Пример #1
 public static bool ApiVmsAppboxMtLog(VmsAppboxMtLog item)
         SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString, "Vms_Appbox_Mt_Insert"
                                   , item.UserId
                                   , item.ShortCode
                                   , item.MtSeq
                                   , item.MsgType
                                   , item.MsgTitle
                                   , item.MsgBody.Replace("+", " ")
                                   , item.MoSeq
                                   , item.ProcResult
                                   , item.CpId
                                   , item.ServiceId
                                   , item.ContentId
                                   , item.Price
                                   , item.Channel
                                   , item.SrcPort
                                   , item.DestPort
                                   , item.UserName
                                   , item.Password
     catch (Exception)
Пример #2
        public static void MtApi(string userId, string title, string body, string moSeq, int procResult, int price)
            #region XU LY GUI MT PHAN HOI

            var mt = new VmsAppboxMtLog();
            mt.ShortCode = "9210"; //src : ex 8008
            mt.UserId    = userId; //dest
            mt.MtSeq     = ConvertUtility.ToInt32(SecurityMethod.RandomStringNumber(6));
            mt.MsgType   = "Text";

            //mt.MsgTitle = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(title);
            mt.MsgTitle = title;

            //mt.MsgBody = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode(body);
            mt.MsgBody = body;

            mt.MoSeq = moSeq;

            //* 0 = the MO message is not charged
            //* 1 = the MO message is charged
            mt.ProcResult = procResult;

            mt.CpId      = AppEnv.GetSetting("cpId");
            mt.ServiceId = "26";
            mt.ContentId = "26";

            mt.Price    = price;
            mt.Channel  = "SMS";
            mt.SrcPort  = 1;
            mt.DestPort = 1;
            mt.UserName = "******";
            mt.Password = "******";

            string url = "" +
                         "?src=" + mt.ShortCode +
                         "&dest=" + mt.UserId +
                         "&mtseq=" + mt.MtSeq +
                         "&msgtype=" + mt.MsgType +
                         "&msgtitle=" + mt.MsgTitle +
                         "&msgbody=" + mt.MsgBody +
                         "&moseq=" + mt.MoSeq +
                         "&procresult=" + mt.ProcResult +
                         "&cpid=" + mt.CpId +
                         "&serviceid=" + mt.ServiceId +
                         "&contentid=" + mt.ContentId +
                         "&price=" + mt.Price +
                         "&channel=" + mt.Channel +
                         "&username="******"&password="******"----- VMG SEND MT URL : " + url);

            var httpReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
            httpReq.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
            httpReq.Method            = "GET";
            var httpRes = (HttpWebResponse)httpReq.GetResponse();
            int status  = (int)httpRes.StatusCode;

            Logger.Debug("----- STATUS_CODE FROM MGAME : " + status);

            if (status == 200)//GUI THANH CONG TOI MGAME Platform


Пример #3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger("MoRequest");

                string src      = Request.QueryString["src"].Trim();  //MSISDN
                string dest     = Request.QueryString["dest"].Trim(); //Short code (e.g. “8008”)
                string moseq    = Request.QueryString["moseq"].Trim();
                string cmdcode  = Request.QueryString["cmdcode"].Trim();
                string msgbody  = Request.QueryString["msgbody"].Trim();
                string userName = Request.QueryString["username"].Trim();
                string passWord = Request.QueryString["password"].Trim();

                logger.Debug(" ");
                logger.Debug(" ");
                logger.Debug("----- VMS API CALL MoRequest ----- :" + "UserName : "******" |Pass : "******" |src : " + src + " |dest : " + dest + " |moseq : " + moseq +
                             " |cmdcode : " + cmdcode + " |msgbody: " + msgbody);
                logger.Debug(" ");
                logger.Debug(" ");

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(passWord))
                    cmdcode = cmdcode.ToUpper();

                    var item = new VmsAppboxMoLog();
                    item.UserId    = src;
                    item.ShortCode = dest;
                    item.Moseq     = moseq;
                    item.CmdCode   = cmdcode;
                    item.MsgBody   = msgbody;
                    item.UserName  = userName;
                    item.Password  = passWord;

                    bool isTrue = ApiController.ApiVmsAppboxMoLog(item);

                    if (isTrue)
                        Response.StatusCode = 200; //RESPONSE StatusCode = 200 THINKNET

                        #region XU LY GUI MT PHAN HOI

                        var mt = new VmsAppboxMtLog();
                        mt.UserId = item.UserId; //dest

                        string title = string.Empty;
                        string body  = string.Empty;

