Пример #1
    void Update()
        var fusionProvider  = VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider();
        var trackableStatus = trackableBehaviour.CurrentStatus;
        var tracker         = TrackerManager.Instance.GetTracker <PositionalDeviceTracker>();

        textMesh.text = $"{fusionProvider} | {trackableStatus} | {tracker.IsActive}";
Пример #2
        } //END CallSetFusionProviderEvent


        private void CallGetActiveFusionProviderEvent()

            FusionProviderType fusionProviderType = VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider();

            if( onFusionProviderTypeFound != null) { onFusionProviderTypeFound.Invoke( fusionProviderType ); }

            if (onFusionProviderTypeFoundString != null) { onFusionProviderTypeFoundString.Invoke( fusionProviderType.ToString() ); }
            Debug.LogError("BlockEventVuforia.cs CallGetActiveFusionProviderEvent() ERROR: Unable to make calls to Vuforia API. Missing scripting define symbol 'VUFORIA' in Project Settings");
        } //END CallGetActiveFusionProviderEvent
Пример #3
    protected virtual void Start()
        VuforiaApplication.Instance.OnVuforiaInitialized += AfterInitialization;

        if (FlashToggle != null)
            // Flash is not supported on ARCore Devices
            FlashToggle.interactable = !(
                Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android &&
                VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider() == FusionProviderType.PLATFORM_SENSOR_FUSION

        VuforiaApplication.Instance.OnVuforiaStarted += AppResumedUpdateUI;
Пример #4
    protected virtual void Start()
        this.cameraSettings      = FindObjectOfType <CameraSettings>();
        this.trackableSettings   = FindObjectOfType <TrackableSettings>();
        this.optionsConfig       = FindObjectOfType <OptionsConfig>();
        this.optionsMenuCanvas   = GetComponentInChildren <Canvas>(true);
        this.deviceTrackerToggle = FindUISelectableWithText <Toggle>("Tracker");
        this.autofocusToggle     = FindUISelectableWithText <Toggle>("Autofocus");
        this.flashToggle         = FindUISelectableWithText <Toggle>("Flash");

        if (this.flashToggle)
            // Flash is not supported on ARCore Devices
            this.flashToggle.interactable = !(
                Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android &&
                VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider() == FusionProviderType.PLATFORM_SENSOR_FUSION);

Пример #5
    public AboutScreenInfo()
        mTitles = new Dictionary <string, string>
            { "ImageTargets", "Image Targets (from database)" },
            { "InstantImageTargets", "Instant Image Targets" },
            { "VuMarks", "VuMarks" },
            { "CylinderTargets", "Cylinder Targets" },
            { "MultiTargets", "Multi Targets" },
            { "ObjectReco", "Object Reco" },
            { "CloudReco", "Cloud Reco" },
            { "VirtualButtons", "Virtual Buttons" },
            { "ModelTargets", "Model Targets" },
            { "GroundPlane", "Ground Plane" },
            { "BackgroundTextureAccess", "Background Texture Access" },
            { "OcclusionManagement", "Occlusion Management" },
            { "Books", "Books" },
            { "ModelTargetsTest", "Model Targets Test" }

        var vuforiaVersion = VuforiaApplication.GetVuforiaLibraryVersion();

        var unityVersion = Application.unityVersion;

        Debug.Log("Vuforia Engine " + vuforiaVersion + "\nUnity " + unityVersion);
        var fusionProvider = VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider().ToString();

