Пример #1
        public void TestWeddingGetHoursspanInRange()
            Wedding  wedding = new Wedding(100);
            DateTime reservationDateStart = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 9, 00, 00);
            DateTime reservationDateEnd   = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 17, 00, 00);
            int      firstHourPrice       = 10;
            Action   act = () => wedding.GetHours(reservationDateStart, reservationDateEnd, firstHourPrice);

Пример #2
        public void TestWeddingGetHoursspanToBig()
            Wedding  wedding = new Wedding(100);
            DateTime reservationDateStart = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 9, 00, 00);
            DateTime reservationDateEnd   = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 21, 00, 00);
            int      firstHourPrice       = 10;
            Action   act = () => wedding.GetHours(reservationDateStart, reservationDateEnd, firstHourPrice);

            act.ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>().Message.ShouldBe("Tijdsduur kan maximum 11 uur zijn.");
Пример #3
        public void TestWeddingGetHoursHourspanToSmall()
            Wedding  wedding = new Wedding(100);
            DateTime reservationDateStart = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 9, 00, 00);
            DateTime reservationDateEnd   = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 14, 00, 00);
            int      firstHourPrice       = 10;
            Action   act = () => wedding.GetHours(reservationDateStart, reservationDateEnd, firstHourPrice);

            act.ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>().Message.ShouldBe("Tijdsduur moet minstens 7 uur zijn.");
Пример #4
        public void TestWeddingGetHoursStartDateToBig()
            Wedding  wedding = new Wedding(100);
            DateTime reservationDateStart = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 17, 00, 00);
            DateTime reservationDateEnd   = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 00, 00, 00);
            int      firstHourPrice       = 10;
            Action   act = () => wedding.GetHours(reservationDateStart, reservationDateEnd, firstHourPrice);

            act.ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>().Message.ShouldBe("Startreservatie moet tussen 7 uur en 15 uur zitten.");;
Пример #5
        public void TestWeddingGetHoursInvalidValuesPrice()
            //Arrange = initialisatie obejcten/methodes
            Wedding  wedding = new Wedding(null);
            DateTime reservationDateStart = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 8, 00, 00);
            DateTime reservationDateEnd   = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 18, 00, 00);
            int      firstHourPrice       = 10;
            //Act roept test methode op met ingestelde parameters
            Action act = () => wedding.GetHours(reservationDateStart, reservationDateEnd, firstHourPrice);

            //Assert verifieert of juist
            act.ShouldThrow <InvalidOperationException>().Message.ShouldBe("Arrangement niet beschikbaar");
Пример #6
        public void TestWeddingGetHoursReturnsCorrectHours() //moet naar boven of naar beneden afgerond of naar dichtsbijzijndste
            int         eenheidsprijsTweedeUur = 5;          //(10 *0,65 veelvoud van 5)
            Wedding     wedding = new Wedding(100);
            DateTime    reservationDateStart = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 8, 00, 00);
            DateTime    reservationDateEnd   = new DateTime(2020, 01, 23, 18, 00, 00);
            int         firstHourPrice       = 10;
            List <Hour> hours = wedding.GetHours(reservationDateStart, reservationDateEnd, firstHourPrice);
