Пример #1
        private async Task UpdateChapter(WInteractiveChapter localChapter)
            _log.DebugFormat("Updating chapter {0}", localChapter.Path);

            var cancelToken = _cancelTokenSource.Token;

            Uri chapterUrl = _wc.GetInteractiveChapterUrl(_story.UrlID, localChapter.Path);

            WInteractiveChapter retrievedChapter;

            while (true)
                // Cancellation support
                if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                    DoStateUpdate($"Exporting chapter: {localChapter.Path}");

                    retrievedChapter = await _wc.GetInteractiveChapter(chapterUrl);

                    break; // Got the chapter successfully, excape this crude retry loop
                catch (InteractivesTemporarilyUnavailableException)
                    _log.InfoFormat("Encountered 'interactives temporarily unavailable' page, pausing for {0}ms", ITU_PAUSE_MS);
                    ITUPause("Interactives temporarily unavailable, waiting {0}s");

                    // Cancellation support
                    if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            // Cancellation support
            if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            // Got the chapter, lets sync and merge the changes into the local copy
            //log.Debug("Updating chapter");
            localChapter.LastSynced = DateTime.Now;

            _story.HasChanged    = true;
            localChapter.Author  = retrievedChapter.Author;
            localChapter.Choices = retrievedChapter.Choices;
            localChapter.Content = retrievedChapter.Content;
            localChapter.IsEnd   = retrievedChapter.IsEnd;
            if (localChapter.Path == String.Empty)
                localChapter.Path = retrievedChapter.Path;                                    // Should I risk changing this?
            localChapter.SourceChoiceTitle = retrievedChapter.SourceChoiceTitle;
            localChapter.Title             = retrievedChapter.Title;
            localChapter.VersionFoundAt    = retrievedChapter.VersionFoundAt;
        public async Task <WInteractiveChapter> GetInteractiveChapter(Uri chapterUrl)
            log.DebugFormat("Getting interactive chapter {0}", chapterUrl.AbsolutePath);

            var    newChapter     = new WInteractiveChapter();
            string chapterUrlParm = GetMapUrlParameter(chapterUrl.ToString());

            string chapterHtml = await HttpGetAsyncAsString(chapterUrl);

            // DEBUG
            //string chapterHtml = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("test-interactive-page.html");

            // TODO: detect either requesting a login, or that "interactives temporarily unavailable" mesage

            // Detect "Login required"
            if (IsLoginPage(chapterHtml))
                // We need to log in, and get the chapter again
                log.Debug("Login required while trying to get an interactive chapter");
                await LoginAsync();

                // Get it again
                chapterHtml = await HttpGetAsyncAsString(chapterUrl);

                // Check if it's a login again. If it is, login failed
                if (IsLoginPage(chapterHtml))
                    throw new Exception("Failed to login to retrieve interactive chapter");

            // Detect "Interactives temporarily unavailable"
            // TODO: Should this be in here? If we want to better handle cancelling, I'm wondering if this should throw a specialised exception
            //      and let the thread above handle retrying
            if (IsInteractivesUnavailablePage(chapterHtml))
                throw new InteractivesTemporarilyUnavailableException();

            // Get chapter title

            // Method 1. Get it from the "Your path to this chapter"
            // CAUTION: can sometimes get truncated, but this appears to be the the legit title from the database, it was truncated when the chapter was made
            // NOTE: Fails on the first chapter, because there's no choices made yet
            // string chapterTitleRegexPattern = string.Format("(?<=\\/map\\/{0}\">).*?(?=<\\/a>)", chapterUrlParm);

            // Method 2. Get it from between <big><big><b>...</b></big></big>
            // <span style="font-size:1.45em;font-weight:bold;">...</span>
            // There are other isntances of the <big><b> tags in use, but only the chapter title gets wrapped in 2x of them
            // Isn't perfect, but until the website layout changes, it'll work
            string chapterTitleRegexPattern = @"(?<=<span style=""font-size:1\.45em;font-weight:bold;"">).+(?=</span>\s+&nbsp;\s+</span>)";

