Пример #1
        private bool CompareRows(InstanceReport baseRep, InstanceReport newRep, DateTime reportDate, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            output     op        = new output(Output);
            bool       retval    = true;
            RowCounter baseCount = BuildRowCount(baseRep);
            RowCounter newCount  = BuildRowCount(newRep);

            //"Row property {0} mismatched counts: <br>Expected Results: '{1}' Actual Results: '{2}'"
            //Compare results of each dictionary:
            foreach (string key in baseCount.Keys)
                if (baseCount[key] != newCount[key])
                    retval = false;
                                                   key, baseCount[key], newCount[key]), reportDate, out error);

                    //RLogger.Info(string.Format(debugParameters, baseRep.ReportLongName, newRep.ReportLongName, errorID, 433));
                    using (BaselineRules baseL = new BaselineRules(baseRep, newRep, errorID))

            if (baseRep.Rows.Count != newRep.Rows.Count)
                retval = false;
                this.htmlStarter(string.Format("Row counts do not match " + expectedResults, baseRep.Rows.Count, newRep.Rows.Count), reportDate, out error);

            int min = Math.Min(baseRep.Rows.Count, newRep.Rows.Count);

            for (int r = 0; r < min; r++)
                InstanceReportRow baseRow = baseRep.Rows[r];
                InstanceReportRow newRow  = newRep.Rows[r];

                string baseLabel = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(baseRow.Label, " ");
                string newLabel  = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(newRow.Label, " ");
                if (!string.Equals(baseLabel, newLabel))
                    retval = false;
                    this.htmlStarter(string.Format("Row '" + r + "' labels do not match " + expectedResults, baseLabel, newLabel), reportDate, out error);

                if (!string.Equals(baseRow.FootnoteIndexer, newRow.FootnoteIndexer))
                    retval = false;
                                              r.ToString(), baseLabel, "Footnotes: " + baseRow.FootnoteIndexer, "Footnotes: " + newRow.FootnoteIndexer), reportDate, out error);

Пример #2
        private bool CompareColumns(InstanceReport baseRep, InstanceReport newRep, DateTime reportDate, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            //Column# {0}: '{1}' has mismatched property: {2}. <br>Expected Results: '{3}' Actual Results: '{4}'
            output op     = new output(Output);
            bool   retval = true;
            int    x      = 0;
            string labelText1;
            string labelText2;

            for (int i = 0; i < baseRep.NumberOfCols; i++)
                x = i + 1;
                if (baseRep.Columns[i].CurrencySymbol != newRep.Columns[i].CurrencySymbol)
                    labelText1 = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(baseRep.Columns[i].Label.Trim(), " ");

                                              x.ToString(), labelText1, "CurrencySymbol", baseRep.Columns[i].CurrencySymbol, newRep.Columns[i].CurrencySymbol),
                                reportDate, out error);

                    retval = false;

                if (!baseRep.Columns[i].Label.Equals(newRep.Columns[i].Label))
                    labelText1 = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(baseRep.Columns[i].Label.Trim(), " ");
                    labelText2 = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(newRep.Columns[i].Label.Trim(), " ");

                                              x.ToString(), labelText1, "Label", labelText1, labelText2), reportDate, out error);
                    retval = false;
Пример #3
        public void Compare(bool SkipZip, bool baseHTML, out int totalRFiles, out int failedRFiles)
            //Load list of files:
            string[] files;
            string   error = string.Empty;

            FileInfo[] baseRFiles = null;
            FileInfo[] newRFiles  = null;

            bool reportFailed = false;

            output op = new output(Output);

            totalRFiles  = 0;
            failedRFiles = 0;

            int totalFilings  = 0;
            int failedFilings = 0;

            baseList = new List <InstanceReport>();
            newList  = new List <InstanceReport>();

            //Allows the user to skip this proccess if they're simply rerunning the comparison.
            if (!SkipZip)
                UnzipMove(baseDirs, out files, out error);
                UnzipMove(newDirs, out files, out error);

            baseDirs = new DirectoryInfo(baseDirs.Parent.FullName + "\\Comparison");
            newDirs  = new DirectoryInfo(newDirs.Parent.FullName + "\\Comparison");

