Пример #1
        public static Size MeasureText(IDeviceContext dc, string?text, Font?font)
            if (dc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dc));
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            Gdi32.QUALITY fontQuality = WindowsFont.WindowsFontQualityFromTextRenderingHint(dc as Graphics);

            IntPtr hdc = dc.GetHdc();

                using WindowsGraphics wg = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc(hdc);
                using WindowsFont? wf    = WindowsGraphicsCacheManager.GetWindowsFont(font, fontQuality);
                return(wg.MeasureText(text, wf));
Пример #2
        public static Size MeasureText(IDeviceContext dc, string text, Font font, Size proposedSize)
            if (dc == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dc");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            WindowsFontQuality fontQuality = WindowsFont.WindowsFontQualityFromTextRenderingHint(dc as Graphics);

            IntPtr hdc = dc.GetHdc();

                using (WindowsGraphics wg = WindowsGraphics.FromHdc(hdc))
                    using (WindowsFont wf = WindowsGraphicsCacheManager.GetWindowsFont(font, fontQuality)) {
                        return(wg.MeasureText(text, wf, proposedSize));
Пример #3
        public void Font_MeasureText(string family, float size, Size proposedSize, uint dt, Size expected)
            using Font font = new Font(family, size);
            if (font.Name != family)
                // Not installed on this machine

            using WindowsFont windowsFont = WindowsFont.FromFont(font, Gdi32.QUALITY.CLEARTYPE);
            WindowsGraphics graphics = WindowsGraphicsCacheManager.MeasurementGraphics;
            Size            measure  = graphics.MeasureText("Windows Foundation Classes", windowsFont, proposedSize, (User32.DT)dt);

            Assert.Equal(expected, measure);
        private void DrawGroupBox(PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics  graphics        = e.Graphics;
            Rectangle clientRectangle = base.ClientRectangle;
            int       num             = 8;
            Color     disabledColor   = base.DisabledColor;
            Pen       pen             = new Pen(ControlPaint.Light(disabledColor, 1f));
            Pen       pen2            = new Pen(ControlPaint.Dark(disabledColor, 0f));

            clientRectangle.X     += num;
            clientRectangle.Width -= 2 * num;
                Size size;
                int  num2;
                if (this.UseCompatibleTextRendering)
                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor))
                        using (StringFormat format = new StringFormat())
                            format.HotkeyPrefix = this.ShowKeyboardCues ? HotkeyPrefix.Show : HotkeyPrefix.Hide;
                            if (this.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                                format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft;
                            size = Size.Ceiling(graphics.MeasureString(this.Text, this.Font, clientRectangle.Width, format));
                            if (base.Enabled)
                                graphics.DrawString(this.Text, this.Font, brush, clientRectangle, format);
                                ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(graphics, this.Text, this.Font, disabledColor, clientRectangle, format);
                        goto Label_01E7;
                using (WindowsGraphics graphics2 = WindowsGraphics.FromGraphics(graphics))
                    IntTextFormatFlags flags = IntTextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl | IntTextFormatFlags.WordBreak;
                    if (!this.ShowKeyboardCues)
                        flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.HidePrefix;
                    if (this.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                        flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.RightToLeft;
                        flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.Right;
                    using (WindowsFont font = WindowsGraphicsCacheManager.GetWindowsFont(this.Font))
                        size = graphics2.MeasureText(this.Text, font, new Size(clientRectangle.Width, 0x7fffffff), flags);
                        if (base.Enabled)
                            graphics2.DrawText(this.Text, font, clientRectangle, this.ForeColor, flags);
                            ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(graphics2, this.Text, this.Font, disabledColor, clientRectangle, (TextFormatFlags)flags);
                num2 = num;
                if (this.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                    num2 += clientRectangle.Width - size.Width;
                int num3 = Math.Min((int)(num2 + size.Width), (int)(base.Width - 6));
                int num4 = base.FontHeight / 2;
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, 1, num4, 1, base.Height - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen2, 0, num4, 0, base.Height - 2);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, 0, base.Height - 1, base.Width, base.Height - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen2, 0, base.Height - 2, base.Width - 1, base.Height - 2);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen2, 0, num4 - 1, num2, num4 - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, 1, num4, num2, num4);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen2, num3, num4 - 1, base.Width - 2, num4 - 1);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, num3, num4, base.Width - 1, num4);
                graphics.DrawLine(pen, (int)(base.Width - 1), (int)(num4 - 1), (int)(base.Width - 1), (int)(base.Height - 1));
                graphics.DrawLine(pen2, base.Width - 2, num4, base.Width - 2, base.Height - 2);
Пример #5
        private void DrawGroupBox(PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics  graphics      = e.Graphics;
            Rectangle textRectangle = ClientRectangle; // Max text bounding box passed to drawing methods to support RTL.

            int textOffset = 8;                        // Offset from the left bound.

