Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The refresh agent is run when a user taps refresh on an item in the wallet, or when it has been viewed enough for the agent to deem it refreshable.
        /// The sorts of things you might want to do here include:
        /// 1) Update the transaction history for the item
        /// 2) Update the logo, contact information, and other metadata for the item
        /// 3) Update the status message to inform the user of required actions or present them with useful information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The args contain the list of wallet items that are currently being refreshed. This way, if there are multiple services/items in the
        /// wallet, you'll know which ones the user is looking at, and hence which ones need to be updated.</param>
        protected override async void OnRefreshData(RefreshDataEventArgs args)
            // Iterate through each wallet item that requires a refresh.
            foreach (WalletItem item in args.Items)
                WalletTransactionItem card = item as WalletTransactionItem;
                if (card != null)
                    // In this example, we're performing a fake transaction worth 5 points each time the Wallet Agent runs. We are also displaying
                    // 1 random deal from the mock web services deals as the status message with a deep link to the deal in the application itself.
                    // In the wallet UI, you can force the referesh agent to run by opening an item, expanding the application menu (the "..." at the bottom right),
                    // and choosing "refresh".

                    int newBalance = MockWebService.WebService.PerformMockTransaction(card);
                    card.DisplayAvailableBalance = newBalance + " points";

                    Coupon deal = MockWebService.WebService.GetRelevantDealForUser();
                    card.Message = "You might be interested in " + deal.Description + " Click here to check it out!";
                    card.MessageNavigationUri = new Uri("/CouponView.xaml?ID=" + deal.ID, UriKind.Relative);

                    await card.SaveAsync();
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The refresh agent is run when a user taps refresh on an item in the wallet, or when it has been viewed enough for the agent to deem it refreshable.
        /// The sorts of things you might want to do here include:
        /// 1) Update the transaction history for the item
        /// 2) Update the logo, contact information, and other metadata for the item
        /// 3) Update the status message to inform the user of required actions or present them with useful information.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The args contain the list of wallet items that are currently being refreshed. This way, if there are multiple services/items in the
        /// wallet, you'll know which ones the user is looking at, and hence which ones need to be updated.</param>
        /// </remarks>

        protected override async void OnRefreshData(RefreshDataEventArgs args)
            Random rand = new Random();

            foreach (WalletItem item in args.Items)
                WalletTransactionItem card = item as WalletTransactionItem;
                if (card != null)
                    int i = rand.Next(5, 50);
                    card.Message = i.ToString() + " TrianglePoints has been added!";
                    card.MessageNavigationUri = new Uri("/TriangleBucksDeal.xaml?Added=" + i.ToString(), UriKind.Relative);

                    await card.SaveAsync();

            foreach (WalletItem item in args.Items)
                PaymentInstrument card = item as PaymentInstrument;
                if (card != null)
                    if (card.Id == "Credit")
                        card.Message = "New statement available";
                        card.MessageNavigationUri = new Uri("/AccountPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative);

                        await card.SaveAsync();
