private void loadConfigWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e) { if (!(bool)e.Result) { // First run behaviour /* * actionButton.Enabled = true; * statusLabel.Text = "Invalid username"; * MessageBox.Show("Select a valid username, and check that at least " + * "one shared folder is present. When you're ready, press 'Reconnect'", "Can't connect to server"); */ //Defaults for config should be set here String defaultDownloadFolder = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile) + "\\Bounce Downloads"; serverTextBox.Text = ""; downloadFolder.Text = defaultDownloadFolder; sharedFolders.Items.Add(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyVideos)); sharedFolders.Items.Add(defaultDownloadFolder); Configuration.downloadFolder = defaultDownloadFolder; Configuration.server = serverTextBox.Text; Configuration.sharedFolders = new List <string>(); Configuration.sharedFolders.Add(System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyVideos)); Configuration.sharedFolders.Add(defaultDownloadFolder); WelcomeForm welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.ShowDialog(); if (!welcomeForm.verified) { MainTabControl.SelectedIndex = 3; } usernameTextBox.Text = welcomeForm.username; Configuration.username = usernameTextBox.Text; Configuration.saveConfiguration(); } else { statusLabel.Text = "Loaded configuration successfully"; usernameTextBox.Text = Configuration.username; downloadFolder.Text = Configuration.downloadFolder; serverTextBox.Text = Configuration.server; foreach (string sharedFolder in Configuration.sharedFolders) { sharedFolders.Items.Add(sharedFolder); } } textboxesInitialized = true; registerWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); statusPictureBox.Image = Resources.connection_working; mainToolTip.SetToolTip(statusPictureBox, "Trying to connect.."); statusLabel.Text = "Connecting.."; }
private void GotoScreen(ScreenType targetScreenType) { currentScreenType = targetScreenType; ReleaseCheckedMenu(); if (targetScreenType != ScreenType.Welcome && !propMenuItem.Enabled) { propMenuItem.Enabled = true; } switch (targetScreenType) { case ScreenType.Welcome: _ = new WelcomeForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.RadioGroup: _ = new RadioGroupForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.CheckBoxGroup: _ = new CheckBoxGroupForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(targetScreenType), targetScreenType, null); } }
private void GotoScreen(ScreenType targetScreenType) { currentScreenType = targetScreenType; ReleaseCheckedMenu(); switch (targetScreenType) { case ScreenType.Welcome: _ = new WelcomeForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.ListBox: _ = new ListBoxForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; listMenuItem.Checked = true; break; case ScreenType.TwoListBoxes: _ = new TwoListBoxesForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; twoListMenuItem.Checked = true; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(targetScreenType), targetScreenType, null); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { //初始化 Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //创建欢迎窗体界面 WelcomeForm startform = new WelcomeForm(); //设置启动参数 startform.StartupParams = args; //显示欢迎窗体 startform.Show(); //开始消息循环 Program.context = new ApplicationContext(); Program.context.Tag = startform; Application.Run(Program.context); } catch (Exception exxx) { MessageBox.Show("启动失败!Ex:" + exxx.ToString(), "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WelcomeForm w = new WelcomeForm(); this.Hide(); w.Show(); }