            Color backColor = DisabledColor;

            Pen  light = new Pen(ControlPaint.Light(backColor, 1.0f));
            Pen  dark  = new Pen(ControlPaint.Dark(backColor, 0f));
            Size textSize;

            textRectangle.X     += textOffset;
            textRectangle.Width -= 2 * textOffset;

            try {
                if (UseCompatibleTextRendering)
                    using (Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(ForeColor)){
                        using (StringFormat format = new StringFormat()){
                            format.HotkeyPrefix = ShowKeyboardCues ? System.Drawing.Text.HotkeyPrefix.Show : System.Drawing.Text.HotkeyPrefix.Hide;

                            // Adjust string format for Rtl controls

                            if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                                format.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft;

                            textSize = Size.Ceiling(graphics.MeasureString(Text, Font, textRectangle.Width, format));

                            if (Enabled)
                                graphics.DrawString(Text, Font, textBrush, textRectangle, format);
                                ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(graphics, Text, Font, backColor, textRectangle, format);
                    using (WindowsGraphics wg = WindowsGraphics.FromGraphics(graphics)){
                        IntTextFormatFlags flags = IntTextFormatFlags.WordBreak | IntTextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl;

                        if (!ShowKeyboardCues)
                            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.HidePrefix;

                        if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.RightToLeft;
                            flags |= IntTextFormatFlags.Right;

                        using (WindowsFont wfont = WindowsGraphicsCacheManager.GetWindowsFont(this.Font)) {
                            textSize = wg.MeasureText(Text, wfont, new Size(textRectangle.Width, int.MaxValue), flags);

                            if (Enabled)
                                wg.DrawText(Text, wfont, textRectangle, ForeColor, flags);
                                ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled(wg, Text, Font, backColor, textRectangle, ((TextFormatFlags)flags));

                int textLeft = textOffset;    // Left side of binding box (independent on RTL).

                if (RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes)
                    textLeft += textRectangle.Width - textSize.Width;

                // Math.Min to assure we paint at least a small line.
                int textRight = Math.Min(textLeft + textSize.Width, Width - 6);

                int boxTop = FontHeight / 2;

                if (SystemInformation.HighContrast && AccessibilityImprovements.Level1)
                    Color boxColor;
                    if (Enabled)
                        boxColor = ForeColor;
                        boxColor = SystemColors.GrayText;
                    bool needToDispose = !boxColor.IsSystemColor;
                    Pen  boxPen        = null;
                    try {
                        if (needToDispose)
                            boxPen = new Pen(boxColor);
                            boxPen = SystemPens.FromSystemColor(boxColor);

                        // left
                        graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, 0, boxTop, 0, Height);
                        graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, 0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1);
                        graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, 0, boxTop, textLeft, boxTop);
                        graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, textRight, boxTop, Width - 1, boxTop);
                        graphics.DrawLine(boxPen, Width - 1, boxTop, Width - 1, Height - 1);
                    finally {
                        if (needToDispose && boxPen != null)
                    // left
                    graphics.DrawLine(light, 1, boxTop, 1, Height - 1);
                    graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, boxTop, 0, Height - 2);

                    // bottom
                    graphics.DrawLine(light, 0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1);
                    graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, Height - 2, Width - 1, Height - 2);

                    // top-left

                    graphics.DrawLine(dark, 0, boxTop - 1, textLeft, boxTop - 1);
                    graphics.DrawLine(light, 1, boxTop, textLeft, boxTop);

                    // top-right
                    graphics.DrawLine(dark, textRight, boxTop - 1, Width - 2, boxTop - 1);
                    graphics.DrawLine(light, textRight, boxTop, Width - 1, boxTop);

                    // right
                    graphics.DrawLine(light, Width - 1, boxTop - 1, Width - 1, Height - 1);
                    graphics.DrawLine(dark, Width - 2, boxTop, Width - 2, Height - 2);
            finally {