Пример #1
        public void Log()
            // Log the crack path
            using (var crackWriter = new VtkPolylineWriter($"{outputDirectory}\\crack_{iteration}.vtk"))

            // Log the level sets
            using (var lsWriter = new VtkFileWriter($"{outputDirectory}\\level_sets_{iteration}.vtk"))
                // The mesh should be provided by a dedicated IVtkMesh. Its implementations will be continuous/discontinuous,
                // FEM/XFEM. These classes should then replace the relevant code in DiscontinuousMeshVTKWriter.cs and Logging project.
                // Also the Dictionary<Element, VtkCell> should be avoided. Just store the VtkCells in the same order as the IList<Element> of the model.
                // Ideally VtkPoint can be completely replaced by INode and perhaps VtkCell can be replaced by IElement or ICell<TNode>.
                IReadOnlyDictionary <XNode, double> levelSetsBody = lsm.LevelSetsBody;
                IReadOnlyDictionary <XNode, double> levelSetsTip  = lsm.LevelSetsTip;
                var bodyArray = new double[levelSetsBody.Count];
                var tipArray  = new double[levelSetsTip.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < model.Nodes.Count; ++i)
                    XNode node = model.Nodes[i];
                    bodyArray[i] = levelSetsBody[node];
                    tipArray[i]  = levelSetsTip[node];

                lsWriter.WriteScalarField("level_set_crack_body", bodyArray);
                lsWriter.WriteScalarField("level_set_crack_tip", tipArray);
 private static void PrintMeshOnly(Model model)
         Node[]         nodes    = model.Nodes.ToArray();
         ICell <Node>[] elements = model.Elements.Select(element => (ICell <Node>)element).ToArray();
         var            mesh     = new VtkMesh <Node>(nodes, elements);
         using (var writer = new VtkFileWriter(workingDirectory + "\\mesh.vtk"))
     catch (InvalidCastException ex)
         throw new InvalidCastException("VtkLogFactory only works for models with elements that implement ICell.", ex);
Пример #3
        public void PlotDisplacementField(string path)
            var allDisplacements = new List <double[]>();

            foreach (Node node in model.Nodes)

            var vtkWriter = new VtkFileWriter();

            vtkWriter.WriteMesh(model.Nodes, model.Elements);
            vtkWriter.WriteVectorField("displacements", allDisplacements, false);

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(path))
Пример #4
        public void WriteOutputData(IDofOrderer dofOrderer, Vector freeDisplacements, Vector constrainedDisplacements, int step)
            // TODO: guess initial capacities from previous steps or from the model
            var allPoints     = new List <VtkPoint>();
            var allCells      = new List <VtkCell>();
            var displacements = new List <double[]>();
            var strains       = new List <Tensor2D>();
            var stresses      = new List <Tensor2D>();
            int pointCounter  = 0;

            foreach (XContinuumElement2D element in model.Elements)
                Vector standardDisplacements = dofOrderer.ExtractDisplacementVectorOfElementFromGlobal(element,
                                                                                                       freeDisplacements, constrainedDisplacements);
                Vector enrichedDisplacements =
                    dofOrderer.ExtractEnrichedDisplacementsOfElementFromGlobal(element, freeDisplacements);
                bool mustTriangulate = MustBeTriangulated(element, out ISingleCrack intersectingCrack);

                if (!mustTriangulate)
                    // Mesh
                    var cellPoints = new VtkPoint[element.Nodes.Count];
                    for (int p = 0; p < cellPoints.Length; ++p)
                        cellPoints[p] = new VtkPoint(pointCounter++, element.Nodes[p]);
                    allCells.Add(new VtkCell(element.CellType, cellPoints));

                    // Displacements
                    for (int p = 0; p < cellPoints.Length; ++p)
                        displacements.Add(new double[] { standardDisplacements[2 * p], standardDisplacements[2 * p + 1] });

                    // Strains and stresses at Gauss points of element
                    // WARNING: do not use the quadrature object, since GPs are sorted differently.
                    IReadOnlyList <GaussPoint> gaussPoints = element.GaussPointExtrapolation.Quadrature.IntegrationPoints;
                    var strainsAtGPs  = new Tensor2D[gaussPoints.Count];
                    var stressesAtGPs = new Tensor2D[gaussPoints.Count];
                    for (int gp = 0; gp < gaussPoints.Count; ++gp)
                        EvalInterpolation2D evalInterpol =
                            element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, gaussPoints[gp]);
                        (Tensor2D strain, Tensor2D stress) = ComputeStrainStress(element, gaussPoints[gp],
                                                                                 evalInterpol, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements);
                        strainsAtGPs[gp]  = strain;
                        stressesAtGPs[gp] = stress;