            DateTime renderStart = new DateTime();
            DateTime renderEnd   = new DateTime();

            int      renderCount = 0;
            TimeSpan totalRender = GetRenderTime(newDirs, out renderStart, out renderEnd, out renderCount);

            //List of unzipped instance doc directories:
            List <DirectoryInfo> allB = new List <DirectoryInfo>(baseDirs.GetDirectories());
            List <DirectoryInfo> allN = new List <DirectoryInfo>(newDirs.GetDirectories());

            allB.Sort(new CompareFileInfo());
            allN.Sort(new CompareFileInfo());

            //Sync the resources:
            Trace.TraceInformation("Information: Synchronizing resources. . .");

            int minCount = Math.Min(allB.Count, allN.Count);

            DateTime compareStart = DateTime.Now;

                Trace.TraceInformation("Information: Starting the Comparison loop.");
                for (int i = 0; i <= minCount - 1; i++)
                    reportFailed = false;
                    //Proccess current directory:
                    DirectoryInfo baseDirectory = allB.Find(ab => ab.Name == allN[i].Name);
                    DirectoryInfo newDirectory  = allN[i];

                    if (baseDirectory != null)
                        //get the Filing summary for the current filing.
                        List <ReportHeader> baseHeaders = returnHeaders(baseDirectory);
                        List <ReportHeader> newHeaders  = returnHeaders(newDirectory);

                        Trace.TraceInformation("Comparing report {0}:\t\t{1} of {2}", baseDirectory.Name, (i + 1).ToString(), minCount);

                        baseRFiles = gFiles(baseDirectory, "R*.xml");
                        newRFiles  = gFiles(newDirectory, "R*.xml");

                        reportName = baseDirectory.Name;

                            //Trace.TraceInformation("Loading Files into memory.");
                            //Deserialize, load and sort the r files:
                            foreach (FileInfo file in baseRFiles)
                                LoadFiles(file, ref baseList);

                            foreach (FileInfo file in newRFiles)
                                LoadFiles(file, ref newList);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Trace.TraceInformation("The following error occured while trying to load the R files for {0}: \n{1}", baseDirectory.Name, ex.Message);
                            RLogger.Error(string.Format("The following error occured while trying to load the R files for {0}: \n{1}", baseDirectory.Name, ex.Message));

                        //baseList and newList now has the list of the R files:

                        for (int j = 0; j <= baseList.Count - 1; j++)
                            //Trace.TraceInformation("Starting Instance Report Comparison Inner Loop.");
                            //Compare the actual R Files:

                            //find the exact R file.
                            InstanceReport currentBase  = baseList[j];
                            string         baseLongName = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(currentBase.ReportLongName.Trim(), " ");
                            //string baseShortName = WHITE_SPACE.Replace( currentBase.ReportName.Trim(), " " );

                            InstanceReport currentNew = newList.Find(
                                nl =>
                                WHITE_SPACE.Replace(nl.ReportLongName.Trim(), " ") == baseLongName);

                            //try to match by report long name if it's there. If not, try by report name
                            if (currentNew != null)
                                string newLongName  = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(currentNew.ReportLongName.Trim(), " ");
                                string newShortName = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(currentNew.ReportName.Trim(), " ");
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newLongName))
                                    workingHeader = baseHeaders.Find(
                                        bh =>
                                        WHITE_SPACE.Replace(bh.LongName.Trim(), " ") == newLongName);

                                if (workingHeader == null)
                                    workingHeader = baseHeaders.Find(
                                        bh =>
                                        WHITE_SPACE.Replace(bh.ShortName.Trim(), " ") == newShortName);

                                if (workingHeader != null && baseHTML)
                                    //build base html files. Skip if this already exists.
                                    string xmlFilename  = allB[i].FullName + "\\" + workingHeader.XmlFileName;
                                    string htmlFilename = xmlFilename + ".html";
                                    if (!File.Exists(htmlFilename))
                                        this.HTML(currentBase, xmlFilename, htmlFilename);

