted on parent since copying. DestroyImmediate( LocalWing ); } //Copy control surface ControlSurface parentControlSurface = ParentWing.GetComponent<ControlSurface>(); if (!LocalControlSurface && parentControlSurface ) { LocalControlSurface = gameObject.AddComponent<ControlSurface>(); } if ( LocalControlSurface && parentControlSurface ) { //string previousLocalAxisName = LocalControlSurface.AxisName; GameObject previousModel = LocalControlSurface.Model; Vector3 previousRotationAxis = LocalControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis; LocalControlSurface.MaxDeflectionDegrees = parentControlSurface.MaxDeflectionDegrees; LocalControlSurface.RootHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge = parentControlSurface.RootHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge; LocalControlSurface.TipHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge = parentControlSurface.TipHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge; LocalControlSurface.AffectedSections = parentControlSurface.AffectedSections; LocalControlSurface.Model = parentControlSurface.Model; LocalControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis = parentControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis; //Keep the following unique. LocalControlSurface.Model = previousModel; LocalControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis = previousRotationAxis; } else if ( LocalControlSurface && !parentControlSurface ) { //deleted on parent since copying. DestroyImmediate( LocalControlSurface ); } //Copy propwash PropWash parentPropWash = ParentWing.GetComponent<PropWash>(); if (!LocalPropWash && parentPropWash ) { LocalPropWash = gameObject.AddComponent<PropWash>(); } if ( LocalPropWash && parentPropWash ) { Engine previousPropwashSource = LocalPropWash.PropWashSource; //Copy everything except propwash source.. LocalPropWash.AffectedSections = parentPropWash.AffectedSections; LocalPropWash.PropWashSource = parentPropWash.PropWashSource; LocalPropWash.PropWashStrength = parentPropWash.PropWashStrength; //Keep unique LocalPropWash.PropWashSource = previousPropwashSource; } else if ( LocalPropWash && !parentPropWash ) { //deleted on parent since copying. DestroyImmediate( LocalPropWash ); } //Copy groundeffect. GroundEffect parentGroundEffect = ParentWing.GetComponent<GroundEffect>(); if (!LocalGroundEffect && parentGroundEffect ) { LocalGroundEffect = gameObject.AddComponent<GroundEffect>(); } if ( LocalGroundEffect && parentGroundEffect ) { //Copy everything.. LocalGroundEffect.CLHeightVsChord = parentGroundEffect.CLHeightVsChord; LocalGroundEffect.CDHeightVsSpan = parentGroundEffect.CDHeightVsSpan; LocalGroundEffect.RayCastAxis = parentGroundEffect.RayCastAxis; LocalGroundEffect.RayCastLayers = parentGroundEffect.RayCastLayers; LocalGroundEffect.Wingspan = parentGroundEffect.Wingspan; } else if ( LocalGroundEffect && !parentGroundEffect ) { //deleted on parent since copying. DestroyImmediate( LocalGroundEffect ); } } }
public void UpdateWing(LuaTable wings) { List<WingGridData> datas = new List<WingGridData>(); m_wings.Clear(); m_grids.Clear(); m_magic.Clear(); m_common.Clear(); int dressed = int.Parse((string)wings["1"]); this.dressed = dressed; foreach (var item in (LuaTable)wings["2"]) { Wing w = new Wing(); = int.Parse(item.Key); w.level = int.Parse((string)((LuaTable)item.Value)["1"]); w.exp = int.Parse((string)((LuaTable)item.Value)["2"]); = int.Parse((string)((LuaTable)item.Value)["3"]); m_wings.Add(, w); } foreach (var item in WingData.dataMap) { WingGridData d = new WingGridData(); d.wingId = item.Key; d.WingName = LanguageData.GetContent(; d.WingDescripe = LanguageData.GetContent(item.Value.descrip); d.WingIconName = IconData.GetIconPath(item.Value.icon); if (m_wings.ContainsKey(item.Key)) { d.WingCurExp = m_wings[item.Key].exp; d.WingStarNum = 3; d.WingTotalExp = item.Value.GetLevelData(m_wings[item.Key].level).nextLevelExp; d.IsHave = true; if (item.Value.type == 1) { d.WingStatus = ""; } else { if (m_wings[item.Key].active == 1) { d.WingStatus = LanguageData.GetContent(26829); d.IsActive = true; } else { d.WingStatus = LanguageData.GetContent(26828); d.IsActive = false; } } d.WingPrice = ""; } else { d.WingPrice = ""; d.WingStarNum = 0; d.WingCurExp = 0; d.WingTotalExp = 0; if (item.Value.type == 1) { d.WingStatus = LanguageData.GetContent(26827); d.WingPrice = "" + item.Value.price; } else { d.WingStatus = LanguageData.GetContent(26827); } d.IsHave = false; d.IsActive = false; d.IsUsing = false; } if (item.Value.type == 1) { if (d.wingId == dressed) { d.IsUsing = d.IsHave; } d.IsActive = d.IsHave; m_common.Add(d); } else { d.IsHave = true; d.IsUsing = true; m_magic.Add(d); } datas.Add(d); } m_grids = datas; CommonWing(); WingUILogicManager.Instance.SetGold("" +; WingUILogicManager.Instance.SetDiamond("" + m_self.diamond); UpdateProperty(); if(opened) UpdateUpgradeContent(); }
