public IList <Pipe> GetStored() { try { PipeTestResult result = null; Inspector inspector = null; Certificate certificate = null; Coat coat = null; Weld weld = null; Spool spool = null; var q = session.QueryOver <Pipe>() .Where(n => ((n.Status == PipeMillStatus.Stocked) && (n.IsActive == true) && n.Railcar == null)) .JoinAlias(r => r.PipeTestResult, () => result, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin) .JoinAlias(() => result.Inspectors, () => inspector, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin) .JoinAlias(() => inspector.Certificates, () => certificate, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin) .JoinAlias(r => r.Coats, () => coat, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin) .JoinAlias(r => r.Welds, () => weld, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin) .JoinAlias(r => r.Spools, () => spool, JoinType.LeftOuterJoin) .TransformUsing(Transformers.DistinctRootEntity) .List <Pipe>(); return(q); } catch (GenericADOException ex) { throw new RepositoryException("GetStored", ex); } }
private static Weld GenerateWeld(long pipe1ID, long pipe2ID) { long weldID = GetNextID(); Weld weld = new Weld() { WeldID = weldID, JobID = parsedArgs.JobID, Pipe1ID = pipe1ID, Pipe2ID = pipe2ID, WeldBarcode = weldID + "_bc", WeldNumber = weldID + "_nm", WpsNumber = weldID + "wps", RepairWpsNumber = weldID + "_rwps", Longitude = "30.25", Latitude = "97.75", Station = "Station W", CurrentLocation = "Springfield, OR", CreationDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdated = DateTime.Now, Status = WeldStatus.Active, Repaired = false, Type = "Fillet", ParentWeldID = null, WeldCoating = "FBE", WelderFirstName = "Rock", WelderLastName = "Strongo" }; return(weld); }
public override void LoadContent() { _agent = new Agent(new Vector2(500, 500)); _agent.Load(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator); //LoadObstacles(); _weldedBody = new List <Body>(); _weldedGeom = new List <Geom>(); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { _weldedBody.Add(BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(25, 25, 10.0f)); _weldedGeom.Add(GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(_weldedBody[i], 25, 25)); _weldedGeom[i].RestitutionCoefficient = 0.0001f; _weldedGeom[i].FrictionCoefficient = 0.999f; PhysicsSimulator.Add(_weldedBody[i]); PhysicsSimulator.Add(_weldedGeom[i]); } for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { // Width*y + x _weldedBody[8 * y + x].Position = new Vector2((x * 30) + 80, (y * 30) + 80); } } _weld = new Weld(PhysicsSimulator, _weldedGeom); base.LoadContent(); }
public override int GetHashCode() { return((Material?.GetHashCode() ?? 1) + (Surface?.GetHashCode() ?? 1) + (Weld?.GetHashCode() ?? 1) + (Grade?.GetHashCode() ?? 1) + (Manufacturer?.GetHashCode() ?? 1)); }
public static dynamic GetTSObject(Weld dynObject) { if (dynObject is null) { return(null); } return(dynObject.teklaObject); }
public void SetWeld(Weld newState) { if (isWeldable == false) { return; } weldState = newState; weldSpriteHandler.ChangeSprite((int)weldState); }
static void weld() { // file = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("Text Field", file); mesh = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().sharedMesh; weldedMesh = Weld.CopyMesh(mesh); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(weldedMesh, file); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); // WeldMesh window = (WeldMesh)EditorWindow.GetWindow (typeof (WeldMesh)); }
private void weldingHistoryGridView_InitNewRow(object sender, InitNewRowEventArgs e) { GridView view = sender as GridView; if (view.IsValidRowHandle(e.RowHandle)) { Weld weld = view.GetRow(e.RowHandle) as Weld; weld.Pipe = viewModel.Pipe; weld.Date = DateTime.Now; } }
private void WeldFloor(Part mainPart, Part secondPart) { Weld weld = new Weld(); weld.MainObject = mainPart; weld.SecondaryObject = secondPart; weld.ConnectAssemblies = false; weld.ShopWeld = true; weld.AroundWeld = true; weld.TypeAbove = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; weld.Insert(); }
private void repositoryItemPopupWelders_Popup(object sender, EventArgs e) { weldingHistoryGridView.ClearSelection(); if (weldingHistoryGridView.IsValidRowHandle(weldingHistoryGridView.FocusedRowHandle)) { Weld weld = weldingHistoryGridView.GetRow(weldingHistoryGridView.FocusedRowHandle) as Weld; if (weld != null) { weldersSelectionControl.SelectWelders(weld.Welders); } } }
private void repositoryItemPopupWelders_QueryPopUp(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { Weld weld = weldingHistoryGridView.GetRow(weldingHistoryGridView.FocusedRowHandle) as Weld; if (weld == null || (weld != null && weld.Date == null)) { weldingHistoryGridView.SetColumnError(weldingHistoryGridView.VisibleColumns[0], Program.LanguageManager.GetString(StringResources.DateFirst)); e.Cancel = true; } else { weldersSelectionControl.weldDate = weld.Date; } }
public void SetWeld(Weld newState) { if (isWeldable == false) { return; } weldState = newState; if (isOnlySealedWhenWelded) { UpdateGasContainer(); } weldSpriteHandler.ChangeSprite((int)weldState); }
private void repositoryItemPopupWelders_CloseUp(object sender, DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.CloseUpEventArgs e) { if (weldingHistoryGridView.IsValidRowHandle(weldingHistoryGridView.FocusedRowHandle)) { IList <Welder> selectedWelders = weldersSelectionControl.SelectedWelders; Weld weld = weldingHistoryGridView.GetRow(weldingHistoryGridView.FocusedRowHandle) as Weld; if (weld != null) { weld.Welders.Clear(); foreach (Welder w in selectedWelders) { weld.Welders.Add(w); w.Welds.Add(weld); } } } }
private static List <Weld> CreateWelds(List <long> pipeIDs) { List <Weld> welds = new List <Weld>(); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(WELD_FILE)) { int p = 0; for (int i = 0; i < parsedArgs.NumWelds; i++) { long pipe1ID = pipeIDs[p]; p = (p + 1) % pipeIDs.Count; long pipe2ID = pipeIDs[p]; Weld weld = GenerateWeld(pipe1ID, pipe2ID); welds.Add(weld); } } foreach (Weld weld in welds) { List <WeldPart> parts = new List <WeldPart>(); for (int j = 0; j < NUM_WELD_PASSES; j++) { WeldPart part = GenerateWeldPart(weld.WeldID); parts.Add(part); } weld.WeldParts = parts.ToArray(); } foreach (Weld weld in welds) { List <WeldInspection> inspections = new List <WeldInspection>(); for (int j = 0; j < NUM_WELD_INSPECTIONS; j++) { WeldInspection insp = GenerateWeldInspection(weld.WeldID); inspections.Add(insp); } weld.WeldInspections = inspections.ToArray(); } return(welds); }
public Weld insert_weld(Part Main_part, Part Secandary_part) { Weld weld = new Weld(); weld.MainObject = (ModelObject)Main_part; weld.SecondaryObject = (ModelObject)Secandary_part; weld.SizeAbove =; weld.TypeAbove = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; weld.SizeBelow =; weld.TypeBelow = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; weld.ShopWeld = true; weld.AroundWeld = false; CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem = Secandary_part.GetCoordinateSystem(); weld.Direction = coordinateSystem.AxisY; weld.Insert(); return(weld); }
