public bool DoesWebPanelExist(string name, string windowName, out WebPanelEntity webPanel)
     using (var listAgent = new SuperOffice.CRM.Services.ListAgent())
         // gets both your webpanels and those created by others.
         var webPanels = listAgent.GetWebPanelList();
         //var englName = SuperOffice.CRM.Globalization.CultureDataFormatter.ParseMultiLanguageString(name, "EN");
         webPanel = webPanels.FirstOrDefault(wp => wp.Name.StartsWith(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || wp.WindowName.StartsWith(windowName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
         return(webPanel != null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a web panel in the logged in users' installation of SuperOffice.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The string that uniquely identifies the web panel. This name will be stripped of spacing and special characters, and appended with "Panel", so it becomes namePanel.</param>
        /// <param name="appearLocation">Where in SuperOffice the panel will be shown</param>
        /// <param name="url">The url to show in the web panel</param>
        /// <param name="windowName">Window Name </param>
        /// <param name="urlEncoding"></param>
        public WebPanelEntity CreateWebPanel(
            string name,
            string url,
            Navigation appearLocation,
            string windowName       = null,
            UrlEncoding urlEncoding = UrlEncoding.None,
            bool showInAddressBar   = false,
            bool showInMenuBar      = false,
            bool showInStatusBar    = false,
            bool showInToolBar      = false)
            WebPanelEntity webPanel;

            string locWindowName = ParseSafeName(windowName ?? name, _windowPrefixFormat);

            if (DoesWebPanelExist(name, locWindowName, out webPanel))
                if (webPanel.Deleted)
                    // this will happen when the user reinstalls a webpanel
                    WebPanelEntity webPanelEntity = UpdateWebPanel(webPanel.WebPanelId, name, locWindowName, url, _webPanelDescription, appearLocation
                                                                   , urlEncoding
                                                                   , showInAddressBar, showInMenuBar, showInStatusBar, showInToolBar
                                                                   , false); // NB!
                    throw new WebPanelNameNotUniqueException(
                              "WebPanelHelper: The name isn't unique, and it isn't marked as deleted. Did you already install this? You could try again with a different name...");
                WebPanelEntity webPanelEntity = CreateBasicWebPanel(name, locWindowName, url, appearLocation, urlEncoding, showInAddressBar, showInMenuBar, showInStatusBar, showInToolBar);