Пример #1
 public DailyExecutionReportViewModel()
     NLSList = new List<NLSViewModel>();
     Highlights = new List<HighlightViewModel>();
     Alert = new AlertViewModel();
     Weather = new WeatherViewModel();
     HighlightGroups = new List<HighlightGroupViewModel>();
     HighlightGroupTemplates = new List<HighlightGroupViewModel>();
 public RefreshCommand(WeatherViewModel viewModel)
     ViewModel = viewModel;
        public async Task <ActionResult> GetWeatherObject(SearchModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var vm   = new WeatherViewModel();
                var trip = new Trip()
                    Location  = model.Location,
                    StartDate = model.StartDate,
                    Duration  = model.Duration
                var tripId            = _tripPackingService.CreateTrip(trip);
                var historicalWeather = await _weatherClient.GetHistoricalWeather(model.Location, model.StartDate, model.Duration);

                var cityName   = historicalWeather.Select(x => x.Location).Select(x => x.Name).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();
                var regionName = historicalWeather.Select(x => x.Location).Select(x => x.Region).Distinct().FirstOrDefault();
                vm.Historicals = MapForecast(historicalWeather);
                vm.CityName    = cityName;
                vm.RegionName  = regionName;
                vm.StartDate   = model.StartDate.ToString("d");
                vm.EndDate     = model.StartDate.AddDays(model.Duration - 1).ToString("d");
                if (model.StartDate <= DateTime.Now.AddDays(5))
                    TimeSpan interval = model.StartDate - DateTime.Today;
                    var      days     = model.Duration + interval.Days;
                    if (days > 10)
                        var forecastWeather10Days = await _weatherClient.GetForecastWeather(model.Location, 10);

                        vm.Forecasts = MapForecast(forecastWeather10Days);
                    var forecastWeather = await _weatherClient.GetForecastWeather(model.Location, days);

                    vm.Forecasts = MapForecast(forecastWeather);

                // the ?: is a ternary operator: this is what it does
                // if vm.forecasts is not null, then get items based on forcasts; otherwise, get items based on historicals
                var itemsToPack = GetPackingItems(
                    vm.Forecasts != null
                        ? vm.Forecasts
                        : vm.Historicals,
                    model.Duration, tripId);

                List <Container> containers = new List <Container>();
                containers.Add(new Container(1, "Carry-On", 104M, 20.5M, 15M, 8M));            //samsonite 21" Spinner - 43.5 total
                containers.Add(new Container(2, "Medium Suitcase", 144.88M, 23M, 17M, 9M));    //samsonite 27" Spinner (27M, 18.5M,9.5M) - 55 total
                containers.Add(new Container(3, "Large Suitcase", 145.6M, 29.5M, 20.5M, 11M)); //62" (must be 62" and 50 lbs or less)
                List <Item> itemsToContainer = new List <Item>();

                foreach (var item in itemsToPack)
                    itemsToContainer.Add(new Item(item.Name, item.Height, item.Length, item.Width, Convert.ToInt32(item.Quantity)));
                List <int> algorithms = new List <int>();
                List <ContainerPackingResult> packingResults = new List <ContainerPackingResult>();
                var totalItemWeight = itemsToPack.Select(x => x.TotalWeight).Sum();
                for (int i = containers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    packingResults = PackingService.Pack(containers[i], itemsToContainer, algorithms);
                    var packResult = packingResults.SelectMany(x => x.AlgorithmPackingResults).SelectMany(x => x.UnpackedItems).Count();
                    if (packResult == 0)
                        var containerWeight = packingResults.Select(x => x.Weight).Sum();
                        var totalWeight     = (containerWeight + totalItemWeight) * .0625M; //converts weight in ounces to pounds
                        vm.PackingItems            = itemsToPack;
                        vm.ContainerPackingResults = packingResults;
                        vm.TotalWeightInLbs        = totalWeight;

                return(View("Result", vm));

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Пример #4
        public IActionResult Index()
            WeatherViewModel weather = _service.GetWeatherAsync().Result;