private void btn_Weld_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TSMUI.Picker thisPicker = new TSMUI.Picker(); Part firstPickedPart = null; Part secondPickedPart = null; try { firstPickedPart = thisPicker.PickObject(TSMUI.Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART) as Part; secondPickedPart = thisPicker.PickObject(TSMUI.Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART) as Part; } catch { firstPickedPart = null; secondPickedPart = null; } if (firstPickedPart != null && secondPickedPart != null) { Weld newWeld = new Weld(); newWeld.MainObject = firstPickedPart; newWeld.SecondaryObject = secondPickedPart; newWeld.SizeBelow = 6.35; newWeld.TypeBelow = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; newWeld.SizeAbove = 0.0; newWeld.TypeAbove = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_NONE; newWeld.AroundWeld = false; newWeld.ShopWeld = true; newWeld.ReferenceText = "Typ."; newWeld.Placement = BaseWeld.WeldPlacementTypeEnum.PLACEMENT_AUTO; if (newWeld.Insert()) { // Show the weld in the model but the user will never see the workplane chage currentModel.CommitChanges(); } else { Tekla.Structures.Model.Operations.Operation.DisplayPrompt("Weld was not created"); } } }
void Start() { finishedBuilding = false; nodes = GetComponent <ON_NodeGraph> ().Nodes; // new List<ON_Node>(); edges = GetComponent <ON_NodeGraph> ().Edges; // new List<ON_Node>(); if (!weld) { weldedMesh = mesh; } else { weldedMesh = Weld.CopyMesh(mesh); } Weld.AutoWeld(weldedMesh, .0000001f, 15f); if (GraphParent == null) { GraphParent = this.gameObject; } StartCoroutine(instanceNodes()); }
private void CreateConnection_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DtoDivision model = GetConnectionsModel(); if (model == null) { return; } bool hasValues = GetElementAssemblies(false); if (!hasValues) { MessageBoxHelper.ShowInformation("Please create the objects first.", _parentWindow); return; } string propertyName = "ConnectionChild-Element"; ProgressWindow.Text = "Create connections."; ProgressWindow.Show(); bool hideProgressWindow = true; try { DtoCsgTree csgTree = new DtoCsgTree { Color = (uint)Color.LightSteelBlue.ToArgb() }; csgTree.Elements.Add(new Path { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, 6.5 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, 15.5 } }, } }); csgTree.Elements.Add(new OuterContour { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 0, -40 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 290, -40 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 290, -550 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0, -550 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0.0, -40 } }, } }); SteelPlate Slab = new SteelPlate { Name = "Slab", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, CsgTree = csgTree }; Slab.AddProperty(TableNames.tabAttribConstObjInstObj, propertyName, _bar0); DtoCsgTree rectangle = new DtoCsgTree { Color = (uint)Color.IndianRed.ToArgb() }; rectangle.Elements.Add(new Path { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 40, 300.0, 15.5 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 550, 300.0, 15.5 } } } }); rectangle.Elements.Add(new OuterContour { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 20, 0.0 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0.0, 0.0 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0, 10 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 20, 0.0 } } } }); Weld Weld_1 = new Weld { Name = "Weld_1", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, CsgTree = rectangle }; Weld_1.AddProperty(TableNames.tabAttribConstObjInstObj, propertyName, _bar0); Weld Weld_2 = new Weld { Name = "Weld_2", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, CsgTree = rectangle }; TmpMatrix matrix = new TmpMatrix { Values = new[] { 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 9, //-10 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 } }; Weld_2.AddProperty(TableNames.tabAttribConstObjInstObj, propertyName, _bar0); Weld_2.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix); DtoCsgTree cabin = new DtoCsgTree { Color = (uint)Color.DarkBlue.ToArgb() }; cabin.Elements.Add(new Path { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, 30 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, 40 } }, } }); cabin.Elements.Add(new OuterContour { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 0.0, -10.0 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 8.666, -5 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 8.666, 5 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0.0, 10 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { -8.666, 5 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { -8.666, -5 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0.0, -10 } } } }); DtoCsgTree CircularTree = new DtoCsgTree { Color = (uint)Color.Gray.ToArgb() }; CircularTree.Elements.Add(new Path { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, -20 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, 30 } } }, CrossSection = "RD8" }); ChildGeometryObject Cabin1 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Cabin1", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = cabin }; TmpMatrix matrix1 = new TmpMatrix { Values = new[] { 1, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 200.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 } }; Cabin1.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix1); ChildGeometryObject Circular1 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Circular1", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = CircularTree }; Circular1.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix1); MechanicalFastener Screw_1 = new MechanicalFastener { Name = "Screw_1", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, }; Screw_1.Children = new List <DtObject> { Cabin1, Circular1 }; ChildGeometryObject Cabin2 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Cabin2", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = cabin }; TmpMatrix matrix2 = new TmpMatrix { Values = new[] { 1, 0.0, 0.0, 500, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 } }; Cabin2.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix2); ChildGeometryObject Circular2 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Circular2", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = CircularTree }; Circular2.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix2); MechanicalFastener Screw_2 = new MechanicalFastener { Name = "Screw_2", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, }; Screw_2.Children = new List <DtObject> { Cabin2, Circular2 }; ChildGeometryObject Cabin3 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Cabin3", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = cabin }; TmpMatrix matrix3 = new TmpMatrix { Values = new[] { 1, 0.0, 0.0, 100, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 100, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 } }; Cabin3.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix3); ChildGeometryObject Circular_3 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Circular_3", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = CircularTree }; Circular_3.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix3); MechanicalFastener Screw_3 = new MechanicalFastener { Name = "Screw_3", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, }; Screw_3.Children = new List <DtObject> { Cabin3, Circular_3 }; ChildGeometryObject Cabin4 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Cabin4", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = cabin }; TmpMatrix matrix4 = new TmpMatrix { Values = new[] { 1, 0.0, 0.0, 500, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 200, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 } }; Cabin4.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix4); ChildGeometryObject Circular_4 = new ChildGeometryObject { Name = "Circular_4", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, CsgTree = CircularTree }; Circular_4.