public void Run(IEnumerable<string> filterstrings = null, Library.Utility.IFilter compositefilter = null)
         using (var tmpdb = new Library.Utility.TempFile())
         using (var db = new Database.LocalDatabase(System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath) ? m_options.Dbpath : (string)tmpdb, "ListControlFiles"))
         using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))
             var filter = Library.Utility.JoinedFilterExpression.Join(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(filterstrings), compositefilter);
                 var filteredList = ListFilesHandler.ParseAndFilterFilesets(backend.List(), m_options);
                 if (filteredList.Count == 0)
                     throw new Exception("No filesets found on remote target");
                 Exception lastEx = new Exception("No suitable files found on remote target");
                 foreach(var fileversion in filteredList)
                         if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                         var file = fileversion.Value.File;
                         long size;
                         string hash;
                         RemoteVolumeType type;
                         RemoteVolumeState state;
                         if (!db.GetRemoteVolume(file.Name, out hash, out size, out type, out state))
                             size = file.Size;
                         var files = new List<Library.Interface.IListResultFile>();
                         using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(file.Name, size, hash))
                         using (var tmp = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(file.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                             foreach (var cf in tmp.ControlFiles)
                                 if (Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, cf.Key))
                                     files.Add(new ListResultFile(cf.Key, null));
                         m_result.SetResult(new Library.Interface.IListResultFileset[] { new ListResultFileset(fileversion.Key, fileversion.Value.Time, -1, -1) }, files);
                         lastEx = null;
                     catch(Exception ex)
                         lastEx = ex;
                         if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
                 if (lastEx != null)
                     throw lastEx;
                 backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);
     }    }
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the volume by examining the internal contents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vol">The remote volume being examined</param>
        /// <param name="tf">The path to the downloaded copy of the file</param>
        /// <param name="sample_percent">A value between 0 and 1 that indicates how many blocks are tested in a dblock file</param>
        public static KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TestEntryStatus, string> > > TestVolumeInternals(LocalTestDatabase db, IRemoteVolume vol, string tf, Options options, ILogWriter log, double sample_percent)
            var blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(options.BlockHashAlgorithm);

            if (blockhasher == null)
                throw new Exception(Strings.Common.InvalidHashAlgorithm(options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
            if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform)
                throw new Exception(Strings.Common.InvalidCryptoSystem(options.BlockHashAlgorithm));

            var hashsize   = blockhasher.HashSize / 8;
            var parsedInfo = Volumes.VolumeBase.ParseFilename(vol.Name);

            sample_percent = Math.Min(1, Math.Max(sample_percent, 0.01));

            if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Files)
                //Compare with db and see if all files are accounted for
                // with correct file hashes and blocklist hashes
                using (var fl = db.CreateFilelist(vol.Name))
                    using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, options))
                        foreach (var f in rd.Files)
                            fl.Add(f.Path, f.Size, f.Hash, f.Metasize, f.Metahash, f.BlocklistHashes, f.Type, f.Time);

                    return(new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TestEntryStatus, string> > >(vol.Name, fl.Compare().ToList()));
            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Index)
                var blocklinks = new List <Tuple <string, string, long> >();
                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> > combined = new KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> [0];

                //Compare with db and see that all hashes and volumes are listed
                using (var rd = new Volumes.IndexVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, options, hashsize))
                    foreach (var v in rd.Volumes)
                        blocklinks.Add(new Tuple <string, string, long>(v.Filename, v.Hash, v.Length));
                        using (var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(v.Filename))
                            foreach (var h in v.Blocks)
                                bl.AddBlock(h.Key, h.Value);

                            combined = combined.Union(bl.Compare().ToArray());

                using (var il = db.CreateIndexlist(vol.Name))
                    foreach (var t in blocklinks)
                        il.AddBlockLink(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3);

                    combined = combined.Union(il.Compare()).ToList();

                return(new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TestEntryStatus, string> > >(vol.Name, combined.ToList()));
            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks)
                using (var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(vol.Name))
                    using (var rd = new Volumes.BlockVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, options))
                        //Verify that all blocks are in the file
                        foreach (var b in rd.Blocks)
                            bl.AddBlock(b.Key, b.Value);

                        //Select random blocks and verify their hashes match the filename and size
                        var hashsamples = new List <KeyValuePair <string, long> >(rd.Blocks);
                        var sampleCount = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, (int)(hashsamples.Count * sample_percent)), hashsamples.Count - 1);
                        var rnd         = new Random();

