private void btnThucHien_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (XL2.KiemtraKetnoiCSDL() == false) { return; } var thang = dtpThang.Value; #region confirm trước khi kết công if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format(Resources.Text_ConfirmKetCongBoPhan, thang.ToString("MM/yyyy")), Resources.Caption_XacNhan, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return; } #endregion string filePath = string.Empty; saveFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (saveFileDialog.FileName != string.Empty) { filePath = saveFileDialog.FileName; } else { ACMessageBox.Show("Vui lòng nhập tên file.", Resources.Caption_ThongBao, 2000); return; } string tenNVLapBieu = tbTenNVLapbieu.Text; string tenTrgBP = tbTenTrgBP.Text; XL.SaveSetting(lastTenNVLapBieuChamCong: tenNVLapBieu, lastTenTruongBP: tenTrgBP); try //general try catch { #region lấy ds phòng ban 1. được thao tác, 2.check kết công List <cPhongBan> dsphongban = new List <cPhongBan>(); // đưa về root node trước khi thực hiện var root = treePhongBan.TopNode; GetTopLevelNode(ref root); // mỗi lần duyệt node sẽ làm root node chuyển về parent của node cuối nên phải trả về node gốc để duyệt từ đầu while (root.PrevNode != null) { root = root.PrevNode; } GetNode_DuocThaotac_CheckKetcong(root, dsphongban); #endregion WaitWindow.Show(this.ThucHienKetCong, "Đang kết công, bạn vui lòng đợi trong giây lát...", new object[] { thang, dsphongban }); WaitWindow.Show(this.XuatBBChamCong, "Đang xuất báo biểu, bạn vui lòng đợi trong giây lát...", new object[] { filePath, tenNVLapBieu, tenTrgBP, thang, dsphongban }); //kết công xong thì đóng form Close(); } catch (Exception ex) //general try catch { lg.Error(string.Format("[{0}]_[{1}]\n", this.Name, System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name), ex); MessageBox.Show(Resources.Text_CoLoi, Resources.Caption_Loi); } }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dtpFecIni.Value == null && dtpFecFin.Value == null) { MessageBox.Show("Debe ingresar el rango de fechas a consultar ...", "Aviso al usuario", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); cmbPerPago.Focus(); return; } int option = 0; string sql = ""; string rptName = ""; string rptTable = ""; string ntext = "Atenciones En" + (cmbConsultorio.SelectedIndex == -1 ? "" : " " + cmbConsultorio.SelectedText + ", "); ntext = ntext + " Consultorio " + cmbBus.SelectedText + ", Periodo " + cmbPerPago.SelectedText; ntext = ntext + "\t" + Operativo.id_oper + " - '" + Operativo.descripcion + "'"; if (rbRecibos.Checked) { sql = sqlResultado + "Order By CB.Fecha_Atencion,T.Nro_Ticket,Pr.Descripcion"; option = 1; rptName = "rptRepTerDet"; rptTable = "RepTerDet"; } if (rbProductos.Checked) { sql = "SELECT X.producto, SUM(X.cantidad) AS cantidad FROM (" + sqlResultado + ") X GROUP BY X.producto ORDER BY X.producto"; option = 2; rptName = "rptRepTerRes"; rptTable = "RepTerRes"; } if (rbFechas.Checked) { sql = sqlResumen; option = 3; rptName = "rptRepTerResDia"; rptTable = "RepTerResDia"; } object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRPT, "Procesando el reporte...", new object[] { option, sql, rptName, rptTable, ntext }); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } //llama al formulario que muestra el reporte frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
private void OsirtGridView_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { DataGridViewColumn newColumn = Columns[e.ColumnIndex]; if (newColumn.HeaderText != "print") { return; } WaitWindow.Show(UncheckAll, "Working... Please Wait"); }
private void UiTabbedBrowserControl_ScreenshotComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { //uiTabbedBrowserControl.CurrentTab.Browser.Enabled = false; if (RuntimeSettings.EnableWebDownloadMode && isDownloadingPage) { string savedDirectory = (string)WaitWindow.Show(SavePage, "Saving page... Please Wait"); isDownloadingPage = false; Process.Start(savedDirectory); } uiBrowserToolStrip.Enabled = true; uiBookmarkHelperToolStrip.Enabled = true; }