Пример #5
 // Database Init
 public HomeController(Database database, UserContext context)
     _database         = database;
     _context          = context;
     _weatherViewModel = new WeatherViewModel();
 public TemperatureToFormattedTemperatureConverter()
     _weatherViewModel = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <WeatherViewModel>();
Пример #7
        public async Task Test1Async()
            //Mock the forecast service
            var mockForecastService = new Mock <IForecastsService>();

            mockForecastService.Setup(a => a.GetForecastAsync(It.IsAny <double>(), It.IsAny <double>(), It.IsAny <TemperatureUnit>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
                         new Forecast
                Id = "MockForecast",
                CurrentTemperature = "900",
                Description        = "It's way too hot",
                MinTemperature     = "800",
                MaxTemperature     = "1000",
                Name     = "Forecast Name",
                Overview = "Forecast Overview"

            ServiceContainer.Register <IForecastsService>(mockForecastService.Object);

            //Mock the image service
            var mockImageService = new Mock <IImageService>();

            mockImageService.Setup(a => a.GetImageAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult("Image URL"));

            ServiceContainer.Register <IImageService>(mockImageService.Object);

            //Mock geolocation
            var mockGeolocationService = new Mock <IGeolocationService>();

            mockGeolocationService.Setup(a => a.GetLastKnownLocationAsync())
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new Coordinates()));
            mockGeolocationService.Setup(a => a.GetLocationAsync())
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new Coordinates()));

            ServiceContainer.Register <IGeolocationService>(mockGeolocationService.Object);

            //Mock geocoding service
            var mockGeocodingService = new Mock <IGeocodingService>();

            mockGeocodingService.Setup(a => a.GetPlacesAsync(It.IsAny <Coordinates>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult(new List <Place> {
                new Place {
                    CityName = "MobCAT City"

            ServiceContainer.Register <IGeocodingService>(mockGeocodingService.Object);

            //Mock the value cache service
            var mockValueCacheService = new Mock <IValueCacheService>();

            ServiceContainer.Register <IValueCacheService>(mockValueCacheService.Object);

            //Mock the localization service
            var mockLocalizationService = new Mock <ILocalizationService>();

            mockLocalizationService.Setup(a => a.Translate(It.IsAny <string>()))
            .Returns <string>(x => x);    //Just return what was passed in
            ServiceContainer.Register <ILocalizationService>(mockLocalizationService.Object);

            //Init the VM
            var weatherViewModel = new WeatherViewModel();
            await weatherViewModel.InitAsync();

            //Get expecteds for asserts
            var expectedImage = await mockImageService.Object.GetImageAsync(default(string), default(String), default(CancellationToken));

            var expectedForecast = await mockForecastService.Object.GetForecastAsync(default(double), default(double), default(TemperatureUnit), default(CancellationToken));

            var expectedPlaces = await mockGeocodingService.Object.GetPlacesAsync(default(Coordinates));

            var expectedPlaceName = expectedPlaces?.FirstOrDefault()?.CityName;

            var weatherDescriptionTranslationResourceKey = expectedForecast.Overview.Trim().Replace(" ", "").ToLower();

            Assert.Equal(weatherDescriptionTranslationResourceKey, weatherViewModel.WeatherDescription);
            Assert.Equal(expectedForecast.CurrentTemperature, weatherViewModel.CurrentTemp);
            Assert.Equal(expectedForecast.MaxTemperature, weatherViewModel.HighTemp);
            Assert.Equal(expectedForecast.MinTemperature, weatherViewModel.LowTemp);
            Assert.Equal(expectedImage, weatherViewModel.WeatherImage);
            Assert.Equal(expectedPlaceName, weatherViewModel.CityName);
Пример #8
        public ActionResult Index()
            WeatherViewModel model = new WeatherViewModel();

