Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新用户信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cer"></param>
        //public static ResultMsg UpdateCertificate(CertificateDto cer)
        //    CertificateDto dto = AuthToken.CurrentUser;
        //    string jsonData = "{sessionKey:'" + dto.sessionKey + "',"
        //                      + "Id:'" + dto.Id + "',"
        //                      + "UserName:'******',"
        //                      + "NickName:'" + cer.NickName + "',"
        //                      + "Phone:'" + cer.Phone + "',"
        //                      + "Email:'" + cer.Email + "',"
        //                      + "QQ:'" + cer.QQ + "',"
        //                      + "Address:'" + cer.Address + "',"
        //                      + "UserPwd:'" + cer.UserPwd + "',"
        //                      + "NewPwd:'" + cer.NewPwd + "',"
        //                      + "Sex:'" + cer.Sex + "'}";
        //    string result = HttpCrossDomain.Post(getUpdateCertificateUrl, jsonData);
        //    ResultMsg msg = JsonMapper.ToObject<ResultMsg>(result);
        //    if (msg.success)
        //        GetCertificate(dto.sessionKey);
        //    return msg;

        private static string CallTheApi(string url, string content, string publicKey, string secretKey, string httpMethod, Action <ApiConsumer, WebApiConsumerResponse> action = null, bool AcceptJson = true)
            var context = new WebApiRequestContext()
                PublicKey      = publicKey,
                SecretKey      = secretKey,
                Url            = url,
                HttpMethod     = httpMethod,
                HttpAcceptType = (AcceptJson ? ApiConsumer.JsonAcceptType : ApiConsumer.XmlAcceptType)

            if (!context.IsValid)

            var apiConsumer    = new ApiConsumer();
            var requestContent = new StringBuilder();
            var response       = new WebApiConsumerResponse();
            var sb             = new StringBuilder();

            var webRequest = apiConsumer.StartRequest(context, content, requestContent);

            var requestStr = requestContent.ToString();

            bool result = apiConsumer.ProcessResponse(webRequest, response);

            var responseStr = "Response: " + response.Status;


            //if (result)
            //    var customers = apiConsumer.TryParseCustomers(response);

            //    if (customers != null)
            //    {
            //        sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Parsed {0} customer(s):", customers.Count));

            //        foreach (var customer in customers)
            //            sb.AppendLine(customer.ToString());

            //        sb.Append("\r\n");
            //    }

            if (result)
                if (action != null)
                    action(apiConsumer, response);

Пример #2
        private static string CallTheApi(string url, string query, string content, string publicKey, string secretKey, string httpMethod, Action <ApiConsumer, WebApiConsumerResponse> action = null, bool AcceptJson = true)
            //if (!url.EndsWith("/"))
            //    url = url + "/";
            var context = new WebApiRequestContext()
                PublicKey      = publicKey,
                SecretKey      = secretKey,
                Url            = url,
                HttpMethod     = httpMethod,
                HttpAcceptType = (AcceptJson ? ApiConsumer.JsonAcceptType : ApiConsumer.XmlAcceptType)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query))
                context.Url = string.Format("{0}?{1}", context.Url, query);

            if (!context.IsValid)

            var apiConsumer    = new ApiConsumer();
            var requestContent = new StringBuilder();
            var response       = new WebApiConsumerResponse();
            var sb             = new StringBuilder();

            var webRequest = apiConsumer.StartRequest(context, content, requestContent);

            var requestStr = requestContent.ToString();

            bool result = apiConsumer.ProcessResponse(webRequest, response);

            var responseStr = "Response: " + response.Status;


            if (result)
                if (action != null)
                    action(apiConsumer, response);