                                if (currentNew != null && workingHeader != null)
                                    //html.RFile = workingHeader.XmlFileName;

                                    string newPath = Path.Combine(newDirectory.FullName, workingHeader.XmlFileName);
                                    this.rFileLoc1 = Path.Combine(newDirectory.FullName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newPath) + ".html");

                                    string basePath = Path.Combine(baseDirectory.FullName, workingHeader.XmlFileName);
                                    this.rFileLoc2 = Path.Combine(baseDirectory.FullName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(basePath) + ".html");

                                    if (!this.ReportCompare(currentBase, currentNew, basePath, newPath, compareStart, out error))
                                        reportFailed = true;
                                    RLogger.Error("New report does not contain a matching report name.");
                                    htmlStarter("New report does not contain a matching report name<br>New Report does not contain a matching report name.",
                                                compareStart, out error);
                                    reportFailed = true;

                                TimeSpan seconds = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(swCompare.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                            else //if (currentNew == null)
                                RLogger.Info("The 'Current' report was null. Setting appropriate variables and closing the current R report.");
                                //Set the variables, write the log entry and save the HTML
                                workingHeader = baseHeaders.Find(bh => bh.LongName == baseList[j].ReportLongName);

                                rFileLoc1 = allN[i].FullName + "\\" +
                                            workingHeader.XmlFileName.Remove(workingHeader.XmlFileName.Length - 4) + ".html";

                                rFileLoc2 = baseDirectory.FullName + "\\" +
                                            workingHeader.XmlFileName.Remove(workingHeader.XmlFileName.Length - 4) + ".html";

                                htmlStarter("Could not match report name for this report<br>The 'new' report name could not be matched", compareStart, out error);
                                reportFailed = true;

                        //finish up the last report:
                        if (reportFailed)

                        if (html.reportStarted)
                        RLogger.Error("Could not find matching directory.");
                        Trace.TraceWarning("Warning: Could not find matching directory.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.TraceInformation("Error: An error occured trying to compare the following report {0}: \n{1}", reportName, ex.Message);
                RLogger.Error(string.Format("An error occured trying to compare the following report {0}: \n{1}", reportName, ex.Message));

            DateTime compareEnd    = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan timeToCompare = compareEnd.Subtract(compareStart);

            //get render time:

            if (html.reportStarted)

            html.BuildSummary(compareStart, compareEnd, minCount, failedFilings, totalRFiles, failedRFiles, timeToCompare, renderStart,
                              renderEnd, totalRender, renderCount);
            //string path = string.Format("{0}\\Logs\\AutoTesterLog-{1}.html", newDirs.Root.FullName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss"));
            DirectoryInfo logPath = new DirectoryInfo(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["logPath"]);

            if (logPath.Exists)
                string path = string.Format("{0}\\AutoTesterLog-{1}.html", logPath.FullName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd_hhmmss"));
                HTML(html.html.ToString(), path);
                Trace.TraceError("Error: Unable to write the HTML log file. Check to make sure the specified log directory exists.");
                RLogger.Error("Unable to write the HTML log file. Check to make sure the specified log directory exists.");
Пример #4
        private bool CompareRowCells(
            InstanceReportRow baseRow, InstanceReportRow newRow,
            InstanceReport baseReport, InstanceReport newReport,
            string basePath, string newPath,
            int rowCount, DateTime reportDate, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;
            //Row# {0}:'{1}' has unmatched data.<br>Expected Results: '{2}' Actual Results: '{3}'
            output op        = new output(Output);
            bool   retval    = true;
            string labelText = baseRow.Label.Replace("\r\n", " ");

