Пример #1
        // Get the author
        // <a title="Username: rpcity Member Since: July 4th, 2002 Click for links!" style="font - size:1em; font - weight:bold; cursor: pointer; ">SmittySmith</a>
        public WdcAuthor GetInteractiveChapterAuthor(WdcResponse payload)
            Regex chapterAuthorChunkRegex = new Regex("<a title=\" Username: .*?<\\/a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterAuthorChunkMatch = chapterAuthorChunkRegex.Match(payload.WebResponse);

            if (!chapterAuthorChunkMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the HTML chunk containing the author for the interactive chapter '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);
            string chapterAuthorChunk = chapterAuthorChunkMatch.Value;

            // Get the author username
            Regex  chapterAuthorUsernameRegex = new Regex("(?<=Username: )[a-zA-Z]+");
            Match  chapterAuthorUsernameMatch = chapterAuthorUsernameRegex.Match(chapterAuthorChunk);
            string chapterAuthorUsername      = chapterAuthorUsernameMatch.Value;

            // Get the author display name
            Regex  chapterAuthorNameRegex = new Regex("(?<=>).+?(?=<)");
            Match  chapterAuthorNameMatch = chapterAuthorNameRegex.Match(chapterAuthorChunk);
            string chapterAuthorName      = chapterAuthorNameMatch.Value;

            return(new WdcAuthor()
                Name = chapterAuthorName,
                Username = chapterAuthorUsername
Пример #2
        public bool IsInteractiveChapterEnd(WdcResponse payload)
            //Regex chapterEndRegex = new Regex("<big>THE END.<\\/big>");// Turns out this doesn't work, because they HTML tagging is sloppy and overlaps. <i><b>THE END.</i></b>
            Regex chapterEndRegex = new Regex(">You have come to the end of the story. You can:<\\/");

Пример #3
        public async Task WdcReaderInteractiveStoryShortDescription()
            WdcResponse payload = new WdcResponse();

            payload.WebResponse = TestUtil.GetDataFile("sample_set_13_06_2019.Looking for adventure - homepage - logged in.html");

            var result = _reader.GetInteractiveStoryShortDescription(payload);

            Assert.AreEqual("Four people looking for adventure, and dealing with past demons", result);
Пример #4
        public async Task WdcReaderInteractiveStoryTitle()
            WdcResponse payload = new WdcResponse();

            payload.WebResponse = TestUtil.GetDataFile("sample_set_13_06_2019.Looking for adventure - homepage - logged in.html");

            var result = _reader.GetInteractiveStoryTitle(payload);

            Assert.AreEqual("Looking for adventure", result);
Пример #5
        public async Task WdcReaderInteractiveChapterFirstPageLoggedIn()
            // Expected results
            var expectedChapter = new WdcInteractiveChapter();

            expectedChapter.Path              = "1";
            expectedChapter.Title             = "The Great War";
            expectedChapter.SourceChoiceTitle = string.Empty;
            expectedChapter.Content           = TestUtil.GetDataFile("expected_set_13_06_2019.WdcReaderInteractiveChapter1_Content.txt");
            expectedChapter.IsEnd             = false;
            expectedChapter.Author            = new WdcAuthor()
                Name     = "The Nameless Hermit",
                Username = "******",
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "11", Name = "Be Jace"
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "12", Name = "Be Rhea"
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "13", Name = "Be Marek"
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "14", Name = "Be Tara"

            WdcResponse payload = new WdcResponse();

            payload.WebResponse = TestUtil.GetDataFile("sample_set_13_06_2019.Looking for adventure - chapter 1 - logged in.html");
            payload.Address     = "https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/209084-Looking-for-adventure/map/1";

            WdcInteractiveChapter testChapter = _reader.GetInteractiveChaper("TEST", expectedChapter.Path, payload);

            // Tests
            //Assert.AreEqual(expectedChapterTitle, chapterResult.Title);
            //Assert.AreEqual(expectedChapterSourceTitle, chapterResult.SourceChoiceTitle);
            //Assert.AreEqual(expectedChapterContent, chapterResult.Content);
            //Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsEnd, chapterResult.IsEnd);
            //Assert.AreEqual(expectedAuthorName, chapterResult.Author.Name);
            //Assert.AreEqual(expectedAuthorUsername, chapterResult.Author.Username);
            //for (var i=0; i < chapterResult.Choices.Count; i++)
            //    Assert.AreEqual(expectedChoices[i].Name, chapterResult.Choices[i].Name, "Chapter choice name doesn't match");
            //    Assert.AreEqual(expectedChoices[i].PathLink, chapterResult.Choices[i].PathLink, "Chapter choice path doesn't match");
            CompareInteractiveChapters(expectedChapter, testChapter);
Пример #6
        // Get the chapter content
        // WDC has changed the layout, and doesn't have "KonaBody" in it anymore
        // It looks like they've just set it to <div class=""> in the HTML, and that's the only instance of an empty class
        private string GetInteractiveChapterContentM2(WdcResponse payload)
            Regex chapterContentRegex = new Regex("(?<=<div class=\"\">).+?(?=<\\/div>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterContentMatch = chapterContentRegex.Match(payload.WebResponse);

