protected override void draw_gui() { //handle collapsed state if (Collapsed) { if (ShowOnHover) { if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { draw_main_window = WindowPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition); } if (!draw_main_window) { UnlockControls(); var prefix = CFG.Enabled? "<b><color=lime>TCA: </color></b>" : (VSL.LandedOrSplashed? "<b>TCA: </b>" : "<b><color=red>TCA: </color></b>"); GUI.Label(collapsed_rect, prefix + StatusString(), Styles.boxed_label); } } else { UnlockControls(); GUI.Label(collapsed_rect, new GUIContent("TCA", "Push to show Main Window"), CFG.Enabled? : (VSL.LandedOrSplashed? Styles.white :; if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && collapsed_rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Collapsed = false; } TooltipManager.GetTooltip(); } } else { draw_main_window = true; } //draw main window if allowed if (draw_main_window) { LockControls(); WindowPos = GUILayout.Window(TCA.GetInstanceID(), WindowPos, DrawMainWindow, RemoteControl? "RC: " + vessel.vesselName : vessel.vesselName, GUILayout.Width(ControlsWidth), GUILayout.Height(50)).clampToScreen(); update_collapsed_rect(); } //draw waypoints and all subwindows if (RemoteControl && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Markers.DrawWorldMarker(TCA.vessel.transform.position,, "Remotely Controlled Vessel", NavigationTab.PathNodeMarker, 8); } if (NAV != null) { NAV.DrawWaypoints(); } AllWindows.ForEach(w => w.Draw()); ModulesGraph.Draw(); #if DEBUG GUI.Label(debug_rect, string.Format("[{0}] {1:HH:mm:ss.fff}", TCA != null && vessel != null? vessel.situation.ToString() : "", DateTime.Now), Styles.boxed_label); #endif }
protected override void draw_gui() { //draw main window if allowed if (draw_main_window) { LockControls(); WindowPos = GUILayout.Window(TCA.GetInstanceID(), WindowPos, DrawMainWindow, RemoteControl? "RC: " + vessel.vesselName : vessel.vesselName, GUILayout.Width(ControlsWidth), GUILayout.Height(50)).clampToScreen(); update_collapsed_rect(); } //handle collapsed state if (Collapsed) { if (ShowOnHover) { if (!draw_main_window) { UnlockControls(); var prefix = CFG.Enabled? Colors.Enabled.Tag("<b>TCA</b>") : (VSL.LandedOrSplashed? "<b>TCA</b>" : Colors.Danger.Tag("<b>TCA</b>")); GUI.Label(collapsed_rect, prefix, Styles.boxed_label); } if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { if (WindowPos.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { draw_main_window = ShowOnHover_fade_in_timer.TimePassed; if (draw_main_window) { ShowOnHover_fade_out_timer.Reset(); } } else { draw_main_window = !ShowOnHover_fade_out_timer.TimePassed; if (!draw_main_window) { ShowOnHover_fade_in_timer.Reset(); } } } } else { UnlockControls(); draw_main_window = false; GUI.Label(collapsed_rect, new GUIContent("TCA", "Push to show Main Window"), CFG.Enabled? Styles.enabled : (VSL.LandedOrSplashed? Styles.white : Styles.danger)); if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && collapsed_rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { draw_main_window = true; Collapsed = false; } TooltipManager.GetTooltip(); } } else { draw_main_window = true; } //draw waypoints NAV?.DrawWaypoints(); if (RemoteControl && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint) { Markers.DrawWorldMarker(TCA.vessel.transform.position, Colors.Good, "Remotely Controlled Vessel", NavigationTab.PathNodeMarker, 8); } }