public WelcomeScreen() { SUI = new UI(); bg_img = new FusionEngine.Texture.Texture2D("data/ui/skin/windowbg1.png", FusionEngine.Texture.LoadMethod.Single, true); BG = (ImageForm) new ImageForm().Set(0, 0, FusionEngine.App.AppInfo.W, FusionEngine.App.AppInfo.H); BG.SetImage(bg_img); MainForm = (WelcomeForm) new WelcomeForm().Set(450, 200, FusionEngine.App.AppInfo.W - 900, 250, "Welcome to Fusion"); BGForm = (BackgroundForm) new BackgroundForm(20).Set(0, 0, FusionEngine.App.AppInfo.W, FusionEngine.App.AppInfo.H); var bgi = new ImageForm().Set(0, 0, FusionEngine.App.AppInfo.W, FusionEngine.App.AppInfo.H, ""); bgi.SetImage(new FusionEngine.Texture.Texture2D("data/ui/bg1.jpg", FusionEngine.Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false)); bgi.Add(BGForm); SUI.Root.Add(bgi); BGForm.Add(MainForm); // SUI.Top = MainForm; MainForm.Create = (user, pass) => { Console.WriteLine("Creating new account. User:"******" Pass:" + pass); }; Com = new FusionEngine.Composition.Composite(); BloomUI = new FusionEngine.Composition.Compositers.BloomUICompositer(); dynamic ui = BloomUI.InputFrame; ui.GUI = SUI; Com.AddCompositer(BloomUI); int t = System.Environment.TickCount + 8000; while (System.Environment.TickCount < t) { } }
private void GotoScreen(ScreenType targetScreenType) { currentScreenType = targetScreenType; switch (targetScreenType) { case ScreenType.Welcome: _ = new WelcomeForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.StatusBarCommon: _ = new StatusBarCommonForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; StatusBar = statusBar1; break; case ScreenType.MainWindowCommon: _ = new MainMenuForm(this) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.TextBox: MainMenu.Items.Clear(); _ = new TextBoxForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; } }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_GetWebDriverInstance() { var url = new WelcomeForm().Url; var browser = AqualityServices.Browser; browser.Driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url); Assert.AreEqual(browser.Driver.Url, url); }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_StartBrowserAndNavigate() { var url = new WelcomeForm().Url; var browser = AqualityServices.Browser; browser.GoTo(url); Assert.AreEqual(browser.CurrentUrl, url); }
public void ShowWelcomeForm() { this.Hide(); WelcomeForm wf = new WelcomeForm(); wf.ShowDialog(); this.Close(); }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_GetElementText() { var welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.Open(); Assert.AreEqual(WelcomeForm.SubTitle, welcomeForm.SubTitleLabel.JsActions.GetElementText(), $"Sub title should be {WelcomeForm.SubTitle}"); }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_Click() { var welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.Open(); welcomeForm.GetExampleLink(AvailableExample.Dropdown).MouseActions.Click(); Assert.IsTrue(new DropdownForm().State.WaitForDisplayed(), "Dropdown form should be displayed"); }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_OpenNewBrowserAfterQuit() { var welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.Open(); AqualityServices.Browser.Quit(); Assert.AreNotEqual(welcomeForm.Url, AqualityServices.Browser.CurrentUrl); }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_GetViewPortCoordinates() { var welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.Open(); var actualPoint = welcomeForm.SubTitleLabel.JsActions.GetViewPortCoordinates(); Assert.IsFalse(actualPoint.IsEmpty, "Coordinates of Sub title should not be empty"); }
private void GotoScreen(ScreenType targetScreenType) { propMenuItem.Visible = false; currentScreenType = targetScreenType; ReleaseCheckedMenu(); switch (targetScreenType) { case ScreenType.Welcome: _ = new WelcomeForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.Button: _ = new ButtonForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.CheckBox: _ = new CheckBoxForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.RadioButton: _ = new RadioButtonForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.MessageBox: _ = new MessageBoxForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.ProgressBar: _ = new ProgressBarForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; propMenuItem.Visible = true; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(targetScreenType), targetScreenType, null); } var element = controlsMenuItem.Items.Cast <MenuItem>().FirstOrDefault(x => (ScreenType)x.Tag == targetScreenType); if (element != null) { element.Checked = true; } }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_GetXPathLocator() { var welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.Open(); var actualLocator = welcomeForm.SubTitleLabel.JsActions.GetXPath(); const string expectedLocator = "/html/body/DIV[2]/DIV[1]/H2[1]"; Assert.AreEqual(expectedLocator, actualLocator, $"Locator of sub title should be {expectedLocator}"); }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_OpenUrlInNewTab() { var url = new WelcomeForm().Url; var browser = AqualityServices.Browser; browser.Tabs().OpenInNewTab(url); browser.Tabs().SwitchToLastTab(); Assert.AreEqual(2, browser.Tabs().TabHandles.Count); Assert.AreEqual(browser.Driver.Url, url); }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_HighlightElement() { var welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.Open(); var dropdownExample = welcomeForm.GetExampleLink(AvailableExample.Dropdown); dropdownExample.JsActions.HighlightElement(HighlightState.Highlight); var border = dropdownExample.GetCssValue("border"); Assert.AreEqual("3px solid rgb(255, 0, 0)", border, "Element should be highlighted"); }
private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { WelcomeForm wf = new WelcomeForm(); this.AddOwnedForm(wf); if (wf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { this.Close(); } updater.DoUpdateAsync(); }
public void Start() { try { _welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); _welcomeForm.Show(); IsStarted = true; Others.ProductStatusLog(Products.ProductName, 4); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("Flying To Ground Profiles Converter > Main > Start(): " + e); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //If we are to welcome the user.. if (AppSettings.Settings.ShowWelcomeForm || forceWelcome) { //Then initialize our welcome form WelcomeForm welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.MdiParent = this; welcomeForm.Show(); } //Show the form Show(); }
private static void Application_Idle(object sender, EventArgs e) { Application.Idle -= new EventHandler(Application_Idle); if (applicationContext.MainForm == null) { CMainForm cMainForm = new CMainForm(); applicationContext.MainForm = cMainForm; //init cMainForm.Init(); WelcomeForm welcomeForm = applicationContext.Tag as WelcomeForm; welcomeForm.Close(); cMainForm.Show(); } }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_ScrollToTheCenter() { const int accuracy = 1; var welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.Open(); welcomeForm.GetExampleLink(AvailableExample.Dropdown).JsActions.ScrollToTheCenter(); var windowSize = AqualityServices.Browser.ExecuteScriptFromFile <object>("Resources.GetWindowSize.js").ToString(); var currentY = AqualityServices.Browser.ExecuteScriptFromFile <object>("Resources.GetElementYCoordinate.js", welcomeForm.GetExampleLink(AvailableExample.Dropdown).GetElement()).ToString(); var coordinateRelatingWindowCenter = double.Parse(windowSize) / 2 - double.Parse(currentY); Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(coordinateRelatingWindowCenter), accuracy, "Upper bound of element should be in the center of the page"); }
public object WelcomeKeeUser() { using (WelcomeForm wf = new WelcomeForm()) { DialogResult dr = wf.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { CreateNewDatabase(); } if (dr == DialogResult.Yes || dr == DialogResult.No) { return(0); } return(1); } }
public void Should_BePossibleTo_NavigateBackAndForward() { var firstNavigationUrl = new WelcomeForm().Url; var secondNavigationUrl = new CheckBoxesForm().Url; var browser = AqualityServices.Browser; browser.GoTo(firstNavigationUrl); Assert.AreEqual(browser.CurrentUrl, firstNavigationUrl); browser.GoTo(secondNavigationUrl); Assert.AreEqual(browser.CurrentUrl, secondNavigationUrl); browser.GoBack(); Assert.AreEqual(browser.CurrentUrl, firstNavigationUrl); browser.GoForward(); Assert.AreEqual(browser.CurrentUrl, secondNavigationUrl); }
