Пример #1
    public VxSchema Get(IEnumerable<string> keys)
        VxSchema fullschema = new VxSchema();
        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();

        ReadExportedDir(fullschema, null);

        if (keys == null)
            return fullschema;

        // This is a bit slow and stupid - we could just read only the
        // required keys from disk.  But the key-limiting is mainly for the
        // much slower dbus and database backends, so it's probably not worth
        // fixing.
        foreach (string key in keys)
            schema.Add(key, fullschema[key]);

        if (schema.Count == 0)
            schema = fullschema;
        return schema;
Пример #2
    public void TestTableUpdate(string tabname, string tabschema, 
        VxPutOpts opts, string expected_warning)
        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("Table", tabname, tabschema, false);

        VxSchemaErrors errs = dbus.Put(schema, null, opts);

        log.print("Received errors: {0}\n", errs.ToString());
        int errcount = 0;
        int warncount = 0;
        foreach (var errlist in errs)
            foreach (var err in errlist.Value)
                log.print("Got error, err.level={0}\n", err.level);
                if (err.level == WvLog.L.Error)
                else if (err.level == WvLog.L.Warning)
        WVPASSEQ(errcount, 0);
        WVPASSEQ(warncount, expected_warning.ne() ? 1 : 0);
        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, errcount + warncount);

        if (expected_warning.ne())
            string key = "Table/" + tabname;
            WVPASSEQ(errs[key][0].key, key);
            WVPASSEQ(errs[key][0].msg, expected_warning);
            WVPASSEQ(errs[key][0].errnum, -1);
            WVPASSEQ((int)errs[key][0].level, (int)WvLog.L.Warning);
            WVPASSEQ(errs[key].Count, 1);

        schema = dbus.Get("Table/" + tabname);
        WVPASSEQ(schema.Count, 1);
        CheckTable(schema, tabname, tabschema);
Пример #3
    // Helper method to load a given on-disk element's schema and checksums
    // into the container objects.
    // Throws an ArgumentException if the schema or sums already contains the
    // given key.
    static void AddFromFile(string path, string type, string name, 
        VxSchema schema, VxSchemaChecksums sums)
        string key = wv.fmt("{0}/{1}", type, name);

        // schema/sums.Add would throw an exception in this situation anyway, 
        // but it's nice to provide a more helpful error message.
        if (schema != null && schema.ContainsKey(key))
            throw new ArgumentException("Conflicting schema key: " + key);
        if (sums != null && sums.ContainsKey(key))
            throw new ArgumentException("Conflicting sums key: " + key);

        VxSchemaChecksum sum;
        VxSchemaElement elem;
        ReadSchemaFile(path, type, name, out elem, out sum);

        if (schema != null && elem != null)
            schema.Add(key, elem);
        if (sums != null && sum != null)
            sums.Add(key, sum);
Пример #4
    void RetrieveTableSchema(VxSchema schema, List<string> names)
        string tablenames = (names.Count > 0 
            ? "and t.name in ('" + names.join("','") + "')"
            : "");

        string query = @"select t.name tabname,
	   c.name colname,
	   typ.name typename,
	   c.length len,
	   c.xprec xprec,
	   c.xscale xscale,
	   def.text defval,
	   c.isnullable nullable,
	   columnproperty(t.id, c.name, 'IsIdentity') isident,
	   ident_seed(t.name) ident_seed, ident_incr(t.name) ident_incr
	  from sysobjects t
	  join syscolumns c on t.id = c.id 
	  join systypes typ on c.xtype = typ.xtype
			       and c.xusertype = typ.xusertype
	  left join syscomments def on def.id = c.cdefault
	  where t.xtype = 'U'
	    and typ.name <> 'sysname' " + 
	    tablenames + @"
	  order by tabname, c.colorder, typ.status";