            List <Festival> fests = new List <Festival>
                new Festival
                    City      = "Reading",
                    Date      = new DateTime(2019, 08, 24).ToShortDateString(),
                    Name      = "Reading",
                    Latitude  = "51.724955",
                    Longitude = "-0.350472",
                    Weather   = new List <Weather>
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2019,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.NE,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 21,
                            Temperature   = 20,
                            Humidity      = 85,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Good,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.Sunny,
                            WindSpeed     = 12
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2018,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.NW,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 15,
                            Temperature   = 20,
                            Humidity      = 55,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Good,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.PartlySunny,
                            WindSpeed     = 12
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2017,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.SE,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 10,
                            Temperature   = 6,
                            Humidity      = 65,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Poor,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.LightRain,
                            WindSpeed     = 17
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2016,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.W,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 15,
                            Temperature   = 15,
                            Humidity      = 60,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Okay,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.Clear,
                            WindSpeed     = 5

                new Festival
                    City      = "Donington",
                    Date      = new DateTime(2019, 06, 24).ToShortDateString(),
                    Name      = "Download",
                    Latitude  = "51.654786",
                    Longitude = "-0.359475",
                    Weather   = new List <Weather>
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2019,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.NE,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 3,
                            Temperature   = 2,
                            Humidity      = 100,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Poor,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.HeavyRain,
                            WindSpeed     = 12
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2018,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.NW,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 15,
                            Temperature   = 20,
                            Humidity      = 55,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Good,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.PartlySunny,
                            WindSpeed     = 12
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2017,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.SE,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 10,
                            Temperature   = 6,
                            Humidity      = 65,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Poor,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.Rain,
                            WindSpeed     = 17
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2016,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.W,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 15,
                            Temperature   = 15,
                            Humidity      = 60,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Okay,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.Clear,
                            WindSpeed     = 5

                new Festival
                    City      = "Glastonbury",
                    Date      = new DateTime(2019, 07, 11).ToShortDateString(),
                    Name      = "Glastonbury",
                    Latitude  = "51.784512",
                    Longitude = "-0.356895",
                    Weather   = new List <Weather>
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2019,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.NE,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 3,
                            Temperature   = 2,
                            Humidity      = 100,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Poor,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.HeavyRain,
                            WindSpeed     = 12
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2018,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.NW,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 15,
                            Temperature   = 20,
                            Humidity      = 55,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Good,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.PartlySunny,
                            WindSpeed     = 12
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2017,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.SE,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 10,
                            Temperature   = 6,
                            Humidity      = 65,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Poor,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.Rain,
                            WindSpeed     = 17
                        new Weather
                            Year          = 2016,
                            WindDirection = Enums.WindDirection.W,
                            FeelsLikeTemp = 15,
                            Temperature   = 15,
                            Humidity      = 60,
                            Visibility    = Enums.Visibility.Okay,
                            WeatherType   = Enums.WeatherType.Clear,
                            WindSpeed     = 5

            model.Weather = fests;

Пример #9
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
 public SearchCommand(WeatherViewModel viewModel)
     ViewModel = viewModel;
Пример #10
 public RefreshCommand(WeatherViewModel vm)
     this.VM = vm;
Пример #11
        public ActionResult WeatherDetail(string City)
            //Assign API KEY which received from OPENWEATHERMAP.ORG
            string appId = "2c764384532120a441275cd0bc63bf69";

            //API path with CITY parameter and other parameters.
            string url = string.Format("http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}&units=metric&cnt=1&APPID={1}", City, appId);

            using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                string     json        = string.Empty;
                RootObject weatherInfo = new RootObject();
                    json = client.DownloadString(url);
                    //Converting to OBJECT from JSON string.
                    weatherInfo = (new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer()).Deserialize <RootObject>(json);
                catch (Exception)
                    return(Json(new { status = "error" }));

