Пример #1
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    void processWater(WavePixel[] source, WavePixel[] dest)
        for (var i = WIDTH; i < TOTAL_PIXELS - WIDTH; i++)
            // blend in from adjacent cells
            dest[i].red    = (((source[i-1].red    + source[i+1].red    + source[i-WIDTH].red    + source[i+WIDTH].red)    >> 1)) - dest[i].red;
            dest[i].green  = (((source[i-1].green  + source[i+1].green  + source[i-WIDTH].green  + source[i+WIDTH].green)  >> 1)) - dest[i].green;
            dest[i].blue   = (((source[i-1].blue   + source[i+1].blue   + source[i-WIDTH].blue   + source[i+WIDTH].blue)   >> 1)) - dest[i].blue;
            dest[i].yellow = (((source[i-1].yellow + source[i+1].yellow + source[i-WIDTH].yellow + source[i+WIDTH].yellow) >> 1)) - dest[i].yellow;

            // experimentation -- let colors combine powers
            int blue    = dest[i].blue;
            int red     = dest[i].red;
            int green   = dest[i].green;
            int yellow  = dest[i].yellow;
            int threshold  = 1 << 7;
            int threshold2 = 1 << 8;
            int threshold3 = 1 << 9;
            if (red > threshold && blue > threshold)
                dest[i].red  += blue >> 5; // 5
                dest[i].blue += red  >> 5;
            if (red > threshold && green > threshold)
                dest[i].red   += green >> 5; // 5
                dest[i].green += red   >> 5;
            if (red > threshold && yellow > threshold)
                dest[i].red    += yellow >> 5; // 5
                dest[i].yellow += red    >> 5;
            if (blue > threshold && green > threshold)
                dest[i].green  += blue >> 5; // 5
                dest[i].blue   += green  >> 5;
            if (blue > threshold && yellow > threshold)
                dest[i].yellow  += blue >> 5; // 5
                dest[i].blue    += yellow  >> 5;
            if (green > threshold && yellow > threshold)
                dest[i].green  += yellow >> 5; // 5
                dest[i].yellow += green  >> 5;
            if (red > threshold2 && blue > threshold2 && green > threshold2)
                dest[i].red   += (blue >> 6) + (green >> 6); // 5
                dest[i].blue  += (red  >> 6) + (green >> 6);
                dest[i].green += (red  >> 6) + (blue  >> 6);
            if (red > threshold2 && blue > threshold2 && yellow > threshold2)
                dest[i].red    += (blue >> 6) + (yellow >> 6); // 5
                dest[i].blue   += (red  >> 6) + (yellow >> 6);
                dest[i].yellow += (red  >> 6) + (blue   >> 6);
            if (green > threshold2 && blue > threshold2 && yellow > threshold2)
                dest[i].green  += (blue   >> 6) + (yellow >> 6); // 5
                dest[i].blue   += (green  >> 6) + (yellow >> 6);
                dest[i].yellow += (green  >> 6) + (blue   >> 6);
            if (green > threshold2 && red > threshold2 && yellow > threshold2)
                dest[i].green  += (red    >> 6) + (yellow >> 6); // 5
                dest[i].red    += (green  >> 6) + (yellow >> 6);
                dest[i].yellow += (green  >> 6) + (blue   >> 6);
            if (green > threshold3 && red > threshold3 && yellow > threshold3 && blue > threshold3)
                dest[i].green  += (red    >> 7) + (yellow >> 7) + (blue >> 7); // 5
                dest[i].red    += (green  >> 7) + (yellow >> 7) + (blue >> 7);
                dest[i].yellow += (green  >> 7) + (blue   >> 7) + (red  >> 7);
                dest[i].blue   += (green  >> 7) + (yellow >> 7) + (red  >> 7);

            // dampen
            //dest[i] -= (dest[i] >> 7);
            //dest[i] -= (dest[i] >> 4);

            int dampen_exponent = 4; //5;
            // testing out: the more active components, the less we dampen
            int numcomponents =
                ((red    > threshold) ? 1 : 0) +
                ((blue   > threshold) ? 1 : 0) +
                ((green  > threshold) ? 1 : 0) +
                ((yellow > threshold) ? 1 : 0);
            dampen_exponent = 5 - numcomponents;

            dest[i].red    -= (dest[i].red    >> dampen_exponent);
            dest[i].green  -= (dest[i].green  >> dampen_exponent);
            dest[i].blue   -= (dest[i].blue   >> dampen_exponent);
            dest[i].yellow -= (dest[i].yellow >> dampen_exponent);

            // clamp to non-negative -- breaks shit!
            //dest[i].red    = Mathf.Max(dest[i].red,    0);
            //dest[i].green  = Mathf.Max(dest[i].green,  0);
            //dest[i].blue   = Mathf.Max(dest[i].blue,   0);
            //dest[i].yellow = Mathf.Max(dest[i].yellow, 0);

            // if the colors are too powerful, clamp them
            int tooPowerful = (1 << 16); // 13
            if (WavePixelAmplitude(dest[i]) >  tooPowerful ||
                WavePixelAmplitude(dest[i]) < -tooPowerful)
                //dest[i].red    = Mathf.Min(dest[i].red,    tooPowerful/8);
                //dest[i].green  = Mathf.Min(dest[i].green,  tooPowerful/8);
                //dest[i].blue   = Mathf.Min(dest[i].blue,   tooPowerful/8);
                //dest[i].yellow = Mathf.Min(dest[i].yellow, tooPowerful/8);
                dest[i].red    = 0;//dest[i].red    >> 13; // 5, then 6
                dest[i].green  = 0;//dest[i].green  >> 13;
                dest[i].blue   = 0;//dest[i].blue   >> 13;
                dest[i].yellow = 0;//dest[i].yellow >> 13;