        VxSchemaTable table = null;
        foreach (WvSqlRow row in DbiSelect(query))
            string tabname = row[0];
            string colname = row[1];
            string typename = row[2];
            short len = row[3];
            byte xprec = row[4];
            byte xscale = row[5];
            string defval = row[6].IsNull ? (string)null : row[6];
            int isnullable = row[7];
            int isident = row[8];
            string ident_seed = row[9];
            string ident_incr = row[10];

            if (table != null && tabname != table.name)
                schema.Add(table.key, table);
                table = null;

            if (isident == 0)
                ident_seed = ident_incr = null;

            string lenstr = "";
            string precstr = null;
            string scalestr = null;
            if (typename.EndsWith("nvarchar") || typename.EndsWith("nchar"))
                if (len == -1)
                    lenstr = "max";
                    len /= 2;
                    lenstr = len.ToString();
            else if (typename.EndsWith("char") || typename.EndsWith("binary"))
                lenstr = (len == -1 ? "max" : len.ToString());
            else if (typename.EndsWith("decimal") || 
                typename.EndsWith("numeric") || typename.EndsWith("real"))
                precstr = xprec.ToString();
                scalestr = xscale.ToString();

            if (defval.ne())
                // MSSQL returns default values wrapped in an irritatingly
                // variable number of ()s
                defval = StripMatchingParens(defval);

            if (table == null)
                table = new VxSchemaTable(tabname);

            table.AddColumn(colname, typename, isnullable, lenstr, 
                defval, precstr, scalestr, isident, ident_seed, ident_incr);

        if (table != null)
            log.print("Adding table {0}\n", table.key);
            schema.Add(table.key, table);

        AddIndexesToTables(schema, names);
Пример #5
    void RetrieveXmlSchemas(VxSchema schema, List<string> names)
        bool do_again = true;
        for (int count = 0; do_again; count++)
            do_again = false;
            string query = XmlSchemasQuery(count, names);

            foreach (WvSqlRow row in DbiSelect(query))
                string owner = row[0];
                string name = row[1];
                string contents = row[2];

                if (contents.e())

                do_again = true;

                if (count == 0)
                    schema.Add("XMLSchema", name, String.Format(
                        "\nCREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION [{0}].[{1}] AS '", 
                        owner, name), false);

                schema.Add("XMLSchema", name, contents, false);

        // Close the quotes on all the XMLSchemas
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, VxSchemaElement> p in schema)
            if (p.Value.type == "XMLSchema")
                p.Value.text += "'\n";
Пример #6
    void RetrieveProcSchemas(VxSchema schema, List<string> names, 
        string type, int encrypted)
        string query = RetrieveProcSchemasQuery(type, encrypted, false, names);
        log.print(WvLog.L.Debug3, "Query={0}\n", query);

        foreach (WvSqlRow row in DbiSelect(query))
            string name = row[0];
            //short colid = row[1];
            string text;
            // FIXME: Retrieving encrypted data is kind of broken anyway.
            if (encrypted > 0)
                text = row[2];//.ToHex();
                text = row[2];

            // Skip dt_* functions and sys_* views
            if (name.StartsWith("dt_") || name.StartsWith("sys_"))

            // Fix characters not allowed in filenames
            name.Replace('/', '!');
            name.Replace('\n', '!');

            schema.Add(type, name, text, encrypted > 0);
Пример #7
    public void TestSubmoduleExceptions()
        VxSchema schema1 = new VxSchema();
        VxSchemaChecksums sums1 = new VxSchemaChecksums();