private void DownloadQueueFile() { while (true) { if (!_downloadItems.Any()) { return; } var fileDirectoryInfo = _downloadItems.Dequeue(); if (fileDirectoryInfo.IsDirectory) { return; } if (_processWindow != null) { _processWindow.Close(true); } _downloadedChangesCount = 250; var path = fileDirectoryInfo.Adress; var uri = new Uri(path); _fileSize = _ftpClient.GetFileSize(fileDirectoryInfo.Adress); var newFile = Path.Combine(_neededDownloadDirectoryPath, fileDirectoryInfo.Name); if (File.Exists(newFile)) { if ( MessageBox.Show( string.Format("Файл '{0}' уже существует в указанной папке, заменить файл?", fileDirectoryInfo.Name), "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { continue; } } _processWindow = new WaitWindow { Text = "Загрузка файла..." }; _processWindow.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), true); _ftpClient.DownloadFileCompleted += OnFtpClientDownloadFileCompleted; _ftpClient.DownloadFileAsync(uri, newFile); break; } }
private void uiNextButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isValid = AreValidEntries(); if (!isValid) { return; } Dictionary <string, string> caseDetails = GetCaseDetails(); WaitWindow.Show(CreateCase, Resources.strings.creating_case_wait, caseDetails); NextClick?.Invoke(this, e); }
private void btnExportar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //genera reporte y carga los datos object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRPT, "Generando el reporte..."); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } //llama al formulario que muestra el reporte frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (!m_CanDown) { return; } int row = (int)e.GetPosition(this).Y / StoneSize; int col = (int)e.GetPosition(this).X / StoneSize; if (NextOne(row, col)) { m_CanDown = false; m_WaitWindow.Show(); } }
private void uiOpenCaseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string enteredPassword = uiPasswordTextBox.Text; bool isCorrectPassword = (bool)WaitWindow.Show(VerifyPassword, "Verifying password... Please Wait", enteredPassword); if (isCorrectPassword) { WaitWindow.Show(LoadCase, "Extracting case... Please Wait", enteredPassword); PasswordCheckClick?.Invoke(this, e); } else { uiInvalidPasswordLabel.Visible = true; uiPasswordTextBox.Focus(); } }
private void NotificationMessageReceived(NotificationMessageEx message) { Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { if (message.Notification == MsgDestination.WindowApiExtension) // Csak akkor foglalkozunk az özenettel, ha nekünk szól { switch (message.Command) { case MsgCommand.CloseWindow: this.Close(); break; case MsgCommand.ShowDialogQuestion: DialogMessageEx dialogMessageEx = (DialogMessageEx)message.Parameters[0]; var result = MessageBox.Show(dialogMessageEx.Content, dialogMessageEx.Caption, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel, MessageBoxImage.Question); dialogMessageEx.Callback.Invoke(result); break; case MsgCommand.ShowWaitWindow: if (waitWindow != null) { waitWindow.Close(); } waitWindow = new WaitWindow("Loading please wait..."); waitWindow.Closed += waitWindow_Closed; waitWindow.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner; waitWindow.Owner = this; waitWindow.Show(); break; case MsgCommand.CloseWaitWindow: if (waitWindow != null) { waitWindow.Closed -= waitWindow_Closed; waitWindow.Close(); waitWindow = null; } break; } } })); }
private void WorkerFilesRow_OnMouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { if (StaffListBox.SelectedItem == null) { return; } var selectedFile = ((DataRowView)WorkerFilesList.SelectedItem)["FileName"].ToString(); var workerPath = GetWorkerPath(Convert.ToInt32(StaffListBox.SelectedValue)); if (workerPath == null) { return; } var tempPath = Path.Combine(App.TempFolder, selectedFile); if (File.Exists(tempPath)) { Process.Start(tempPath); return; } if (_ftpClient.IsBusy) { MessageBox.Show("В данный момент невозможно выполнить загрузку. Попробуйте позже"); return; } _neededOpeningFilePath = tempPath; var filePath = string.Concat(_basicDirectory, workerPath, "/", selectedFile); var uri = new Uri(filePath); if (_processWindow != null) { _processWindow.Close(true); } _processWindow = new WaitWindow { Text = "Загрузка файла..." }; _processWindow.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), true); _fileSize = _ftpClient.GetFileSize(filePath); _ftpClient.DownloadFileCompleted += OnFtpClientDownloadFileCompleted; _ftpClient.DownloadFileAsync(uri, tempPath); }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Desea imprimir los resultados seleccionados ... ?", "Aviso al usuario", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { //genera reporte y carga los datos object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRPT, "Generando el reporte..."); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } //llama al formulario que muestra el reporte frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); } }