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix4); MechanicalFastener Screw_4 = new MechanicalFastener { Name = "Screw_4", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, }; Screw_4.Children = new List <DtObject> { Cabin4, Circular_4 }; DtoCsgTree Hole = new DtoCsgTree { Color = (uint)Color.Gray.ToArgb() }; Hole.Elements.Add(new Path { Rotation = 0, Geometry = new List <CsgGeoElement> { new StartPolygon { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, -100 } }, new Line { Point = new List <double> { 0, 300, 200 } } }, CrossSection = "RD8" }); Opening Hole_1 = new Opening { Name = "Hole_1", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, CsgTree = Hole }; Hole_1.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix1); Opening Hole_2 = new Opening { Name = "Hole_2", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, CsgTree = Hole }; Hole_2.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix2); Opening Hole_3 = new Opening { Name = "Hole_3", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, CsgTree = Hole }; Hole_3.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix3); Opening Hole_4 = new Opening { Name = "Hole_4", Parent = model.TopologyDivisionId, Division = model.Id, LogParentID = _integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, CsgTree = Hole }; Hole_4.AddProperty("element", "matrix", matrix4); DtoConnections connections = new DtoConnections { ConnectionElement = new ConnectionElement(), ElementIds = new List <Guid>() }; connections.ConnectionElement.Name = _connectionElementName; connections.ConnectionElement.Description = "Connection_Part_Of_Test"; connections.ElementIds.Add(_bar0.Id); connections.ElementIds.Add(_bar1.Id); connections.ConnectionElement.Children = new List <DtObject> { Slab, Weld_1, Weld_2, Screw_1, Screw_2, Screw_3, Screw_4, Hole_1, Hole_2, Hole_3, Hole_4 }; _savedDtoConnections = _integrationBase.ApiCore.DtoConnection.CreateConnection(_integrationBase.CurrentProject.Id, connections); if (_savedDtoConnections == null) { MessageBoxHelper.ShowInformation("DtoConnections could not be generated.", _parentWindow); } else { _savedDtoConnectionsId = _savedDtoConnections.Id; _integrationBase.ApiCore.Projects.ConvertGeometry(model.ProjectId); hideProgressWindow = false; NavigateToControl(); CreateConnection.IsEnabled = false; DeleteConnection.IsEnabled = true; } } finally { if (hideProgressWindow) { ProgressWindow.Hide(); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MyModel.GetConnectionStatus()) { double off1 = Convert.ToDouble(textBox4.Text); double off2 = Convert.ToDouble(textBox5.Text); TransformationPlane currentPlane = MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().GetCurrentTransformationPlane(); Picker piku = new Picker(); ArrayList info = new ArrayList(); info = new ArrayList { "END_X", "END_Y", "END_Z", "START_X", "START_Y", "START_Z" }; ArrayList info2 = new ArrayList(); info2 = new ArrayList { "END_X", "END_Y", "END_Z", "START_X", "START_Y", "START_Z" }; ModelObject part = new Beam(); ModelObject part2 = new Beam(); Hashtable p1 = new Hashtable(); Hashtable p2 = new Hashtable(); part = piku.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART); part.GetDoubleReportProperties(info, ref p1); double rotpart = (part as Part).Position.RotationOffset; part2 = piku.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART); part2.GetDoubleReportProperties(info2, ref p2); double rotpart2 = (part2 as Part).Position.RotationOffset; Point st1 = new Point(Convert.ToDouble(p1["START_X"]), Convert.ToDouble(p1["START_Y"]), Convert.ToDouble(p1["START_Z"])); Point st2 = new Point(Convert.ToDouble(p2["END_X"]), Convert.ToDouble(p2["END_Y"]), Convert.ToDouble(p2["END_Z"])); Point st3 = new Point(Convert.ToDouble(p1["END_X"]), Convert.ToDouble(p1["END_Y"]), Convert.ToDouble(p1["END_Z"])); Point st4 = new Point(Convert.ToDouble(p2["START_X"]), Convert.ToDouble(p2["START_Y"]), Convert.ToDouble(p2["START_Z"])); LineSegment l1 = new LineSegment(st1, st2); LineSegment l3 = new LineSegment(st1, st3); Vector vl3 = l3.GetDirectionVector(); vl3.Normalize(); LineSegment l4 = new LineSegment(st2, st1); LineSegment l5 = new LineSegment(st2, st4); Vector vl5 = l5.GetDirectionVector(); vl5.Normalize(); st1.Translate(vl3.X * (off1 / vl3.GetLength()), vl3.Y * (off1 / vl3.GetLength()), vl3.Z * (off1 / vl3.GetLength())); st2.Translate(vl5.X * (off2 / vl5.GetLength()), vl5.Y * (off2 / vl5.GetLength()), vl5.Z * (off2 / vl5.GetLength())); ControlLine cl1 = new ControlLine(l1, true); cl1.Color = ControlLine.ControlLineColorEnum.YELLOW_RED; //cl1.Insert(); CoordinateSystem cs1 = new CoordinateSystem(); cs1 = part.GetCoordinateSystem(); CoordinateSystem cs2 = new CoordinateSystem(); cs2 = part2.GetCoordinateSystem(); Tekla.Structures.Model.Plane pl1 = new Tekla.Structures.Model.Plane(); pl1.AxisX = cs1.AxisX; pl1.AxisY = cs1.AxisY; pl1.Origin = cs1.Origin; Tekla.Structures.Model.Plane pl2 = new Tekla.Structures.Model.Plane(); pl2.AxisX = cs2.AxisX; pl2.AxisY = cs2.AxisY; pl2.Origin = cs2.Origin; GeometricPlane gp1 = new GeometricPlane(cs1); GeometricPlane gp2 = new GeometricPlane(cs2); ControlPlane cp1 = new ControlPlane(pl1, true); //cp1.Insert(); ControlPlane cp2 = new ControlPlane(pl2, true); //cp2.Insert(); LineSegment l2 = Projection.LineSegmentToPlane(l1, gp1); LineSegment l6 = Projection.LineSegmentToPlane(l4, gp2); ControlLine cl2 = new ControlLine(l2, true); ControlLine cl3 = new ControlLine(l6, true); cl2.Color = ControlLine.ControlLineColorEnum.YELLOW_RED; //cl2.Insert(); cl3.Color = ControlLine.ControlLineColorEnum.YELLOW_RED; //cl3.Insert(); Part p3 = part as Part; Solid sl1 = p3.GetSolid(); ArrayList al1 = sl1.Intersect(l2); Point px = new Point(al1[1] as Point); ControlPoint cpp1 = new ControlPoint(px); //cpp1.Insert(); Part p4 = part2 as Part; Solid sl2 = p4.GetSolid(); ArrayList al2 = sl2.Intersect(l6); Point py = new Point(al2[1] as Point); ControlPoint cpp4 = new ControlPoint(py); //cpp4.Insert(); double distance = Distance.PointToLineSegment(st3, l2); double distance1 = l3.Length(); double cos = distance / distance1; double distance2 = Distance.PointToLineSegment(st4, l6); double distance3 = l5.Length(); double cos1 = distance2 / distance3; Point p10 = dlugosc(st1, st3, 4, cos, px); ControlPoint cpp2 = new ControlPoint(p10); //cpp2.Insert(); Point p20 = dlugosc(st2, st4, 4, cos1, py); ControlPoint cpp5 = new ControlPoint(p20); //cpp5.Insert(); Point p5 = new Point(l2.StartPoint); Point p6 = new Point(l2.EndPoint); Vector v1 = new Vector((p6.X - p5.X) / 10000, (p6.Y - p5.Y) / 10000, (p6.Z - p5.Z) / 10000); double v1d = v1.GetLength(); double dlbl = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text); Point p11 = new Point(px); p11.Translate(v1.X * (dlbl / v1d), v1.Y * (dlbl / v1d), v1.Z * (dlbl / v1d)); Point p12 = dlugosc(st1, st3, 4, cos, p11); ControlPoint cpp3 = new ControlPoint(p12); //cpp3.Insert(); Point p7 = new Point(l6.StartPoint); Point p8 = new Point(l6.EndPoint); Vector v2 = new Vector((p8.X - p7.X) / 10000, (p8.Y - p7.Y) / 10000, (p8.Z - p7.Z) / 10000); double v2d = v2.GetLength(); double dlbl1 = Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text); Point p21 = new Point(py); p21.Translate(v2.X * (dlbl1 / v2d), v2.Y * (dlbl1 / v2d), v2.Z * (dlbl1 / v2d)); Point p22 = dlugosc(st2, st4, 4, cos1, p21); ControlPoint cpp6 = new ControlPoint(p22); //cpp6.Insert(); Beam blachast = CreateBlacha(p10, p12, rotpart, 