                //     JSON RECIVED
                //{"coord":{ "lon":72.85,"lat":19.01},

                //Special VIEWMODEL design to send only required fields not all fields which received from
                //www.openweathermap.org api
                WeatherViewModel rslt = new WeatherViewModel();

                rslt.Country       = weatherInfo.sys.country;
                rslt.City          = weatherInfo.name;
                rslt.Lat           = Convert.ToString(weatherInfo.coord.lat);
                rslt.Lon           = Convert.ToString(weatherInfo.coord.lon);
                rslt.Description   = weatherInfo.weather[0].description;
                rslt.Humidity      = Convert.ToString(weatherInfo.main.humidity);
                rslt.Temp          = Convert.ToString(weatherInfo.main.temp);
                rslt.TempFeelsLike = Convert.ToString(weatherInfo.main.feels_like);
                rslt.TempMax       = Convert.ToString(weatherInfo.main.temp_max);
                rslt.TempMin       = Convert.ToString(weatherInfo.main.temp_min);
                rslt.WeatherIcon   = weatherInfo.weather[0].icon;

                //Converting OBJECT to JSON String
                var jsonstring = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(rslt);

                //Return JSON string.
                return(Json(new { Weather = jsonstring }));
Пример #12
        public static WeatherViewModel getLocalWeather(String UserIP)
            String JSonContent = String.Empty;
            int    DelayHours  = 0;

            //If local server set it to dubai address
            MaxMind.GeoIP2.Responses.CityResponse city = new MaxMind.GeoIP2.Responses.CityResponse();
            var WeatherView = new WeatherViewModel();

            WeatherView.Forecast = new List <Forcast>();

            String DatabaseLocation = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/GeoLiteCity/GeoLite2-City.mmdb");

            using (var reader = new DatabaseReader(DatabaseLocation)) {
                // Replace "City" with the appropriate method for your database, e.g.,
                // "Country".
                try {
                    city = reader.City(UserIP);
                    WeatherView.Country = city.Country.Name; // 'United States'
                    WeatherView.City    = city.City.Name;
                } catch {
                    //do any error processing
            }//using(var reader)

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WeatherView.Country))
                WeatherView.Country = "United Arab Emirates";
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(WeatherView.City))
                WeatherView.City = "Dubai";

                String CacheFile = getWeatherFile(WeatherView.Country, WeatherView.City, DelayHours);
                if (!File.Exists(CacheFile))
                    JSonContent = DownloadWeatherInfo(WeatherView.Country, WeatherView.City, CacheFile);
                    JSonContent = File.ReadAllText(CacheFile);
                DelayHours = DelayHours - 4;
            } while (JSonContent.Length <= 10);

            dynamic WeatherInfo = System.Web.Helpers.Json.Decode(JSonContent);

            if (WeatherInfo != null)
                var WeatherNow = WeatherInfo.data.current_condition[0];
                WeatherView.ConditionText        = WeatherNow.weatherDesc[0].value;
                WeatherView.ConditionCode        = WeatherNow.weatherCode;
                WeatherView.Speed                = WeatherNow.windspeedKmph;
                WeatherView.ConditionTemperature = Util.toDouble(WeatherNow.temp_C).ToString("0.0");
                if (WeatherView.ConditionTemperature == "0.0")
                    Double Temp = (Util.toDouble(WeatherNow.temp_F) - 32) / 1.8;
                    WeatherView.ConditionTemperature = Temp.ToString("0.0");
                WeatherView.TemperatureUnit = "&deg;C";
                WeatherView.Pressure        = Util.toDouble(WeatherNow.pressure);
                WeatherView.Wind            = WeatherNow.windspeedKmph;
                WeatherView.Direction       = WeatherNow.winddirDegree;
                WeatherView.Visibility      = Util.toDouble(WeatherNow.visibility);
                WeatherView.Humidity        = WeatherNow.humidity;

                foreach (var ForcastDay in WeatherInfo.data.weather)
                    var thisForcast = new Forcast {
                        Code     = Util.toInt(ForcastDay.hourly[3].weatherCode),
                        Date     = (DateTime.Parse(ForcastDay.date)).ToString("dd MMM"),
                        status   = ForcastDay.hourly[3].weatherDesc[0].value,
                        TempHigh = ForcastDay.maxtempC,
                        TempLow  = ForcastDay.mintempC
            //var intAddress = BitConverter.ToInt64(IPAddress.Parse(UserIP).GetAddressBytes(), 0);

