Пример #1
     * public KakaoFriends.Friend GetMyKakaoFriend()
     * {
     *  KakaoFriends.Friend myObj = new KakaoFriends.Friend();
     *  myObj.profileImageUrl = WAS.profileURL;
     *  myObj.nickname = WAS.KkoNick;
     *  myObj.messageBlocked = true;
     * }
    public void DidWinOrLoseGame(bool didWin) // 연 패
    {                                         // 연패 기록 위한 작업.


        if (didWin)
            if (etcInfoObj.ContLoseNum > 0)   // 연패 저지
                etcInfoObj.ContLoseNum = 0;
                UpdateEtcInfoObj("DidWinOrLoseGame if");
            UpdateEtcInfoObj("DidWinOrLoseGame else");
        Ag.LogString("  AmUser :: DidWinOrLoseGame  >>> Win ? " + didWin);
Пример #2
    bool ParseUserProp(JSONNode pData)
        string header = "  ParseUserProp ::>>   ";

        try {
            Ag.LogStartWithStr(1, header + " Country , League, etcInfo, freeCoupon ");
            WAS.Country = pData ["country"].AsInt;
            try {
                WAS.TeamName = pData ["teamName"];
            } catch {
                " Team Name Error.  ".HtLog();
            pData.ParseTo("league", out WAS.League, "etcInfo", out WAS.etcInfo);
            try {
                FreeCouponTime = long.Parse(pData ["freeCouponDate"]) / 1000;  // formatVersion 1 : yyyyMMddHHmmss .. parse ..
                FreeCouponDT   = Ag.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(FreeCouponTime);

                Ag.LogString("  freeCouponDate : " + pData ["freeCouponDate"]);  // Ag.UnixTimeStampToDateTime (
                Ag.LogString("  FreeCouponDT : " + FreeCouponDT + "   Remain Sec   " + FreeCouponTS.TotalSeconds + "  IsFreeCouponRemain ? " + IsFreeCouponRemain);
            } catch {
                FreeCouponTime = Ag.TimeNow;
                " Free Coupon Date Not Set  >>  set to now  ".HtLog();
        } catch {
            Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >]       Parse User Info  [ Country, league, freeCoupon  ] >>>>>  E R R O R  :: ");

        if (WAS.League == null || WAS.League.Length < 3)
            WAS.League = "PRO_5";

        try {
            pData.ParseTo("cost", out WAS.Cost, "reviewEvent", out WAS.reviewEvent);  // 리뷰 확인 0: 아직 안함, 1: 함..
            pData.ParseTo("gold", out mGold, "cash1", out mCash1, "cash2", out mCash2);
            (header + " gold / cash1 / cash2  " + mGold + "  " + mCash1 + "  " + mCash2).HtLog();
        } catch {
            Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >]       Parse User Info  [ cost, review, gold/cash  ] >>>>>  E R R O R  :: ");

        if (pData ["etcInfo"].ToString().IsJsonNull())
            "   etcInfo is NULL  Reset ... and Update   ".HtLog();
            etcInfoObj = new WasUserEtcInfo();
            DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;
            etcInfoObj.DailyChkMon = dtNow.Month;
            etcInfoObj.DailyChkDay = dtNow.Day;

            etcInfoObj.HeartRemainSec = AgStt.CTHeartMaxSeconds;
            etcInfoObj.DtHeart        = Ag.Now();

            UpdateEtcInfoObj("Parsing ..  JsonNull");
            try {
                (header + "   etcInfo  :  " + pData ["etcInfo"]).HtLog();
                //etcInfoObj = JsonMapper.ToObject<WasUserEtcInfo> (pData ["etcInfo"].ToJson ().RecoverFromDodge ().RemoveHeadFootOneChar ());
                etcInfoObj = new WasUserEtcInfo();
                etcInfoObj.Parse(JSON.Parse(pData ["etcInfo"].ToString().RecoverFromDodge().RemoveHeadFootOneChar()));
            } catch {
                Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >]       Parse etc Info >>>>>  E R R O R  ::  Read etcInfo  ");
        try {
            ("  My Rank : " + pData ["myRank"].ToString()).HtLog();
            myRank = new Rank(pData ["myRank"]);  // JsonMapper.ToObject<WasRank> (pData ["myRank"].ToJson ()); //.HtLog ();
        } catch {
            Ag.LogIntenseWord(" [< AmUserNet.cs >]       Parse Rank   >>>>>  E R R O R  :: ");
        //Ag.LogString (" FreeCoupon ::   " + WAS.freeCouponDate + "   Length : " + WAS.freeCouponDate.Length);

        //FreeCouponLimitDT = WAS.freeCouponDate.ToDateTime ();
//        if (WAS.freeCouponDate.Length > 5) { // < 10) {
//            try {
//                FreeCouponLimitDT = WAS.freeCouponDate.ToDateTime ();
//            } catch {
//                FreeCouponLimitDT = DateTime.Now;
//            }
//        } else
//            FreeCouponLimitDT = DateTime.Now;

        Ag.LogString(header + WAS.TeamName + "     has      Cash : " + mCash1 + " / " + mCash2 + "         Gold : " + mGold +
                     "     Review : " + WAS.reviewEvent + "     Cost : " + WAS.Cost + "  in league : " + WAS.League);
        Ag.LogString(header + WAS.TeamName + "     etcInfo :: " + WAS.etcInfo);
        Ag.LogIntense(2, false);