private void frmAutoUpdate_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethod, "正在更新"); _blnFlag = bool.Parse(result.ToString()); if (!_blnFlag) { label1.Text = @"更新出错,请联系系统管理员"; } else { if (File.Exists(GetFilePath("image", "warning.png"))) { pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(GetFilePath("image", "warning.png")); } } }
void exportar() { generateSQL(); //genera reporte y carga los datos object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRPT, "Generando el reporte..."); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } //llama al formulario que muestra el reporte frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
private void uiExportAsPDFToolStripButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog saveDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); saveDialog.Filter = "PDF files|*.pdf"; saveDialog.AddExtension = true; saveDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; if (saveDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } string file = saveDialog.FileName; WaitWindow.Show(CreatePDF, "Generating PDF. Please wait...", file); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(file); //TODO: have as an option }
private void UploadQueueFile() { while (true) { if (!_uploadItems.Any()) { return; } if (_processWindow != null) { _processWindow.Close(true); } _uploadedChangesCount = 250; var filePath = _uploadItems.Dequeue(); var adress = string.Concat(_neededUploadDirectoryPath, Path.GetFileName(filePath)); var uri = new Uri(adress); if (_ftpClient.FileExist(adress)) { if ( MessageBox.Show( string.Format("Файл '{0}' уже существует в указанной папке, заменить файл?", Path.GetFileName(filePath)), "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { continue; } } _processWindow = new WaitWindow { Text = "Загрузка файла..." }; _processWindow.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), true); _ftpClient.UploadFileCompleted += OnFtpClientUploadFileCompleted; _ftpClient.UploadFileAsync(uri, "STOR", filePath); break; } Thread.Sleep(200); FillViews(_ftpClient.CurrentPath); }
private void Download() { try { var dir = (string)WaitWindow.Show(DownloadWorker, @"Downloading update file(s)"); var msg = MessageBox.Show(@"Done! Open download location?", @"Question", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (msg == DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(dir); } Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show($"Error downloading your update files\n{ex}", @"Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.VTot_Users.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("'No hay resultados a imprimir ...", "Aviso al usuario"); return; } object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRpt, "Generando el reporte...", new string[] { "SOP" }); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fi = dtpicFInicial.Value.ToShortDateString(); string ff = dtpFFinal.Value.ToShortDateString(); string us = cmbUsuario.SelectedIndex == -1 ? "" : usTal[cmbUsuario.SelectedIndex]["Id_Us"]; string op = cmbOperativo.SelectedIndex == -1 ? "" : cmbOperativo.SelectedValue.ToString(); //genera reporte y carga los datos object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRPT, "Generando el reporte...", new string[] { fi, ff, us, op }); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte.", "Aviso al usuario", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } //llama al formulario que muestra el reporte frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