Пример #3
        private void CallTheApi()
            if (txtUrl.Text.HasValue() && !txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/"))
                txtUrl.Text = txtUrl.Text + "/";

            if (cboPath.Text.HasValue() && !cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/"))
                cboPath.Text = "/" + cboPath.Text;

            var context = new WebApiRequestContext
                PublicKey      = txtPublicKey.Text,
                SecretKey      = txtSecretKey.Text,
                Url            = txtUrl.Text + (radioOdata.Checked ? "odata/" : "api/") + txtVersion.Text + cboPath.Text,
                HttpMethod     = cboMethod.Text,
                HttpAcceptType = (radioJson.Checked ? ApiConsumer.JsonAcceptType : ApiConsumer.XmlAcceptType)

            if (cboQuery.Text.HasValue())
                context.Url = string.Format("{0}?{1}", context.Url, cboQuery.Text);

            if (!context.IsValid)
                "Please enter Public-Key, Secret-Key, URL and method.".Box(MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            var           apiConsumer    = new ApiConsumer();
            var           response       = new WebApiConsumerResponse();
            var           sb             = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder requestContent = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> multiPartData = null;

            lblRequest.Text = "Request: " + context.HttpMethod + " " + context.Url;

            if (radioApi.Checked && txtFile.Text.HasValue())
                var id1       = txtIdentfier1.Text.ToInt();
                var id2       = txtIdentfier2.Text;
                var keyForId1 = "Id";
                var keyForId2 = "";

                multiPartData = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                if (cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/Uploads/ProductImages"))
                    // only one identifier required: product id, sku or gtin
                    keyForId2 = "Sku";
                else if (cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/Uploads/ImportFiles"))
                    // only one identifier required: import profile id or profile name
                    keyForId2 = "Name";

                    // to delete existing import files:
                    //multiPartData.Add("deleteExisting", true);

                if (id1 != 0)
                    multiPartData.Add(keyForId1, id1);

                if (id2.HasValue())
                    multiPartData.Add(keyForId2, id2);

                apiConsumer.AddApiFileParameter(multiPartData, txtFile.Text);

            var webRequest = apiConsumer.StartRequest(context, cboContent.Text, multiPartData, out requestContent);

            txtRequest.Text = requestContent.ToString();

            var result = apiConsumer.ProcessResponse(webRequest, response);

            lblResponse.Text = "Response: " + response.Status;


            if (result && radioJson.Checked && radioOdata.Checked)
                var customers = response.TryParseCustomers();

                if (customers != null)
                    sb.AppendLine("Parsed {0} customer(s):".FormatInvariant(customers.Count));

                    customers.ForEach(x => sb.AppendLine(x.ToString()));


            txtResponse.Text = sb.ToString();

            cboPath.InsertRolled(cboPath.Text, 64);
            cboQuery.InsertRolled(cboQuery.Text, 64);
            cboContent.InsertRolled(cboContent.Text, 64);
Пример #4
        private void CallTheApi()
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtUrl.Text) && !txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/"))
                txtUrl.Text = txtUrl.Text + "/";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cboPath.Text) && !cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/"))
                cboPath.Text = "/" + cboPath.Text;

            var context = new WebApiRequestContext
                PublicKey      = txtPublicKey.Text,
                SecretKey      = txtSecretKey.Text,
                Url            = txtUrl.Text + (radioOdata.Checked ? "odata/" : "api/") + txtVersion.Text + cboPath.Text,
                HttpMethod     = cboMethod.Text,
                HttpAcceptType = (radioJson.Checked ? ApiConsumer.JsonAcceptType : ApiConsumer.XmlAcceptType)

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cboQuery.Text))
                context.Url = string.Format("{0}?{1}", context.Url, cboQuery.Text);

            if (!context.IsValid)
                "Please enter Public-Key, Secret-Key, URL and method.".Box(MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            var           apiConsumer    = new ApiConsumer();
            var           response       = new WebApiConsumerResponse();
            var           sb             = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder requestContent = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> multiPartData = null;

            lblRequest.Text = "Request: " + context.HttpMethod + " " + context.Url;

            if (radioApi.Checked && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtFile.Text) && cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/Upload"))
                multiPartData = apiConsumer.CreateProductImageMultipartData(txtFile.Text, txtProductId.Text.ToInt(), txtProductSku.Text);

            var webRequest = apiConsumer.StartRequest(context, cboContent.Text, multiPartData, out requestContent);