        var description      = "\n<size=26>Description:</size>";
        var keyFunctionality = "<size=26>Key Functionality:</size>";
        var targets          = "<size=26>Targets:</size>";
        var instructions     = "<size=26>Instructions:</size>";
        var footer           =
            "<size=26>Version Info:</size>" +
            "\n• Vuforia Engine " + vuforiaVersion +
            "\n• Unity " + unityVersion +
            "\n" +
            "\n<size=26>Vuforia Info:</size>" +
            "\n• Fusion Provider: " + fusionProvider.Replace("_", " ") +
            "\n" +
            "\n<size=26>System Info:</size>" +
            "\n• Device Name: " + SystemInfo.deviceName +
            "\n• Device Model: " + SystemInfo.deviceModel +
            "\n• Operating System: " + SystemInfo.operatingSystem +
            "\n• System Memory: " + SystemInfo.systemMemorySize +
            "\n• Processor Count: " + SystemInfo.processorCount +
            "\n• Processor Frequency: " + SystemInfo.processorFrequency +
            "\n" +
            "\n<size=26>Graphics Info:</size>" +
            "\n• Graphics Memory: " + SystemInfo.graphicsMemorySize +
            "\n• Device Name: " + SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceName +
            "\n• Device Vendor: " + SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVendor +
            "\n• Device Type: " + SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType +
            "\n• Device Version: " + SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceVersion +
            "\n• MultiThreaded: " + SystemInfo.graphicsMultiThreaded +
            "\n" +
            "\n<size=26>Links:</size>" +
            "\n• <link=https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/vuforia-developer-agreement><color=blue><u>Developer Agreement</u></color></link>" +
            "\n• <link=https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/privacy><color=blue><u>Privacy Policy</u></color></link>" +
            "\n• <link=https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/EULA><color=blue><u>Terms of Use</u></color></link>" +
            "\n• <link=https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/statistics><color=blue><u>Statistics</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            "© 2021 PTC Inc. All Rights Reserved." +
        var targetPDFsURL = "<link=https://library.vuforia.com/content/vuforia-library/en/articles/Solution/sample-apps-target-pdfs.html>";

        // Init our Description Strings

        mDescriptions = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        // Image Targets

            description +
            "\nThe Image Targets sample shows how to detect an image " +
            "target and render a simple 3D object on top of it." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Simultaneous detection and tracking of multiple targets" +
            "\n• Activate Extended Tracking" +
            "\n• Manage camera functions: flash and continuous autofocus" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Instant Image Targets