                    // Extrapolate strains and stresses to element nodes. This is exact, since the element is not enriched
                    IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> strainsAtNodes = element.GaussPointExtrapolation.
                                                              ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(strainsAtGPs, element.Interpolation);
                    IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> stressesAtNodes = element.GaussPointExtrapolation.
                                                               ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(stressesAtGPs, element.Interpolation);
                    for (int p = 0; p < cellPoints.Length; ++p)
                    // Triangulate and then operate on each triangle
                    SortedSet <CartesianPoint> triangleVertices            = intersectingCrack.FindTriangleVertices(element);
                    IReadOnlyList <Triangle2D <CartesianPoint> > triangles = triangulator.CreateMesh(triangleVertices);

                    foreach (Triangle2D <CartesianPoint> triangle in triangles)
                        // Mesh
                        int numTriangleNodes = 3;
                        var cellPoints       = new VtkPoint[numTriangleNodes];
                        for (int p = 0; p < numTriangleNodes; ++p)
                            CartesianPoint point = triangle.Vertices[p];
                            cellPoints[p] = new VtkPoint(pointCounter++, point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
                        allCells.Add(new VtkCell(CellType.Tri3, cellPoints));

                        // Displacements, strains and stresses are not defined on the crack, thus they must be evaluated at GPs
                        // and extrapolated to each point of interest. However how should I choose the Gauss points? Here I take
                        // the Gauss points of the subtriangles.
                        IGaussPointExtrapolation2D    extrapolation = ExtrapolationGaussTriangular3Points.UniqueInstance;
                        IIsoparametricInterpolation2D interpolation = InterpolationTri3.UniqueInstance;

                        // Find the Gauss points of the triangle in the natural system of the element
                        IInverseInterpolation2D inverseMapping = element.Interpolation.CreateInverseMappingFor(element.Nodes);
                        var triangleNodesNatural = new NaturalPoint[numTriangleNodes];
                        for (int p = 0; p < numTriangleNodes; ++p)
                            triangleNodesNatural[p] = inverseMapping.TransformPointCartesianToNatural(cellPoints[p]);
                        NaturalPoint[] triangleGPsNatural =
                            FindTriangleGPsNatural(triangleNodesNatural, extrapolation.Quadrature.IntegrationPoints);

                        // Find the field values at the Gauss points of the triangle (their coordinates are in the natural
                        // system of the element)
                        var displacementsAtGPs = new double[triangleGPsNatural.Length][];
                        var strainsAtGPs       = new Tensor2D[triangleGPsNatural.Length];
                        var stressesAtGPs      = new Tensor2D[triangleGPsNatural.Length];
                        for (int gp = 0; gp < triangleGPsNatural.Length; ++gp)
                            EvalInterpolation2D evalInterpol =
                                element.Interpolation.EvaluateAllAt(element.Nodes, triangleGPsNatural[gp]);
                            displacementsAtGPs[gp] = element.CalculateDisplacementField(triangleGPsNatural[gp],
                                                                                        evalInterpol, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements).CopyToArray();
                            (Tensor2D strain, Tensor2D stress) = ComputeStrainStress(element, triangleGPsNatural[gp],
                                                                                     evalInterpol, standardDisplacements, enrichedDisplacements);
                            strainsAtGPs[gp]  = strain;
                            stressesAtGPs[gp] = stress;

                        // Extrapolate the field values to the triangle nodes. We need their coordinates in the auxiliary
                        // system of the triangle. We could use the inverse interpolation of the triangle to map the natural
                        // (element local) coordinates of the nodes to the auxiliary system of the triangle. Fortunately they
                        // can be accessed by the extrapolation object directly.
                        IReadOnlyList <double[]> displacementsAtTriangleNodes =
                            extrapolation.ExtrapolateVectorFromGaussPointsToNodes(displacementsAtGPs, interpolation);
                        IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> strainsAtTriangleNodes =
                            extrapolation.ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(strainsAtGPs, interpolation);
                        IReadOnlyList <Tensor2D> stressesAtTriangleNodes =
                            extrapolation.ExtrapolateTensorFromGaussPointsToNodes(stressesAtGPs, interpolation);
                        for (int p = 0; p < numTriangleNodes; ++p)

            using (var writer = new VtkFileWriter($"{pathNoExtension}_{step}.vtk"))
                writer.WriteMesh(allPoints, allCells);
                writer.WriteVector2DField("displacement", displacements);
                writer.WriteTensor2DField("strain", strains);
                writer.WriteTensor2DField("stress", stresses);