public override void InsertWorkWikiItem(IWorkWikiItem item) { if (item == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("item"); WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWorkWikiItem> wikis = db.GetTable<LinqWorkWikiItem>(); wikis.InsertOnSubmit(new LinqWorkWikiItem() { Action = (int)item.Action, ApplicationName = this.ApplicationName, Author = item.Author, Authorizer = item.Authorizer, Category = item.Category, Content = item.Content, DateCreated = item.DateCreated, DepartmentArea = item.DepartmentArea, Description = item.Description, Editable = item.Editable, Editor = item.Editor, ExpirationDate = item.ExpirationDate, ID = item.ID, IpAddress = item.IPAddress, IsVisible = item.IsVisible, Keywords = item.Keywords, LastUpdated = item.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = item.LastUpdatedBy, Messages = item.Messages, ReachLevel = (int)item.ReachLevel, Slug = item.Slug, Status = (int)item.Status, Title = item.Title, TrackingNumber = item.TrackingNumber }); try { db.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.ContinueOnConflict); } catch (ChangeConflictException ex) { Trace.TraceWarning(ex.Message); // All database values overwrite current values. foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts) occ.Resolve(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues); } catch (DbException ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.Message); return; } }
public override List<Guid> GetWorkWikiItem(Guid? trackingNumber, Guid? id, string title, string description, string content, string author, string slug, bool? isVisible, string category, string keywords, ReachLevel? level, DateTime? initialDateCreated, DateTime? finalDateCreated, DateTime? initialLastUpdated, DateTime? finalLastUpdated, DateTime? initialExpirationDate, DateTime? finalExpirationDate, string lastUpdatedBy, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int totalCount) { List<Guid> records = new List<Guid>(); WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWorkWikiItem> workitems = db.GetTable<LinqWorkWikiItem>(); var query = from w in workitems where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Author.Contains(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author) ? author : string.Empty) where w.Category.Contains(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category) ? category : string.Empty) where w.Content.Contains(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content) ? content : string.Empty) where w.DateCreated >= (initialDateCreated.HasValue && initialDateCreated != DateTime.MinValue ? initialDateCreated : w.DateCreated) where w.DateCreated <= (finalDateCreated.HasValue && finalDateCreated != DateTime.MinValue ? finalDateCreated : w.DateCreated) where (description != null && w.Description != null ? w.Description : string.Empty) == (description != null ? description : string.Empty) where initialExpirationDate != null && w.ExpirationDate >= (initialExpirationDate.HasValue && initialExpirationDate != DateTime.MinValue ? initialExpirationDate.Value : w.ExpirationDate) where finalExpirationDate != null && w.ExpirationDate <= (finalExpirationDate.HasValue && finalExpirationDate != DateTime.MinValue ? finalExpirationDate.Value : w.ExpirationDate) where w.ID == (id.HasValue && id != Guid.Empty ? id : w.ID) where w.IsVisible == (isVisible.HasValue ? isVisible : w.IsVisible) where (keywords != null && w.Keywords != null ? w.Keywords : string.Empty) == (keywords != null ? keywords : string.Empty) where w.LastUpdated >= (initialLastUpdated.HasValue && initialLastUpdated != DateTime.MinValue ? initialLastUpdated : w.LastUpdated) where w.LastUpdated <= (finalLastUpdated.HasValue && finalLastUpdated != DateTime.MinValue ? finalLastUpdated : w.LastUpdated) where (lastUpdatedBy != null && w.LastUpdatedBy != null ? w.LastUpdatedBy : string.Empty) == (lastUpdatedBy != null ? lastUpdatedBy : string.Empty) where (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel == (level.HasValue ? level : (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel) where w.Slug.Contains(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slug) ? slug : string.Empty) where w.Title.Contains(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title) ? title : string.Empty) where w.TrackingNumber == (trackingNumber.HasValue ? trackingNumber : w.TrackingNumber) select w.TrackingNumber; totalCount = query.Count(); foreach (Guid workitemId in query.Skip(pageSize * pageIndex).Take(pageSize)) records.Add(workitemId); return records; }
public override void InsertCategory(string category) { WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<WikiCategory> categories = db.GetTable<WikiCategory>(); categories.InsertOnSubmit(new WikiCategory() { ApplicationName = this.ApplicationName, CategoryName = category }); try { db.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.ContinueOnConflict); } catch (ChangeConflictException ex) { Trace.TraceWarning(ex.Message); // All database values overwrite current values. foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts) occ.Resolve(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues); } catch (DbException ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.Message); return; } }