            Regex chapterTitleRegex = new Regex(chapterTitleRegexPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterTitleMatch = chapterTitleRegex.Match(chapterHtml);

            if (!chapterTitleMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the chapter title for chapter '{chapterUrl.ToString()}'", chapterHtml);
            string chapterTitle = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(chapterTitleMatch.Value);

            // Search for the choice that lead to this chapter
            // This usually has the more fleshed out title, as the legit title can sometimes be truncated
            Regex chapterSourceChoiceRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=This\s*choice:\s*<b>).+(?=</b><span class=""noPrint"">)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterSourceChoiceMatch = chapterSourceChoiceRegex.Match(chapterHtml);

            if (!chapterSourceChoiceMatch.Success && chapterUrlParm != "1") // If we can't find it, and it's not the first chapter
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the interactive chapter's source choice and this isn't the first chapter, for chapter '{chapterUrl.ToString()}'", chapterHtml);
            string chapterSourceChoice = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(chapterSourceChoiceMatch.Value);

            // Search for the chapter content, the actual writing
            // <div class="KonaBody">stuff goes here</div>
            //Regex chapterContentRegex = new Regex("(?<=<div class=\"KonaBody\">).+?(?=<\\/div>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Regex chapterContentRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=<div class="""">).+(?=</span></div></div>)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterContentMatch = chapterContentRegex.Match(chapterHtml);

            if (!chapterContentMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the content for the interactive chapter '{chapterUrl.ToString()}'", chapterHtml);
            string chapterContent = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(chapterContentMatch.Value)
                                    .Replace(@"<span style=""font-size:1.5em;""><div><span>", "")
                                    .Replace(@"<div><span>", "")
                                    .Replace(@"</div></span>", "");

            // Get the author
            // <a title="Username: rpcity Member Since: July 4th, 2002 Click for links!" style="font - size:1em; font - weight:bold; cursor: pointer; ">SmittySmith</a>
            Regex chapterAuthorChunkRegex = new Regex(@"<a title=""\s*Username:\s*.*?</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match chapterAuthorChunkMatch = chapterAuthorChunkRegex.Match(chapterHtml);

            if (!chapterAuthorChunkMatch.Success)
                throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the HTML chunk containing the author for the interactive chapter '{chapterUrl.ToString()}'", chapterHtml);
            string chapterAuthorChunk = chapterAuthorChunkMatch.Value;

            // Get the author username
            Regex  chapterAuthorUsernameRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=Username:\s*)[a-zA-Z]+");
            Match  chapterAuthorUsernameMatch = chapterAuthorUsernameRegex.Match(chapterAuthorChunk);
            string chapterAuthorUsername      = chapterAuthorUsernameMatch.Value;

            // Get the author display name
            Regex  chapterAuthorNameRegex = new Regex("(?<=>).+?(?=<)");
            Match  chapterAuthorNameMatch = chapterAuthorNameRegex.Match(chapterAuthorChunk);
            string chapterAuthorName      = chapterAuthorNameMatch.Value;

            // End end chapters
            if (IsInteractiveChapterEnd(chapterHtml))
                newChapter.IsEnd = true;
                // Search for the available choices
                // This one is going to be complicated, because none of the divs or whatnot have ID's
                // First, get a chunk of the HTML that contains the choices, we'll break them down later
                Regex chapterChoicesChunkRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=<b>You've got the following choice).+(?=</div><div id=""end_choices"")",
                                                           RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                Match chapterChoicesChunkMatch = chapterChoicesChunkRegex.Match(chapterHtml);
                if (!chapterChoicesChunkMatch.Success)
                    throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Couldn't find the HTML chunk containing choices for interactive chapter '{chapterUrl.ToString()}'", chapterHtml);
                string chapterChoicesChunkHtml = chapterChoicesChunkMatch.Value;

                // Then try to get the individual choices
                Regex           chapterChoicesRegex   = new Regex(@"<a .*?href="".+?"">.+?</a>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                MatchCollection chapterChoicesMatches = chapterChoicesRegex.Matches(chapterChoicesChunkHtml);
                foreach (Match match in chapterChoicesMatches)
                    string choiceUrl;
                    string choiceMapUrlParm;
                    string choiceName;

