public void OnPlayerUseWorldItemSecondary(object secondaryResult) { WIListResult dialogResult = secondaryResult as WIListResult; switch (dialogResult.SecondaryResult) { case "Pluck": WIStackError error = WIStackError.None; WorldItem pluckedWorldItem = null; if (WorldItems.CloneWorldItem(PluckedItem,, false, WIGroups.GetCurrent(), out pluckedWorldItem)) { pluckedWorldItem.Initialize(); } Player.Local.Inventory.AddItems(pluckedWorldItem, ref error); creature.OnTakeDamage(); creature.FleeFromThing(Player.Local); break; default: break; } }
public void OnClickSquare() { Debug.Log("Clicking result square"); WIStackError error = WIStackError.None; if (ReadyForRetrieval) { Debug.Log("Is ready for retrieval"); while (NumItemsCrafted > 0) { StackItem craftedItem = CraftedItemTemplate.ToStackItem(); craftedItem.Group = WIGroups.Get.Player; if (craftedItem.CanEnterInventory) { if (Player.Local.Inventory.AddItems(craftedItem, ref error)) { Debug.Log("Added item to inventory"); NumItemsCrafted--; } else { Debug.Log("Couldn't add to inventory, what now?"); break; } } else { Debug.Log("We have to carry the item"); if (Player.Local.ItemPlacement.IsCarryingSomething) { Player.Local.ItemPlacement.PlaceOrDropCarriedItem(); } //turn it into a worlditem and have the player carry it WorldItem craftedWorldItem = null; if (WorldItems.CloneFromStackItem(craftedItem, WIGroups.GetCurrent(), out craftedWorldItem)) { craftedWorldItem.Props.Local.CraftedByPlayer = true; craftedWorldItem.Initialize(); craftedWorldItem.ActiveState = WIActiveState.Active; craftedWorldItem.Props.Local.FreezeOnStartup = false; = Quaternion.identity; craftedWorldItem.SetMode(WIMode.World); = Player.Local.ItemPlacement.GrabberIdealPosition; craftedWorldItem.LastActiveDistanceToPlayer = 0f; //if we have an interface open, close it now GUIInventoryInterface.Get.Minimize(); //then force the player to carry the item if (Player.Local.ItemPlacement.ItemCarry(craftedWorldItem, true)) { NumItemsCrafted--; } else { GUIManager.PostWarning("You have to drop what you're carrying first"); } //set placement mode to true immediately Player.Local.ItemPlacement.PlacementModeEnabled = true; } break; } } } else { Debug.Log("Not ready for retrieval"); } RefreshRequest(); }
public void OnPlayerUseWorldItemSecondary(object secondaryResult) { WIListResult dialogResult = secondaryResult as WIListResult; switch (dialogResult.SecondaryResult) { case "Shear": State.LastTimeSheared = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime; //spawn a random number of wool items //make it pop off the chest body part, upwards WorldItem shearedWorldItem = null; BodyPart chestBodyPart = null; creature.Body.GetBodyPart(BodyPartType.Chest, out chestBodyPart); Bounds colliderBounds = chestBodyPart.PartCollider.bounds; Vector3 popPosition; Vector3 popDirection; System.Random random = new System.Random(Profile.Get.CurrentGame.Seed); int numShearedItems = random.Next(MinShearedItems, MaxShearedItems); Debug.Log("Shearing " + numShearedItems.ToString() + " Items in " + name); for (int i = 0; i < numShearedItems; i++) { popPosition = (UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * 5f) +; popPosition = chestBodyPart.PartCollider.ClosestPointOnBounds(popPosition); //give it a push in a direction away from the body popDirection = Vector3.Normalize( - popPosition); if (WorldItems.CloneWorldItem(ShearedItem,, false, WIGroups.GetCurrent(), out shearedWorldItem)) { shearedWorldItem.Initialize(); shearedWorldItem.SetMode(WIMode.World); = popPosition; shearedWorldItem.ApplyForce(popDirection, popPosition); } //let them all fall away } //the creature freaks out but doesn't actually take damage creature.OnTakeDamage(); break; default: break; } }