protected Task <IResult <WebPaymentRequestModel> > Update(WebPaymentRequestModel model, string transactionType) { var validationError = Validate <WebPaymentRequestModel, WebPaymentRequestModel>(_webPaymentValidator, model); var address = string.Format("{0}/{1}", Baseaddress, transactionType); return(validationError ?? PutInternal <WebPaymentRequestModel, WebPaymentRequestModel>(address, model)); }
public void PaymentUpdate() { var judo = JudoPaymentsFactory.Create(Configuration.Token, Configuration.Secret, Configuration.Baseaddress); var request = new WebPaymentRequestModel { Amount = 10, CardAddress = new WebPaymentCardAddress { CardHolderName = "Test User", Line1 = "Test Street", Line2 = "Test Street", Line3 = "Test Street", Town = "London", PostCode = "W31 4HS", Country = "England" }, ClientIpAddress = "", CompanyName = "Test", Currency = "GBP", ExpiryDate = DateTimeOffset.Now, JudoId = Configuration.Judoid, PartnerServiceFee = 10, PaymentCancelUrl = "", PaymentSuccessUrl = "", Reference = "42421", Status = WebPaymentStatus.Open, TransactionType = TransactionType.PAYMENT, YourConsumerReference = "4235325", YourPaymentReference = "42355" }; var result = judo.WebPayments.Payments.Create(request).Result; Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.IsFalse(result.HasError); Assert.NotNull(result.Response); Assert.NotNull(result.Response.Reference); Assert.NotNull(result.Response.PostUrl); request.Status = WebPaymentStatus.Paid; request.Reference = result.Response.Reference; var resultUpdate = judo.WebPayments.Payments.Update(request).Result; Assert.NotNull(resultUpdate); Assert.IsFalse(resultUpdate.HasError); Assert.NotNull(resultUpdate.Response); Assert.NotNull(resultUpdate.Response.Reference); Assert.AreEqual(result.Response.Reference, resultUpdate.Response.Reference); Assert.AreEqual(resultUpdate.Response.Status, resultUpdate.Response.Status); }
public void CreatePreAuth() { var httpClient = Substitute.For <IHttpClient>(); var request = new WebPaymentRequestModel { Amount = 10, CardAddress = new WebPaymentCardAddress { CardHolderName = "Test User", Line1 = "Test Street", Line2 = "Test Street", Line3 = "Test Street", Town = "London", PostCode = "W31 4HS", Country = "England" }, ClientIpAddress = "", CompanyName = "Test", Currency = "GBP", ExpiryDate = DateTimeOffset.Now, JudoId = "1254634", PartnerServiceFee = 10, PaymentCancelUrl = "", PaymentSuccessUrl = "", Reference = "42421", Status = WebPaymentStatus.Open, TransactionType = TransactionType.PAYMENT, YourConsumerReference = "4235325", Receipt = new PaymentReceiptModel { ReceiptId = 134567, Type = "Create", JudoId = 12456, OriginalAmount = 20, Amount = 20, NetAmount = 20, CardDetails = new CardDetails { CardLastfour = "1345", EndDate = "1214", CardToken = "ASb345AE", CardType = CardType.VISA }, Currency = "GBP", Consumer = new Consumer { ConsumerToken = "B245SEB", YourConsumerReference = "Consumer1" } } }; var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent(@"{ postUrl : '', reference : '1342423' }") }; response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); var responseTask = new TaskCompletionSource <HttpResponseMessage>(); responseTask.SetResult(response); httpClient.SendAsync(Arg.Any <HttpRequestMessage>()).Returns(responseTask.Task); var client = new Client(new Connection(httpClient, DotNetLoggerFactory.Create, "")); var judo = new JudoPayApi(DotNetLoggerFactory.Create, client); var paymentReceiptResult = judo.WebPayments.PreAuths.Create(request).Result; Assert.NotNull(paymentReceiptResult); Assert.IsFalse(paymentReceiptResult.HasError); Assert.NotNull(paymentReceiptResult.Response); Assert.AreEqual("1342423", paymentReceiptResult.Response.Reference); Assert.NotNull(paymentReceiptResult.Response.PostUrl); }
public void UpdatePreAuth() { var httpClient = Substitute.For <IHttpClient>(); var request = new WebPaymentRequestModel { Amount = 10, CardAddress = new WebPaymentCardAddress { CardHolderName = "Test User", Line1 = "Test Street", Line2 = "Test Street", Line3 = "Test Street", Town = "London", PostCode = "W31 4HS", Country = "England" }, ClientIpAddress = "", CompanyName = "Test", Currency = "GBP", ExpiryDate = DateTimeOffset.Now, JudoId = "1254634", PartnerServiceFee = 10, PaymentCancelUrl = "", PaymentSuccessUrl = "", Reference = "42421", Status = WebPaymentStatus.Open, TransactionType = TransactionType.PAYMENT, YourConsumerReference = "4235325", Receipt = new PaymentReceiptModel { ReceiptId = 134567, Type = "Create", JudoId = 12456, OriginalAmount = 20, Amount = 20, NetAmount = 20, CardDetails = new CardDetails { CardLastfour = "1345", EndDate = "1214", CardToken = "ASb345AE", CardType = CardType.VISA }, Currency = "GBP", Consumer = new Consumer { ConsumerToken = "B245SEB", YourConsumerReference = "Consumer1" } } }; var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = new StringContent(@"{ amount : 10, cardAddress : { cardHolderName : 'Test User', line1 : 'Test Street', line2 : 'Test Street', line3 : 'Test Street', town : 'London', postCode : 'W31 4HS', country : 'England' }, clientIpAddress : '', clientUserAgent : 'Chrome', companyName : 'Test', currency : 'GBP', expiryDate : '2012-07-19T14:30:00+09:30', judoId : '1254634', partnerRecId : '243532', partnerServiceFee : 10, paymentCancelUrl : '', paymentSuccessUrl : '', reference : '1342423', status : 'Open', transactionType : 'SALE', yourConsumerReference : '4235325', yourPaymentReference : '42355', receipt: { receiptId : '134567', type : 'Create', judoId : '12456', originalAmount : 20, amount : 20, netAmount : 20, cardDetails : { cardLastfour : '1345', endDate : '1214', cardToken : 'ASb345AE', cardType : 'VISA' }, currency : 'GBP', consumer : { consumerToken : 'B245SEB', yourConsumerReference : 'Consumer1' } }, response: { postUrl : '', reference : '1342423' } }") }; response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json"); var responseTask = new TaskCompletionSource <HttpResponseMessage>(); responseTask.SetResult(response); httpClient.SendAsync(Arg.Any <HttpRequestMessage>()).Returns(responseTask.Task); var client = new Client(new Connection(httpClient, DotNetLoggerFactory.Create, "")); var judo = new JudoPayApi(DotNetLoggerFactory.Create, client); var paymentReceiptResult = judo.WebPayments.PreAuths.Update(request).Result; Assert.NotNull(paymentReceiptResult); Assert.IsFalse(paymentReceiptResult.HasError); Assert.NotNull(paymentReceiptResult.Response); Assert.AreEqual("1342423", paymentReceiptResult.Response.Reference); Assert.AreEqual("1342423", paymentReceiptResult.Response.Response.Reference); Assert.NotNull(paymentReceiptResult.Response.Response.PostUrl); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the webpayment payment. Used in conjunction with 3D secure /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The updated information of webpayment payment</param> /// <returns>The webpayment payment updated</returns> public Task <IResult <WebPaymentRequestModel> > Update(WebPaymentRequestModel model) { return(Update(model, Transactiontype)); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the webpayment payment. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The webpayment payment.</param> /// <returns>The information required to finalize the webpayment payment</returns> public Task <IResult <WebPaymentResponseModel> > Create(WebPaymentRequestModel model) { return(Create(model, Transactiontype)); }
public void TransactionsGetByReceiptId() { // WebPaymentRequest - Do a web payment var judo = JudoPaymentsFactory.Create(Configuration.Token, Configuration.Secret, Configuration.Baseaddress); var request = new WebPaymentRequestModel { Amount = 10, CardAddress = new WebPaymentCardAddress { CardHolderName = "Test User", Line1 = "Test Street", Line2 = "Test Street", Line3 = "Test Street", Town = "London", PostCode = "W31 4HS", Country = "England" }, ClientIpAddress = "", CompanyName = "Test", Currency = "GBP", ExpiryDate = DateTimeOffset.Now, JudoId = Configuration.Judoid, PartnerServiceFee = 10, PaymentCancelUrl = "", PaymentSuccessUrl = "", Reference = "42421", Status = WebPaymentStatus.Open, TransactionType = TransactionType.PAYMENT, YourConsumerReference = "4235325", YourPaymentReference = "42355" }; var result = judo.WebPayments.Payments.Create(request).Result; var reference = result.Response.Reference; // Forms - Post a form with credentials to post url from the webpayment response passing form parameter Reference var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Reference", reference) }); var formRequest = CreateJudoApiRequest(result.Response.PostUrl, HttpMethod.Post, "", Configuration.Token, Configuration.Secret); formContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); formRequest.Content = formContent; var paymentPage = httpClient.SendAsync(formRequest).Result; var resultBody = paymentPage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; /* ok this next bit is a hack. I know on Iridium's ACS simulator the PaRes value is lurking in the HTML (It's a simulator after all!) */ var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(resultBody); // Forms - Post a form with credentials and cookie and form following variables: // url= /v1/Pay variables: CardNumber, ExpiryDate, Cv2, form variable: __RequestVerificationToken var formField = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//input[@name='__RequestVerificationToken']"); var requestVerificationToken = formField.GetAttributeValue("value", ""); // CardNumber = "4976000000003436", //CV2 = "452", //ExpiryDate = "12/15", formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new[] { new KeyValuePair <string, string>("__RequestVerificationToken", requestVerificationToken), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("CardNumber", "4976000000003436"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Cv2", "452"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("ExpiryDate", "12/15"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>("Reference", reference) }); formRequest = CreateJudoApiRequest("", HttpMethod.Post, "", Configuration.Token, Configuration.Secret); formContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); formRequest.Content = formContent; var resultPage = httpClient.SendAsync(formRequest).Result; resultBody = resultPage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; // Retrieve from the response the receipt id doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(resultBody); formField = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//input[@name='ReceiptId']"); var receiptId = formField.GetAttributeValue("value", ""); var webRequest = judo.WebPayments.Transactions.GetByReceipt(receiptId).Result; Assert.NotNull(webRequest); Assert.IsFalse(webRequest.HasError); Assert.NotNull(webRequest.Response); Assert.NotNull(webRequest.Response.Reference); Assert.AreEqual(request.JudoId, webRequest.Response.JudoId); }