            //if (!string.Equals( baseRow.ToString(), newRow.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
            for (int i = 0; i < baseRow.Cells.Count; i++)
                Cell baseCell = baseRow.Cells[i];
                Cell newCell  = newRow.Cells[i];

                if (baseCell.HasEmbeddedReport == newCell.HasEmbeddedReport)
                    if (newCell.HasEmbeddedReport)
                        this.ReportCompare(baseCell.EmbeddedReport.InstanceReport, newCell.EmbeddedReport.InstanceReport,
                                           basePath, newPath, reportDate, out error);
                    if (baseCell.HasEmbeddedReport)
                        this.htmlStarter("Unmatched embedded reports<br>BaseRep cell has an embedded report, but NewRep cell does not.", reportDate, out error);
                        this.htmlStarter("Unmatched embedded reports<br>NewRep cell has an embedded report, but BaseRep cell does not.", reportDate, out error);

                string baseText = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(baseCell.ToString().Trim(), " ");
                string newText  = WHITE_SPACE.Replace(newCell.ToString().Trim(), " ");
                if (!string.Equals(baseText, newText, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    retval = false;

                                              i.ToString(), labelText, baseRow.Cells[i].ToString(), newRow.Cells[i].ToString()), reportDate, out error);

                    if (errorID > 0)
                        //RLogger.Info(string.Format(debugParameters, baseReport.ReportName, newReport.ReportName, errorID, 464));
                        using (BaselineRules baseL = new BaselineRules(baseReport, newReport, errorID))
                    else if (errorID == 0)
                        RLogger.Error("No error ID on " + baseReport.ReportName + " " + workingHeader.XmlFileName + " SQL DB returned 0");

                if (!string.Equals(baseCell.FootnoteIndexer, newCell.FootnoteIndexer))
                    retval = false;
                                              i.ToString(), labelText, "Footnotes: " + baseCell.FootnoteIndexer, "Footnotes: " + newCell.FootnoteIndexer), reportDate, out error);
Пример #5
        private bool ReportCompare(InstanceReport baseRep, InstanceReport newRep,
                                   string basePath, string newPath,
                                   DateTime reportDate, out string error)
            error = string.Empty;

            bool retval = true;

            if (WHITE_SPACE.Replace(baseRep.ReportName.Trim(), " ") != WHITE_SPACE.Replace(newRep.ReportName.Trim(), " "))
                htmlStarter(string.Format("Report Names do not match. " + expectedResults, baseRep.ReportName, newRep.ReportName), reportDate, out error);
                retval = false;

            //If counts don't match, we can't do the cell by cell compare, skip
            if (baseRep.Rows.Count != newRep.Rows.Count)
                htmlStarter(string.Format("Row counts do not match " + expectedResults, baseRep.Rows.Count, newRep.Rows.Count), reportDate, out error);
                retval = false;

            if (baseRep.Columns.Count != newRep.Columns.Count)
                htmlStarter(string.Format("Column counts do not match " + expectedResults, baseRep.Columns.Count, newRep.Columns.Count), reportDate, out error);
                retval = false;

            if (!this.CompareRows(baseRep, newRep, reportDate, out error))
                retval = false;

            if (retval)
                //Only run this if row/column counts match, otherwise, this will error out
                for (int i = 0; i < baseRep.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (!CompareRowCells(baseRep.Rows[i], newRep.Rows[i], baseRep, newRep, basePath, newPath, i + 1, reportDate, out error))
                        retval = false;

                if (!CompareColumns(baseRep, newRep, reportDate, out error))
                    retval = false;

            //Compare this last. A false here won't effect the outcome of the row/column check
            if (!baseRep.RoundingOption.Equals(newRep.RoundingOption))
                htmlStarter(string.Format("Rounding options do not match." + expectedResults, baseRep.RoundingOption, newRep.RoundingOption), reportDate, out error);
                //RLogger.Info(string.Format(debugParameters, baseRep.ReportLongName, newRep.ReportLongName, errorID, 397));
                using (BaselineRules baseL = new BaselineRules(baseRep, newRep, errorID))
                retval = false;

            if (!retval)
                //Save the baseRep and newRep HTML
                this.HTML(newRep, newPath, rFileLoc1);
                this.HTML(baseRep, basePath, rFileLoc2);