            if (!chapterContentMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the content for the interactive chapter '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);
Пример #7
        public async Task WdcReaderInteractiveStoryAuthor()
            WdcResponse payload = new WdcResponse();

            payload.WebResponse = TestUtil.GetDataFile("sample_set_13_06_2019.Looking for adventure - homepage - logged in.html");

            WdcAuthor result = _reader.GetInteractiveStoryAuthor(payload);

            Assert.AreEqual("The Nameless hermit", result.Name, "The author's name is not what was expected");
            Assert.AreEqual("blackdragon", result.Username, "The author's username is not what was expected");
Пример #8
        // Search for the choice that lead to this chapter
        // This usually has the more fleshed out title, as the legit title can sometimes be truncated
        public string GetInteractiveChapterSourceChoice(WdcResponse payload)
            Regex chapterSourceChoiceRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=This choice: <b>).*?(?=<\/b>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterSourceChoiceMatch = chapterSourceChoiceRegex.Match(payload.WebResponse);

            if (!chapterSourceChoiceMatch.Success) // If we can't find it, and it's not the first chapter
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the interactive chapter's source choice and this isn't the first chapter, for chapter '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);
Пример #9
        // Get the interactive story's title
        // This method grabs it from within the <title> element, not sure if it gets truncated or not.
        public string GetInteractiveStoryTitle(WdcResponse wdcPayload)
            Regex interactiveTitleRegex = new Regex("(?<=<title>).+?(?= - Writing\\.Com<\\/title>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Match interactiveTitleMatch = interactiveTitleRegex.Match(wdcPayload.WebResponse);

            if (!interactiveTitleMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the title for interactive story '{wdcPayload.Address}'", wdcPayload.Address, wdcPayload.WebResponse);
Пример #10
        // Get the interactive story's description
        public string GetInteractiveStoryDescription(WdcResponse wdcPayload)
            Regex interactiveDescRegex = new Regex("(?<=<td align=left class=\"norm\">).+?(?=<\\/td>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match interactiveDescMatch = interactiveDescRegex.Match(wdcPayload.WebResponse);

            if (!interactiveDescMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the description for interactive story '{wdcPayload.Address}'", wdcPayload.Address, wdcPayload.WebResponse);
Пример #11
        // Get the interactive's tagline or short description
        // Previously this has been difficult to pin-point
        // However I found this on 11/01/2019, they've got it in a META tag at the top of the HTML
        // E.g. <META NAME="description" content="How will young James fare alone with his mature, womanly neighbors? ">
        public string GetInteractiveStoryShortDescription(WdcResponse wdcPayload)
            Regex interactiveShortDescRegex = new Regex("(?<=<META NAME=\"description\" content=\").+?(?=\">)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Match interactiveShortDescMatch = interactiveShortDescRegex.Match(wdcPayload.WebResponse);

            if (!interactiveShortDescMatch.Success)
                log.Warn($"Couldn't find the short description for interactive story '{wdcPayload.Address}'"); // Just a warning, don't throw an exception over it
Пример #12
        public async Task WdcReaderInteractiveStoryDescription()
            WdcResponse payload = new WdcResponse();

            payload.WebResponse = TestUtil.GetDataFile("sample_set_13_06_2019.Looking for adventure - homepage - logged in.html");

            var result   = _reader.GetInteractiveStoryDescription(payload);
            var expected = TestUtil.GetDataFile("expected_set_13_06_2019.WdcReaderInteractiveStoryDescription-ExpectedResult_13_06_2019.txt");

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Пример #13
        public async Task <WdcResponse> GetInteractiveRecentAdditions(string interactiveID, CancellationToken ct)
            Uri recentAdditionsUri = GetPathToInteractiveRecentAdditions(interactiveID);

            _log.DebugFormat("Getting interactive story recent additions: {0}", recentAdditionsUri);
            var r = new WdcResponse();

            r.Address     = recentAdditionsUri.ToString();
            r.WebResponse = await GetWdcPage(recentAdditionsUri, ct);

Пример #14
        public async Task <WdcResponse> GetInteractiveOutline(string interactiveID, CancellationToken ct)
            Uri outlineUri = GetPathToInteractiveOutline(interactiveID);

            _log.DebugFormat("Getting interactive story outline: {0}", outlineUri);
            var r = new WdcResponse();

            r.Address     = outlineUri.ToString();
            r.WebResponse = await GetWdcPage(outlineUri, ct);