        // determine if a license key has been set
        var licenseKeyNote = string.Empty;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VuforiaConfiguration.Instance.Vuforia.LicenseKey))
            licenseKeyNote = "\n<color=red>Please configure a license key in the Vuforia Configuration!</color>";
            licenseKeyNote = "\n<#23B200>A license key has been set.</color>";
            description +
            "\nThe Instant Image Targets sample shows how to create an image " +
            "target from image assets loaded at runtime without creating a " +
            "target manager database." +
            "\nThis sample requires a license key from:" +
            "\n<link=https://developer.vuforia.com/license-manager><color=blue><u>https://developer.vuforia.com/license-manager</u></color></link>" +
            licenseKeyNote +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Creating an image target from image assets" +
            "\n• Simultaneous detection and tracking of multiple targets" +
            "\n• Activate Extended Tracking" +
            "\n• Manage camera functions: flash and continuous autofocus" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // VuMark
            description +
            "\nThe VuMarks sample shows how to detect and track VuMarks." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Simultaneous detection and tracking of multiple VuMarks" +
            "\n• Load and activate a VuMark target" +
            "\n• Activate Extended Tracking" +
            "\n• Render an outline when a VuMark is detected" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point device at VuMark" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n• Tap window showing VuMark ID to dismiss" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Cylinder Targets
            description +
            "\nThe Cylinder Targets sample shows how to detect a cylindrical " +
            "target and animate a 3D object around the circumference of the cylinder." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Detection and tracking of a cylinder target" +
            "\n• Occlusion handling" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            "Print target and wrap around a standard soda can." +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Multi Targets
            description +
            "\nThe Multi Targets sample shows how to detect a simple cuboid 3D shape " +
            "and animate a 3D object around the shape." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Detection and tracking of cuboid 3D shape" +
            "\n• Occlusion handling" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Object Reco
            description +
            "\nThe Object Recognition sample shows how to recognize and track an object." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Recognize and track up to 2 objects simultaneously" +
            "\n• Activate Extended Tracking" +
            "\n• Manage camera functions: flash" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Cloud Reco
            description +
            "\nThe Cloud Reco sample shows how to use the cloud recognition service to " +
            "recognize targets located in a cloud database." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Manage detection and tracking of cloud based image targets" +
            "\n• Activate Extended Tracking" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Virtual Buttons
            description +
            "\nThe Virtual Buttons sample shows how the developer can define rectangular " +
            "regions on image targets that trigger an event when touched or occluded in " +
            "the camera view. The sample renders a 3D object that performs an animation when " +
            "one of the virtual buttons is triggered." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Button occlusion event handling" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>Target PDFs</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Model Targets
            description +
            "\nThe Model Targets Sample shows how to detect a 3D object and " +
            "render a simple 3D representation over it. The sample demonstrates " +
            "how Standard and Advanced DataSets work." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Standard Model Target: Loads a Model Target with multiple Guide Views " +
            "that can be cycled with the click of a button and used to pick which view " +
            "to detect of the physical model" +
            "\n• Advanced Model Target: Loads two Model Targets that have automatic " +
            "detection from arbitrary views and snapping of Guide Views to the physical models" +
            "\n• Automatic 3D object tracking after successful detection" +
            "\n• Extended Tracking when target is not visible in the camera view" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• Model Target: 3D Printed Model (Mars Lander)" +
            "\n• Model Target: Toy Model (Polaris RZR)" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n• Switch to access a different dataset" +
            "\n• Mars Lander is in both datasets" +
            "\n• Polaris RZR is in the Advanced dataset" +
            "\n• Change the Detection Position if needed" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Ground Plane
            description +
            "\nThe Ground Plane sample demonstrates how to place " +
            "content on surfaces and in mid-air using anchor points." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Hit testing places the Chair or the Astronaut on an intersecting plane in " +
            "the environment. Try this mode by pressing the Chair or Astronaut buttons." +
            "\n• Mid-Air anchoring places the drone on an anchor point created " +
            "at a fixed distance relative to the user. Select this mode by " +
            "pressing the Drone button." +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• None required" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Launch the app and view your environment" +
            "\n• Look around until the indicator shows that you have found a surface" +
            "\n• Tap to place Chair on the ground" +
            "\n• Drag with one finger to move Chair along ground" +
            "\n• Touch and hold with two fingers to rotate Chair" +
            "\n• Select Ground Plane mode" +
            "\n• Tap to place Astronaut on the ground" +
            "\n• Tap again to move Astronaut to second point" +
            "\n• Select Mid-Air mode" +
            "\n• Tap to place Drone in the air" +
            "\n• Tap again to move Drone to the desired position" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Background Texture Access
            description +
            "\nThe Background Texture Access sample shows how to use two shaders to " +
            "manipulate the background video. One shader turns the video into inverted " +
            "black-and-white and another distorts the video where you touch on the screen." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Apply shaders to video background" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>ImageTarget: Fissure</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Tap and drag to distort video background" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Occlusion Management
            description +
            "\nThe Occlusion Management sample shows the use of transparent shaders to " +
            "let users partially look inside a real object with an occlusion effect." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Manage occlusion" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>MultiTarget: MarsBox</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at target to view" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Books
            description +
            "\nThe Books sample shows how to use the Cloud Recognition service to build a " +
            "simple UI to scan a sample target book cover and display info on that book." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Display reco query status" +
            "\n• Request book info meta data based on reco response" +
            "\n• Render book info on target" +
            "\n• Transition display of book info to screen when off target" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• " + targetPDFsURL +
            "<color=blue><u>ImageTargets: 3 Book Covers</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at sample book cover to view info" +
            "\n• Press close button to scan another book" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");

        // Model Targets Test
            description +
            "\nThe Model Targets Test app allows you to detect " +
            "and track a Model Target out of a set of multiple targets." +
            " You can also record tracking data and report feedback to Vuforia." +
            "\n\n" +
            keyFunctionality +
            "\n• Detection and tracking of Model Targets" +
            "\n• Collection and sending of SDK-generated data for later analysis and support" +
            "\n• Screenshot Capture" +
            "\n• Tracker reset" +
            "\n\n" +
            targets +
            "\n• Model Target: 3D Printed Model (Mars Lander)" +
            "\n\n" +
            instructions +
            "\n• Point camera at 3D object to start tracking" +
            "\n• Double tap to focus" +
            "\n\n" +
            "<size=26>Compatible Devices:</size>" +
            "\n• <link=https://library.vuforia.com/articles/Solution/vuforia-fusion-supported-devices.html><color=blue><u>Vuforia Fusion Compatible Devices</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            "<size=26>Additional Info:</size>" +
            "\n• <link=https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/CAD-3rd-Party-License><color=blue><u>3rd Party License: CAD</u></color></link>" +
            "\n• <link=https://developer.vuforia.com/legal/statistics_CAD><color=blue><u>Statistics: CAD</u></color></link>" +
            "\n\n" +
            footer + "\n");
Пример #6
 private void OnEnable()
     WebServerAddress.OnAdressChange += WebServerAddress_OnAdressChange;
     Debug.Log("Vuforia runtime using " + VuforiaRuntimeUtilities.GetActiveFusionProvider());