Пример #13
 public ViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle)
     weatherViewModel = new WeatherViewModel();
Пример #14
 public WheaterPage()
     vm = WeatherViewModel.INSTANCE ?? new WeatherViewModel();
Пример #15
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(WeatherViewModel weather)
            WeatherViewModel weatherViewModel = await _weatherService.GetTemperature(weather);

Пример #16
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get()
            WeatherViewModel weather = await _service.GetWeatherAsync();

Пример #17
 public SearchCommand(WeatherViewModel vm)
     WeatherVM = vm;
Пример #18
        public static WeatherViewModel WeatherAdjustment(WeatherViewModel weatherViewModel)
            Double            dewPoint = weatherViewModel.DewPoint;
            List <RecipeItem> items    = weatherViewModel.Items.ToList();

            if (dewPoint <= 20)
                foreach (var i in items)
                    if (KeyWordLists.Liquids.Contains(i.RecipeIngredient.Name.ToLower()))
                        i.RecipeMeasurement.Value          = (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value) + (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value * .10);
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustedLiquid    = i.RecipeIngredient.Name;
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentMessage = $"was added to {i.RecipeIngredient.Name} weight.";
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentPercent = "10 % ";
            else if (dewPoint >= 21 && dewPoint <= 40)
                foreach (var i in items)
                    if (KeyWordLists.Liquids.Contains(i.RecipeIngredient.Name.ToLower()))
                        i.RecipeMeasurement.Value          = (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value) + (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value * .05);
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustedLiquid    = i.RecipeIngredient.Name;
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentMessage = $"was added to {i.RecipeIngredient.Name} weight.";
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentPercent = "5 % ";
            else if (dewPoint >= 41 && dewPoint <= 60)
                foreach (var i in items)
                    if (KeyWordLists.Liquids.Contains(i.RecipeIngredient.Name.ToLower()))
                        i.RecipeMeasurement.Value          = i.RecipeMeasurement.Value;
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentMessage = "No adjustments made.";
            else if (dewPoint >= 61 && dewPoint <= 70)
                foreach (var i in items)
                    if (KeyWordLists.Liquids.Contains(i.RecipeIngredient.Name.ToLower()))
                        i.RecipeMeasurement.Value          = (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value) - (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value * .05);
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustedLiquid    = i.RecipeIngredient.Name;
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentMessage = $"was subtracted from {i.RecipeIngredient.Name} weight.";
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentPercent = "5 % ";
            else if (dewPoint >= 71 && dewPoint <= 80)
                foreach (var i in items)
                    if (KeyWordLists.Liquids.Contains(i.RecipeIngredient.Name.ToLower()))
                        i.RecipeMeasurement.Value          = (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value) - (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value * .10);
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustedLiquid    = i.RecipeIngredient.Name;
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentMessage = $"was subtracted from {i.RecipeIngredient.Name} weight.";
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentPercent = "10 % ";
                foreach (var i in items)
                    if (KeyWordLists.Liquids.Contains(i.RecipeIngredient.Name.ToLower()))
                        i.RecipeMeasurement.Value          = (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value) - (i.RecipeMeasurement.Value * .15);
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustedLiquid    = i.RecipeIngredient.Name;
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentMessage = $"was subtracted from {i.RecipeIngredient.Name} weight.";
                        weatherViewModel.AdjustmentPercent = "15 % ";

            double hydration = Conversions.HydrationLevel(items);

            List <double> totalWeights = Conversions.TotalWeights(items);

            WeatherViewModel viewModel = new WeatherViewModel
                City              = weatherViewModel.City,
                Temp              = weatherViewModel.Temp,
                Humidity          = weatherViewModel.Humidity,
                DewPoint          = weatherViewModel.DewPoint,
                BreadID           = weatherViewModel.BreadID,
                Bread             = weatherViewModel.Bread,
                Items             = items,
                Hydration         = hydration,
                TotalWeights      = totalWeights,
                AdjustedLiquid    = weatherViewModel.AdjustedLiquid,
                AdjustmentMessage = weatherViewModel.AdjustmentMessage,
                AdjustmentPercent = weatherViewModel.AdjustmentPercent