                        while (hashsamples.Count > sampleCount)

                        var blockbuffer = new byte[options.Blocksize];
                        var changes     = new List <KeyValuePair <Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> >();
                        foreach (var s in hashsamples)
                            var size = rd.ReadBlock(s.Key, blockbuffer);
                            if (size != s.Value)
                                changes.Add(new KeyValuePair <Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));
                                var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(blockbuffer, 0, size));
                                if (hash != s.Key)
                                    changes.Add(new KeyValuePair <Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));

                        return(new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TestEntryStatus, string> > >(vol.Name, changes.Union(bl.Compare().ToList())));

            log.AddWarning(string.Format("Unexpected file type {0} for {1}", parsedInfo.FileType, vol.Name), null);
            return(new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <TestEntryStatus, string> > >(vol.Name, null));
Пример #3
        public void Run(IEnumerable <string> filterstrings = null, Library.Utility.IFilter compositefilter = null)
            var parsedfilter = new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(filterstrings);
            var simpleList   = !(parsedfilter.Type == Library.Utility.FilterType.Simple || m_options.AllVersions);
            var filter       = Library.Utility.JoinedFilterExpression.Join(parsedfilter, compositefilter);

            //Use a speedy local query
            if (!m_options.NoLocalDb && System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath))
                using (var db = new Database.LocalListDatabase(m_options.Dbpath))
                    using (var filesets = db.SelectFileSets(m_options.Time, m_options.Version))
                        if (parsedfilter.Type != Library.Utility.FilterType.Empty)
                            if (simpleList || (m_options.ListFolderContents && !m_options.AllVersions))

                        IEnumerable <Database.LocalListDatabase.IFileversion> files;
                        if (m_options.ListFolderContents)
                            files = filesets.SelectFolderContents(filter);
                        else if (m_options.ListPrefixOnly)
                            files = filesets.GetLargestPrefix(filter);
                        else if (parsedfilter.Type == Duplicati.Library.Utility.FilterType.Empty)
                            files = null;
                            files = filesets.SelectFiles(filter);

                        if (m_options.ListSetsOnly)
                                filesets.QuickSets.Select(x => new ListResultFileset(x.Version, x.Time, x.FileCount, x.FileSizes)).ToArray(),
                                filesets.Sets.Select(x => new ListResultFileset(x.Version, x.Time, x.FileCount, x.FileSizes)).ToArray(),
                                files == null ? null :
                                (from n in files
                                 select(Duplicati.Library.Interface.IListResultFile)(new ListResultFile(n.Path, n.Sizes.ToArray())))


            m_result.AddMessage("No local database, accessing remote store");

            //TODO: Add prefix and foldercontents
            if (m_options.ListFolderContents)
                throw new Exception("Listing folder contents is not supported without a local database, consider using the \"repair\" option to rebuild the database.");
            else if (m_options.ListPrefixOnly)
                throw new Exception("Listing prefixes is not supported without a local database, consider using the \"repair\" option to rebuild the database.");

            // Otherwise, grab info from remote location
            using (var tmpdb = new Library.Utility.TempFile())
                using (var db = new Database.LocalDatabase(tmpdb, "List", true))
                    using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))

                        var filteredList = ParseAndFilterFilesets(backend.List(), m_options);
                        if (filteredList.Count == 0)
                            throw new Exception("No filesets found on remote target");

                        var numberSeq = CreateResultSequence(filteredList);
                        if (parsedfilter.Type == Library.Utility.FilterType.Empty)
                            m_result.SetResult(numberSeq, null);
                            m_result.EncryptedFiles = filteredList.Any(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value.EncryptionModule));

                        var firstEntry = filteredList[0].Value;
                        Dictionary <string, List <long> > res;

                        if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                        using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(firstEntry.File.Name, firstEntry.File.Size, null))
                            using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(firstEntry.File.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                                if (simpleList)
                                        (from n in rd.Files
                                         where Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, n.Path)
                                         orderby n.Path
                                         select new ListResultFile(n.Path, new long[] { n.Size }))

                                    res = rd.Files
                                          .Where(x => Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, x.Path))
                                        x => x.Path,
                                        y =>
                                        var lst = new List <long>();