private void btnXuatBangChiTiet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (XL.Kiemtra(m_Thang.Date, MyUtility.LastDayOfMonth(m_Thang)) == false) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Tháng {0} chưa kết lương!", m_Thang.ToString("MM/yyyy")), Resources.Caption_ThongBao); return; } if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } if (saveFileDialog.FileName == string.Empty) { return; } string saveFileName = saveFileDialog.FileName; WaitWindow.Show(this.XuatBangChiTiet, "Đang xuất bảng chi tiết. Bạn vui lòng đợi...", saveFileName); }
private void OpenFile(FtpFileDirectoryInfo fileDirectoryInfo) { if (fileDirectoryInfo.IsDirectory) { return; } var filePath = Path.Combine(App.TempFolder, fileDirectoryInfo.Name); if (File.Exists(filePath)) { Process.Start(filePath); return; } if (_ftpClient.IsBusy) { MessageBox.Show("В данный момент невозможно выполнить загрузку. Попробуйте позже"); return; } _downloadedChangesCount = 250; _neededOpeningFilePath = filePath; var path = fileDirectoryInfo.Adress; var uri = new Uri(path); if (_processWindow != null) { _processWindow.Close(true); } _processWindow = new WaitWindow { Text = "Загрузка файла..." }; _processWindow.Show(Window.GetWindow(this), true); _fileSize = _ftpClient.GetFileSize(fileDirectoryInfo.Adress); _ftpClient.DownloadFileCompleted += OnFtpClientDownloadAndOpenFileCompleted; _ftpClient.DownloadFileAsync(uri, filePath); }
public void LoadSteps() { LoadStepWindow dlg = new LoadStepWindow(); dlg.ShowDialog(); var waitWindow = new WaitWindow(); waitWindow.Show(); var old = m_Record; m_Record = dlg.Record; if (m_Record == null && old != null) { m_Record = old; } if (m_Record != null) { ShowAll(); } waitWindow.Close(); }
public static void LongOperation(this Control source, Action action) { // var progress = new ProgressWindow {LongAction = action}; // return progress.ShowDialog(source) == DialogResult.OK; var wait = new WaitWindow(); source.Enabled = false; try { source.UseWaitCursor = true; wait.Show(source); Application.DoEvents(); action(); Application.DoEvents(); } finally { wait.Hide(); source.UseWaitCursor = false; source.Enabled = true; } }
public bool exportar() { nfe = txtPath.Text + txtNomFile.Text + "." + cmbTipo.SelectedItem.ToString(); if (File.Exists(nfe)) { if (MessageBox.Show("El archivo ya existe, desea reemplazarlo ... ?", "Advertencia", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { txtNomFile.Focus(); return(false); } } dataTable = Conexion.GetTable(sql); if (cmbTipo.SelectedItem.ToString() == "XLSX" && dataTable.Rows.Count > max_records) { if (MessageBox.Show("Cantidad de registros mayor a " + max_records.ToString() + ", desea continuar ...?", "Advertencia", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) { return(false); } } return((bool)WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethod, "Generando el archivo...")); }
private void btnSOP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtSOP.Text.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Ingrese monto para Sala de Operaciones ...", "Advertencia"); return; } this.subtitle = (cmbConsultorio.SelectedIndex != -1 ? "CONSULTORIO: " + cmbConsultorio.SelectedText : ""); object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRptProdMedPrcSOP, "Generando el reporte...", new string[] { "SOP" }); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); }
private async void ApplyChanges() { if (SourceSearchResults.Any(s => s.TuSelected)) { System.Windows.Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { _waitWindow = new WaitWindow(); _waitWindow.Show(); }); var selectedSearchResult = SourceSearchResults.Where(s => s.TuSelected).ToList(); List <AnonymizeTranslationMemory> tusToAnonymize; //file base tms var fileBasedSearchResult = selectedSearchResult.Where(t => !t.IsServer).ToList(); if (fileBasedSearchResult.Count > 0) { BackupFileBasedTm(); tusToAnonymize = GetTranslationUnitsToAnonymize(fileBasedSearchResult); Tm.AnonymizeFileBasedTu(tusToAnonymize); } //server based tms var serverBasedSearchResult = selectedSearchResult.Where(t => t.IsServer).ToList(); if (serverBasedSearchResult.Count > 0) { tusToAnonymize = GetTranslationUnitsToAnonymize(serverBasedSearchResult); var uri = new Uri(_tmViewModel.Credentials.Url); var translationProvider = new TranslationProviderServer(uri, false, _tmViewModel.Credentials.UserName, _tmViewModel.Credentials.Password); BackupServerBasedTm(translationProvider, tusToAnonymize); Tm.AnonymizeServerBasedTu(translationProvider, tusToAnonymize); } RemoveSelectedTusToAnonymize(); _waitWindow?.Close(); } else { await _dialogCoordinator.ShowMessageAsync(this, "", "Please select at least one translation unit to apply the changes"); } }