Пример #19
 public Weather()
     binding = (WeatherViewModel)Content.BindingContext;
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the singleton application object.  This is the first line of authored code
 /// executed, and as such is the logical equivalent of main() or WinMain().
 /// </summary>
 public App()
     this.Suspending += OnSuspending;
     weatherVM        = new WeatherViewModel();
Пример #21
 public SearchCommand(WeatherViewModel weatherViewModel)
     WeatherViewModel = weatherViewModel;
Пример #22
 public CardWeather(WeatherViewModel viewmodel)
     BindingContext = vm = viewmodel;
Пример #23
        public void UpdateDisplay(WeatherViewModel model)
            lock (renderLock)
                if (isRendering)
                    Console.WriteLine("Already in a rendering loop, bailing out.");

                isRendering = true;


            graphics.Stroke = 1;
            graphics.DrawRectangle(0, 0, display.Width, display.Height, Color.White, true);

            DisplayJPG(model.WeatherCode, 5, 5);

            string date = model.DateTime.ToString("MM/dd/yy"); // $"11/29/20";

                x: 128,
                y: 24,
                text: date,
                color: Color.Black);

            string time = model.DateTime.AddHours(1).ToString("hh:mm"); // $"12:16 AM";

                x: 116,
                y: 66,
                text: time,
                color: Color.Black,
                scaleFactor: GraphicsLibrary.ScaleFactor.X2);

            string outdoor = $"Outdoor";

                x: 134,
                y: 143,
                text: outdoor,
                color: Color.Black);

            string outdoorTemp = model.OutdoorTemperature.ToString("00°C");

                x: 128,
                y: 178,
                text: outdoorTemp,
                color: Color.Black,
                scaleFactor: GraphicsLibrary.ScaleFactor.X2);

            string indoor = $"Indoor";

                x: 23,
                y: 143,
                text: indoor,
                color: Color.Black);

            string indoorTemp = model.IndoorTemperature.ToString("00°C");

                x: 11,
                y: 178,
                text: indoorTemp,
                color: Color.Black,
                scaleFactor: GraphicsLibrary.ScaleFactor.X2);


            isRendering = false;
Пример #24
        public ActionResult DisplayWeather(int?month, int?year, int?page)
            IQueryable <Weather> weathers      = db.Weathers;
            IQueryable <Weather> emptyWeathers = new List <Weather>().AsQueryable();

            WeatherViewModel weatherViewModel = new WeatherViewModel();

            weatherViewModel.YearFilter  = year;
            weatherViewModel.MonthFilter = month;

            Dictionary <int, string> dictionaryToSelectList = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            List <int> yearsFromDatabase = (from yearInt in weathers
                                            select yearInt.WeatherDateTime.Year).Distinct().ToList();

            foreach (int y in yearsFromDatabase)
                dictionaryToSelectList.Add(y, $"{y}");
            dictionaryToSelectList.Add(0, "Все года");

            if (weathers.Count() == 0)
                ViewBag.Message = "В базе отстуствуют данные. Пожалуйста, загрузите данные в базу.";

            if (year == 0 && month != 0)
                weathers        = emptyWeathers;
                ViewBag.Message = "Пожалуйста, выберите год";
            else if (year != 0 && month != 0)
                weathers = weathers.Where(w => w.WeatherDateTime.Year == year &&
                                          w.WeatherDateTime.Month == month);
            else if (year != 0 && month == 0)
                weathers = weathers.Where(w => w.WeatherDateTime.Year == year);

