protected override void Load() { this.information = new WebstoreInfo(); Instance = this; logWarning("Tebex Loaded"); if (Instance.Configuration.Instance.secret == "") { logError("You have not yet defined your secret key. Use /tebex:secret <secret> to define your key"); } else { CommandTebexInfo infoCommand = new CommandTebexInfo(); String[] command = new[] { "tebex:info" }; infoCommand.Execute(new ConsolePlayer(), command); } System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => { return(true); }; ChatListener chatListener = new ChatListener(); chatListener.Register(this); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void Init(ITorchBase torch) { base.Init(torch); string path = Path.Combine(StoragePath, "TebexTorchAPI.cfg"); Tebex.logInfo($"Attempting to load config from {path}"); _config = Persistent <TebexConfig> .Load(path); _sessionManager = Torch.Managers.GetManager <TorchSessionManager>(); if (_sessionManager != null) { _sessionManager.SessionStateChanged += SessionChanged; } System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, errors) => { return(true); }; Torch.GameStateChanged += GameStateChanged; this.information = new WebstoreInfo(); Instance = this; }