Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the commands to the popup and creates the machting wait handles.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddCommandsToPopup()
            // In case no commmand is set, add a continue command without an action.
            if (CommandList.Count == 0)
                CommandList.Add(new UICommand("Continue"));

            // Remove exiting buttons in case ShowAsync was called more than once.

            // Create the command delegate used when a button is pressed
            DelegateCommand <ManualResetEvent> commandDelegate = new DelegateCommand <ManualResetEvent>(OnButtonPressed);

            // Iterate over the list of commands.
            foreach (IUICommand command in CommandList)
                // Create a new wait handle for the command
                ManualResetEvent waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);

                // Add it to the list.

                // Create the button and attach the wait handle.
                Button button = new Button()
                    Command          = commandDelegate,
                    CommandParameter = waitHandle,
                    Content          = command.Label,
                    Style            = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["ButtonStyle"]

                // Add the button to the popup
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Begins an asynchronous operation showing a dialog.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Nothing.</returns>
        public async Task <IUICommand> ShowAsync()
            // Add all commands to the command bar and create the matching wait handles.

            // Keeps the index of the signaled wait handle.
            int signaledHandle = -1;

            // Find the control currently having the focus
            Control focusedControl = FocusManager.GetFocusedElement() as Control;

            // Start the thread to wait for user input.
            Task waitForUserInputTask = Task.Run(() =>
                // Wait for a handle to be signaled.
                signaledHandle = ManualResetEvent.WaitAny(WaitHandleList.ToArray());

            // Open the message box with a popup.
            Popup popup = PopupHelper.CreateFullScreenWithChild(this);

            // Set the focus on the defined button
            if (FocusCommandIndex >= 0 &&
                FocusCommandIndex < CommandList.Count)

            // Wait for the wait thread to finish (one of the events to be signaled)
            await Task.WhenAny(new Task[] { waitForUserInputTask });

            // Free all wait handles.
            while (WaitHandleList.Count > 0)

                // Invoke the event handler of the selected command in case it is defined.
                if (CommandList[signaledHandle].Invoked != null)
            catch (Exception)
                // re-throw any exception caused by the event handler.
                // Make sure the popup will be closed.
                popup.IsOpen = false;

                // Release the message box from the popup
                popup.Child = null;

                // Reset the focus
                if (focusedControl != null)

            // Return the selected command