void Ribbon_HaRepackerClicked() { WaitWindow ww = new WaitWindow("Opening HaRepacker..."); ww.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); HaRepacker.Program.WzMan = new HaRepacker.WzFileManager(); bool firstRun = HaRepacker.Program.PrepareApplication(false); HaRepacker.GUI.MainForm mf = new HaRepacker.GUI.MainForm(null, false, firstRun); mf.unloadAllToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; mf.reloadAllToolStripMenuItem.Visible = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, WzFile> entry in Program.WzManager.wzFiles) { mf.Interop_AddLoadedWzFileToManager(entry.Value); } ww.EndWait(); lock (multiBoard) { mf.ShowDialog(); } HaRepacker.Program.EndApplication(false, false); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieve a GitHub API update resource /// </summary> /// <param name="resource">The relative path; not a complete URI</param> /// <param name="waitWindow"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetUpdateInfo(string resource, bool waitWindow = true) { if (waitWindow) { return((string)WaitWindow.Show(GetUpdateInfo, @"Contacting GitHub", resource)); } var client = GetRestClient(); client.UseJson(); var request = new RestRequest { Resource = resource }; var response = client.Execute(request); var apiJson = response.Content; //log json (pretty-printed) LogApiResponse(apiJson, true); return(apiJson); }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstCIE10.Items.Count > 0) { string consul = cmbConsultorio.SelectedIndex == -1 ? "" : cmbConsultorio.SelectedValue.ToString(); string fi = dtpFecIni.Value.ToShortDateString(); string ff = dtpFecFin.Value.ToShortDateString(); object result = WaitWindow.Show(WorkerMethodRpt, "Generando el reporte...", new string[] { consul, fi, ff }); if (result == null) { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo procesar el reporte."); return; } frmCRViewer frg = new frmCRViewer(rpt); frg.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No hay datos para exportar\n\nDebe de realizar otra consulta", "Aviso"); } }
void MultiBoard_ImageDropped(Board selectedBoard, System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp, string name, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Point pos) { WaitWindow ww = new WaitWindow("Processing \"" + name + "\"..."); ww.Show(); Application.DoEvents(); ObjectInfo oi = null; try { oi = multiBoard.UserObjects.Add(bmp, name); } catch (NameAlreadyUsedException) { MessageBox.Show("\"" + name + "\" could not be added because an object with the same name already exists.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } finally { ww.EndWait(); } selectedBoard.BoardItems.Add(oi.CreateInstance(selectedBoard.SelectedLayer, selectedBoard, pos.X, pos.Y, 0, false), true); objPanel.OnL1Changed(UserObjectsManager.l1); }
private void CheckAdvancedOptions() { CefSettings settings = new CefSettings(); string cefProxy = ""; string torProxy = ""; int controlPort = 9051; if (File.Exists(Constants.ProxySettingsFile)) { string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(Constants.ProxySettingsFile); var dict = lines.Select(l => l.Split('=')).ToDictionary(a => a[0], a => a[1]); cefProxy = dict["cefProxy"]; torProxy = dict["torProxy"]; controlPort = int.Parse(dict["torPort"]); if (dict.ContainsKey("disablewebrtc")) { bool webRtc = false; if (bool.TryParse("disablewebrtc", out webRtc)) { OsirtHelper.DisableWebRtc = Convert.ToBoolean(dict["disablewebrtc"].Trim()); } } } //DPI settings >100% break screenshots. This prevents cefsharp from auto scaling the browser, meaning screenshots don't break. settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("force-device-scale-factor", "1"); //settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("--enable-system-flash", "1"); if (RuntimeSettings.EnableWebDownloadMode) { settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("disable-application-cache", "1"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userAgent)) { settings.UserAgent = userAgent; } if (!RuntimeSettings.IsUsingTor) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cefProxy)) { settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("proxy-server", cefProxy); } Cef.Initialize(settings); return; } //tor settings settings.CefCommandLineArgs.Add("proxy-server", "socks5://"); Process[] previous = Process.GetProcessesByName("tor"); if (previous != null && previous.Length > 0) { foreach (Process p in previous) { p.Kill(); } } var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = @"Tor\Tor\tor.exe", CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden } }; process.Start(); WaitWindow.Show(LoadTor, "Loading Tor... Please Wait. This will take a few seconds."); Cef.Initialize(settings); }
private void menuItemReportExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #if DEBUG && USE_TDISK var basePath = Path.Combine(@"T:\", Scenario.LastReportId.ToString()); #else var basePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), Scenario.LastReportId.ToString()); #endif var reportFile = new FileInfo(basePath + ".doc"); //var calcFile = new FileInfo(basePath + ".c.html"); //var sourceDataFile = new FileInfo(basePath + ".s.html"); if (!reportFile.Exists) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Для того, чтобы выгрузить отчет, последний должен быть сперва сгенерирован", "Модуль выгрузки данных", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); return; } var fullPath = ""; var ww = new WaitWindow(); try { ww.Show(this); Func<IBranch, ScenarioNodeType> nodeType = b => b.GetValue("nodeType") == null ? ScenarioNodeType.Default : (ScenarioNodeType) Enum.Parse(typeof (ScenarioNodeType), b.GetValue("nodeType").ContentString); var all = Scenario.Vault.GetBranchesRecursive().ToDictionary(b => b, nodeType); var forExport = all.Where(kvp => kvp.Value == ScenarioNodeType.ForExport).FirstOrDefault(); Application.DoEvents(); using (var repo = RepositoryEditor.Repository()) { var now = DateTime.Now; var name = String.Format("{0:00}.{1:00}.{2:0000} {3:00}{4:00}{5:00}", now.Day, now.Month, now.Year, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second); var root = repo.GetOrCreateBranch("Для выгрузки"); var receiver = root.GetOrCreateBranch(name); fullPath = receiver.VPath.Path; if (!TryCreateFileStreamForTempCopy(reportFile, x => receiver.CreateValue("Отчет.doc", x).SetTypeToken2("binary"))) return; if (forExport.Key != null) { var node = new ScenarioNode(forExport.Key); //#warning Review this: eval sessions now lock the vault for reading #if VAULT_EVAL_1 using (_evalSession1 = new Esath.Eval.Ver1.EvalSession(Scenario.Vault, repo)) { #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_2 using (_evalSession2 = new Esath.Eval.Ver2.EvalSession(Scenario.Vault, repo, null)) { #endif #if VAULT_EVAL_3 using (_evalSession3 = new Esath.Eval.Ver3.EvalSession(Scenario.VaultCompiler, repo)) { #endif var source = Regex.Replace(node.Template, StartUp.VFIELD_PATTERN, vpathEvaluator, RegexOptions.Compiled); source = "<html><head></head><body>" + source + "</body></html>"; receiver.CreateValue("Расчетные Данные.html", new TempHtmlFile(source).Content).SetTypeToken2("binary"); } } var buf = new StringBuilder(32*1024); buf.Append("<html><head></head><body>"); buf.Append("<table border=1>"); buf.Append("<tr><th>Имя</th><th>Значение</th><th>Ед Изм</th><th>Тип</th></tr>"); foreach (var sourceValueDeclaration in Scenario.AllSourceValueDeclarations) { buf.AppendFormat("<tr><td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}</td><td>{3}</td></tr>", sourceValueDeclaration.Name, sourceValueDeclaration.Value, sourceValueDeclaration.MeasurementUnit == "" ? " " : sourceValueDeclaration.MeasurementUnit, sourceValueDeclaration.HumanType ); } buf.Append("</table>"); buf.Append("</body></html>"); receiver.CreateValue("Исходные Данные.html", new TempHtmlFile(buf.ToString()).Content).SetTypeToken2("binary"); repo.Save(); } } finally { ww.Hide(); ww = null; Application.DoEvents(); } MessageBox.Show(this, string.Format("Данные текущего отчета успешно выгружены в ветвь Репозитория '{0}'", fullPath), "Модуль выгрузки данных", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); }