        VxSchema schema2 = new VxSchema();
        VxSchemaChecksums sums2 = new VxSchemaChecksums();

        schema1.Add("Procedure", "Func1", "Random contents", false);
        sums1.AddSum("Procedure/Func1", 1);
        schema2.Add("Procedure", "Func1", "Random contents 2", false);
        sums2.AddSum("Procedure/Func1", 2);

        string tmpdir = GetTempDir();
            VxDiskSchema disk = new VxDiskSchema(tmpdir);

            disk.Put(schema2, sums2, VxPutOpts.None);

            try {
                WVEXCEPT(VxDiskSchema.AddFromDir(tmpdir, schema1, sums1))
            } catch (System.ArgumentException e) {
                WVPASSEQ(e.Message, "Conflicting schema key: Procedure/Func1");
            Directory.Delete(tmpdir, true);
Пример #8
    public void TestSubmoduleSupport()
        VxSchema schema1 = new VxSchema();
        VxSchemaChecksums sums1 = new VxSchemaChecksums();

        VxSchema schema2 = new VxSchema();
        VxSchemaChecksums sums2 = new VxSchemaChecksums();

        schema1.Add("Table", "Tab1", "column: name=random\n", false);
        sums1.AddSum("Table/Tab1", 1);
        schema2.Add("Table", "Tab2", "column: name=ignored\n", false);
        sums2.AddSum("Table/Tab2", 2);

        string tmpdir = GetTempDir();
            VxDiskSchema disk = new VxDiskSchema(tmpdir);

            disk.Put(schema2, sums2, VxPutOpts.None);

            VxDiskSchema.AddFromDir(tmpdir, schema1, sums1);

            WVPASSEQ(sums1["Table/Tab1"].GetSumString(), "0x00000001");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab1"].name, "Tab1");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab1"].type, "Table");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab1"].text, "column: name=random\n");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab1"].encrypted, false);

            WVPASSEQ(sums1["Table/Tab2"].GetSumString(), "0x00000002");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab2"].name, "Tab2");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab2"].type, "Table");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab2"].text, "column: name=ignored\n");
            WVPASSEQ(schema1["Table/Tab2"].encrypted, false);
            Directory.Delete(tmpdir, true);
Пример #9
    public void TestDropSchemaFromDisk()
        string tmpdir = GetTempDir();
            VxDiskSchema backend = new VxDiskSchema(tmpdir);

            VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
            schema.Add("Table", "Foo", "column: name=foo,type=int\n", false);
            schema.Add("Table", "Bar", "column: name=bar,type=int\n", false);
            schema.Add("Procedure", "Func1", "Func1 contents", false);
            schema.Add("ScalarFunction", "Func2", "Func2 contents", false);

            VxSchemaChecksums sums = new VxSchemaChecksums();
            sums.AddSum("Table/Foo", 1);
            sums.AddSum("Table/Bar", 2);
            sums.AddSum("Procedure/Func1", 3);
            sums.AddSum("ScalarFunction/Func2", 5);

            backend.Put(schema, sums, VxPutOpts.None);

            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Table/Foo")));
            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Table/Bar")));
            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Procedure/Func1")));
            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "ScalarFunction/Func2")));

            VxSchema newschema = backend.Get(null);
            VxSchemaChecksums newsums = backend.GetChecksums();

            WVPASSEQ(newschema.Count, schema.Count);
            WVPASSEQ(newsums.Count, sums.Count);

            string[] todrop = { "Table/Foo" };

            WVPASS(!File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Table/Foo")))
            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Table/Bar")))
            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Procedure/Func1")))
            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "ScalarFunction/Func2")))

            newschema = backend.Get(null);
            newsums = backend.GetChecksums();
            WVPASSEQ(newschema.Count, 3);
            WVPASSEQ(newsums.Count, 3);

            todrop = new string[] { "Procedure/Func1", "ScalarFunction/Func2" };

            WVPASS(!File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Table/Foo")))
            WVPASS(File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Table/Bar")))
            WVPASS(!File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "Procedure/Func1")))
            WVPASS(!File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpdir, "ScalarFunction/Func2")))

            newschema = backend.Get(null);
            newsums = backend.GetChecksums();
            WVPASSEQ(newschema.Count, 1);
            WVPASSEQ(newsums.Count, 1);
            Directory.Delete(tmpdir, true);
Пример #10
    public void TestQuotedIdentifiers()
        try { VxExec("drop procedure Proc1"); } catch { }

        string quote_proc = "create procedure Proc1 as " + 
            "select \"I'm a double-quoted string!\"\n";
        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("Procedure", "Proc1", quote_proc, false);