                        long flindex = 1;
                        foreach (var flentry in filteredList)
                            using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(flentry.Value.File.Name, flentry.Value.File == null ? -1 : flentry.Value.File.Size, null))
                                using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(flentry.Value.CompressionModule, tmpfile, m_options))
                                    if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                                    foreach (var p in from n in rd.Files where Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, n.Path) select n)
                                        List <long> lst;
                                        if (!res.TryGetValue(p.Path, out lst))
                                            lst         = new List <long>();
                                            res[p.Path] = lst;
                                            for (var i = 0; i < flindex; i++)


                                    foreach (var n in from i in res where i.Value.Count < flindex + 1 select i)


                            from n in res
                            orderby n.Key
                            select(Duplicati.Library.Interface.IListResultFile)(new ListResultFile(n.Key, n.Value))
        public void Run(IEnumerable <string> filterstrings = null, Library.Utility.IFilter compositefilter = null)
            using (var tmpdb = new Library.Utility.TempFile())
                using (var db = new Database.LocalDatabase(System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath) ? m_options.Dbpath : (string)tmpdb, "ListControlFiles", true))
                    using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))

                        var filter = Library.Utility.JoinedFilterExpression.Join(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(filterstrings), compositefilter);

                            var filteredList = ListFilesHandler.ParseAndFilterFilesets(backend.List(), m_options);
                            if (filteredList.Count == 0)
                                throw new Exception("No filesets found on remote target");

                            Exception lastEx = new Exception("No suitable files found on remote target");

                            foreach (var fileversion in filteredList)
                                    if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                                    var file  = fileversion.Value.File;
                                    var entry = db.GetRemoteVolume(file.Name);

                                    var files = new List <Library.Interface.IListResultFile>();
                                    using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(file.Name, entry.Size < 0 ? file.Size : entry.Size, entry.Hash))
                                        using (var tmp = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(file.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                                            foreach (var cf in tmp.ControlFiles)
                                                if (Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, cf.Key))
                                                    files.Add(new ListResultFile(cf.Key, null));

                                    m_result.SetResult(new Library.Interface.IListResultFileset[] { new ListResultFileset(fileversion.Key, LocalDatabase.BackupType.PARTIAL_BACKUP, fileversion.Value.Time, -1, -1) }, files);
                                    lastEx = null;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    lastEx = ex;
                                    if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)

                            if (lastEx != null)
                                throw lastEx;
                            backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);
        public void Run(IEnumerable<string> filterstrings = null, Library.Utility.IFilter compositefilter = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_options.Restorepath))
                throw new Exception("Cannot restore control files without --restore-path");
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(m_options.Restorepath))
            using (var tmpdb = new Library.Utility.TempFile())
            using (var db = new Database.LocalDatabase(System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath) ? m_options.Dbpath : (string)tmpdb, "RestoreControlFiles"))
            using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))
                var filter = Library.Utility.JoinedFilterExpression.Join(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(filterstrings), compositefilter);
                    var filteredList = ListFilesHandler.ParseAndFilterFilesets(backend.List(), m_options);
                    if (filteredList.Count == 0)
                        throw new Exception("No filesets found on remote target");
	                Exception lastEx = new Exception("No suitable files found on remote target");
	                foreach(var fileversion in filteredList)
                            if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);
                            var file = fileversion.Value.File;
	                        long size;
	                        string hash;
	                        RemoteVolumeType type;
	                        RemoteVolumeState state;
	                        if (!db.GetRemoteVolume(file.Name, out hash, out size, out type, out state))
	                            size = file.Size;
                            var res = new List<string>();
							using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(file.Name, size, hash))
	                        using (var tmp = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(file.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
	                            foreach (var cf in tmp.ControlFiles)
                                    if (Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, cf.Key))
                                        var targetpath = System.IO.Path.Combine(m_options.Restorepath, cf.Key);
    	                                using (var ts = System.IO.File.Create(targetpath))
    	                                    Library.Utility.Utility.CopyStream(cf.Value, ts);
	                        lastEx = null;
	                    catch(Exception ex)
	                        lastEx = ex;
                            if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
	                if (lastEx != null)
	                    throw lastEx;
	        		backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the volume by examining the internal contents
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vol">The remote volume being examined</param>
        /// <param name="tf">The path to the downloaded copy of the file</param>
        /// <param name="sample_percent">A value between 0 and 1 that indicates how many blocks are tested in a dblock file</param>
        public static KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TestEntryStatus, string>>> TestVolumeInternals(LocalTestDatabase db, IRemoteVolume vol, string tf, Options options, ILogWriter log, double sample_percent = 0.2)
            var blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(options.BlockHashAlgorithm);
            if (blockhasher == null)
                throw new Exception(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm(options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
            if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform)
                throw new Exception(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem(options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
            var hashsize = blockhasher.HashSize / 8;
            var parsedInfo = Volumes.VolumeBase.ParseFilename(vol.Name);
            sample_percent = Math.Min(1, Math.Max(sample_percent, 0.01));

