Пример #1
    static void set_request_headers(ref WebClientWithCert client)
        client.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");

        //Default UKC user
        const string default_ukc_user = "******";
        //Encode UKC user with colon (:) at end
        string default_ukc_user_base64 = base64_encode(default_ukc_user + ":");

        //Add result to Authorization header
        client.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Basic {default_ukc_user_base64}");
Пример #2
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        //Client certificate location and password
        const string client_cert_file = "/path/to/client/certificate/file";
        const string client_cert_pwd  = "cert-file-password";

        //Set encryption parameters
        const string key_name  = "aes-key";        //replace with key name in UKC to encrypt with
        const string partition = "test";           //replace with partition name where the key is located
        const string message   = "sample message to encrypt";
        const string hostname  = "localhost:8443"; //replace with server hostname and port

         * Validate UKC server certificate (default: false)
         * Set to true to validate server certificate.
         * Important: If set to true and use Windows, you first need to install UKC server CA in Trusted Root CA directory of the Current User Certificates
        bool check_server_cert = false;
        //If check_server_cert is set to true, you need to obtain UKC server CA in pem format and set its path here
        const string server_ca_pem = "path/to/server/CA/PEM/file";

        set_server_cert_validation(check_server_cert, server_ca_pem);

        //create web client with client certificate, which overloads standard WebClient class
        WebClientWithCert client = new WebClientWithCert(client_cert_file, client_cert_pwd);

        //set headers and credentials
        set_request_headers(ref client);

        string uri_encrypt  = $"https://{hostname}/api/v1/keys/{key_name}/encrypt?partitionId={partition}";
        string body_encrypt = $"{{\"clearText\": \"{message}\",\"dataEncoding\": \"PLAIN\"}}";

            string response = client.UploadString(uri_encrypt, null, body_encrypt);
        catch (Exception e)