public RoomReservation_RoomDetailsViewDetail() { RoomReservation_RoomDetails = new RoomReservation_RoomDetails(); Wing = new Wing(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { //Make sure we have a parent wing before we try and do anything and also make sure they are similarly parented. if ( (null != ParentWing) && (transform.root.gameObject == ParentWing.transform.root.gameObject) ) { //Do not try and copy self. if ( this == ParentWing ) { return; } //Copy name.. = + "(Mirror)"; //First copy transforms.. transform.localScale = new Vector3( -ParentWing.transform.localScale.x, ParentWing.transform.localScale.y, ParentWing.transform.localScale.z ); transform.localPosition = ParentWing.transform.localPosition; transform.localPosition = new Vector3( -transform.localPosition.x, transform.localPosition.y, transform.localPosition.z ); transform.localRotation = new Quaternion( -ParentWing.transform.localRotation.x, ParentWing.transform.localRotation.y, ParentWing.transform.localRotation.z, ParentWing.transform.localRotation.w * -1.0f); //Copy wing if ( !LocalWing && ParentWing ) { LocalWing = gameObject.AddComponent<Wing>(); } if ( LocalWing ) { //EditorUtility.CopySerialized( ParentWing, LocalWing ); //**CRASHES ON 3.5 LocalWing.SectionCount = ParentWing.SectionCount; LocalWing.WingTipWidthZeroToOne = ParentWing.WingTipWidthZeroToOne; LocalWing.WingTipSweep = ParentWing.WingTipSweep; LocalWing.WingTipAngle = ParentWing.WingTipAngle; LocalWing.Aerofoil = ParentWing.Aerofoil; LocalWing.CDOverride = ParentWing.CDOverride; } //Copy control surface ControlSurface parentControlSurface = ParentWing.GetComponent<ControlSurface>(); if (!LocalControlSurface && parentControlSurface ) { LocalControlSurface = gameObject.AddComponent<ControlSurface>(); } if ( LocalControlSurface ) { //string previousLocalAxisName = LocalControlSurface.AxisName; bool previousLocalInvert = LocalControlSurface.Invert; GameObject previousModel = LocalControlSurface.Model; Vector3 previousRotationAxis = LocalControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis; //EditorUtility.CopySerialized( parentControlSurface, LocalControlSurface ); //**CRASHES ON 3.5 LocalControlSurface.AxisName = parentControlSurface.AxisName; LocalControlSurface.Invert = parentControlSurface.Invert; LocalControlSurface.MaxDeflectionDegrees = parentControlSurface.MaxDeflectionDegrees; LocalControlSurface.RootHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge = parentControlSurface.RootHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge; LocalControlSurface.TipHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge = parentControlSurface.TipHingeDistanceFromTrailingEdge; LocalControlSurface.AffectedSections = parentControlSurface.AffectedSections; LocalControlSurface.Model = parentControlSurface.Model; LocalControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis = parentControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis; //Keep the following unique. //LocalControlSurface.AxisName = previousLocalAxisName; LocalControlSurface.Invert = previousLocalInvert; LocalControlSurface.Model = previousModel; LocalControlSurface.ModelRotationAxis = previousRotationAxis; } //Copy propwash PropWash parentPropWash = ParentWing.GetComponent<PropWash>(); if (!LocalPropWash && parentPropWash ) { LocalPropWash = gameObject.AddComponent<PropWash>(); } if ( LocalPropWash ) { Engine previousPropwashSource = LocalPropWash.PropWashSource; //Copy everything except propwash source.. LocalPropWash.AffectedSections = parentPropWash.AffectedSections; LocalPropWash.PropWashSource = parentPropWash.PropWashSource; LocalPropWash.PropWashStrength = parentPropWash.PropWashStrength; //Keep unique LocalPropWash.PropWashSource = previousPropwashSource; } } }
public IHttpActionResult PostWings(Wing wing) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return BadRequest(ModelState); } _WingsService.Create(wing); return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = wing.Id }, wing); }
// Calculates the Wing-stroke // When there is no strokePower given (e.g. per ArrowKeys) the power is 5 private void DoWingStroke(Wing welcheSeite, float strokePower = 5) { // Berechnung der Kräfte float calcedForceWing = (forceDivision / 100f); float calcedForceMid = (1 - calcedForceWing); // Beide Flügel.. if (welcheSeite == Wing.BEIDE) { // Wirken der Kräfte rb_main.AddRelativeForce(rb_main.transform.up * (forceLevel * strokePower), ForceMode.Impulse); } else // .. oder .. { // Bestimmen der Seite Vector3 sideVector = welcheSeite == Wing.RECHTS ? -Vector3.up : Vector3.up; Vector3 wingPositionVector = welcheSeite == Wing.RECHTS ? rechterFluegel.transform.position : linkerFluegel.transform.position; Transform wingTransform = welcheSeite == Wing.RECHTS ? rechterFluegel.transform : linkerFluegel.transform; // Wirken der Kräfte rb_main.AddForceAtPosition(wingTransform.up * ((forceLevel * strokePower / 5) * calcedForceWing), wingPositionVector, ForceMode.Impulse); rb_main.AddRelativeForce(rb_main.transform.up * ((forceLevel * strokePower / 10) * (calcedForceMid)), ForceMode.Impulse); /// Leichte Drehung hervorrufen rb_main.AddRelativeTorque(sideVector * torqueForce, ForceMode.Impulse); } }