0, textBox1.Text); blachast.Insert(); int id1 = blachast.Identifier.ID; Identifier id11 = new Identifier(id1); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st1, vl3, v1)); ModelObject blachast3 = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id11); double rotblachast = (blachast3 as Beam).Position.RotationOffset; MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); //textBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(rotblachast); blachast.Position.RotationOffset = -rotblachast; blachast.PartNumber.Prefix = "PL"; blachast.PartNumber.StartNumber = 1001; blachast.Modify(); Beam blachast2 = CreateBlacha(p20, p22, rotpart2, 1, textBox1.Text); blachast2.Insert(); int id2 = blachast2.Identifier.ID; Identifier id12 = new Identifier(id2); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st2, vl5, v2)); ModelObject blachast4 = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id12); double rotblachast2 = (blachast4 as Beam).Position.RotationOffset; MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); blachast2.Position.RotationOffset = -rotblachast2; blachast2.PartNumber.Prefix = "PL"; blachast2.PartNumber.StartNumber = 1001; blachast2.Modify(); Point p15 = new Point(p12); p15.Translate(v1.X * (-30 / v1d), v1.Y * (-30 / v1d), v1.Z * (-30 / v1d)); ControlPoint cpp7 = new ControlPoint(p15); //cpp7.Insert(); Point p16 = new Point(p22); p16.Translate(v2.X * (-30 / v2d), v2.Y * (-30 / v2d), v2.Z * (-30 / v2d)); ControlPoint cpp8 = new ControlPoint(p16); //cpp8.Insert(); Vector v11516 = new Vector((p16.X - p15.X) / 10000, (p16.Y - p15.Y) / 10000, (p16.Z - p15.Z) / 10000); Point p151 = new Point(p15); Point p152 = new Point(p15); Point p153 = new Point(p15); Point p161 = new Point(p16); Point p162 = new Point(p16); Point p163 = new Point(p16); p151.Translate(v11516.X * (-30 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Y * (-30 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Z * (-30 / v11516.GetLength())); p152.Translate(v11516.X * (120 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Y * (120 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Z * (120 / v11516.GetLength())); p153.Translate(v11516.X * (70 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Y * (70 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Z * (70 / v11516.GetLength())); p161.Translate(v11516.X * (30 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Y * (30 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Z * (30 / v11516.GetLength())); p162.Translate(v11516.X * (-120 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Y * (-120 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Z * (-120 / v11516.GetLength())); p163.Translate(v11516.X * (-70 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Y * (-70 / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Z * (-70 / v11516.GetLength())); Beam BlSt1 = BlachaSt(p151, p152, 0); BlSt1.Insert(); int id3 = BlSt1.Identifier.ID; Identifier id13 = new Identifier(id3); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st1, vl3, v1)); ModelObject blachast5 = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id13); double rot5 = (blachast5 as Beam).Position.RotationOffset; MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); //textBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(rotblachast); BlSt1.Position.RotationOffset = -rot5; BlSt1.PartNumber.Prefix = "PL"; BlSt1.PartNumber.StartNumber = 1001; BlSt1.Modify(); Beam BlSt2 = BlachaSt(p161, p162, 1); BlSt2.Insert(); int id4 = BlSt2.Identifier.ID; Identifier id14 = new Identifier(id4); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st2, vl5, v2)); ModelObject blachast6 = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id14); double rot6 = (blachast6 as Beam).Position.RotationOffset; MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); //textBox1.Text = Convert.ToString(rotblachast); BlSt2.Position.RotationOffset = -rot6; BlSt2.PartNumber.Prefix = "PL"; BlSt2.PartNumber.StartNumber = 1001; BlSt2.Modify(); Beam St12 = CreateStezenie12(p153, p163); St12.Insert(); int id5 = St12.Identifier.ID; Identifier id15 = new Identifier(id5); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st1, vl3, v1)); ModelObject stezenie1 = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id15); (stezenie1 as Beam).StartPointOffset.Dy = 4; (stezenie1 as Part).PartNumber.Prefix = "Pr"; (stezenie1 as Part).PartNumber.StartNumber = 1001; stezenie1.Modify(); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st2, vl5, v2)); ModelObject stezenie2 = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id15); (stezenie2 as Beam).EndPointOffset.Dy = -6; (stezenie2 as Part).PartNumber.Prefix = "Pr"; (stezenie2 as Part).PartNumber.StartNumber = 1001; stezenie2.Modify(); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); double split = Convert.ToDouble(textBox3.Text); Point pointsplit = new Point(p163); pointsplit.Translate(v11516.X * (-split / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Y * (-split / v11516.GetLength()), v11516.Z * (-split / v11516.GetLength())); BoltArray b1 = sruby(p151, p152, BlSt1, blachast); b1.Insert(); int id6 = b1.Identifier.ID; Identifier id16 = new Identifier(id6); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st1, vl3, v1)); ModelObject b1m = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id16); (b1m as BoltArray).Position.RotationOffset = 0; (b1m as BoltArray).BoltStandard = "4017-8.8"; (b1m as BoltArray).ExtraLength = 5; b1m.Modify(); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); BoltArray b2 = sruby(p161, p162, BlSt2, blachast2); b2.Insert(); int id7 = b2.Identifier.ID; Identifier id17 = new Identifier(id7); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(setWorkPlane(st2, vl5, v2)); ModelObject b2m = MyModel.SelectModelObject(id17); (b2m as BoltArray).Position.RotationOffset = 180; b2m.Modify(); MyModel.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(currentPlane); Weld w = new Weld(); Weld w2 = new Weld(); Weld w3 = new Weld(); Weld w4 = new Weld(); w.MainObject = stezenie2; w.SecondaryObject = BlSt1; w.ShopWeld = true; w.Insert(); w2.MainObject = stezenie2; w2.SecondaryObject = BlSt2; w2.ShopWeld = true; w2.Insert(); w3.MainObject = part; w3.SecondaryObject = blachast; w3.ShopWeld = true; w3.Insert(); w4.MainObject = part2; w4.SecondaryObject = blachast2; w4.ShopWeld = true; w4.Insert(); Beam st122 = Operation.Split(stezenie2 as Beam, pointsplit); Connection sr = new Connection(); sr.Name = "Połączenie śrubą rzymską"; sr.Number = 126; sr.LoadAttributesFromFile("82269_M12"); sr.SetPrimaryObject(stezenie2); sr.SetSecondaryObject(st122); sr.Insert(); } MyModel.CommitChanges(); }
void OnEnable() { welder = weld.GetComponent <Weld>(); helper = helpController.GetComponent <HelpController>(); SetHelperActive(); }
public override void LoadContent() { _agent = new Agent(new Vector2(500, 500)); _agent.Load(ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice, PhysicsSimulator); //LoadObstacles(); _weldedBody = new List<Body>(); _weldedGeom = new List<Geom>(); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { _weldedBody.Add(BodyFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleBody(25, 25, 10.0f)); _weldedGeom.Add(GeomFactory.Instance.CreateRectangleGeom(_weldedBody[i], 25, 25)); _weldedGeom[i].RestitutionCoefficient = 0.0001f; _weldedGeom[i].FrictionCoefficient = 0.999f; PhysicsSimulator.Add(_weldedBody[i]); PhysicsSimulator.Add(_weldedGeom[i]); } for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { // Width*y + x _weldedBody[8 * y + x].Position = new Vector2((x * 30) + 80, (y * 30) + 80); } } _weld = new Weld(PhysicsSimulator, _weldedGeom); base.LoadContent(); }