public override List<IWorkWikiItem> GetPendingAuthorizations(string user, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int totalCount) { List<IWorkWikiItem> pending = new List<IWorkWikiItem>(); WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWorkWikiItem> workitems = db.GetTable<LinqWorkWikiItem>(); var query = from w in workitems where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Status == (int)WikiStatus.AuthorizationRequested select w; totalCount = query.Count(); foreach (LinqWorkWikiItem item in query.Skip(pageSize * pageIndex).Take(pageSize)) { pending.Add(new WorkWikiItem(new Wiki(item.ID) { Author = item.Author, Category = item.Category, Content = item.Content, DateCreated = item.DateCreated, DepartmentArea = item.DepartmentArea, Description = item.Description, Editable = item.Editable, Editor = item.Editor, IsVisible = item.IsVisible, Keywords = item.Keywords, LastUpdated = item.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = item.LastUpdatedBy, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)item.ReachLevel, Slug = item.Slug, Title = item.Title, }) { Action = (SaveAction)item.Action, Authorizer = item.Authorizer, ExpirationDate = item.ExpirationDate, IPAddress = item.IpAddress, Messages = item.Messages, Status = (WikiStatus)item.Status, TrackingNumber = item.TrackingNumber }); } return pending; }
public override IWiki GetRelatedWiki(string keyword) { WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); var query = db.GetRelatedWiki(this.ApplicationName, keyword); GetRelatedWikiResult result = query.SingleOrDefault(); if (result == null) return null; return SelectWiki(; }
public override Dictionary<string, string> GetAuthorizersByCategory(int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int totalCount) { Dictionary<string, string> authorizers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<WikiAuthorizer> categories = db.GetTable<WikiAuthorizer>(); var query = from c in categories where c.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName select c; totalCount = query.Count(); foreach (WikiAuthorizer authorizer in query.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize)) authorizers.Add(authorizer.Category, authorizer.UserName); return authorizers; }
public override List<string> GetCategories() { List<string> categories = new List<string>(); WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<WikiCategory> wikiCategories = db.GetTable<WikiCategory>(); var query = from c in wikiCategories where c.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName select c; foreach (WikiCategory item in query) { categories.Add(item.ApplicationName); } return categories; }
public override void DeleteWorkWikiItem(IWorkWikiItem item) { WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWorkWikiItem> wikis = db.GetTable<LinqWorkWikiItem>(); // BusinessBase inherited clases will have a downside effect with a ChangeConflictException // as it has changed LastUpdated row version in the call stack. IWiki wi = SelectWorkWikiItem(item.TrackingNumber); // BusinessBase inherited clases will have a downside effect with a ChangeConflictException // as it has changed LastUpdated row version in the call stack. LinqWorkWikiItem w = new LinqWorkWikiItem() { Action = (int)item.Action, ApplicationName = this.ApplicationName, Author = item.Author, Authorizer = item.Authorizer, Category = item.Category, Content = item.Content, DateCreated = item.DateCreated, DepartmentArea = item.DepartmentArea, Description = item.Description, Editable = item.Editable, Editor = item.Editor, ExpirationDate = item.ExpirationDate, ID = item.ID, IpAddress = item.IPAddress, IsVisible = item.IsVisible, Keywords = item.Keywords, LastUpdated = wi.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = item.LastUpdatedBy, Messages = item.Messages, ReachLevel = (int)item.ReachLevel, Slug = item.Slug, Status = (int)item.Status, Title = item.Title, TrackingNumber = item.TrackingNumber }; // Assume that "wiki" has been sent by client. // Attach with "true" to the change tracker to consider the entity modified // and it can be checked for optimistic concurrency because // it has a column that is marked with "RowVersion" attribute wikis.Attach(w); wikis.DeleteOnSubmit(w); try { db.SubmitChanges(ConflictMode.ContinueOnConflict); } catch (ChangeConflictException ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.Message); // All database values overwrite current values. foreach (ObjectChangeConflict occ in db.ChangeConflicts) occ.Resolve(RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues); } catch (DbException ex) { Trace.TraceError(ex.Message); } }
public override IWorkWikiItem SelectWorkWikiItem(Guid id) { WorkWikiItem wiki = null; WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWorkWikiItem> wikis = db.GetTable<LinqWorkWikiItem>(); LinqWorkWikiItem row = wikis.SingleOrDefault<LinqWorkWikiItem>( w => w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName && w.TrackingNumber == id); if (row == null) return null; wiki = new WorkWikiItem(new Wiki(row.ID) { Author = row.Author, Category = row.Category, Content = row.Content, DateCreated = row.DateCreated, DepartmentArea = row.DepartmentArea, Description = row.Description, Editable = row.Editable, Editor = row.Editor, IsVisible = row.IsVisible, Keywords = row.Keywords, LastUpdated = row.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = row.LastUpdatedBy, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)row.ReachLevel, Slug = row.Slug, Title = row.Title, }) { Action = (SaveAction)row.Action, Authorizer = row.Authorizer, ExpirationDate = row.ExpirationDate, IPAddress = row.IpAddress, Messages = row.Messages, Status = (WikiStatus)row.Status, TrackingNumber = row.TrackingNumber }; return wiki; }
public override IWiki SelectWiki(Guid id) { Wiki wiki = null; WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWiki> wikis = db.GetTable<LinqWiki>(); LinqWiki row = wikis.SingleOrDefault<LinqWiki>( w => w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName && w.ID == id); if (row == null) return null; wiki = new Wiki(row.ID) { Author = row.Author, Category = row.Category, Content = row.Content, DateCreated = row.DateCreated, DepartmentArea = row.DepartmentArea, Description = row.Description, Editable = row.Editable, Editor = row.Editor, IsVisible = row.IsVisible, Keywords = row.Keywords, LastUpdated = row.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = row.LastUpdatedBy, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)row.ReachLevel, Slug = row.Slug, Title = row.Title }; return wiki; }
