public override async Task DoAction(Event e, Player player) { await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You have {player.coins} coins. What would you like to buy?"); List <Item> buyables = merchant.items.Where(x => !(x is ItemFist)).ToList(); List <IVoteable> options = new List <IVoteable>(); options.AddRange(buyables); Item chosen = (Item)await VoopAI.DoVote(options, 10); if (player.coins < chosen.GetValue()) { await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You attempt to buy the {chosen.GetName()}, but you cannot afford it. " + $"{} sends you off, annoyed you wasted their time."); e.endEvent = true; } else { await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You give {chosen.GetValue()} coins to {} and " + $"they give you the {chosen.GetName()}."); player.coins -= chosen.GetValue(); player.items.Add(chosen); merchant.items.Remove(chosen); } }
public override async Task DoAction(Event e, Player player) { if (player.items.Count < 2) { await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You have nothing to sell!"); } await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You have {player.coins} coins. What would you like to sell?"); List <Item> sellables = player.items.Where(x => !(x is ItemFist)).ToList(); List <IVoteable> options = new List <IVoteable>(); options.AddRange(sellables); Item chosen = (Item)await VoopAI.DoVote(options, 10); await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You give {chosen.GetName()} to {} and " + $"they give you {chosen.GetValue() / 2} coins."); player.coins += chosen.GetValue() / 2; player.items.Remove(chosen); merchant.items.Add(chosen); }
public virtual async Task PlayerTurn(Player player) { bool usedAction = false; while (!usedAction) { List <IVoteable> options = new List <IVoteable>(); options.AddRange(GetActions()); Action result = (Action)await VoopAI.DoVote(options, 15); if (result is AttackAction) { Event battleEvent = new EventAmbush(location, entity); await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync("You jump the merchant, hoping to loot him rather than pay!"); Thread.Sleep(5000); await battleEvent.RunEvent(player, true); usedAction = true; this.endEvent = true; } else { await result.DoAction(this, player); if (!result.Passive()) { usedAction = true; } } } }
public virtual async Task PlayerTurn(Player player) { bool usedAction = false; while (!usedAction) { List <IVoteable> options = new List <IVoteable>(); options.AddRange(GetActions()); Action result = (Action)await VoopAI.DoVote(options, 10); await result.DoAction(this, player); if (!result.Passive()) { usedAction = true; } } }
public override async Task DoAction(Event e, Player player) { List <Item> usables = player.items.Where(x => !(x is Weapon)).ToList(); if (usables.Count == 0) { await RPG_Game.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You have nothing to use!"); return; } List <IVoteable> options = new List <IVoteable>(); options.AddRange(usables); Item result = (Item)await VoopAI.DoVote(options, 10); await result.OnUse(player); Thread.Sleep(5000); }
public override async Task DoAction(Event e, Player player) { await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"Please select an item for attack: "); List <IVoteable> options = new List <IVoteable>(); options.AddRange(player.items.Where(x => x is Weapon).ToList()); Weapon chosen = (Weapon)(await VoopAI.DoVote(options, 10)); int roll = VoopAI.random.Next(0, 21); float mult = (float)Math.Round(roll / 20.0, 1); float damage = (float)Math.Round(chosen.GetDamage() * mult, 1); //await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"Roll: {roll} \n" + // $"Damage: {chosen.GetDamage()} x {mult} = {damage}"); EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = new Color(0, 100, 255), Title = "Attack:" }; embed.AddField("Roll 🎲", roll.ToString()); embed.AddField($"Weapon Strength {chosen.GetEmote().Name}", chosen.GetDamage()); embed.AddField("Damage: 💥", $"{chosen.GetDamage()} x {mult} = {damage}"); await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed.Build()); Thread.Sleep(2000); await chosen.OnUse(player); -= (int)Math.Ceiling(damage); await VoopAI.gameChannel.SendMessageAsync($"You {chosen.GetUseVerb()} {} and their health drops to {}."); Thread.Sleep(2000); }