            if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Files)
                //Compare with db and see if all files are accounted for 
                // with correct file hashes and blocklist hashes
                using(var fl = db.CreateFilelist(vol.Name))
                    using(var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, options))
                        foreach(var f in rd.Files)
                            fl.Add(f.Path, f.Size, f.Hash, f.Metasize, f.Metahash, f.BlocklistHashes, f.Type, f.Time);
                    return new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TestEntryStatus, string>>>(vol.Name, fl.Compare().ToList());
            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Index)
                var blocklinks = new List<Tuple<string, string, long>>();
                IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>> combined = new KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>[0]; 
                //Compare with db and see that all hashes and volumes are listed
                using(var rd = new Volumes.IndexVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, options, hashsize))
                    foreach(var v in rd.Volumes)
                        blocklinks.Add(new Tuple<string, string, long>(v.Filename, v.Hash, v.Length));
                        using(var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(v.Filename))
                            foreach(var h in v.Blocks)
                                bl.AddBlock(h.Key, h.Value);
                            combined = combined.Union(bl.Compare().ToArray());
                using(var il = db.CreateIndexlist(vol.Name))
                    foreach(var t in blocklinks)
                        il.AddBlockLink(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3);
                    combined = combined.Union(il.Compare()).ToList();
                return new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TestEntryStatus, string>>>(vol.Name, combined.ToList());
            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks)
                using(var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(vol.Name))
                using(var rd = new Volumes.BlockVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, options))
                    //Verify that all blocks are in the file
                    foreach(var b in rd.Blocks)
                        bl.AddBlock(b.Key, b.Value);
                    //Select random blocks and verify their hashes match the filename and size
                    var hashsamples = new List<KeyValuePair<string, long>>(rd.Blocks);
                    var sampleCount = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, (int)(hashsamples.Count * sample_percent)), hashsamples.Count - 1);
                    var rnd = new Random();
                    while (hashsamples.Count > sampleCount)
                    var blockbuffer = new byte[options.Blocksize];
                    var changes = new List<KeyValuePair<Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>>();
                    foreach(var s in hashsamples)
                        var size = rd.ReadBlock(s.Key, blockbuffer);
                        if (size != s.Value)
                            changes.Add(new KeyValuePair<Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));
                            var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(blockbuffer, 0, size));
                            if (hash != s.Key)
                                changes.Add(new KeyValuePair<Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));
                    return new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TestEntryStatus, string>>>(vol.Name, changes.Union(bl.Compare().ToList()));

            log.AddWarning(string.Format("Unexpected file type {0} for {1}", parsedInfo.FileType, vol.Name), null);
            return new KeyValuePair<string, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TestEntryStatus, string>>>(vol.Name, null);
Пример #7
        public void DoRun(long samples, LocalTestDatabase db, BackendManager backend)
            var blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm);

            if (blockhasher == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
            if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));

            var hashsize = blockhasher.HashSize / 8;
            var files    = db.SelectTestTargets(samples, m_options).ToList();

            if (m_options.FullRemoteVerification)
                foreach (var vol in new AsyncDownloader(files, backend))
                    var parsedInfo = Volumes.VolumeBase.ParseFilename(vol.Name);
                        if (m_results.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                            backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                        using (var tf = vol.TempFile)
                            if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Files)
                                //Compare with db and see if all files are accounted for
                                // with correct file hashes and blocklist hashes
                                using (var fl = db.CreateFilelist(vol.Name))
                                    using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, m_options))
                                        foreach (var f in rd.Files)
                                            fl.Add(f.Path, f.Size, f.Hash, f.Metasize, f.Metahash, f.BlocklistHashes, f.Type, f.Time);

                                    m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, fl.Compare().ToList());
                            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Index)
                                var blocklinks = new List <Tuple <string, string, long> >();
                                IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> > combined = new KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> [0];

