// Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     // Cache our start position, which is really the only thing we need
     // (in addition to our current position, and the target).
     startPos    = transform.position;
     initialPos  = startPos;
     game        = FindObjectOfType <VolleyBall>();
     coll        = GetComponent <Collider2D>();
     rend        = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
     enemy       = FindObjectOfType <VBEnemy>();
     audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        }                              //creazioe property da inserire in un array di tipo Athlete (atleti dentro sacco di atleti)

        public DummyPersistenceLayer() //simulazione creaz. database
            Sport calcio    = new Soccer();
            Sport tennis    = new Tennis();
            Sport pallavolo = new VolleyBall();

            Athlete a1 = new AmateurAthlete("mario", "rossi", 20, Gender.Male);

            a1.Age   = -19;
            a1.Sport = calcio;

            Athlete a2 = new AmateurAthlete("GG01371347019", "Giorgio", "Gori", Gender.Male, DateTime.Now, 25, 1.82, 89, pallavolo);

            ProAthlete pa1 = new ProAthlete("Lebron", "James", 34, Gender.Male, "Nike");

            pa1.Height = 2.03;
            pa1.Weight = 113;
            pa1.Sport  = tennis;

            Athlete pa2 = new ProAthlete("James", "Harden", 30, Gender.Male, "Adidas");

            pa2.Sport = tennis;

            Athlete aa1 = new AmateurAthlete("Giorgia", "Piccolini", 53, Gender.Female);

            aa1.Sport = pallavolo;

            JuniorAthlete ja1 = new JuniorAthlete("Carmelino", "James", 4, Gender.Male, "Pino James");

            ja1.Sport = calcio;

            Athlete ja2 = new JuniorAthlete("Guendalina", "Harden", 13, Gender.Female, "Anna Harden");

            ja2.Sport = tennis;

            AllAthlete = new List <Athlete> {
                a1, a2, pa1, pa2, aa1, ja1, ja2
            };                                                                  //inser. elementi creati sopra
Пример #3
 public void GiveVoleyBallLesson()
     // After lesson, ball will probably be disposed, nulled
     _volleyBall = GetVolleyBall();
     // Lesson Stuff- work with ball
Пример #4
 public void GiveVoleyBallLesson(VolleyBall ball)
     // Lesson Stuff- work with ball