public object WelcomeKeeFoxUser(PendingRPCClient client) { WelcomeForm wf = new WelcomeForm(); DialogResult dr = wf.ShowDialog(_host.MainWindow); if (dr == DialogResult.Yes || dr == DialogResult.No) { RPCService.AddKnownRPCClient(client); } if (dr == DialogResult.Yes) { CreateNewDatabase(); } if (dr == DialogResult.Yes || dr == DialogResult.No) { return(0); } return(1); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string userName = txt1_userName.Text; string password = txt2_password.Text; HospitalBusinessLayer business = new HospitalBusinessLayer(); User user = null; user = business.validateCredential(userName, password); if (user != null) { WelcomeForm welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(user); welcomeForm.Show(); this.Hide(); } } catch (HospitalExceptionLayer.HospitalException ex) { lblError.Text = ex.Message; } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //If we are to welcome the user.. if (welcomeUser) { //Then initialize our welcome form WelcomeForm welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); //Set its MDI parent as this. welcomeForm.MdiParent = this; //Show it as a dialog welcomeForm.Show(); } //Show the form Show(); /* * //Dispose garbage update, if it exists * AutoUpdate.CleanBackupFiles(); * //If your not Xenon.7 * if (Security.Security.GetUserKey() != "5011B350BE0B4C9A992F12D1FA3C8DFFBC305563") * { * //Check for autoupdates... and if there is one... * if (AutoUpdate.isUpdate()) * { * //Initialize our autoupdate form. * AutoUpdateForm autoupdateform = new AutoUpdateForm(); * //Set it's mdi parent as this * autoupdateform.MdiParent = this; * //Show it * autoupdateform.Show(); autoupdateform.BringToFront(); * //Do the updates * autoupdateform.ApplyUpdate(); * } * } */ menuScreenshot.Visible = Security.Security.HasDebugExtension; }
private void GotoScreen(ScreenType targetScreenType) { currentScreenType = targetScreenType; ReleaseCheckedMenu(); switch (targetScreenType) { case ScreenType.Welcome: _ = new WelcomeForm { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; break; case ScreenType.Panel: _ = new PanelForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; panelMenuItem.Checked = true; break; case ScreenType.GroupBox: _ = new GroupBoxForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; gruopMenuItem.Checked = true; break; case ScreenType.StackPanel: _ = new StackPanelForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; stackMenuItem.Checked = true; break; case ScreenType.DockPanel: _ = new DockPanelForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; dockMenuItem.Checked = true; break; case ScreenType.TilePanel: _ = new TilePanelForm(propMenuItem) { panel1 = { Parent = panel1 } }; tileMenuItem.Checked = true; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(targetScreenType), targetScreenType, null); } if (currentScreenType != ScreenType.Welcome && MainMenu == null) { MainMenu = mainMenu1; } }
static void Main() { Mutex instance = new Mutex(true, "CSPN", out bool createdNew); //同步基元变量 if (createdNew) { try { XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo("CSPN.exe.config")); //设置应用程序处理异常方式:ThreadException处理 Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); //处理UI线程异常 Application.ThreadException += new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); //处理非UI线程异常 AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); LoginForm loginForm = new LoginForm(); loginForm.ShowDialog(); string userName = loginForm.userName; if (loginForm.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { WelcomeForm welcomeForm = new WelcomeForm(); welcomeForm.ShowDialog(); CommonClass.UserName = userName; switch (welcomeForm.DialogResult) { case DialogResult.OK: Cef.EnableHighDPISupport(); new WebBrower().Init(); Application.Run(new MainForm(true)); break; case DialogResult.No: Application.Run(new MainForm(false)); break; case DialogResult.Abort: Application.Run(new MainForm(null)); break; default: Environment.Exit(0); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.WriteLog(ex.Message, ex); UMessageBox.Show("系统错误。", "人井监控管理系统", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Process.GetCurrentProcess().CloseMainWindow(); } finally { instance.ReleaseMutex(); Environment.Exit(0); } } else { UMessageBox.Show("已经启动了一个程序,请先退出!", "人井监控管理系统", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(0); } }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); string[] args=Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if ( args.Length > 1 ) { for ( int n=1; n< args.Length; n++ ) OpenFile(args[n]); } else { // TODO: M: put back in WelcomeForm wf=new WelcomeForm(); wf.MdiParent = this; wf.WindowState=FormWindowState.Maximized; wf.Show(); } }