                                //Compare with db and see that all hashes and volumes are listed
                                using (var rd = new Volumes.IndexVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, m_options, hashsize))
                                    foreach (var v in rd.Volumes)
                                        blocklinks.Add(new Tuple <string, string, long>(v.Filename, v.Hash, v.Length));
                                        using (var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(v.Filename))
                                            foreach (var h in v.Blocks)
                                                bl.AddBlock(h.Key, h.Value);

                                            combined = combined.Union(bl.Compare().ToArray());

                                using (var il = db.CreateIndexlist(vol.Name))
                                    foreach (var t in blocklinks)
                                        il.AddBlockLink(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3);

                                    combined = combined.Union(il.Compare()).ToList();

                                m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, combined.ToList());
                            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks)
                                using (var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(vol.Name))
                                    using (var rd = new Volumes.BlockVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, m_options))
                                        //Verify that all blocks are in the file
                                        foreach (var b in rd.Blocks)
                                            bl.AddBlock(b.Key, b.Value);

                                        //Select 20% random blocks and verify their hashes match the filename and size
                                        var hashsamples = new List <KeyValuePair <string, long> >(rd.Blocks);
                                        var sampleCount = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, (int)(hashsamples.Count * 0.2)), hashsamples.Count - 1);
                                        var rnd         = new Random();

                                        while (hashsamples.Count > sampleCount)

                                        var blockbuffer = new byte[m_options.Blocksize];
                                        var changes     = new List <KeyValuePair <Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> >();
                                        foreach (var s in hashsamples)
                                            var size = rd.ReadBlock(s.Key, blockbuffer);
                                            if (size != s.Value)
                                                changes.Add(new KeyValuePair <Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));
                                                var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(blockbuffer, 0, size));
                                                if (hash != s.Key)
                                                    changes.Add(new KeyValuePair <Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));

                                        m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, changes.Union(bl.Compare().ToList()));

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, new KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Error, ex.Message) });
                        m_results.AddError(string.Format("Failed to process file {0}", vol.Name), ex);
                        if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
                foreach (var f in files)
                        if (m_results.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                        backend.GetForTesting(f.Name, f.Size, f.Hash);
                        m_results.AddResult(f.Name, new KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string> [0]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        m_results.AddResult(f.Name, new KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>[] { new KeyValuePair <Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Error, ex.Message) });
                        m_results.AddError(string.Format("Failed to process file {0}", f.Name), ex);
                        if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
Пример #8
        public void Run(string baseVersion, string compareVersion, IEnumerable <string> filterstrings = null, Library.Utility.IFilter compositefilter = null, Action <IListChangesResults, IEnumerable <Tuple <Library.Interface.ListChangesChangeType, Library.Interface.ListChangesElementType, string> > > callback = null)
            var filter = Library.Utility.JoinedFilterExpression.Join(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(filterstrings), compositefilter);

            var useLocalDb = !m_options.NoLocalDb && System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath);

            baseVersion    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseVersion) ? "1" : baseVersion;
            compareVersion = string.IsNullOrEmpty(compareVersion) ? "0" : compareVersion;

            long baseVersionIndex    = -1;
            long compareVersionIndex = -1;

            DateTime baseVersionTime    = new DateTime(0);
            DateTime compareVersionTime = new DateTime(0);

            using (var tmpdb = useLocalDb ? null : new Library.Utility.TempFile())
                using (var db = new Database.LocalListChangesDatabase(useLocalDb ? m_options.Dbpath : (string)tmpdb))
                    using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))
                        using (var storageKeeper = db.CreateStorageHelper())

                            if (useLocalDb)
                                var dbtimes = db.FilesetTimes.ToList();
                                if (dbtimes.Count < 2)
                                    throw new UserInformationException(string.Format("Need at least two backups to show differences, database contains {0} backups", dbtimes.Count), "NeedTwoBackupsToStartDiff");

                                long baseVersionId;
                                long compareVersionId;

                                var times = dbtimes.Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, dbtimes.Count), (a, b) => new Tuple <long, DateTime, long>(b, a.Value, a.Key)).ToList();
                                var bt    = SelectTime(baseVersion, times, out baseVersionIndex, out baseVersionTime, out baseVersionId);
                                SelectTime(compareVersion, times, out compareVersionIndex, out compareVersionTime, out compareVersionId);