            List <MonthSelectListModel> monthSelectList = new List <MonthSelectListModel>()
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 0, MonthName = "Все месяца"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 1, MonthName = "Январь"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 2, MonthName = "Февраль"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 3, MonthName = "Март"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 4, MonthName = "Апрель"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 5, MonthName = "Май"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 6, MonthName = "Июнь"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 7, MonthName = "Июль"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 8, MonthName = "Август"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 9, MonthName = "Сентябрь"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 10, MonthName = "Октябрь"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 11, MonthName = "Ноябрь"
                new MonthSelectListModel {
                    MonthId = 12, MonthName = "Декабрь"

            int pageSize   = 16;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            weatherViewModel.Weathers = weathers.OrderBy(w => w.WeatherDateTime).ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);
            weatherViewModel.Month    = new SelectList(monthSelectList, "MonthID", "MonthName");
            weatherViewModel.Year     = new SelectList(dictionaryToSelectList, "Key", "Value");

Пример #25
 public WeatherPage()
     Model = new WeatherViewModel();
Пример #26
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            var toolbar = FindViewById <Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);


            var iconView        = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.icon);
            var nameView        = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.name);
            var temperatureView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.temperature);

            locationProvider = LocationServices.GetFusedLocationProviderClient(this);

            var provider      = new WeatherViewModelProvider(new LocationProvider(locationProvider), new DefaultWeatherProvider());
            var iconConverter = new WeatherIconConverter();

            viewModel              = new WeatherViewModel(provider, iconConverter);
            viewModel.DataChanged += data =>
                nameView.Text        = data.Name;
                temperatureView.Text = $"{Convert.ToInt32(data.Temp)}\u2103";

                Drawable icon = null;
                switch (data.IconType)
                case WeatherIcon.CLEAR_SKY_DAY:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.d01, null);

                case WeatherIcon.CLEAR_SKY_NIGHT:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.n01, null);

                case WeatherIcon.FEW_CLOUDS_DAY:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.d02, null);

                case WeatherIcon.FEW_CLOUDS_NIGHT:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.n02, null);

                case WeatherIcon.SCATTERED_CLOUDS:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.m03, null);

                case WeatherIcon.BROKEN_CLOUDS:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.m04, null);

                case WeatherIcon.SHOWER_RAIN:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.m09, null);

                case WeatherIcon.RAIN_DAY:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.d10, null);

                case WeatherIcon.RAIN_NIGHT:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.n10, null);

                case WeatherIcon.THUNDERSTORM:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.m11, null);

                case WeatherIcon.SNOW:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.m13, null);

                case WeatherIcon.MIST:
                    icon = VectorDrawableCompat.Create(Resources, Resource.Drawable.m50, null);
 public ActionResult Result(WeatherViewModel model)
Пример #28
        public WeatherViewModelTests()
            _providerMock = new Mock <IWeatherProvider>();

            _viewModel = new WeatherViewModel(_providerMock.Object);
Пример #29
 public WeatherPage()
     BindingContext = new WeatherViewModel();
Пример #30
 private void weatherButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     DataContext = new WeatherViewModel();
     logger.Info("Button show weather clicked");
Пример #31
 public MainPage()
     DataContext = new WeatherViewModel();
Пример #32
        public WeatherViewModel GetWeatherInfo(string IpAddress)
            WeatherViewModel weatherViewModel = null;

            IPLocationService IPLocationService = new IPLocationService();
            string cityName = IPLocationService.getCity(IpAddress);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityName))
                cityName = "深圳";
                WeatherService.WeatherWebServiceSoapClient aService = new WeatherService.WeatherWebServiceSoapClient();
                if (cityName.Contains("市"))
                    cityName = cityName.Substring(0, cityName.Length - 1);
                string[] wa = aService.getWeatherbyCityName(cityName);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wa[1]))
                    weatherViewModel = new WeatherViewModel();
                    weatherViewModel.cityName = wa[1];
                    weatherViewModel.airTemperature = wa[5];
                    weatherViewModel.meteorological = wa[6];
                    return weatherViewModel;
                    return weatherViewModel;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("GetWeatherInfo" + ex.Message, ex);
                return null;