public override List<Guid> SearchWiki(string alphabeticalIndex, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int totalCount) { List<Guid> records = new List<Guid>(); WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWiki> wikis = db.GetTable<LinqWiki>(); var query = ( from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Keywords.StartsWith(alphabeticalIndex) select w.ID ).Union( from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Title.StartsWith(alphabeticalIndex) select w.ID ); totalCount = query.Count(); foreach (Guid id in query) { records.Add(id); } return records; }
public override List<Guid> SearchWiki(string title, string description, string content, string author, string slug, bool? isVisible, string category, string keywords, ReachLevel? level, DateTime? initialDateCreated, DateTime? finalDateCreated, DateTime? initialLastUpdated, DateTime? finalLastUpdated, string lastUpdatedBy, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int totalCount) { List<Guid> records = new List<Guid>(); WikiDataContext db = new WikiDataContext( ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[this.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString); Table<LinqWiki> wikis = db.GetTable<LinqWiki>(); var q0 = (from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName select new SearchWikiResult() { ID = Guid.Empty, Author = w.Author, IsVisible = w.IsVisible, DateCreated = w.DateCreated, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel, LastUpdated = w.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = w.LastUpdatedBy, Rate = 10 }).Distinct(); var q1 = from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Slug.Contains(slug) select new SearchWikiResult() { ID = w.ID, Author = w.Author, IsVisible = w.IsVisible, DateCreated = w.DateCreated, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel, LastUpdated = w.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = w.LastUpdatedBy, Rate = 100 }; var q2 = from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Title.Contains(title) select new SearchWikiResult() { ID = w.ID, Author = w.Author, IsVisible = w.IsVisible, DateCreated = w.DateCreated, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel, LastUpdated = w.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = w.LastUpdatedBy, Rate = 90 }; var q3 = from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Keywords.Contains(keywords) select new SearchWikiResult() { ID = w.ID, Author = w.Author, IsVisible = w.IsVisible, DateCreated = w.DateCreated, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel, LastUpdated = w.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = w.LastUpdatedBy, Rate = 80 }; var q4 = from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Category.Contains(category) select new SearchWikiResult() { ID = w.ID, Author = w.Author, IsVisible = w.IsVisible, DateCreated = w.DateCreated, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel, LastUpdated = w.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = w.LastUpdatedBy, Rate = 70 }; var q5 = from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Description.Contains(description) select new SearchWikiResult() { ID = w.ID, Author = w.Author, IsVisible = w.IsVisible, DateCreated = w.DateCreated, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel, LastUpdated = w.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = w.LastUpdatedBy, Rate = 60 }; var q6 = from w in wikis where w.ApplicationName == this.ApplicationName where w.Content.Contains(content) select new SearchWikiResult() { ID = w.ID, Author = w.Author, IsVisible = w.IsVisible, DateCreated = w.DateCreated, ReachLevel = (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel, LastUpdated = w.LastUpdated, LastUpdatedBy = w.LastUpdatedBy, Rate = 50 }; var q7 = q0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(slug)) q7 = q0.Union(q1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) q7 = q7.Union(q2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keywords)) q7 = q7.Union(q3); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) q7 = q7.Union(q4); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) q7 = q7.Union(q5); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) q7 = q7.Union(q6); var query = (from w in q7 where w.ID != Guid.Empty where w.IsVisible == (isVisible.HasValue ? isVisible : w.IsVisible) where w.DateCreated >= (initialDateCreated.HasValue && initialDateCreated != DateTime.MinValue ? initialDateCreated : w.DateCreated) where w.DateCreated <= (finalDateCreated.HasValue && finalDateCreated != DateTime.MinValue ? finalDateCreated : w.DateCreated) where (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel >= (level.HasValue ? level : (ReachLevel)w.ReachLevel) where w.LastUpdated >= (initialLastUpdated.HasValue && initialLastUpdated != DateTime.MinValue ? initialLastUpdated : w.LastUpdated) where w.LastUpdated <= (finalLastUpdated.HasValue && finalLastUpdated != DateTime.MinValue ? finalLastUpdated : w.LastUpdated) where (lastUpdatedBy != null && w.LastUpdatedBy != null ? w.LastUpdatedBy : string.Empty) == (lastUpdatedBy != null ? lastUpdatedBy : string.Empty) orderby w.Rate descending select w.ID ).Distinct(); totalCount = query.Count(); foreach (Guid id in query.Skip(pageSize * pageIndex).Take(pageSize)) records.Add(id); return records; }