                                storageKeeper.AddFromDb(baseVersionId, false, filter);
                                storageKeeper.AddFromDb(compareVersionId, true, filter);
                                Logging.Log.WriteInformationMessage(LOGTAG, "NoLocalDatabase", "No local database, accessing remote store");

                                var parsedlist = (from n in backend.List()
                                                  let p = Volumes.VolumeBase.ParseFilename(n)
                                                          where p != null && p.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Files
                                                          orderby p.Time descending
                                                          select p).ToArray();

                                var numberedList = parsedlist.Zip(Enumerable.Range(0, parsedlist.Length), (a, b) => new Tuple <long, DateTime, Volumes.IParsedVolume>(b, a.Time, a)).ToList();
                                if (numberedList.Count < 2)
                                    throw new UserInformationException(string.Format("Need at least two backups to show differences, database contains {0} backups", numberedList.Count), "NeedTwoBackupsToStartDiff");

                                Volumes.IParsedVolume baseFile;
                                Volumes.IParsedVolume compareFile;

                                var bt = SelectTime(baseVersion, numberedList, out baseVersionIndex, out baseVersionTime, out baseFile);
                                SelectTime(compareVersion, numberedList, out compareVersionIndex, out compareVersionTime, out compareFile);

                                Func <FilelistEntryType, Library.Interface.ListChangesElementType> conv = (x) => {
                                    switch (x)
                                    case FilelistEntryType.File:

                                    case FilelistEntryType.Folder:

                                    case FilelistEntryType.Symlink:


                                if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                                using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(baseFile.File.Name, baseFile.File.Size, null))
                                    using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(baseFile.File.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                                        foreach (var f in rd.Files)
                                            if (Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, f.Path))
                                                storageKeeper.AddElement(f.Path, f.Hash, f.Metahash, f.Size, conv(f.Type), false);

                                if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                                using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(compareFile.File.Name, compareFile.File.Size, null))
                                    using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(compareFile.File.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                                        foreach (var f in rd.Files)
                                            if (Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, f.Path))
                                                storageKeeper.AddElement(f.Path, f.Hash, f.Metahash, f.Size, conv(f.Type), true);

                            var changes = storageKeeper.CreateChangeCountReport();
                            var sizes   = storageKeeper.CreateChangeSizeReport();

                            var lst = (m_options.FullResult || callback != null) ?
                                      (from n in storageKeeper.CreateChangedFileReport()
                                       select n) : null;

                                baseVersionTime, baseVersionIndex, compareVersionTime, compareVersionIndex,
                                changes.AddedFolders, changes.AddedSymlinks, changes.AddedFiles,
                                changes.DeletedFolders, changes.DeletedSymlinks, changes.DeletedFiles,
                                changes.ModifiedFolders, changes.ModifiedSymlinks, changes.ModifiedFiles,
                                sizes.AddedSize, sizes.DeletedSize, sizes.PreviousSize, sizes.CurrentSize,
                                (lst == null || callback == null) ? null : lst.ToArray()

                            if (callback != null)
                                callback(m_result, lst);

Пример #9
        public void Run(IEnumerable<string> filterstrings = null, Library.Utility.IFilter compositefilter = null)
            var parsedfilter = new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(filterstrings);
            var simpleList = !(parsedfilter.Type == Library.Utility.FilterType.Simple || m_options.AllVersions);
            var filter = Library.Utility.JoinedFilterExpression.Join(parsedfilter, compositefilter);

            //Use a speedy local query
            if (!m_options.NoLocalDb && System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath))
                using(var db = new Database.LocalListDatabase(m_options.Dbpath))
                    using(var filesets = db.SelectFileSets(m_options.Time, m_options.Version))
                        if (parsedfilter.Type != Library.Utility.FilterType.Empty)
                            if (simpleList || (m_options.ListFolderContents && !m_options.AllVersions))

                        IEnumerable<Database.LocalListDatabase.IFileversion> files;
                        if (m_options.ListFolderContents)
                            files = filesets.SelectFolderContents(filter);
                        else if (m_options.ListPrefixOnly)
                            files = filesets.GetLargestPrefix(filter);
                        else if (parsedfilter.Type == Duplicati.Library.Utility.FilterType.Empty)
                            files = null;
                            files = filesets.SelectFiles(filter);