Пример #15
        public async Task <WdcResponse> GetInteractiveChapter(string interactiveID, string chapterID, CancellationToken ct)
            Uri chapterUri = GetPathToInteractiveChapter(interactiveID, chapterID);

            _log.DebugFormat("Getting interactive story chapter: {0}", chapterUri);
            var r = new WdcResponse();

            r.Address     = chapterUri.ToString();
            r.WebResponse = await GetWdcPage(chapterUri, ct);

Пример #16
        // Get chapter title
        // Method 2. Get it from between <big><big><b>...</b></big></big>
        // There are other isntances of the <big><b> tags in use, but only the chapter title gets wrapped in 2x of them
        // Isn't perfect, but until the website layout changes, it'll work
        // TODO: It doesn't work anymore :( chapter titles aren't being read.
        private string GetInteractiveChapterTitleM2(WdcResponse payload)
            string chapterTitleRegexPattern = @"(?<=<big><big><b>).*?(?=<\/b><\/big><\/big>)";

            Regex chapterTitleRegex = new Regex(chapterTitleRegexPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterTitleMatch = chapterTitleRegex.Match(payload.WebResponse);

            if (!chapterTitleMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the chapter title for chapter '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);
Пример #17
        public WdcInteractiveStory GetInteractiveStory(string interactiveID, WdcResponse wdcPayload)
            log.DebugFormat("Getting interactive story: {0}", interactiveID);

            var story = new WdcInteractiveStory();

            // Get interactive story title
            story.ID               = interactiveID;
            story.Url              = wdcPayload.Address;
            story.Name             = GetInteractiveStoryTitle(wdcPayload);
            story.ShortDescription = GetInteractiveStoryShortDescription(wdcPayload);
            story.Description      = GetInteractiveStoryDescription(wdcPayload);
            story.LastUpdatedInfo  = DateTime.Now;

Пример #18
        public async Task WdcReaderInteractiveChapterFirstPageLoggedOut()
            // Expected results
            var expectedChapter = new WdcInteractiveChapter();

            expectedChapter.Path              = "1";
            expectedChapter.Title             = "The Great War";
            expectedChapter.SourceChoiceTitle = string.Empty;
            expectedChapter.Content           = TestUtil.GetDataFile("expected_set_13_06_2019.WdcReaderInteractiveChapter1_Content.txt");
            expectedChapter.IsEnd             = false;
            expectedChapter.Author            = new WdcAuthor()
                Name     = "The Nameless Hermit",
                Username = "******",
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "11", Name = "Be Jace"
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "12", Name = "Be Rhea"
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "13", Name = "Be Marek"
            expectedChapter.Choices.Add(new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice()
                PathLink = "14", Name = "Be Tara"

            // Set things up
            WdcResponse payload = new WdcResponse();

            payload.WebResponse = TestUtil.GetDataFile("sample_set_13_06_2019.Looking for adventure - chapter 1 - logged out.html");
            payload.Address     = "https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/209084-Looking-for-adventure/map/1";

            WdcInteractiveChapter testChapter = _reader.GetInteractiveChaper("TEST", expectedChapter.Path, payload);

            // Compare
            CompareInteractiveChapters(expectedChapter, testChapter);
Пример #19
        public async Task <WdcResponse> GetInteractiveOutline(string interactiveID, CancellationToken ct)
            var r = new WdcResponse();

            r.Address     = interactiveID;
            r.WebResponse = DoInteractivesUnavailable();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.WebResponse))
                if (_mode == DummyWdcClientMode.LoggedIn || _mode == DummyWdcClientMode.LoggedInPaid)
                    r.WebResponse = GetPage("Looking for adventure - outline - logged in.html");
                    r.WebResponse = GetPage("Looking for adventure - outline - logged out.html");

Пример #20
        // Get chapter title
        // Method 3. Get it from within the page title.
        // So it looks like paid users get some sort of dynamic reading pages
        // where it AJAX loads chapter pages instead of loading static pages.
        // This should solve this by getting it from the page title.
        private string GetInteractiveChapterTitleM3(WdcResponse payload)
            string pageTitlePattern = @"(?<=<title>).*?(?=<\/title>)";

            Regex pageTitleRegex = new Regex(pageTitlePattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match pageTitleMatch = pageTitleRegex.Match(payload.WebResponse);

            if (!pageTitleMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the page title on page '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);

            // Got the page title value, try to parse it
            var titleResponse = ReadPageTitle(pageTitleMatch.Value);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleResponse.PageName))
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the chapter title in the page title for chapter '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);

