Пример #1
        private static Size MonitorSize(ref Window window, Matrix dpimatrix, bool full = false)
            W32Point pt = new W32Point();

            pt.X = (int)(window.Left + (window.Width) / 2);
            pt.Y = (int)(window.Height + (window.Height) / 2);

            IntPtr         monHandle = MonitorFromWindow(new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle, 0x00000002);
            W32MonitorInfo monInfo   = new W32MonitorInfo();

            monInfo.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(W32MonitorInfo));

            if (!GetMonitorInfo(monHandle, ref monInfo))

            // use WorkArea struct to include the taskbar position.
            W32Rect monitor = monInfo.WorkArea;

            if (full)
                monitor = monInfo.Monitor;

            return((Size)dpimatrix.Transform(new Vector(Math.Abs(monitor.Right - monitor.Left), Math.Abs(monitor.Bottom - monitor.Top))));
Пример #2
        public static void PlaceNearCursor(this Window window)
            W32Point pt = new W32Point();

            if (!GetCursorPos(ref pt))

            // 0x00000002: return nearest monitor if pt is not contained in any monitor.
            IntPtr         monHandle = MonitorFromPoint(pt, 0x00000002);
            W32MonitorInfo monInfo   = new W32MonitorInfo();

            monInfo.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(W32MonitorInfo));

            if (!GetMonitorInfo(monHandle, ref monInfo))

            W32Rect workArea = monInfo.WorkArea;

            var wpfScreenTopLeft     = window.RealPixelsToWpf(new Point(workArea.Left, workArea.Top));
            var wpfScreenBottomRight = window.RealPixelsToWpf(new Point(workArea.Right, workArea.Bottom));

            var wpfPt = RealPixelsToWpf(window, new Point(pt.X, pt.Y));

            const int OFFSET = 10;

            var xPosRight = wpfPt.X + window.Width + OFFSET;

            if (xPosRight > wpfScreenBottomRight.X)
                var xPosLeft = wpfPt.X - window.Width - OFFSET;
                if (xPosLeft < wpfScreenTopLeft.X)
                    window.Left = wpfScreenTopLeft.X + OFFSET;
                    window.Left = xPosLeft;
                window.Left = wpfPt.X + OFFSET;

            var yPosBottom = wpfPt.Y + window.Height + OFFSET;

            if (yPosBottom > wpfScreenBottomRight.Y)
                var yPosTop = wpfPt.Y - window.Height - OFFSET;
                if (yPosTop < wpfScreenTopLeft.Y)
                    window.Top = wpfScreenTopLeft.Y + OFFSET;
                    window.Top = yPosTop;
                window.Top = wpfPt.Y + OFFSET;
Пример #3
 private static extern bool GetMonitorInfo(IntPtr hMonitor, ref W32MonitorInfo lpmi);
Пример #4
        private static void ComputeTopLeft(ref Window window)
            W32Point pt = new W32Point();

            if (!GetCursorPos(ref pt))

            // 0x00000002: return nearest monitor if pt is not contained in any monitor.
            IntPtr         monHandle = MonitorFromPoint(pt, 0x00000002);
            W32MonitorInfo monInfo   = new W32MonitorInfo();

            monInfo.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(W32MonitorInfo));

            if (!GetMonitorInfo(monHandle, ref monInfo))

            // use WorkArea struct to include the taskbar position.
            W32Rect monitor = monInfo.WorkArea;
            double  offsetX = Math.Round(window.Width / 2);
            double  offsetY = Math.Round(window.Height / 2);

            double top  = pt.Y - offsetY;
            double left = pt.X - offsetX;

            Rect screen = new Rect(
                new Point(monitor.Left, monitor.Top),
                new Point(monitor.Right, monitor.Bottom));
            Rect wnd = new Rect(
                new Point(left, top),
                new Point(left + window.Width, top + window.Height));

            window.Top  = wnd.Top;
            window.Left = wnd.Left;

            if (!screen.Contains(wnd))
                if (wnd.Top < screen.Top)
                    double diff = Math.Abs(screen.Top - wnd.Top);
                    window.Top = wnd.Top + diff;

                if (wnd.Bottom > screen.Bottom)
                    double diff = wnd.Bottom - screen.Bottom;
                    window.Top = wnd.Top - diff;

                if (wnd.Left < screen.Left)
                    double diff = Math.Abs(screen.Left - wnd.Left);
                    window.Left = wnd.Left + diff;

                if (wnd.Right > screen.Right)
                    double diff = wnd.Right - screen.Right;
                    window.Left = wnd.Left - diff;
Пример #5
 private static extern bool GetMonitorInfo(IntPtr hMonitor, ref W32MonitorInfo lpmi);
Пример #6
        private static void ComputeTopLeft(ref Window window)
            W32Point pt = new W32Point();
            if (!GetCursorPos(ref pt))

            // 0x00000002: return nearest monitor if pt is not contained in any monitor.
            IntPtr monHandle = MonitorFromPoint(pt, 0x00000002);
            W32MonitorInfo monInfo = new W32MonitorInfo();
            monInfo.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(W32MonitorInfo));

            if (!GetMonitorInfo(monHandle, ref monInfo))

            // use WorkArea struct to include the taskbar position.
            W32Rect monitor = monInfo.WorkArea;
            double offsetX = Math.Round(window.Width / 2);
            double offsetY = Math.Round(window.Height / 2);

            double top = pt.Y - offsetY;
            double left = pt.X - offsetX;

            Rect screen = new Rect(
                new Point(monitor.Left, monitor.Top),
                new Point(monitor.Right, monitor.Bottom));
            Rect wnd = new Rect(
                new Point(left, top),
                new Point(left + window.Width, top + window.Height));

            window.Top = wnd.Top;
            window.Left = wnd.Left;

            if (!screen.Contains(wnd))
                if (wnd.Top < screen.Top)
                    double diff = Math.Abs(screen.Top - wnd.Top);
                    window.Top = wnd.Top + diff;

                if (wnd.Bottom > screen.Bottom)
                    double diff = wnd.Bottom - screen.Bottom;
                    window.Top = wnd.Top - diff;

                if (wnd.Left < screen.Left)
                    double diff = Math.Abs(screen.Left - wnd.Left);
                    window.Left = wnd.Left + diff;

                if (wnd.Right > screen.Right)
                    double diff = wnd.Right - screen.Right;
                    window.Left = wnd.Left - diff;