                    // Get the URL
                    Regex choiceUrlRegex = new Regex(@"(?<=href="").+?(?="")");
                    Match choiceUrlMatch = choiceUrlRegex.Match(match.Value);
                    if (!choiceUrlMatch.Success)
                        throw new WritingClientHtmlParseException($"Could not find the URL of choice '{match.Value}' on interactive chapter '{chapterUrl.ToString()}'", chapterHtml);
                    choiceUrl = choiceUrlMatch.Value;

                    // Get just the numbers from the URL
                    choiceMapUrlParm = GetMapUrlParameter(choiceUrl);

                    // Get the choice name / description
                    int indexOfGt = match.Value.IndexOf('>');
                    int indexofLt = match.Value.LastIndexOf('<') - 1;
                    choiceName = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(match.Value.Substring(indexOfGt + 1, indexofLt - indexOfGt));

                    newChapter.Choices.Add(new WInteractiveChapterChoice()
                        MapLink = choiceMapUrlParm,
                        Name    = choiceName

            // Put the rest together
            newChapter.Author = new WAuthor()
                Name = chapterAuthorName, Username = chapterAuthorUsername
            newChapter.Path              = chapterUrlParm;
            newChapter.Content           = chapterContent;
            newChapter.SourceChoiceTitle = chapterSourceChoice;
            newChapter.Title             = chapterTitle;

Пример #3
        private async Task UpdateStory()
            _log.DebugFormat("Updating story: {0}", _story.UrlID);
            var cancelToken = _cancelTokenSource.Token;

            WInteractiveStory retrievedStory;

            while (true)
                    retrievedStory = await _wc.GetInteractive(_story.UrlID);

                    break; // Got the chapter successfully, excape this crude retry loop
                catch (InteractivesTemporarilyUnavailableException)
                    _log.InfoFormat("Encountered 'interactives temporarily unavailable' page, pausing for {0}ms", ITU_PAUSE_MS);
                    ITUPause("Interactives temporarily unavailable, waiting {0}s");

                    // Cancellation support
                    if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                    // This method of pausing won't work that well when it comes to cancelling.
                    // It'll do for now, but we'll need something better
                    // E.g. it sents a "Pause until" DateTime, and keeps checking every second, or something.

                     * _log.DebugFormat("Encountered 'interactives temporarily unavailable' page, pausing for {0}ms", ITUPauseMS);
                     * DoStateUpdate("Interactives temporarily unavailable, waiting before trying again");
                     * Thread.Sleep(ITUPauseMS);

            // Cancellation support
            if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            // Update the story
            _story.LastSynced = DateTime.Now;

            if (_story.Name != retrievedStory.Name ||
                _story.Description != retrievedStory.Description ||
                _story.ShortDescription != retrievedStory.ShortDescription
                _log.DebugFormat("Updating story details");

                _story.Name             = retrievedStory.Name;
                _story.ShortDescription = retrievedStory.ShortDescription;
                _story.Description      = retrievedStory.Description;
                _story.LastUpdated      = DateTime.Now;
                _story.HasChanged       = true;

            // Cancellation support
            if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            // Check if there's any new chapters that we haven't seen before
            //DoStatusUpdate("Checking for new chapters");
            Uri[] chapters = new Uri[0];

            while (true)
                    DoStateUpdate("Retrieving chapter list");
                    chapters = await _wc.GetAllInteractiveChapterUrls(_story.UrlID);

                    break; // Got what we need, lets escape this loop
                catch (InteractivesTemporarilyUnavailableException)
                    _log.InfoFormat("Encountered 'interactives temporarily unavailable' page, pausing for {0}ms", ITU_PAUSE_MS);
                    ITUPause("Interactives temporarily unavailable, waiting {0}s");

                    // Cancellation support
                    if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

            foreach (Uri chapterUrl in chapters)
                // Cancellation support
                if (cancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                // Do we already have this chapter?
                string chapterMapId = _wc.GetMapUrlParameter(chapterUrl.ToString());
                WInteractiveChapter localChapter = _story.Chapters.Find(c => c.Path == chapterMapId);

                if (localChapter == null)
                    // Add a placeholder chapter to this story's list of chapters
                    // The sync worker should see this and get the rest of the details
                    _story.Chapters.Add(new WInteractiveChapter()
                        Path = _wc.GetMapUrlParameter(chapterUrl)