Пример #1
        public IEnumerator LoadGroupsOverTime()
            Debug.Log("Superloading path " + GroupPath);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GroupPath))
                Debug.Log("Path was empty!");
                yield break;
            GroupsToLoad = WIGroup.SplitPath(GroupPath);
            //pop the first - it will be the root
            LastGroupLoaded = WIGroups.Get.Root;
            if (GroupsToLoad.Count > 0)
                NextGroupToLoad = GroupsToLoad.Peek();
                //start at the root and then load the groups all the way down
                //we'll keep loading groups until we've loaded everything in the stack
                while (GroupsToLoad.Count > 0)
                    State = "Loading group";
                    WIGroup nextGroup = null;
                    while (!LastGroupLoaded.Is(WIGroupLoadState.Loaded) || !LastGroupLoaded.GetChildGroup(out nextGroup, NextGroupToLoad))
                        Debug.Log("Last group " + LastGroupLoaded.name + " loaded? " + LastGroupLoaded.Is(WIGroupLoadState.Loaded).ToString() + "\n" +
                                  "Child group available? " + LastGroupLoaded.GetChildGroup(out nextGroup, NextGroupToLoad).ToString());
                        State = "Waiting for child group " + NextGroupToLoad;
                        yield return(null);
                    //now that it has its child items, tell it to load its child groups
                    LastGroupLoaded = nextGroup;
                    if (GroupsToLoad.Count > 0)
                        NextGroupToLoad = GroupsToLoad.Peek();
                        yield return(null);

                yield return(null);

                //now we search the group to see if it holds the child item we're looking for
                while (!LastGroupLoaded.FindChildItem(ChildItemFileName, out LoadedWorldItem))
                    //LastGroupLoaded.State = WIGroupState.ForceLoad;
                    State = "Waiting for child item " + ChildItemFileName;
                    yield return(null);

            yield break;
Пример #2
        public IEnumerator LoadChunkGroups()

            while (!ChunkGroup.Is(WIGroupLoadState.Loaded))
                //be patient
                yield return(null);

            if (WorldItemsGroup == null)
                WorldItemsGroup = WIGroups.GetOrAdd(Transforms.WorldItems.gameObject, Transforms.WorldItems.name, ChunkGroup, null);


            while (!WorldItemsGroup.Is(WIGroupLoadState.Loaded))
                //be patient
                yield return(null);

            if (AboveGroundGroup == null)
                AboveGroundGroup = WIGroups.GetOrAdd(Transforms.AboveGroundWorldItems.gameObject, Transforms.AboveGroundWorldItems.name, WorldItemsGroup, null);
                AboveGroundGroup.Props.IgnoreOnSave = true;
                AboveGroundGroup.Props.TerrainType  = LocationTerrainType.AboveGround;

            if (BelowGroundGroup == null)
                BelowGroundGroup = WIGroups.GetOrAdd(Transforms.BelowGroundWorldItems.gameObject, Transforms.BelowGroundWorldItems.name, WorldItemsGroup, null);
                BelowGroundGroup.Props.IgnoreOnSave = true;
                BelowGroundGroup.Props.TerrainType  = LocationTerrainType.BelowGround;

            yield break;
Пример #3
        public IEnumerator SpawnItemsOverTime()
            System.Random random = new System.Random(Profile.Get.CurrentGame.Seed + worlditem.GetHashCode());

            Location location = null;

            if (!worlditem.Is <Location> (out location))
                mIsSpawning = false;
                yield break;

            while (!Player.Local.HasSpawned || location.LocationGroup == null || !location.LocationGroup.Is(WIGroupLoadState.Loaded))
                yield return(null);

                if (worlditem.Is(WIActiveState.Invisible) || !worlditem.Is(WILoadState.Initialized))
                    //Debug.Log ("We went invisible before we could spawn in " + name);
                    mIsSpawning = false;
                    yield break;

            WIGroup spawnGroup = location.LocationGroup;

            for (int i = 0; i < State.SpawnerSettings.Count; i++)
                SpawnerStateSetting setting = State.SpawnerSettings [i];
                if (setting.TimeToSpawn)
                    setting.LastManualSpawnPointIndex = 0;                    //reset this just in case
                    var enumerator = GetSpawnPoints(setting, location, spawnGroup, Player.Local, random).GetEnumerator();
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        if (!spawnGroup.Is(WIGroupLoadState.Initialized | WIGroupLoadState.Loading | WIGroupLoadState.Loaded))
                            //whoops, it unloaded
                            yield break;
                        SpawnPoint spawnPoint = enumerator.Current;
                        //wait a tick after fetching the spawn point
                        yield return(null);

                        if (spawnPoint != SpawnPoint.Empty)
                            var spawn = Spawn(spawnPoint, setting, location, spawnGroup, random);
                            while (spawn.MoveNext())
                                yield return(spawn.Current);
                        double waitUntil = WorldClock.RealTime + Globals.SpawnerRTYieldInterval + UnityEngine.Random.value * 0.25f;
                        while (WorldClock.RealTime < waitUntil)
                            yield return(null);
                    int gameHoursToNextSpawnTime = random.Next(setting.MinHoursBetweenSpawns, setting.MaxHoursBetweenSpawns);
                    setting.NextSpawnTime = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + WorldClock.HoursToSeconds(gameHoursToNextSpawnTime);
                yield return(null);

            mIsSpawning = false;
            yield break;