Пример #1
	public void OnEnable()
		legend = (WMG_Legend)target;
		fields = GetProperties(legend);
Пример #2
 public void OnEnable()
     legend = (WMG_Legend)target;
     fields = GetProperties(legend);
Пример #3
 void Start()
     // Create legend
     GameObject legendObj = GameObject.Instantiate(legendPrefab) as GameObject;
     changeSpriteParent(legendObj, graphBackground.transform.parent.gameObject);
     legend = legendObj.GetComponent<WMG_Legend>();
     legend.theGraph = this;
     for (int j = 0; j < lineSeries.Count; j++) {
         if (!activeInHierarchy(lineSeries[j])) continue;
         WMG_Series theSeries = lineSeries[j].GetComponent<WMG_Series>();
     checkCache(); // Set all cache variables to the current values
     setCacheFlags(true); // Set all cache change flags to true to update everything on start
     orientationTypeChanged = false; // Except orientation, since this swaps the orientation
     theTooltip = this.gameObject.AddComponent<WMG_Graph_Tooltip>(); // Add tooltip script
     theTooltip.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector; // Don't show tooltip script
     theTooltip.theGraph = this; // Set tooltip graph
     autoAnim = this.gameObject.AddComponent<WMG_Graph_Auto_Anim>(); // Add automatic animations script
     autoAnim.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector; // Don't show automatic animations script
     autoAnim.theGraph = this; // Set automatic animations graph