Пример #1
        //public void copyInput(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
        //    Win32Util.INPUT input = new Win32Util.INPUT();
        //    input.Type = Win32Util.INPUT_TYPE.INPUT_MOUSE;
        //    input.Data.Mouse.Flags = (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == WM_SYSKEYDOWN) ? 0 : KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;
        //    Win32Util.SendInput(1,)

        private IntPtr interceptInput(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
            if (nCode == Win32Util.HC_ACTION)
                newState = previousState;

                Win32Util.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT hookStruct = (Win32Util.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(Win32Util.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT));

                if (hookStruct.flags == (uint)Win32Util.LLHookFLags.LLMHF_INJECTED || hookStruct.flags == (uint)Win32Util.LLHookFLags.LLMHF_LOWER_IL_INJECTED)
                    return(Win32Util.CallNextHookEx(m_nativeHookPtr, nCode, wParam, lParam));

                if ((Win32Util.MouseMessages)wParam == Win32Util.MouseMessages.WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
                    newState.LMB = true;

                if ((Win32Util.MouseMessages)wParam == Win32Util.MouseMessages.WM_LBUTTONUP)
                    newState.LMB = false;
                    m_LMB_held   = false;
                    //if we do not release LMB and it was previously also pressed
                    if (previousState.LMB)
                        m_LMB_held = true;

                if ((Win32Util.MouseMessages)wParam == Win32Util.MouseMessages.WM_RBUTTONDOWN)
                    newState.RMB = true;

                if ((Win32Util.MouseMessages)wParam == Win32Util.MouseMessages.WM_RBUTTONUP)
                    newState.RMB = false;
                    m_RMB_held   = false;
                    //if we do not release LMB and it was previously also pressed
                    if (previousState.RMB)
                        m_LMB_held = true;

                bool moves = false;
                m_delta.X = 0;
                m_delta.Y = 0;
                if ((Win32Util.MouseMessages)wParam == Win32Util.MouseMessages.WM_MOUSEMOVE)
                    newState.pos.X = hookStruct.pt.x;
                    newState.pos.Y = hookStruct.pt.y;
                    m_delta.X      = newState.pos.X - previousState.pos.X;
                    m_delta.Y      = newState.pos.Y - previousState.pos.Y;
                    //Console.WriteLine("delta: x{0} y{1}", m_pos_delta.X, m_pos_delta.Y);
                    moves = true;

                //painting happened, we need to intercept
                if (m_LMB_held && moves)
                    ropeLogic.update(VectorUtil.toVec(newState.pos), VectorUtil.toVec(m_delta));

                    callCallbacks(ropeLogic.cursorPoint, ropeLogic.pullPoint, true);

                    Win32Util.SetCursorPos(ropeLogic.cursorPoint.X, ropeLogic.cursorPoint.Y);

                     * infinite loop of sending, recievieng this, and re-emmiting a new one!!!
                     ** Win32Util.mouse_event((uint)Win32Util.MouseEventFlags.LEFTDOWN, ropeLogic.cursorPoint.X, ropeLogic.cursorPoint.Y, 0, 0);

                    newState.pos = ropeLogic.cursorPoint;

                    //Console.WriteLine("intercepting: x{0} y{1}", ropeLogic.cursorPoint.X, ropeLogic.cursorPoint.Y);

                    previousState = newState;
                    //Console.WriteLine("no draw " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
                    //Console.WriteLine("x{0} y{1} {2} {3}", m_pos.X, m_pos.Y, m_LMB_held ? "L" : " ", m_RMB_held ? "R" : " ");


                    callCallbacks(ropeLogic.cursorPoint, ropeLogic.pullPoint, false);

                    previousState = newState;
                    return(Win32Util.CallNextHookEx(m_nativeHookPtr, nCode, wParam, lParam));

                /* Both methods to directly modify lParam do not "work" but they do change the native value seemingly.
                ** So I guess "passing" modified values like this is just not how this API is meant to work.
                ** A) Write any modifications to hookStruct back to the lParam via marshal
                ** Marshal.StructureToPtr(hookStruct, lParam, true);
                ** B) unsafe editing the pointer directly
                ** unsafe
                ** {
                **  Win32Util.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT* data = (Win32Util.MSLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam.ToPointer();
                **  data->pt.x = 960;
                ** }
                ** So we Rather swallow the input by returning 1
                ** and use SetCursorPos() or SendInput() to emit new signals.
                ** https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21928956/how-do-i-modify-keys-in-a-keyboardproc-hooking-procedure
                ** LLKHF_INJECTED may be to prevent a infinite loop of sending and reacting to your own messages

                //Console.WriteLine("Mouse hook: " + hookStruct.pt.x + ", " + hookStruct.pt.y);
                //Console.WriteLine("flag: " + hookStruct.flags);
                //if (hookStruct.flags == (uint)Win32Util.LLHookFLags.LLMHF_INJECTED)
                //    Console.WriteLine("is: " + hookStruct.flags + " LLMHF_INJECTED");

            Console.WriteLine("pass trough");
            return(Win32Util.CallNextHookEx(m_nativeHookPtr, nCode, wParam, lParam));