Пример #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                String currentUserLoginName = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName;

                WBTaxonomy teams           = WBTaxonomy.GetTeams(SPContext.Current.Site);
                WBTaxonomy functionalAreas = WBTaxonomy.GetFunctionalAreas(teams);
                WBTeam     team            = WBTeam.GetFromTeamSite(teams, SPContext.Current.Web);
                if (team == null)
                    WorkBox workBox = WorkBox.GetIfWorkBox(SPContext.Current);
                    if (workBox != null)
                        team = workBox.OwningTeam;

                // Check if this user has permission - checking basic team membership:
                if (team == null || !team.IsCurrentUserTeamMember())
                    AccessDeniedPanel.Visible          = true;
                    UpdateRecordsMetadataPanel.Visible = false;
                    AccessDeniedReason.Text            = "You are not a member of this team";

                RecordID.Text = Request.QueryString["RecordID"];
                WBLogging.Debug("Record ID is found to be: " + RecordID.Text);

                using (WBRecordsManager manager = new WBRecordsManager(currentUserLoginName))
                    WBRecord record = manager.Libraries.GetRecordByID(RecordID.Text);


                    Filename.Text    = record.Name;
                    RecordTitle.Text = record.Title;

                    String location = "<unknown>";
                    if (record.FunctionalArea != null && record.FunctionalArea.Count > 0)
                        WBLogging.Debug("Found functional area = " + record.FunctionalArea);
                        WBTerm functionalArea = record.FunctionalArea[0];
                        location = functionalArea.FullPath;
                        WBLogging.Debug("location = " + location);

                        WBTermCollection <WBTerm> teamsFunctionalAreas = team.FunctionalArea(functionalAreas);

                        if (!teamsFunctionalAreas.Contains(functionalArea))
                            WBLogging.Debug("Team functional areas UIControlValue: " + teamsFunctionalAreas.UIControlValue);
                            WBLogging.Debug("Record's functional area UIControlValue: " + functionalArea);

                            AccessDeniedPanel.Visible          = true;
                            UpdateRecordsMetadataPanel.Visible = false;
                            AccessDeniedReason.Text            = "The team " + team.Name + " does not have permission to edit this functional area: " + functionalArea.Name;
                    location += "/" + record.RecordsType.FullPath;

                    String folders = record.ProtectedMasterRecord.LibraryRelativePath.Replace(record.Name, "").Replace(location, "");

                    RecordsLocation.Text = "<b>" + location + "</b> " + folders;

                    String status = record.RecordSeriesStatus;
                    RecordSeriesStatus.Text = status;

                    String explainStatus = "";
                    if (status == "Latest")
                        if (record.ProtectiveZone == WBRecordsType.PROTECTIVE_ZONE__PUBLIC)
                            explainStatus = "(live on the public website)";
                        else if (record.ProtectiveZone == WBRecordsType.PROTECTIVE_ZONE__PUBLIC_EXTRANET)
                            explainStatus = "(live on a public extranet website)";
                            explainStatus = "(live on izzi intranet)";
                    else if (status == "Retired")
                        explainStatus = "(visible on izzi intranet searches)";
                    else if (status == "Archived")
                        explainStatus = "(archived in the protected, master records library)";
                    ExplainStatus.Text = explainStatus;

                    RecordSeriesStatusChange.DataSource = new String[] { "", "Retire", "Archive" };
                    RecordSeriesStatusChange.SelectedValue = "";

                    ProtectiveZone.DataSource = new String[] { WBRecordsType.PROTECTIVE_ZONE__PROTECTED, WBRecordsType.PROTECTIVE_ZONE__PUBLIC };
                    ProtectiveZone.SelectedValue = record.ProtectiveZone;

                    manager.SubjectTagsTaxonomy.InitialiseTaxonomyControl(SubjectTags, WBColumn.SubjectTags.DisplayName, true);
                    SubjectTags.Text = record.SubjectTagsUIControlValue;

                    manager.TeamsTaxonomy.InitialiseTaxonomyControl(OwningTeam, WBColumn.OwningTeam.DisplayName, false);
                    OwningTeam.Text = record.OwningTeam.UIControlValue;

                    manager.TeamsTaxonomy.InitialiseTaxonomyControl(InvolvedTeams, WBColumn.InvolvedTeams.DisplayName, true);
                    InvolvedTeams.Text = record.InvolvedTeamsWithoutOwningTeamAsUIControlValue;
Пример #2
        protected void updateButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            /* Something here appears to be causing an authentication error
             * if (team == null || !team.IsCurrentUserTeamMember())
             * {
             *  return;
             * }
             * WBTermCollection<WBTerm> teamsFunctionalAreas = team.FunctionalArea(teams);

            String callingUserLogin = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName;

            if (true)
                    using (WBRecordsManager elevatedManager = new WBRecordsManager(callingUserLogin))
                        WBRecord record = elevatedManager.Libraries.GetRecordByID(RecordID.Text);

                        // Just making sure that any old records have any missing metadata filled in before the update is applied:

                        /* Something here appears to be causing an authentication error
                         * // Let's just double check the permissions to edit:
                         * WBTermCollection<WBTerm> recordsFunctionalAreas = record.FunctionalArea;
                         * if (recordsFunctionalAreas != null && recordsFunctionalAreas.Count > 0)
                         * {
                         *  WBTerm functionalArea = record.FunctionalArea[0];
                         *  if (!teamsFunctionalAreas.Contains(functionalArea))
                         *  {
                         *      throw new Exception("You are trying to edit a record (" + record.RecordID + ") which has a functional area (" + functionalArea.Name + ") that your team (" + team.Name + ") doesn't have permission to edit!");
                         *  }
                         * }

                        if (RecordSeriesStatusChange.SelectedValue == "Retire")
                            if (record.RecordSeriesStatus == "Latest")
                                record.RecordSeriesStatus = "Retired";
                        if (RecordSeriesStatusChange.SelectedValue == "Archive")
                            record.RecordSeriesStatus = "Archived";
                            record.LiveOrArchived     = "Archived";

                        record.Title                     = RecordTitle.Text;
                        record.ProtectiveZone            = ProtectiveZone.SelectedValue;
                        record.SubjectTagsUIControlValue = SubjectTags.Text;
                        record.OwningTeamUIControlValue  = OwningTeam.Text;
                        record.InvolvedTeamsWithoutOwningTeamAsUIControlValue = InvolvedTeams.Text;

                        if (record.ProtectiveZone != WBRecordsType.PROTECTIVE_ZONE__PROTECTED && record.Metadata.IsNullOrEmpty(WBColumn.ReviewDate))
                            record[WBColumn.ReviewDate] = DateTime.Now.AddYears(2);

                        WBLogging.Debug("About to udpate with callingUser = "******"The security digest for the request was not OK");