            // if radius is too far, dampen
            if (i%WIDTH == 0)
                dest[i].red = dest[i].green = dest[i].blue = dest[i].yellow = 0;
Пример #2
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    public WavePixel GetPressure(Vector2 screenCoordinates)
        WavePixel pressure = new WavePixel();
        pressure.red = pressure.blue = pressure.green = pressure.yellow = 0;

        // need to convert between real-space and grid-space
        Vector2 gridCoordinates = ConvertScreenCoordinatesToGridCoordinates(screenCoordinates);
        int grid_x = (int)(gridCoordinates.x);
        int grid_y = (int)(gridCoordinates.y);
        if (grid_x < 0 || grid_x >= WIDTH || grid_y < 0 || grid_y >= HEIGHT) return pressure;

        if(counter % 2 == 0)
            pressure = tmpState1[grid_y * WIDTH + grid_x];
            pressure = tmpState2[grid_y * WIDTH + grid_x];
        return pressure;
Пример #3
 public static float WavePixelAmplitude(WavePixel pixel)
     return pixel.red + pixel.green + pixel.blue + pixel.yellow;
Пример #4
    public static float WavePixelAmplitude(Color enemyColor, WavePixel pixel)
        //return (pixel.red * enemyColor.r) + (pixel.green * enemyColor.g) + (pixel.blue * enemyColor.b) + (pixel.yellow + (enemyColor.r + enemyColor.g)/2);
        WavePixel temp = new WavePixel();
        temp.red    = pixel.red;
        temp.blue   = pixel.blue;
        temp.green  = pixel.green;
        temp.yellow = pixel.yellow;
        temp = CrossPollinateIntensity(temp);

        return (temp.red * enemyColor.r) + (temp.green * enemyColor.g) + (temp.blue * enemyColor.b) + (temp.yellow + (enemyColor.r + enemyColor.g)/2);

        scaled.red    = (int)(pixel.red * enemyColor.r);
        scaled.blue   = (int)(pixel.blue  * enemyColor.b);
        scaled.green  = (int)(pixel.green * enemyColor.g);
        scaled.yellow = (int)((enemyColor.r + enemyColor.g)/2);
        //scaled = CrossPollinateIntensity(scaled);
        return WavePixelAmplitude(scaled);
        //	(pixel.red   * enemyColor.r) +
        //	(pixel.green * enemyColor.g) +
        //	(pixel.blue  * enemyColor.b) +
        //	(pixel.yellow + (enemyColor.r + enemyColor.g)/2);
Пример #5
 public static WavePixel CrossPollinateIntensity(WavePixel input)
     WavePixel output = input;
     int blue    = output.blue;
     int red     = output.red;
     int green   = output.green;
     int yellow  = output.yellow;
     int threshold  = 1 << 7;
     int threshold2 = 1 << 8;
     int threshold3 = 1 << 9;
     if (red > threshold && blue > threshold)
         output.red  += blue >> 5; // 5
         output.blue += red  >> 5;
     if (red > threshold && green > threshold)
         output.red   += green >> 5; // 5
         output.green += red   >> 5;
     if (red > threshold && yellow > threshold)
         output.red    += yellow >> 5; // 5
         output.yellow += red    >> 5;
     if (blue > threshold && green > threshold)
         output.green  += blue >> 5; // 5
         output.blue   += green  >> 5;
     if (blue > threshold && yellow > threshold)
         output.yellow  += blue >> 5; // 5
         output.blue    += yellow  >> 5;
     if (green > threshold && yellow > threshold)
         output.green  += yellow >> 5; // 5
         output.yellow += green  >> 5;
     if (red > threshold2 && blue > threshold2 && green > threshold2)
         output.red   += (blue >> 6) + (green >> 6); // 5
         output.blue  += (red  >> 6) + (green >> 6);
         output.green += (red  >> 6) + (blue  >> 6);
     if (red > threshold2 && blue > threshold2 && yellow > threshold2)
         output.red    += (blue >> 6) + (yellow >> 6); // 5
         output.blue   += (red  >> 6) + (yellow >> 6);
         output.yellow += (red  >> 6) + (blue   >> 6);
     if (green > threshold2 && blue > threshold2 && yellow > threshold2)
         output.green  += (blue   >> 6) + (yellow >> 6); // 5
         output.blue   += (green  >> 6) + (yellow >> 6);
         output.yellow += (green  >> 6) + (blue   >> 6);
     if (green > threshold2 && red > threshold2 && yellow > threshold2)
         output.green  += (red    >> 6) + (yellow >> 6); // 5
         output.red    += (green  >> 6) + (yellow >> 6);
         output.yellow += (green  >> 6) + (blue   >> 6);
     if (green > threshold3 && red > threshold3 && yellow > threshold3 && blue > threshold3)
         output.green  += (red    >> 7) + (yellow >> 7) + (blue >> 7); // 5
         output.red    += (green  >> 7) + (yellow >> 7) + (blue >> 7);
         output.yellow += (green  >> 7) + (blue   >> 7) + (red  >> 7);
         output.blue   += (green  >> 7) + (yellow >> 7) + (red  >> 7);
     return output;