private void CreatePadFootings(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Always remember to check that you really have working connection if (MyModel.GetConnectionStatus()) { double wsp3 = int.Parse(textBox1.Text); double wsp4 = double.Parse(textBox2.Text); Picker piku = new Picker(); //askjdhygausgfdyzjusrgfafsa ArrayList info = new ArrayList(); info = new ArrayList { "END_X", "END_Y", "END_Z", "START_X", "START_Y", "START_Z" }; ArrayList info2 = new ArrayList(); info2 = new ArrayList { "END_X", "END_Y", "END_Z", "START_X", "START_Y", "START_Z" }; ModelObject part = new Beam(); ModelObject part2 = new Beam(); Hashtable p1 = new Hashtable(); Hashtable p2 = new Hashtable(); part = piku.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART); part.GetDoubleReportProperties(info, ref p1); part2 = piku.PickObject(Picker.PickObjectEnum.PICK_ONE_PART); part2.GetDoubleReportProperties(info2, ref p2); Point st1 = new Point(); Point st2 = new Point(); st1 = piku.PickPoint(); st2 = piku.PickPoint(); Point st3 = new Point(st1); Point st4 = new Point(st2); //wektory belek Vector v1 = new Vector((Convert.ToDouble(p1["START_X"]) - Convert.ToDouble(p1["END_X"])) / 10000, (Convert.ToDouble(p1["START_Y"]) - Convert.ToDouble(p1["END_Y"])) / 10000, (Convert.ToDouble(p1["START_Z"]) - Convert.ToDouble(p1["END_Z"])) / 10000); Vector v2 = new Vector((Convert.ToDouble(p2["START_X"]) - Convert.ToDouble(p2["END_X"])) / 10000, (Convert.ToDouble(p2["START_Y"]) - Convert.ToDouble(p2["END_Y"])) / 10000, (Convert.ToDouble(p2["START_Z"]) - Convert.ToDouble(p2["END_Z"])) / 10000); double v1d = v1.GetLength(); double ile1 = 30 / v1d; double v2d = v2.GetLength(); double ile2 = 30 / v2d; double v1dd = v1.GetLength(); double ile3 = wsp4 / v1d; double v2dd = v2.GetLength(); double ile4 = wsp4 / v2d; st3.Translate((-v1.X) * ile3, (-v1.Y) * ile3, (-v1.Z) * ile3); st1.Translate((v1.X) * ile1, (v1.Y) * ile1, (v1.Z) * ile1); st4.Translate((-v2.X) * ile2, (-v2.Y) * ile2, (-v2.Z) * ile2); st2.Translate((v2.X) * ile4, (v2.Y) * ile4, (v2.Z) * ile4); Contour testowy = new Contour(); ContourPoint point1 = new ContourPoint(st1, null); ContourPoint point2 = new ContourPoint(st3, new Chamfer(45, 0, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_ROUNDING)); ContourPoint point3 = new ContourPoint(st4, null); testowy.AddContourPoint(point1); testowy.AddContourPoint(point2); testowy.AddContourPoint(point3); Contour testowy3 = new Contour(); ContourPoint point10 = new ContourPoint(st4, null); ContourPoint point20 = new ContourPoint(st2, new Chamfer(45, 0, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_ROUNDING)); ContourPoint point30 = new ContourPoint(st3, null); testowy3.AddContourPoint(point10); testowy3.AddContourPoint(point20); testowy3.AddContourPoint(point30); bool strona = radioButton1.Checked; ModelObject nb = CreateBlacha(testowy, strona); ModelObject nb3 = CreateBlacha(testowy3, strona); nb.Insert(); nb3.Insert(); double l1 = 0.0; nb.GetReportProperty("LENGTH", ref l1); double l2 = 0.0; nb3.GetReportProperty("LENGTH", ref l2); nb.Delete(); nb3.Delete(); Contour testowy2 = new Contour(); testowy2.AddContourPoint(point1); testowy2.AddContourPoint(point2); Point point4v = new Point(dlugosc(point2, point3, l1)); ContourPoint point4 = new ContourPoint(point4v, null); testowy2.AddContourPoint(point4); ModelObject nb2 = CreateBlacha(testowy2, strona); Contour testowy4 = new Contour(); testowy4.AddContourPoint(point10); testowy4.AddContourPoint(point20); Point point40v = new Point(dlugosc(point20, point30, l2)); ContourPoint point40 = new ContourPoint(point40v, null); testowy4.AddContourPoint(point40); ModelObject nb4 = CreateBlacha(testowy4, strona); nb2.Insert(); BoltArray b2 = sruby(point1, point2, nb2 as Part); b2.PartToBoltTo = part as Part; b2.BoltSize = Convert.ToDouble(comboBox3.Text); b2.BoltStandard = comboBox2.Text; b2.Insert(); nb4.Insert(); BoltArray b4 = sruby(point10, point20, nb4 as Part); b4.BoltSize = Convert.ToDouble(comboBox3.Text); b4.BoltStandard = comboBox2.Text; b4.PartToBoltTo = part2 as Part; b4.Insert(); Point point4st = new Point(dlugosc(point40, point4, 130)); Point point40st = new Point(dlugosc(point4, point40, 130)); Point pointsplit = new Point(dlugosc(point4st, point40st, wsp3 + 180)); if (comboBox1.Text == "D16") { Beam st16 = CreateStezenie16(point4st, point40st, strona); st16.Insert(); Weld w = new Weld(); Weld w2 = new Weld(); w.MainObject = st16; w.SecondaryObject = nb2; w.ShopWeld = true; w.Insert(); w2.MainObject = st16; w2.SecondaryObject = nb4; w2.ShopWeld = true; w2.Insert(); Beam st161 = Operation.Split(st16, pointsplit); Connection sr = new Connection(); sr.Name = "Po³¹czenie œrub¹ rzymsk¹"; sr.Number = 126; sr.LoadAttributesFromFile("82269_M16"); sr.SetPrimaryObject(st161); sr.SetSecondaryObject(st16); sr.Insert(); } if (comboBox1.Text == "D20") { Beam st16 = CreateStezenie20(point4st, point40st, strona); st16.Insert(); Weld w = new Weld(); Weld w2 = new Weld(); w.MainObject = st16; w.SecondaryObject = nb2; w.ShopWeld = true; w.Insert(); w2.MainObject = st16; w2.SecondaryObject = nb4; w2.ShopWeld = true; w2.Insert(); Beam st161 = Operation.Split(st16, pointsplit); Connection sr = new Connection(); sr.Name = "Po³¹czenie œrub¹ rzymsk¹"; sr.Number = 126; sr.LoadAttributesFromFile("82269_M20"); sr.SetPrimaryObject(st161); sr.SetSecondaryObject(st16); sr.Insert(); } if (comboBox1.Text == "D12") { Beam st16 = CreateStezenie12(point4st, point40st, strona); st16.Insert(); Weld w = new Weld(); Weld w2 = new Weld(); w.MainObject = st16; w.SecondaryObject = nb2; w.ShopWeld = true; w.Insert(); w2.MainObject = st16; w2.SecondaryObject = nb4; w2.ShopWeld = true; w2.Insert(); Beam st161 = Operation.Split(st16, pointsplit); Connection sr = new Connection(); sr.Name = "Po³¹czenie œrub¹ rzymsk¹"; sr.Number = 126; sr.LoadAttributesFromFile("82269_M12"); sr.SetPrimaryObject(st161); sr.SetSecondaryObject(st16); sr.Insert(); } } MyModel.CommitChanges(); }
private static Weld GenerateWeld() { Random rand = new Random(); long weldID = NextInt64(rand); Weld weld = new Weld() { WeldID = weldID, Pipe1ID = 20130503065448923, Pipe2ID = 20130503065448925, WeldBarcode = weldID + "_bc", WeldNumber = weldID + "_nm", WpsNumber = weldID + "wps", RepairWpsNumber = weldID + "_rwps", Longitude = "30.25", Latitude = "97.75", Station = "Station W", CurrentLocation = "Springfield, OR", CreationDate = DateTime.Now, LastUpdated = DateTime.Now, Status = WeldStatus.Active, Repaired = false, Type = "Fillet", ParentWeldID = null, WeldCoating = "FBE", }; return weld; }