            txtRequest.Text = requestContent.ToString();

            bool result = apiConsumer.ProcessResponse(webRequest, response);

            lblResponse.Text = "Response: " + response.Status;


            if (result && radioJson.Checked && radioOdata.Checked)
                var customers = response.TryParseCustomers();

                if (customers != null)
                    sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Parsed {0} customer(s):", customers.Count));

                    foreach (var customer in customers)


            txtResponse.Text = sb.ToString();

            cboPath.InsertRolled(cboPath.Text, 64);
            cboQuery.InsertRolled(cboQuery.Text, 64);
            cboContent.InsertRolled(cboContent.Text, 64);
Пример #5
        private void CallTheApi()
            if (txtUrl.Text.HasValue() && !txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/"))
                txtUrl.Text = txtUrl.Text + "/";

            if (cboPath.Text.HasValue() && !cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/"))
                cboPath.Text = "/" + cboPath.Text;

            var context = new WebApiRequestContext
                PublicKey      = txtPublicKey.Text,
                SecretKey      = txtSecretKey.Text,
                Url            = txtUrl.Text + (radioOdata.Checked ? "odata/" : "api/") + txtVersion.Text + cboPath.Text,
                HttpMethod     = cboMethod.Text,
                HttpAcceptType = (radioJson.Checked ? ApiConsumer.JsonAcceptType : ApiConsumer.XmlAcceptType)

            if (cboQuery.Text.HasValue())
                context.Url = string.Format("{0}?{1}", context.Url, cboQuery.Text);

            if (!context.IsValid)
                "Please enter Public-Key, Secret-Key, URL and method.".Box(MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            var           apiConsumer    = new ApiConsumer();
            var           response       = new WebApiConsumerResponse();
            var           sb             = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder requestContent = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> multiPartData = null;

            lblRequest.Text = "Request: " + context.HttpMethod + " " + context.Url;

            if (radioApi.Checked && txtFile.Text.HasValue())
                if (string.Compare(context.HttpMethod, "POST", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                    "Please select POST method for image upload.".Box(MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                var id1       = txtIdentfier1.Text.ToInt();
                var id2       = txtIdentfier2.Text;
                var pictureId = txtPictureId.Text.ToInt();
                var moreData  = txtMoreData.Text.EmptyNull().Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                var keyForId1 = "Id";
                var keyForId2 = "";

                multiPartData = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                if (cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/Uploads/ProductImages"))
                    // only one identifier required: product id, sku or gtin
                    keyForId2 = "Sku";
                else if (cboPath.Text.StartsWith("/Uploads/ImportFiles"))
                    // only one identifier required: import profile id or profile name
                    keyForId2 = "Name";

                if (id1 != 0)
                    multiPartData.Add(keyForId1, id1);

                if (id2.HasValue())
                    multiPartData.Add(keyForId2, id2);

                // To delete existing import files... deleteExisting:true
                // To start import... startImport:true
                foreach (var str in moreData)
                    var data = str.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (data.Length == 2)
                        multiPartData.Add(data[0], data[1]);

                apiConsumer.AddApiFileParameter(multiPartData, txtFile.Text, pictureId);

            var webRequest = apiConsumer.StartRequest(context, cboContent.Text, multiPartData, out requestContent);

            txtRequest.Text = requestContent.ToString();

            var result = apiConsumer.ProcessResponse(webRequest, response, folderBrowserDialog1);

            lblResponse.Text = "Response: " + response.Status;


            if (result && response.Content.HasValue())
                if (radioJson.Checked && radioOdata.Checked)
                    var customers = response.TryParseCustomers();

                    if (customers != null)
                        sb.AppendLine("Parsed {0} customer(s):".FormatInvariant(customers.Count));

                        customers.ForEach(x => sb.AppendLine(x.ToString()));


            txtResponse.Text = sb.ToString();

            cboPath.InsertRolled(cboPath.Text, 64);
            cboQuery.InsertRolled(cboQuery.Text, 64);
            cboContent.InsertRolled(cboContent.Text, 64);