        VxSchemaErrors errs = VxPutSchema(schema, VxPutOpts.None);

        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 0);

        try { VxExec("drop procedure Proc1"); } catch { }
Пример #11
    public void TestPutSchemaRetry()
        try { VxExec("drop view View1"); } catch { }
        try { VxExec("drop view View2"); } catch { }
        try { VxExec("drop view View3"); } catch { }
        try { VxExec("drop view View4"); } catch { }

        // Create the views in the wrong order, so it'll take a few tries
        // to get them all working.  The server seems to sort them
        // alphabetically when it runs them, though this isn't a guarantee.
	string view1q = "create view View1 as select * from View2";
	string view2q = "create view View2 as select * from View3";
	string view3q = "create view View3 as select * from View4";
        string view4q = "create view View4(viewcol1) as select 42";

        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("View", "View1", view1q, false);
        schema.Add("View", "View2", view2q, false);
        schema.Add("View", "View3", view3q, false);
        schema.Add("View", "View4", view4q, false);

        VxSchemaErrors errs = VxPutSchema(schema, VxPutOpts.NoRetry);

        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 3);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View1"][0].key, "View/View1");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View2"][0].key, "View/View2");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View3"][0].key, "View/View3");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View1"][0].msg, "Invalid object name 'View2'.");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View2"][0].msg, "Invalid object name 'View3'.");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View3"][0].msg, "Invalid object name 'View4'.");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View1"][0].errnum, 208);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View2"][0].errnum, 208);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View3"][0].errnum, 208);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View1"].Count, 1);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View2"].Count, 1);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["View/View3"].Count, 1);

        try { VxExec("drop view View4"); } catch { }
        errs = VxPutSchema(schema, VxPutOpts.None);
        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 0);

        object result;
        WVASSERT(VxScalar("select viewcol1 from View1;", out result));
        WVPASSEQ((int)result, 42);

        try { VxExec("drop view View1"); } catch { }
        try { VxExec("drop view View2"); } catch { }
        try { VxExec("drop view View3"); } catch { }
        try { VxExec("drop view View4"); } catch { }
Пример #12
    public void TestPutSchemaErrors()
        //WvLog.maxlevel = WvLog.L.Debug4;
        SchemaCreator sc = new SchemaCreator(this);

        // Check that putting the same elements doesn't cause errors
        VxPutOpts no_opts = VxPutOpts.None;
        VxSchema schema = dbus.Get();
        VxSchemaErrors errs = VxPutSchema(schema, no_opts);

        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 0);

        // Check that invalid SQL causes errors.

        schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("ScalarFunction", "ErrSF", "I am not valid SQL", false);
        schema.Add("TableFunction", "ErrTF", "I'm not valid SQL either", false);

        errs = VxPutSchema(schema, no_opts);

        log.print("Results: \n{0}", errs.ToString());
        log.print("Done results.\n");

        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 2);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["ScalarFunction/ErrSF"][0].key, "ScalarFunction/ErrSF");
            "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'not'.");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["ScalarFunction/ErrSF"][0].errnum, 156);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["ScalarFunction/ErrSF"].Count, 1);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["TableFunction/ErrTF"][0].key, "TableFunction/ErrTF");
            "Unclosed quotation mark after the character string 'm not valid SQL either'.");
        WVPASSEQ(errs["TableFunction/ErrTF"][0].errnum, 105);
        WVPASSEQ(errs["TableFunction/ErrTF"].Count, 1);

Пример #13
    public void TestColumnInsertOrder()
        string tabname = "TestTable";
        try { VxExec("drop table " + tabname); } catch { }

