public void SetTarget(Entity target) { if (Target != null) { return; } Target = target; _moveComp = Target.GetComponent <HexMovementComp>(); movementGroup.SetActive(_moveComp != null); if (_moveComp != null) { _moveComp.MovementChanged += OnMovementChanged; OnMovementChanged(); } _vitalityComp = Target.GetComponent <VitalityComp>(); vitalityGroup.SetActive(_vitalityComp != null); if (_vitalityComp != null) { _vitalityComp.HealthChanged += OnHealthChanged; OnHealthChanged(); } _weaponComp = Target.GetComponent <WeaponComp>(); weaponGroup.SetActive(false); if (_weaponComp != null) { _weaponComp.StatusChanged += OnWeaponStatusChanged; UpdateWeapon(); } nameText.text =; }
private static void ExecuteAttack(Entity entity) { var combat = entity.GetComponent <TargetComp>(); var weaponsToShoot = combat.GetComponent <ShipFittingsComp>().fittingList; foreach (var fitting in weaponsToShoot.Where(x => x.IsEnabled)) { WeaponComp selectedWeapon = fitting.FittedWeapon; if (selectedWeapon == null || !UnitCanAttack(selectedWeapon)) { return; } bool attacked = FireProjectile(selectedWeapon, entity.Wrapper.transform.forward); if (!attacked) { return; } PlayAttackNoise(selectedWeapon); SetNextAttackTime(selectedWeapon); } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { Health = GetComponent <PlayerHealth>(); if (Health == null) { Health = gameObject.AddComponent <PlayerHealth>(); //Debug.LogError(name + " HealthComponent added with DEFAULT VALUES"); } Move = GetComponent <Movement>(); if (Move == null) { Move = gameObject.AddComponent <Movement>(); //Debug.LogError(name + " Movement component added with DEFAULT VALUES"); } CameraMove = GetComponent <CameraMovement>(); if (CameraMove == null) { //Debug.LogError(name + " Camera follow script is NULL"); } Weapon = GetComponent <WeaponComp>(); if (Weapon == null) { //Debug.LogError(name + " Weapon Component script is NULL"); } SFX = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); if (SFX == null) { //Debug.LogError(name + " AudioSource is NULL"); } }
private static void PlayAttackNoise(WeaponComp weapon) { if (weapon.Owner.HasComponent(ComponentTypes.AudioSourceComp)) { weapon.Owner.GetComponent <AudioSourceComp>().TriggerSfx(weapon.FiringSoundEffect); } }
/// <summary> /// Make sure bullets don't immediately collide with their firing entity /// </summary> /// <param name="firer"></param> /// <param name="projectile"></param> private static void IgnoreProjectileCollisions(WeaponComp firer, GameObject projectile) { var projectileCollider = projectile.GetComponentInChildren <Collider>(); foreach (var col in firer.Owner.Wrapper.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>()) { Physics.IgnoreCollision(projectileCollider, col); } }
public void FireProjectile(WeaponComp attacker, Transform target) { if (target == null) { return; } line.enabled = true; line.useWorldSpace = true; line.SetPosition(0, attacker.Owner.GetComponent <PositionComp>().Position); line.SetPosition(1, target.position); Timing.KillCoroutines(gameObject.GetInstanceID()); Timing.RunCoroutine(DisableLaser(), gameObject.GetInstanceID()); }
private static void CreateLaserInfoPacket(WeaponComp selectedWeapon, PositionComp pc, Vector3 direction) { //laser info packet laser fire type wrong LaserComp lc = (LaserComp)selectedWeapon; lc.laserInfoPacket.TimeToLive = selectedWeapon.AttackRange / selectedWeapon.ProjectileSpeed; lc.laserInfoPacket.fireDirection = direction; lc.laserInfoPacket.StartPosition = pc.transform.TransformPoint( selectedWeapon.fittingAttached.PositionOffset + selectedWeapon.fittingAttached.ProjectileSpawnPositionOffset); lc.laserInfoPacket.OwningActorPos = pc; lc.laserInfoPacket.FiringWeaponComp = selectedWeapon; lc.laserInfoPacket.ProjectileSpeed = selectedWeapon.ProjectileSpeed; //lc.laserInfoPacket.laserFireType = lc.laserInfoPacket.laserFireType; }
public void AddWeaponToPlayer(GameObject Player) { WeaponComp WeaponComponent = Player.GetComponent <WeaponComp>(); if (WeaponComponent == null) { return; } WeaponComponent.AddWeapon(WeaponToAdd, this); if (switchToNewWeapon) { WeaponComponent.SwitchWeapon(true); } }
private static void CreateMissileInfoPacket(WeaponComp selectedWeapon, PositionComp pc, Vector3 direction) { MissileComp mc = (MissileComp)selectedWeapon; if (mc.missileInfoPacket.TimeToLive.IsAlmost(-1f)) { mc.missileInfoPacket.TimeToLive = selectedWeapon.AttackRange / selectedWeapon.ProjectileSpeed; } mc.missileInfoPacket.fireDirection = direction; mc.missileInfoPacket.StartPosition = pc.transform.TransformPoint( selectedWeapon.fittingAttached.PositionOffset + selectedWeapon.fittingAttached.ProjectileSpawnPositionOffset); mc.missileInfoPacket.OwningActorPos = pc; mc.missileInfoPacket.FiringWeaponComp = selectedWeapon; mc.missileInfoPacket.FlightSpeed = mc.ProjectileSpeed; = mc.GetComponent <TargetComp>().target; }
void Awake() { if (!Health) { Health = GetComponent <PlayerHealth>(); } if (!Weapon) { Weapon = GetComponent <WeaponComp>(); } if (!Move) { Move = GetComponent <Movement>(); } //if (!controller) controller = GetComponent<Controller>(); }
private static bool FireProjectile(WeaponComp selectedWeapon, Vector3 direction) { var pc = selectedWeapon.GetComponent <PositionComp>(); if (selectedWeapon.WeaponType == WeaponTypes.Laser) { //need to set weapon comp owner properly i think? CreateLaserInfoPacket(selectedWeapon, pc, direction); LaserFireManager.Instance.Fire((LaserComp)selectedWeapon); return(true); } else if (selectedWeapon.WeaponType == WeaponTypes.Missile) { CreateMissileInfoPacket(selectedWeapon, pc, direction); MissileFireManager.Instance.Fire((MissileComp)selectedWeapon); return(true); } Debug.LogError($"Selected weapon type not found"); return(false); }
protected override void Initialized() { Guns = GetComponent <WeaponComp>(); }
private static bool UnitCanAttack(WeaponComp selectedWeapon) { return(selectedWeapon.NextAttackTime < Time.time); }
private static void SetNextAttackTime(WeaponComp selectedWeapon) { selectedWeapon.NextAttackTime = Time.time + selectedWeapon.AttackRate; }