public WeatherModel(WeatherCurrentViewModel current, WeatherDayViewModel today,
                     WeatherDayViewModel tomorrow, WeatherWeekViewModel week)
     currentWeather   = current;
     todaysWeather    = today;
     tomorrowsWeather = tomorrow;
     weeksWeather     = week;
     currentlyVisible = currentWeather;
     VoiceController  = new WeatherVoiceController("Grammar\\weatherGrammar.xml", this);
        private void ConvertWeatherDayToWeatherDayViewModel(WeatherDay model, WeatherDayViewModel viewModel)
            List <WeatherHourViewModel> hoursList = new List <WeatherHourViewModel>();

            foreach (WeatherHour hour in model.WeatherDays)
                string               temp   = hour.Temperature.ToString("F0");
                string               time   = hour.Time.ToString("h:mm tt");
                BitmapImage          icon   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:/Assets/Weather/" + hour.IconId + ".png"));
                WeatherHourViewModel hourVM = new WeatherHourViewModel(time, temp, icon);
            viewModel.WeatherHours = hoursList;
            viewModel.Location     = model.WeatherLocation.City + ", " + model.WeatherLocation.State;
            viewModel.Date         = model.Date.ToString("M");
            viewModel.ReadTime     = model.ReadTime.ToString("g");
 private void InitWeather()
     //Create all necessary view models for weather
     CurrentWeather   = new WeatherCurrentViewModel();
     TodaysWeather    = new WeatherDayViewModel();
     TomorrowsWeather = new WeatherDayViewModel();
     WeeksWeather     = new WeatherWeekViewModel();
     //Init the weather model and give it a reference to all view models
     Weather = new WeatherModel(CurrentWeather, TodaysWeather,
                                TomorrowsWeather, WeeksWeather);
     //Set the interval, tick handler, and then start the timer.
     weatherTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(WeatherRefreshRate);
     weatherTimer.Tick    += WeatherTick;
     todaysWeatherCounter    = 0;
     tomorrowsWeatherCounter = 0;
     weeksWeatherCounter     = 0;