        // Make sure that table columns get added in the order we give them,
        // not alphabetical or something.
        string schema1 = "column: name=c,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=d,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=b,type=int,null=0\n";
        TestTableUpdate(tabname, schema1);

        // Modified columns go to the end if we had to drop and add them.
        string schema2_sent = "column: name=c,type=tinyint,null=0,identity_seed=1,identity_incr=1\n" + 
                "column: name=d,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=b,type=int,null=0\n";
        string schema2_returned = "column: name=d,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=b,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=c,type=tinyint,null=0,identity_seed=1,identity_incr=1\n";

        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("Table", tabname, schema2_sent, false);

        VxSchemaErrors errs = dbus.Put(schema, null, VxPutOpts.Destructive);

        log.print("Received errors: {0}\n", errs.ToString());
        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 0);

        schema = dbus.Get("Table/" + tabname);
        WVPASSEQ(schema.Count, 1);
        CheckTable(schema, tabname, schema2_returned);

        // New columns go to the end too, but stay in order.
        string schema3_sent = "column: name=e,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=a,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=c,type=tinyint,null=0,identity_seed=1,identity_incr=1\n" +
                "column: name=d,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=b,type=int,null=0\n";
        string schema3_returned = "column: name=d,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=b,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=c,type=tinyint,null=0,identity_seed=1,identity_incr=1\n" + 
                "column: name=e,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=a,type=int,null=0\n";

        schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("Table", tabname, schema3_sent, false);

        errs = dbus.Put(schema, null, VxPutOpts.Destructive);

        log.print("Received errors: {0}\n", errs.ToString());
        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 0);

        schema = dbus.Get("Table/" + tabname);
        WVPASSEQ(schema.Count, 1);
        CheckTable(schema, tabname, schema3_returned);

        // Changing the columns completely inserts the new ones in order
        string schema4 = "column: name=cc,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=bb,type=int,null=0\n" +
                "column: name=dd,type=int,null=0\n";
        TestTableUpdate(tabname, schema4, VxPutOpts.Destructive);

        try { VxExec("drop table " + tabname); } catch { }
Пример #14
    public void TestChangingPrimaryKeys()
        try { VxExec("drop table TestTable"); } catch { }

        string testschema = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f2,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" +
                "primary-key: column=f1,column=f2,clustered=1\n";
        TestTableUpdate("TestTable", testschema);

        // Change the primary-key: line: try specifying a name, changing the
        // columns, and omitting the optional "clustered" parameter.
        string testschema2 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f1,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" +
                "primary-key: name=TestPK,column=f1\n";
        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("Table", "TestTable", testschema2, false);
        VxSchemaErrors errs = dbus.Put(schema, null, VxPutOpts.None);

        // We'll get the default clustered value added back
        testschema2 = testschema2.Replace("primary-key: name=TestPK,column=f1", 
            "primary-key: name=TestPK,column=f1,clustered=2");

        log.print("Received errors: {0}\n", errs.ToString());
        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 0);

        schema = dbus.Get("Table/TestTable");
        WVPASSEQ(schema.Count, 1);
        CheckTable(schema, "TestTable", testschema2);

        // Remove the primary-key: line.
        string testschema3 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f1,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n";
        TestTableUpdate("TestTable", testschema3);

        // Try to add two primary keys
        // Note: VxSchemaTable now checks for this, which makes it hard to
        // actually test that the server rejects these.  It's pretty safe to
        // assume that the server would have just as much trouble creating one
        // as we would though, and that the exception would make its way back.
        string testschema4 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f1,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" + 
                "primary-key: column=f1,clustered=1\n" + 
                "primary-key: column=f2,clustered=1\n";
        string errmsg = "Duplicate table entry 'primary-key' found.";
        schema = new VxSchema();
            WVEXCEPT(schema.Add("Table", "TestTable", testschema4, false));
        catch (VxBadSchemaException e) 
            WVPASSEQ(e.Message, errmsg);
            log.print(e.ToString() + "\n");

        try { VxExec("drop table TestTable"); } catch { }
Пример #15
    public void TestChangingIndexes()
        try { VxExec("drop table TestTable"); } catch { }

        string testschema = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f2,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" +
                "primary-key: column=f1,column=f2,clustered=1\n";
        TestTableUpdate("TestTable", testschema);