public void Create() { Point Point1 = StartPoint; Point Point2 = EndPoint; Vector mainVector = new Vector(Point2.X - Point1.X, Point2.Y - Point1.Y, Point2.Z - Point1.Z); Vector zaxis = new Vector(0, 0, -1); double height = Point1.Z - Point2.Z; Vector heightStair = zaxis * height; Point heightStairEndPt = new Point(Point1.X + heightStair.X, Point1.Y + heightStair.Y, Point1.Z + heightStair.Z); Vector subMainVector = new Vector(Point2.X - heightStairEndPt.X, Point2.Y - heightStairEndPt.Y, Point2.Z - heightStairEndPt.Z); double stairLength = height / Math.Tan(Ang * Math.PI / 180); Vector normallengthStair = subMainVector.GetNormal(); Vector lengthStair = normallengthStair * stairLength; Point lengthStairEndPoint = new Point(heightStairEndPt.X + lengthStair.X, heightStairEndPt.Y + lengthStair.Y, heightStairEndPt.Z + lengthStair.Z); Vector mainStairVector = new Vector(lengthStairEndPoint.X - Point1.X, lengthStairEndPoint.Y - Point1.Y, lengthStairEndPoint.Z - Point1.Z); Vector leftOffsetVector = Vector.Cross(heightStair, mainVector); Vector normalOffsetBeamVector = leftOffsetVector.GetNormal(); leftOffsetVector = normalOffsetBeamVector * (Width / 2); Vector horizontalVector = normallengthStair * (-1); // Vector horizontalVectorLength = horizontalVector * lengthStartSegment; Point leftBeamStartPt = new Point(Point1.X + leftOffsetVector.X, Point1.Y + leftOffsetVector.Y, Point1.Z + leftOffsetVector.Z); Point leftBeamEndPt = new Point(lengthStairEndPoint.X + leftOffsetVector.X, lengthStairEndPoint.Y + leftOffsetVector.Y, lengthStairEndPoint.Z + leftOffsetVector.Z); // offset for fixture beam corner Vector offsetAlongStairVector = normallengthStair * 15; leftBeamStartPt = new Point(leftBeamStartPt.X + offsetAlongStairVector.X, leftBeamStartPt.Y + offsetAlongStairVector.Y, leftBeamStartPt.Z + offsetAlongStairVector.Z); leftBeamEndPt = new Point(leftBeamEndPt.X + offsetAlongStairVector.X, leftBeamEndPt.Y + offsetAlongStairVector.Y, leftBeamEndPt.Z + offsetAlongStairVector.Z); Vector rightOffsetVector = leftOffsetVector * (-1); Point rightBeamStartPt = new Point(Point1.X + rightOffsetVector.X, Point1.Y + rightOffsetVector.Y, Point1.Z + rightOffsetVector.Z); Point rightBeamEndPt = new Point(lengthStairEndPoint.X + rightOffsetVector.X, lengthStairEndPoint.Y + rightOffsetVector.Y, lengthStairEndPoint.Z + rightOffsetVector.Z); // offset for fixture beam corner rightBeamStartPt = new Point(rightBeamStartPt.X + offsetAlongStairVector.X, rightBeamStartPt.Y + offsetAlongStairVector.Y, rightBeamStartPt.Z + offsetAlongStairVector.Z); rightBeamEndPt = new Point(rightBeamEndPt.X + offsetAlongStairVector.X, rightBeamEndPt.Y + offsetAlongStairVector.Y, rightBeamEndPt.Z + offsetAlongStairVector.Z); TSM.Beam rightBeam = new TSM.Beam(leftBeamStartPt, leftBeamEndPt); rightBeam.Class = "11"; rightBeam.Position.Plane = TSM.Position.PlaneEnum.RIGHT; rightBeam.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; rightBeam.Position.Rotation = TSM.Position.RotationEnum.TOP; rightBeam.Profile.ProfileString = Profile; rightBeam.Material.MaterialString = Material; rightBeam.Finish = "PAINT"; rightBeam.Insert(); MainStringer = rightBeam; // TSM.Operations.Operation.DisplayPrompt($"Высота профиля: {hprofile}"); TSM.Beam leftBeam = new TSM.Beam(rightBeamStartPt, rightBeamEndPt); leftBeam.Class = "11"; leftBeam.Position.Plane = TSM.Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT; leftBeam.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; leftBeam.Position.Rotation = TSM.Position.RotationEnum.BELOW; leftBeam.Profile.ProfileString = Profile; leftBeam.Material.MaterialString = Material; leftBeam.Finish = "PAINT"; leftBeam.Insert(); SecondStringer = leftBeam; // fitting kosours Vector xaxis = normallengthStair; Vector yaxis = normalOffsetBeamVector; CuttingBeam(rightBeam, leftBeamStartPt, zaxis, yaxis); CuttingBeam(rightBeam, leftBeamEndPt, xaxis, yaxis); CuttingBeam(leftBeam, rightBeamStartPt, zaxis, yaxis); CuttingBeam(leftBeam, rightBeamEndPt, xaxis, yaxis); // add beam corner Vector offsetLeftStartCrossStairVector = normalOffsetBeamVector * ((Width / 2) - 20) * (-1); Vector offsetLeftEndCrossStairVector = normalOffsetBeamVector * (100) * (-1); Vector offsetOrtVector = zaxis * (-1) * 5; Point offsetOrtPoint = new Point(Point1.X + offsetOrtVector.X, Point1.Y + offsetOrtVector.Y, Point1.Z + offsetOrtVector.Z); Point offsetCrossPoint = new Point(offsetOrtPoint.X + offsetLeftStartCrossStairVector.X, offsetOrtPoint.Y + offsetLeftStartCrossStairVector.Y, offsetOrtPoint.Z + offsetLeftStartCrossStairVector.Z); Point startLeftBeamCornerPoint = new Point(offsetCrossPoint.X + offsetAlongStairVector.X, offsetCrossPoint.Y + offsetAlongStairVector.Y, offsetCrossPoint.Z + offsetAlongStairVector.Z); Point endLeftBeamCornerPoint = new Point(startLeftBeamCornerPoint.X + offsetLeftEndCrossStairVector.X, startLeftBeamCornerPoint.Y + offsetLeftEndCrossStairVector.Y, startLeftBeamCornerPoint.Z + offsetLeftEndCrossStairVector.Z); TSM.Beam leftBeamCorner = new TSM.Beam(startLeftBeamCornerPoint, endLeftBeamCornerPoint); leftBeamCorner.Class = "8"; leftBeamCorner.Position.Plane = TSM.Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT; // LEFT leftBeamCorner.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; leftBeamCorner.Position.Rotation = TSM.Position.RotationEnum.BELOW; // BELOW leftBeamCorner.Profile.ProfileString = "L63X5_8509_93"; leftBeamCorner.Finish = "PAINT"; leftBeamCorner.Insert(); Vector offsetRightStartCrossStairVector = normalOffsetBeamVector * ((Width / 2) - 20); Vector offsetRightEndCrossStairVector = normalOffsetBeamVector * (100); offsetCrossPoint = new Point(offsetOrtPoint.X + offsetRightStartCrossStairVector.X, offsetOrtPoint.Y + offsetRightStartCrossStairVector.Y, offsetOrtPoint.Z + offsetRightStartCrossStairVector.Z); Point startRightBeamCornerPoint = new Point(offsetCrossPoint.X + offsetAlongStairVector.X, offsetCrossPoint.Y + offsetAlongStairVector.Y, offsetCrossPoint.Z + offsetAlongStairVector.Z); Point endRightBeamCornerPoint = new Point(startRightBeamCornerPoint.X + offsetRightEndCrossStairVector.X, startRightBeamCornerPoint.Y + offsetRightEndCrossStairVector.Y, startRightBeamCornerPoint.Z + offsetRightEndCrossStairVector.Z); TSM.Beam rightBeamCorner = new TSM.Beam(startRightBeamCornerPoint, endRightBeamCornerPoint); rightBeamCorner.Class = "8"; rightBeamCorner.Position.Plane = TSM.Position.PlaneEnum.RIGHT; // LEFT rightBeamCorner.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; rightBeamCorner.Position.Rotation = TSM.Position.RotationEnum.BACK; // BELOW rightBeamCorner.Profile.ProfileString = "L63X5_8509_93"; rightBeamCorner.Finish = "PAINT"; rightBeamCorner.Insert(); // calculate offsets // var hprofile = GetHeightBeam(rightBeam, leftBeamStartPt); double hprofile = 0; rightBeam.GetReportProperty("HEIGHT", ref hprofile); var hoffset = hprofile / Math.Cos(Ang * Math.PI / 180); Vector hOrtVect = zaxis * hoffset; StartStepsPoint = new Point(Point1.X + offsetAlongStairVector.X, Point1.Y + offsetAlongStairVector.Y, Point1.Z + offsetAlongStairVector.Z); StairVector = normallengthStair; // Height = height - hprofile; Weld rightWeldStringer = new Weld(); rightWeldStringer.MainObject = rightBeam; rightWeldStringer.SecondaryObject = rightBeamCorner; rightWeldStringer.ConnectAssemblies = false; rightWeldStringer.ShopWeld = true; rightWeldStringer.AroundWeld = false; rightWeldStringer.TypeAbove = PolygonWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; rightWeldStringer.TypeBelow = PolygonWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; rightWeldStringer.SizeAbove = -100; rightWeldStringer.SizeBelow = -100; rightWeldStringer.Insert(); Weld leftWeldStringer = new Weld(); leftWeldStringer.MainObject = leftBeam; leftWeldStringer.SecondaryObject = leftBeamCorner; leftWeldStringer.ConnectAssemblies = false; leftWeldStringer.ShopWeld = true; leftWeldStringer.AroundWeld = false; leftWeldStringer.TypeAbove = PolygonWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; leftWeldStringer.TypeBelow = PolygonWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; leftWeldStringer.SizeAbove = -100; leftWeldStringer.SizeBelow = -100; leftWeldStringer.Insert(); }