Пример #21
 // TODO get author, looks like it'll be a pain in the ass telling the chapter author apart from the story author
 public WdcAuthor GetInteractiveStoryAuthor(WdcResponse wdcPayload)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #22
        public async Task <WdcInteractiveChapter> GetInteractiveChaper(string interactiveID, string chapterPath, IWdcClient wdcClient, CancellationToken ct)
            WdcResponse payload = await wdcClient.GetInteractiveChapter(interactiveID, chapterPath, ct);

            return(GetInteractiveChaper(interactiveID, chapterPath, payload));
Пример #23
        public WdcInteractiveChapter GetInteractiveChaper(string interactiveID, string chapterPath, WdcResponse payload)
            if (!WdcUtil.IsValidChapterPath(chapterPath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Chapter '{chapterPath}' is not a valid chapter path", nameof(chapterPath));

            var chapter = new WdcInteractiveChapter();

            chapter.Path    = chapterPath;
            chapter.Title   = GetInteractiveChapterTitle(payload);
            chapter.Content = GetInteractiveChapterContent(payload);
            if (chapterPath != "1")
                chapter.SourceChoiceTitle = GetInteractiveChapterSourceChoice(payload);                     // Only get the source choice if it's not the first chapter
                chapter.SourceChoiceTitle = "";
            chapter.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
            // TODO chapter author
            chapter.Author = GetInteractiveChapterAuthor(payload);

            var choices = GetInteractiveChapterChoices(payload);

            if (choices == null)
                chapter.IsEnd = true;

Пример #24
 // Get the chapter's title
 public string GetInteractiveChapterTitle(WdcResponse payload) => GetInteractiveChapterTitleM3(payload);
Пример #25
 // Get the chapter's content, it's body
 public string GetInteractiveChapterContent(WdcResponse payload) => GetInteractiveChapterContentM2(payload);
Пример #26
        // Get the available choices
        // This one is going to be complicated, because none of the divs or whatnot have ID's
        // First, get a chunk of the HTML that contains the choices, we'll break them down later
        public IEnumerable <WdcInteractiveChapterChoice> GetInteractiveChapterChoices(WdcResponse payload)
            if (IsInteractiveChapterEnd(payload))

            var choices = new List <WdcInteractiveChapterChoice>();

            Regex chapterChoicesChunkRegex = new Regex("(?<=<b>You have the following choice(s)?:<\\/b>).*?(?=<\\/div><div id=\"end_of_choices\")",
                                                       RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            Match chapterChoicesChunkMatch = chapterChoicesChunkRegex.Match(payload.WebResponse);

            if (!chapterChoicesChunkMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the HTML chunk containing choices for interactive chapter '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);
            string chapterChoicesChunkHtml = chapterChoicesChunkMatch.Value;

            // Then try to get the individual choices
            Regex           chapterChoicesRegex   = new Regex("<a .*?href=\".+?\">.+?<\\/a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            MatchCollection chapterChoicesMatches = chapterChoicesRegex.Matches(chapterChoicesChunkHtml);

            foreach (Match match in chapterChoicesMatches)
                var    newChoice = new WdcInteractiveChapterChoice();
                string choiceUrl;

                // Get the URL
                Regex choiceUrlRegex = new Regex("(?<=href=\").+?(?=\")");
                Match choiceUrlMatch = choiceUrlRegex.Match(match.Value);
                if (!choiceUrlMatch.Success)
                    throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Could not find the URL of choice '{match.Value}' on interactive chapter '{payload.Address}'", payload.Address, payload.WebResponse);
                choiceUrl = choiceUrlMatch.Value;

                // Get just the numbers from the URL
                newChoice.PathLink = WdcUtil.GetFinalParmFromUrl(choiceUrl);

                // Get the choice name / description
                // Get what's in between the > and the <
                int indexOfGt = match.Value.IndexOf('>');
                int indexofLt = match.Value.LastIndexOf('<') - 1;
                newChoice.Name = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Value.Substring(indexOfGt + 1, indexofLt - indexOfGt));


Пример #27
        public IEnumerable <Uri> GetInteractiveChapterList(string interactiveID, Uri pathToRoot, WdcResponse wdcPayload)
            var chapters = new List <Uri>();

            // Find the links to the interactive's pages
            // Create the regex that will find chapter links
            // E.g. https:\/\/www\.writing\.com\/main\/interact\/item_id\/1824771-short-stories-by-the-people\/map\/(\d)+
            string chapterLinkRegexPattern = pathToRoot.ToString() + string.Format("main/interact/item_id/{0}/map/{1}", interactiveID, @"(\d)+");

            chapterLinkRegexPattern = WdcUtil.RegexSafeUrl(chapterLinkRegexPattern);
            Regex           chapterLinkRegex = new Regex(chapterLinkRegexPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            MatchCollection matches          = chapterLinkRegex.Matches(wdcPayload.WebResponse);

            foreach (Match match in matches)
                chapters.Add(new Uri(match.Value));