                        if (cmdcode == "HD")
                            #region HUONG DAN

                            title = "Huong dan";
                            //body = "Chao mung Quy khach den voi su tro giup cua dich vu APPBOX cua MobiFone. " +
                            //       "De dang ky goi ngay soan: DK AG, de dang ky goi tuan soan: DK AG7 gui 9210. " +
                            //       "De kiem tra goi cuoc dang su dung soan KT gui 9210. De biet gia cuoc soan GIA gui 9210. " +
                            //       "De huy soan HUY Tengoi gui 9210. " +
                            //       "De su dung dich vu Appbox, Quy khach truy cap dia chi http://appbox.vn. " +
                            //       "Lien he ho tro 19001255. Tran trong cam on!";

                            body = "Chao mung Quy khach den voi su tro giup cua dich vu APPBOX cua MobiFone. " +
                                   "De dang ky goi ngay soan: DK AG, de dang ky goi tuan soan: DK AG7 gui 9210. " +
                                   "De kiem tra goi cuoc dang su dung soan KT gui 9210. " +
                                   "De biet gia cuoc soan GIA gui 9210. " +
                                   "Quen mat khau, soan MK gui 9210. " +
                                   "De huy soan HUY Tengoi gui 9210. " +
                                   "De su dung dich vu Appbox, Quy khach truy cap dia chi http://appbox.vn. " +
                                   "Lien he ho tro 19001255. Tran trong cam on!";

                        else if (cmdcode == "KT")
                            #region KIEM TRA DICH VU

                            DataTable dt = ApiController.ApiVmsAppboxRegisteredUsersInfo(src);
                            title = "Kiem tra";

                            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                DataRow dr      = dt.Rows[0];
                                string  tenGoi  = "Goi ngay";
                                string  hanSd   = ConvertUtility.ToDateTime(dr["ExpiredTime"]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                                string  giaCuoc = "2.000/ngay";

                                if (dr["Service_ID"].ToString() == "27")
                                    tenGoi  = "Goi Tuan";
                                    giaCuoc = "1.0000/tuan";

                                body = "Quy khach hien dang su dung goi cuoc " + tenGoi + " thuoc dich vu Appbox cua MobiFone. " +
                                       "Thoi han su dung den " + hanSd + ". " +
                                       "Truy cap http://appbox.vn (Mien phi cuoc DATA) de su dung dich vu. " +
                                       "Cuoc dich vu: " + giaCuoc + ". " +
                                       "Lien he ho tro 19001255. Tran trong cam on!";
                                body = "Quy khach chua dang ky dich vu Appbox cua MobiFone. De dang ky dich vu,Quy khach vui long soan: DK Tengoi gui 9210 (Tengoi: AG – goi ngay, AG7 - goi tuan). " +
                                       "De xem huong dan soan HD gui 9210. " +
                                       "Chi tiet truy cap http://appbox.vn hoac lien he ho tro 19001255.Tran trong cam on!";

                        else if (cmdcode == "MK")
                            #region LAY LAI MATKHAU

                            DataTable dt = ApiController.ApiVmsAppboxRegisteredUsersInfo(item.UserId);
                            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                title = "Mat khau";
                                body  = "Mat khau de su dung dich vu Appbox cua Quy khach la: " + dt.Rows[0]["Password"] + ". Truy cap http://appbox.vn de su dung dich vu. Lien he ho tro 19001255. Tran trong cam on!";
                                title = "Mat khau";
                                body  = "Quy khach chua dang ky dich vu Appbox cua MobiFone. De dang ky dich vu, Quy khach vui long soan: DK Tengoi gui 9210 (Tengoi: AG - goi ngay, AG7 - goi tuan). De xem huong dan soan HD gui 9210. Chi tiet truy cap http://appbox.vn hoac lien he ho tro 19001255. Tran trong cam on!";

                        else if (cmdcode == "GIA")
                            #region GIA

                            title = "Gia cuoc";
                            body  = "Gia goi cuoc dich vu Appbox cua MobiFone: AG: 2.000d/ngay (mien phi cho thue bao dang ky lan dau), " +
                                    "AG7: 10.000d/tuan (mien phi cho thue bao dang ky lan dau). " +
                                    "Chi tiet truy cap http://appbox.vn hoac lien he 19001255." +
                                    "Tran trong cam on!";


                        //mt.MsgTitle = Server.UrlEncode(title);
                        //mt.MsgBody = Server.UrlEncode(body);

                        mt.MsgTitle = title;
                        mt.MsgBody  = body;

                        mt.MoSeq = item.Moseq;

                        //* 0 = the MO message is not charged
                        //* 1 = the MO message is charged
                        mt.ProcResult = 0;

                        mt.Price = 0;
                        ApiController.MtApi(mt.UserId, mt.MsgTitle, "(ND)" + mt.MsgBody, mt.MoSeq, mt.ProcResult, mt.Price);

                        Response.StatusCode = 204;
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Debug(" ");
                logger.Debug(" ");
                logger.Debug("----- VMS API CALL MoRequest ERROR ----- :" + ex);
                logger.Debug(" ");
                logger.Debug(" ");