public override bool Run(List <InputDefinition> Input) { try { // 오버라이드 된 DefineInput에서 List를 가져옴 // purlin = 중도리 지붕을 지탱하는 골조 // flange = 플랜지 파이프를 연결하기 위한 배관? Beam Purlin1 = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[0].GetInput()); Beam Purlin2 = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[1].GetInput()); Beam OFlange = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[2].GetInput()); Beam Web = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[3].GetInput()); Beam IFlange = (Beam)_model.SelectModelObject((Identifier)Input[4].GetInput()); // 초기값 체크 GetValuesFromDialog(); double WebThick = 0.0; double IFlangeWidth = 0.0; double IFlangeThick = 0.0; double OFlangeThick = 0.0; Web.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref WebThick); OFlange.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref OFlangeThick); IFlange.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref IFlangeThick); IFlange.GetReportProperty("HEIGHT", ref IFlangeWidth); if (IsDefaultValue(_PlateWidth) || _PlateWidth == 0) { _PlateWidth = (IFlangeWidth - WebThick) * 0.5; } if (IsDefaultValue(_PlateLength) || _PlateLength == 0) { _PlateLength = (IFlangeWidth - WebThick) * 0.5; } CoordinateSystem WebSys = Web.GetCoordinateSystem(); // 평면(Web)과 선(purlin1의 시작과 끝점)이 만나는 교차점 T3D.Point TopCenter = T3D.Intersection.LineToPlane(new Line(Purlin1.StartPoint, Purlin1.EndPoint), new GeometricPlane(WebSys.Origin, WebSys.AxisX, WebSys.AxisY)); // 실제 좌표점(x,y,z) CoordinateSystem WorkSystem = new CoordinateSystem(TopCenter, WebSys.AxisX.Cross(WebSys.AxisY), WebSys.AxisY); // CoordinateSystem의 실좌표를 Plane 변경 _model.GetWorkPlaneHandler().SetCurrentTransformationPlane(new TransformationPlane(WorkSystem)); Purlin1.Select(); Purlin2.Select(); Web.Select(); OFlange.Select(); IFlange.Select(); CoordinateSystem PurSys = Purlin1.GetCoordinateSystem(); T3D.Point TopClipCenter = T3D.Intersection.LineToPlane(new Line(OFlange.StartPoint, OFlange.EndPoint), new GeometricPlane(PurSys.Origin, PurSys.AxisX, PurSys.AxisY)); T3D.Point BottCenter = T3D.Intersection.LineToPlane(new Line(IFlange.StartPoint, IFlange.EndPoint), new GeometricPlane(PurSys.Origin, PurSys.AxisX, PurSys.AxisY)); T3D.Point LeftAngleFirstPoint = new T3D.Point(-_UpperHorizontalDistance, _UpperVerticalDistance, 0); T3D.Point LeftAngleSecondPoint = new T3D.Point(-_LowerHorizontalDistance, BottCenter.Y - IFlangeThick + _LowerVerticalDistance, 0); T3D.Point RightAngleFirstPoint = new T3D.Point(_UpperHorizontalDistance, _UpperVerticalDistance, 0); T3D.Point RightAngleSecondPoint = new T3D.Point(_LowerHorizontalDistance, BottCenter.Y - IFlangeThick + _LowerVerticalDistance, 0); Beam LeftAngle = new Beam(); Beam RightAngle = new Beam(); Beam TopClip = new Beam(); ContourPlate LeftPlate = new ContourPlate(); ContourPlate RightPlate = new ContourPlate(); TopClip.StartPoint = new T3D.Point(-_TopClipLength * 0.5, TopClipCenter.Y + OFlangeThick, 0); TopClip.EndPoint = new T3D.Point(_TopClipLength * 0.5, TopClipCenter.Y + OFlangeThick, 0); if (PurSys.AxisX.GetNormal() == new Vector(1, 0, 0) && PurSys.AxisY.GetNormal() == new Vector(0, 1, 0)) { LeftAngle.StartPoint = LeftAngleSecondPoint; LeftAngle.EndPoint = LeftAngleFirstPoint; RightAngle.StartPoint = RightAngleFirstPoint; RightAngle.EndPoint = RightAngleSecondPoint; LeftAngle.Position.Plane = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT; LeftAngle.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BELOW; LeftAngle.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; RightAngle.Position.Plane = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT; RightAngle.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BELOW; RightAngle.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; TopClip.Position.Plane = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT; TopClip.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; TopClip.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; LeftPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT; RightPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT; } else { LeftAngle.StartPoint = LeftAngleFirstPoint; LeftAngle.EndPoint = LeftAngleSecondPoint; RightAngle.StartPoint = RightAngleFirstPoint; RightAngle.EndPoint = RightAngleSecondPoint; LeftAngle.Position.Plane = Position.PlaneEnum.RIGHT; LeftAngle.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.TOP; LeftAngle.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT; RightAngle.Position.Plane = Position.PlaneEnum.RIGHT; RightAngle.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; RightAngle.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT; TopClip.Position.Plane = Position.PlaneEnum.LEFT; TopClip.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; TopClip.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.FRONT; LeftPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; RightPlate.Position.Depth = Position.DepthEnum.BEHIND; } LeftAngle.Profile.ProfileString = _FlangeProfile; LeftAngle.Material.MaterialString = _FlangeMaterial; LeftAngle.Class = _FlangeClass; LeftAngle.Name = _FlangeName; LeftAngle.Insert(); RightAngle.Profile.ProfileString = _FlangeProfile; RightAngle.Material.MaterialString = _FlangeMaterial; RightAngle.Class = _FlangeClass; RightAngle.Name = _FlangeName; RightAngle.Insert(); double BraceWidth = 0.0; double BraceThickness = 0.0; RightAngle.GetReportProperty("WIDTH", ref BraceWidth); RightAngle.GetReportProperty("PROFILE.FLANGE_THICKNESS_1", ref BraceThickness); double BoltGauge = (BraceWidth + BraceThickness) * 0.5; LeftAngle.Position.PlaneOffset = -BoltGauge; LeftAngle.StartPointOffset.Dx = _UpperBoltHorizontalDistance; LeftAngle.EndPointOffset.Dx = _LowerBoltHorizontalDistance; LeftAngle.Modify(); RightAngle.Position.PlaneOffset = -BoltGauge; RightAngle.StartPointOffset.Dx = -_LowerBoltHorizontalDistance; RightAngle.EndPointOffset.Dx = _UpperBoltHorizontalDistance; RightAngle.Modify(); TopClip.Profile.ProfileString = "PL" + _TopClipThickness + "*" + _TopClipWidth; TopClip.Material.MaterialString = _TopClipMaterial; TopClip.Name = _TopClipName; TopClip.Insert(); Point LeftPlatePoint1 = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5, BottCenter.Y, 0); Point LeftPlatePoint2 = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5, BottCenter.Y + _PlateLength, 0); Point LeftPlatePoint3 = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5 - _PlateWidth, BottCenter.Y + _PlateLength, 0); Point LeftPlatePoint4 = new Point(BottCenter.X - WebThick * 0.5 - _PlateWidth, BottCenter.Y, 0); ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint1 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint1, new Chamfer(30, 30, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_LINE)); ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint2 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint2, new Chamfer()); ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint3 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint3, new Chamfer()); ContourPoint LeftPlateContourPoint4 = new ContourPoint(LeftPlatePoint4, new Chamfer()); LeftPlate.AddContourPoint(LeftPlateContourPoint1); LeftPlate.AddContourPoint(LeftPlateContourPoint2); LeftPlate.AddContourPoint(LeftPlateContourPoint3); LeftPlate.AddContourPoint(LeftPlateContourPoint4); LeftPlate.Material.MaterialString = _PlateMaterial; LeftPlate.Profile.ProfileString = "PL" + _PlateThickness.ToString(); LeftPlate.Name = _PlateName; LeftPlate.Insert(); Point RightPlatePoint1 = new Point(BottCenter.X + WebThick * 0.5, BottCenter.Y, 0); Point RightPlatePoint2 = new Point(RightPlatePoint1.X + _PlateWidth, RightPlatePoint1.Y, 0); Point RightPlatePoint3 = new Point(RightPlatePoint2.X, RightPlatePoint2.Y + _PlateLength, 0); Point RightPlatePoint4 = new Point(RightPlatePoint3.X - _PlateWidth, RightPlatePoint3.Y, 0); ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint1 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint1, new Chamfer(30, 30, Chamfer.ChamferTypeEnum.CHAMFER_LINE)); ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint2 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint2, new Chamfer()); ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint3 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint3, new Chamfer()); ContourPoint RightPlateContourPoint4 = new ContourPoint(RightPlatePoint4, new Chamfer()); RightPlate.AddContourPoint(RightPlateContourPoint1); RightPlate.AddContourPoint(RightPlateContourPoint2); RightPlate.AddContourPoint(RightPlateContourPoint3); RightPlate.AddContourPoint(RightPlateContourPoint4); RightPlate.Material.MaterialString = _PlateMaterial; RightPlate.Profile.ProfileString = "PL" + _PlateThickness.ToString(); RightPlate.Name = _PlateName; RightPlate.Insert(); Beam LeftPurlin = Purlin1; Beam RightPurlin = Purlin2; if ((Purlin1.StartPoint.X - Purlin2.StartPoint.X) > 1 || (Purlin1.StartPoint.Y - Purlin2.StartPoint.Y) > 1) { RightPurlin = Purlin1; LeftPurlin = Purlin2; } Weld LeftPlateToIFlange = new Weld(); LeftPlateToIFlange.MainObject = IFlange; LeftPlateToIFlange.SecondaryObject = LeftPlate; LeftPlateToIFlange.ShopWeld = true; LeftPlateToIFlange.Insert(); Weld LeftPlateToWeb = new Weld(); LeftPlateToWeb.MainObject = Web; LeftPlateToWeb.SecondaryObject = LeftPlate; LeftPlateToWeb.ShopWeld = true; LeftPlateToWeb.Insert(); Weld RightPlateToIFlange = new Weld(); RightPlateToIFlange.MainObject = IFlange; RightPlateToIFlange.SecondaryObject = RightPlate; RightPlateToIFlange.ShopWeld = true; RightPlateToIFlange.Insert(); Weld RightPlateToWeb = new Weld(); RightPlateToWeb.MainObject = Web; RightPlateToWeb.SecondaryObject = RightPlate; RightPlateToWeb.ShopWeld = true; RightPlateToWeb.Insert(); PolygonWeld ClipToFlange = new PolygonWeld(); ClipToFlange.TypeAbove = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; ClipToFlange.TypeBelow = BaseWeld.WeldTypeEnum.WELD_TYPE_FILLET; ClipToFlange.SizeAbove = _ClipWeldSize; ClipToFlange.SizeBelow = _ClipWeldSize; ClipToFlange.MainObject = OFlange; ClipToFlange.SecondaryObject = TopClip; ClipToFlange.ShopWeld = true; ClipToFlange.Polygon.Points.Add(TopClip.StartPoint); ClipToFlange.Polygon.Points.Add(TopClip.EndPoint); ClipToFlange.Insert(); // Bolting Brace with Plate or Purlin BoltArray UpperLeftBolt = new BoltArray(); UpperLeftBolt.PartToBoltTo = LeftPurlin; UpperLeftBolt.PartToBeBolted = LeftAngle; UpperLeftBolt.FirstPosition = LeftAngle.StartPoint; UpperLeftBolt.SecondPosition = LeftAngle.EndPoint; UpperLeftBolt.AddBoltDistX(0.0); UpperLeftBolt.AddBoltDistY(0.0); UpperLeftBolt.BoltSize = _BraceBoltSize; UpperLeftBolt.Tolerance = 0.0625 * 25.4; UpperLeftBolt.BoltStandard = _BraceBoltStandard; UpperLeftBolt.BoltType = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE; UpperLeftBolt.CutLength = 76.2; UpperLeftBolt.Bolt = true; UpperLeftBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; BoltArray LowerLeftBolt = new BoltArray(); LowerLeftBolt.PartToBoltTo = LeftPlate; LowerLeftBolt.PartToBeBolted = LeftAngle; LowerLeftBolt.FirstPosition = LeftAngle.EndPoint; LowerLeftBolt.SecondPosition = LeftAngle.StartPoint; LowerLeftBolt.AddBoltDistX(0.0); LowerLeftBolt.AddBoltDistY(0.0); LowerLeftBolt.BoltSize = _BraceBoltSize; LowerLeftBolt.BoltStandard = _BraceBoltStandard; LowerLeftBolt.Tolerance = 0.0625 * 25.4; LowerLeftBolt.BoltType = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE; LowerLeftBolt.CutLength = 76.2; LowerLeftBolt.Bolt = true; LowerLeftBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; BoltArray UpperRightBolt = new BoltArray(); UpperRightBolt.PartToBoltTo = RightPurlin; UpperRightBolt.PartToBeBolted = RightAngle; UpperRightBolt.FirstPosition = RightAngle.EndPoint; UpperRightBolt.SecondPosition = RightAngle.StartPoint; UpperRightBolt.AddBoltDistX(0.0); UpperRightBolt.AddBoltDistY(0.0); UpperRightBolt.BoltSize = _BraceBoltSize; UpperRightBolt.Tolerance = 0.0625 * 25.4; UpperRightBolt.BoltStandard = _BraceBoltStandard; UpperRightBolt.BoltType = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE; UpperRightBolt.CutLength = 76.2; UpperRightBolt.Bolt = true; UpperRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; BoltArray LowerRightBolt = new BoltArray(); LowerRightBolt.PartToBoltTo = RightPlate; LowerRightBolt.PartToBeBolted = RightAngle; LowerRightBolt.FirstPosition = RightAngle.StartPoint; LowerRightBolt.SecondPosition = RightAngle.EndPoint; LowerRightBolt.AddBoltDistX(0.0); LowerRightBolt.AddBoltDistY(0.0); LowerRightBolt.BoltSize = _BraceBoltSize; LowerRightBolt.Tolerance = 0.0625 * 25.4; LowerRightBolt.BoltStandard = _BraceBoltStandard; LowerRightBolt.BoltType = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE; LowerRightBolt.CutLength = 76.2; LowerRightBolt.Bolt = true; LowerRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; // Bolting ClipPlate with purlin BoltArray ClipBolts1 = new BoltArray(); ClipBolts1.PartToBoltTo = LeftPurlin; ClipBolts1.PartToBeBolted = TopClip; ClipBolts1.FirstPosition = TopClip.StartPoint; ClipBolts1.SecondPosition = TopClip.EndPoint; ClipBolts1.StartPointOffset.Dx = 31.75; ClipBolts1.AddBoltDistX(0); ClipBolts1.AddBoltDistY(76.2); ClipBolts1.StartPointOffset.Dy = 76.2; ClipBolts1.EndPointOffset.Dy = 76.2; ClipBolts1.BoltSize = _ClipBoltSize; ClipBolts1.Tolerance = 0.0625 * 25.4; ClipBolts1.BoltStandard = _CliptBoltStandard; ClipBolts1.BoltType = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE; ClipBolts1.CutLength = 76.2; ClipBolts1.Bolt = true; ClipBolts1.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; BoltArray ClipBolts2 = new BoltArray(); ClipBolts2.PartToBoltTo = RightPurlin; ClipBolts2.PartToBeBolted = TopClip; ClipBolts2.FirstPosition = TopClip.StartPoint; ClipBolts2.SecondPosition = TopClip.EndPoint; ClipBolts2.StartPointOffset.Dx = _TopClipLength - 31.75; ClipBolts2.AddBoltDistX(0); ClipBolts2.AddBoltDistY(76.2); ClipBolts2.StartPointOffset.Dy = 76.2; ClipBolts2.EndPointOffset.Dy = 76.2; ClipBolts2.BoltSize = _ClipBoltSize; ClipBolts2.Tolerance = 0.0625 * 25.4; ClipBolts2.BoltStandard = _CliptBoltStandard; ClipBolts2.BoltType = BoltGroup.BoltTypeEnum.BOLT_TYPE_SITE; ClipBolts2.CutLength = 76.2; ClipBolts2.Bolt = true; ClipBolts2.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.FRONT; if (PurSys.AxisX.GetNormal() == new Vector(1, 0, 0) && PurSys.AxisX.GetNormal() == new Vector(0, 1, 0)) { UpperLeftBolt.FirstPosition = LeftAngle.EndPoint; UpperLeftBolt.SecondPosition = LeftAngle.StartPoint; UpperLeftBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK; LowerLeftBolt.FirstPosition = LeftAngle.StartPoint; LowerLeftBolt.SecondPosition = LeftAngle.EndPoint; LowerLeftBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK; UpperRightBolt.FirstPosition = RightAngle.StartPoint; UpperRightBolt.SecondPosition = RightAngle.EndPoint; UpperRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK; LowerRightBolt.FirstPosition = RightAngle.StartPoint; LowerRightBolt.SecondPosition = RightAngle.EndPoint; LowerRightBolt.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK; ClipBolts1.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK; ClipBolts2.Position.Rotation = Position.RotationEnum.BACK; } UpperLeftBolt.Insert(); LowerLeftBolt.Insert(); UpperRightBolt.Insert(); LowerRightBolt.Insert(); ClipBolts1.Insert(); ClipBolts2.Insert(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } return(true); }