public void Index()
            // Arrange
            HomeController controller = new HomeController();
            var fakeRepo = new WebTextRepoMock();
            controller.WebTextRepo = fakeRepo;
            // Act
            ViewResult result = controller.Index() as ViewResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual("Shorjini Kempo Camp Stockholm 2014 homepage", result.ViewBag.Message);
        //   [TestMethod]
        public void Get_ReqBody_XmlDoc()
            IWebTextRepo webTextRepo = new WebTextRepoMock();
            ITranslatorRepo translatorRepo = new TranslatorRepo();
            string sourceLang   = "en";
            string targetLang = "sv";
            string body = "<TranslateArrayRequest>" +
              "<AppId />" +
              "<From>{0}</From>" +
              "<Options>" +
              " <Category xmlns=\"\" />" +
              "<ContentType xmlns=\"\">{1}</ContentType>" +
              "<ReservedFlags xmlns=\"\" />" +
              "<State xmlns=\"\" />" +
              "<Uri xmlns=\"\" />" +
              "<User xmlns=\"\" />" +
              "</Options>" +
              "<Texts>" +
              "<string xmlns=\"\">{2}</string>" +
              "<string xmlns=\"\">{3}</string>" +
              "<string xmlns=\"\">{4}</string>" +
              "</Texts>" +
              "<To>{5}</To>" +
            List<WebText> webTextList = webTextRepo.ListWebTextForLang(language: sourceLang);
            string reqBody = string.Format(body, sourceLang, "text/plain", webTextList[0].HtmlText, webTextList[1].HtmlText, webTextList[2].HtmlText, targetLang);

            //XDocument xbody = new XDocument(
            //    new XElement("TranslateArrayRequest",
            //        new XElement("AppId"),
            //        new XElement("From", sourceLang),
            //        new XElement("Options",
            //            new XElement("Category",
            //                new XAttribute("xmlns",
            //                    "\\")
            //                )
            //            )
            //        )
            //    );
            //XDocument xbody =
            //  new XDocument(
            //        new XElement("TranslateArrayRequest",
            //                new XElement("AppId"),
            //                new XElement("From",sourceLang),
            //                new XElement("Options",
            //                    new XElement("Category",
            //                        new XAttribute("xmlns", "foo")
            //                        )
            //                )
            //        )
            //  );
            XNamespace catNs = "";
            XNamespace contNs = "";
            XNamespace resNs = "";
            XNamespace stateNs = "";
            XNamespace uriNs = "";
            XNamespace userNs = "";
            XNamespace arrNs = "";

            XDocument xbody =
                new XDocument(
                    new XElement("TranslateArrayRequest",
                        new XElement("AppId"),
                        new XElement("From",sourceLang),
                        new XElement("Options",
                            new XElement("Category", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns +"catNS", catNs)),
                            new XElement("ContentType", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns +"contNs", contNs)),
                            new XElement("ReservedFlags", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns +"resNs", resNs)),
                            new XElement("State", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns +"stateNs", stateNs)),
                            new XElement("Uri", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns +"uriNs", uriNs)),
                            new XElement("User", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns +"userNs", userNs)),
                            new XElement("Texts",webTextList.Select(wt =>new XElement("string", new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "arrNs", arrNs),wt.HtmlText))
            string fooXml = xbody.ToString();
            var xmlReqBody = translatorRepo.ReqBody(webTextList, sourceLang, targetLang);
            Assert.AreEqual(xbody.ToString(), reqBody,"The xml document in the translation for array are not same as the hardcoded");
        // [TestMethod]
        public void Translate_All_For_Japanese()
            TranslateController controller = new TranslateController();
            //ITranslatorRepo translatorRepoMock = new TranslatorRepoMock();
               // ITranslatorRepo translatorRepo = new TranslatorRepo();
            //controller.translatorRepo = translatorRepo;
            IWebTextRepo webTextRepo = new WebTextRepoMock();
            controller.WebTextRepo = webTextRepo;
            List<WebText> translatedWebText = controller.TranslateWebTexts("en", "sv");
               // controller.TranslateAll("en", "sv", "Home");

              Assert.AreEqual(translatedWebText[0].HtmlText,"Senaste nytt");