                        if (m_options.ListSetsOnly)
                                filesets.QuickSets.Select(x => new ListResultFileset(x.Version, x.Time, x.FileCount, x.FileSizes)).ToArray(),
                                filesets.Sets.Select(x => new ListResultFileset(x.Version, x.Time, x.FileCount, x.FileSizes)).ToArray(),
                                files == null ? null :
                                    (from n in files
                                     select (Duplicati.Library.Interface.IListResultFile)(new ListResultFile(n.Path, n.Sizes.ToArray())))


            m_result.AddMessage("No local database, accessing remote store");

            //TODO: Add prefix and foldercontents

            // Otherwise, grab info from remote location
            using (var tmpdb = new Library.Utility.TempFile())
            using (var db = new Database.LocalDatabase(tmpdb, "List"))
            using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))

                var filteredList = ParseAndFilterFilesets(backend.List(), m_options);
                if (filteredList.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("No filesets found on remote target");

                var numberSeq = CreateResultSequence(filteredList);
                if (parsedfilter.Type == Library.Utility.FilterType.Empty)
                    m_result.SetResult(numberSeq, null);
                    m_result.EncryptedFiles = filteredList.Any(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Value.EncryptionModule));

                var firstEntry = filteredList[0].Value;
                Dictionary<string, List<long>> res;

                if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(firstEntry.File.Name, firstEntry.File.Size, null))
                using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(firstEntry.File.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                    if (simpleList)
                            (from n in rd.Files
                                  where Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, n.Path)
                                  orderby n.Path
                                  select new ListResultFile(n.Path, new long[] { n.Size }))

                        res = rd.Files
                              .Where(x => Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, x.Path))
                                    x => x.Path,
                                    y =>
                                        var lst = new List<long>();
                                        return lst;

                long flindex = 1;
                foreach(var flentry in filteredList)
                    using(var tmpfile = backend.Get(flentry.Value.File.Name, flentry.Value.File == null ? -1 : flentry.Value.File.Size, null))
                    using (var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(flentry.Value.CompressionModule, tmpfile, m_options))
                        if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                        foreach(var p in from n in rd.Files where Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, n.Path) select n)
                            List<long> lst;
                            if (!res.TryGetValue(p.Path, out lst))
                                lst = new List<long>();
                                res[p.Path] = lst;
                                for(var i = 0; i < flindex; i++)


                        foreach(var n in from i in res where i.Value.Count < flindex + 1 select i)


                    from n in res
                    orderby n.Key
                    select (Duplicati.Library.Interface.IListResultFile)(new ListResultFile(n.Key, n.Value))
Пример #10
        public void DoRun(long samples, LocalTestDatabase db, BackendManager backend)
            var blockhasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create(m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm);

            if (blockhasher == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidHashAlgorithm, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));
            if (!blockhasher.CanReuseTransform)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Strings.Foresthash.InvalidCryptoSystem, m_options.BlockHashAlgorithm));

            var hashsize = blockhasher.HashSize / 8;
            var files = db.SelectTestTargets(samples, m_options).ToList();

            if (m_options.FullRemoteVerification)
                foreach(var vol in new AsyncDownloader(files, backend))
                    var parsedInfo = Volumes.VolumeBase.ParseFilename(vol.Name);
                        if (m_results.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                            backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                        using(var tf = vol.TempFile)
                            if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Files)
                                //Compare with db and see if all files are accounted for
                                // with correct file hashes and blocklist hashes
                                using(var fl = db.CreateFilelist(vol.Name))
                                    using(var rd = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, m_options))
                                        foreach(var f in rd.Files)
                                            fl.Add(f.Path, f.Size, f.Hash, f.Metasize, f.Metahash, f.BlocklistHashes, f.Type, f.Time);

                                    m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, fl.Compare().ToList());
                            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Index)
                                var blocklinks = new List<Tuple<string, string, long>>();
                                IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>> combined = new KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>[0];

                                //Compare with db and see that all hashes and volumes are listed
                                using(var rd = new Volumes.IndexVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, m_options, hashsize))
                                    foreach(var v in rd.Volumes)
                                        blocklinks.Add(new Tuple<string, string, long>(v.Filename, v.Hash, v.Length));
                                        using(var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(v.Filename))
                                            foreach(var h in v.Blocks)
                                                bl.AddBlock(h.Key, h.Value);

                                            combined = combined.Union(bl.Compare().ToArray());

                                using(var il = db.CreateIndexlist(vol.Name))
                                    foreach(var t in blocklinks)
                                        il.AddBlockLink(t.Item1, t.Item2, t.Item3);