        // Change the index: line slightly.
        string testschema2 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f1,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" +
                "primary-key: column=f1,column=f2,clustered=1\n";
        TestTableUpdate("TestTable", testschema2);

        // No index at all
        string testschema3 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "primary-key: column=f1,column=f2,clustered=1\n";
        TestTableUpdate("TestTable", testschema3);

        // Add the index back, and another for good measure
        string testschema4 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f1,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" +
                "index: column=f2,column=f3,name=Idx2\n" +
                "primary-key: column=f1,column=f2,clustered=1\n";
        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("Table", "TestTable", testschema4, false);

        VxSchemaErrors errs = dbus.Put(schema, null, VxPutOpts.None);
        log.print("Received errors: {0}\n", errs.ToString());
        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 0);

        // Check that we get the default unique=0 and clustered=2 parameters.
        testschema4 = testschema4.Replace("Idx2", "Idx2,unique=0,clustered=2");

        schema = dbus.Get("Table/TestTable");
        WVPASSEQ(schema.Count, 1);
        CheckTable(schema, "TestTable", testschema4);

        // Check that duplicate index names give errors.
        // Note: VxSchemaTable now checks for this, which makes it hard to
        // actually test that the server rejects these.  It's pretty safe to
        // assume that the server would have just as much trouble creating one
        // as we would though, and that the exception would make its way back.
        string testschema5 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "index: column=f1,column=f3 DESC,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" +
                "index: column=f2,column=f3,name=Idx1,unique=1,clustered=2\n" +
                "primary-key: column=f1,column=f2,clustered=1\n";
        string errmsg = "Duplicate table entry 'index: Idx1' found.";
        schema = new VxSchema();
            WVEXCEPT(schema.Add("Table", "TestTable", testschema5, false));
        catch (VxBadSchemaException e) 
            WVPASSEQ(e.Message, errmsg);
            log.print(e.ToString() + "\n");

        // Try renaming an index.
        // Note that indexes are returned alphabetically, and the default name
        // for a primary key is PK_TableName, so the renamed index will show 
        // up after the primary key.
        string testschema6 = "column: name=f1,type=int,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f2,type=money,null=0\n" + 
                "column: name=f3,type=varchar,null=1,length=80\n" +
                "primary-key: column=f1,column=f2,clustered=1\n" + 
                "index: column=f1,column=f3 DESC,name=RenamedIndex," + 
        TestTableUpdate("TestTable", testschema6);

        try { VxExec("drop table TestTable"); } catch { }
Пример #16
    public void TestTableUpdateError(string tabname, string tabschema, 
        string errmsg, string oldval, VxPutOpts opts, int errno, WvLog.L level)
        string key = "Table/" + tabname;
        VxSchema schema = new VxSchema();
        schema.Add("Table", tabname, tabschema, false);

        VxSchemaErrors errs = dbus.Put(schema, null, opts);
        log.print("Received errors: {0}\n", errs.ToString());

        WVPASSEQ(errs.Count, 1);
        WVPASSEQ(errs[key][0].key, key);
	log.print("Expected error prefix: [{0}]\n", errmsg);
        WVPASSEQ(errs[key][0].errnum, errno);
        WVPASSEQ((int)errs[key][0].level, (int)level);
        WVPASSEQ(errs[key].Count, 1);

        // Ensure that we didn't break what was already there.
        schema = dbus.Get(key);
        if (oldval.ne())
            WVPASSEQ(schema.Count, 1);
            CheckTable(schema, tabname, oldval);
            WVPASSEQ(schema.Count, 0);