                                    combined = combined.Union(il.Compare()).ToList();

                                m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, combined.ToList());
                            else if (parsedInfo.FileType == RemoteVolumeType.Blocks)
                                using(var bl = db.CreateBlocklist(vol.Name))
                                using(var rd = new Volumes.BlockVolumeReader(parsedInfo.CompressionModule, tf, m_options))
                                    //Verify that all blocks are in the file
                                    foreach(var b in rd.Blocks)
                                        bl.AddBlock(b.Key, b.Value);

                                    //Select 20% random blocks and verify their hashes match the filename and size
                                    var hashsamples = new List<KeyValuePair<string, long>>(rd.Blocks);
                                    var sampleCount = Math.Min(Math.Max(0, (int)(hashsamples.Count * 0.2)), hashsamples.Count - 1);
                                    var rnd = new Random();

                                    while (hashsamples.Count > sampleCount)

                                    var blockbuffer = new byte[m_options.Blocksize];
                                    var changes = new List<KeyValuePair<Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>>();
                                    foreach(var s in hashsamples)
                                        var size = rd.ReadBlock(s.Key, blockbuffer);
                                        if (size != s.Value)
                                            changes.Add(new KeyValuePair<Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));
                                            var hash = Convert.ToBase64String(blockhasher.ComputeHash(blockbuffer, 0, size));
                                            if (hash != s.Key)
                                                changes.Add(new KeyValuePair<Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Modified, s.Key));

                                    m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, changes.Union(bl.Compare().ToList()));


                    catch (Exception ex)
                        m_results.AddResult(vol.Name, new KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>[] { new KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Error, ex.Message) });
                        m_results.AddError(string.Format("Failed to process file {0}", vol.Name), ex);
                        if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
                foreach(var f in files)
                        if (m_results.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)

                        backend.GetForTesting(f.Name, f.Size, f.Hash);
                        m_results.AddResult(f.Name, new KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>[0]);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        m_results.AddResult(f.Name, new KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>[] { new KeyValuePair<Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus, string>(Duplicati.Library.Interface.TestEntryStatus.Error, ex.Message) });
                        m_results.AddError(string.Format("Failed to process file {0}", f.Name), ex);
                        if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
        public void Run(IEnumerable <string> filterstrings = null, Library.Utility.IFilter compositefilter = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_options.Restorepath))
                throw new Exception("Cannot restore control files without --restore-path");
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(m_options.Restorepath))

            using (var tmpdb = new Library.Utility.TempFile())
                using (var db = new Database.LocalDatabase(System.IO.File.Exists(m_options.Dbpath) ? m_options.Dbpath : (string)tmpdb, "RestoreControlFiles"))
                    using (var backend = new BackendManager(m_backendurl, m_options, m_result.BackendWriter, db))

                        var filter = Library.Utility.JoinedFilterExpression.Join(new Library.Utility.FilterExpression(filterstrings), compositefilter);

                            var filteredList = ListFilesHandler.ParseAndFilterFilesets(backend.List(), m_options);
                            if (filteredList.Count == 0)
                                throw new Exception("No filesets found on remote target");

                            Exception lastEx = new Exception("No suitable files found on remote target");

                            foreach (var fileversion in filteredList)
                                    if (m_result.TaskControlRendevouz() == TaskControlState.Stop)
                                        backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);

                                    var               file = fileversion.Value.File;
                                    long              size;
                                    string            hash;
                                    RemoteVolumeType  type;
                                    RemoteVolumeState state;
                                    if (!db.GetRemoteVolume(file.Name, out hash, out size, out type, out state))
                                        size = file.Size;

                                    var res = new List <string>();
                                    using (var tmpfile = backend.Get(file.Name, size, hash))
                                        using (var tmp = new Volumes.FilesetVolumeReader(RestoreHandler.GetCompressionModule(file.Name), tmpfile, m_options))
                                            foreach (var cf in tmp.ControlFiles)
                                                if (Library.Utility.FilterExpression.Matches(filter, cf.Key))
                                                    var targetpath = System.IO.Path.Combine(m_options.Restorepath, cf.Key);
                                                    using (var ts = System.IO.File.Create(targetpath))
                                                        Library.Utility.Utility.CopyStream(cf.Value, ts);


                                    lastEx = null;
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    lastEx = ex;
                                    if (ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)

                            if (lastEx != null)
                                throw lastEx;
                            backend.WaitForComplete(db, null);
