Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to direct the user to the image for the default Sql Server 2012 image
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A persistent VM Role containing the data to execute the image</returns>
        public static PersistentVMRole GetDefaultSqlServer2012VMRole(VmSize vmSize, string storageAccount)
            // build the default endpoints
            var inputEndpoints = new InputEndpoints();

            // add the endpoints collections to a network configuration set
            var network = new NetworkConfigurationSet
                InputEndpoints = inputEndpoints
            // build the windows configuration set
            var windows = new WindowsConfigurationSet
                AdminPassword             = "******",
                ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon = true
            OSVirtualHardDisk   osDisk   = OSVirtualHardDisk.GetSqlServerOSImage(storageAccount);
            DataVirtualHardDisk dataDisk = DataVirtualHardDisk.GetDefaultDataDisk(storageAccount);
            var disks = new DataVirtualHardDisks();

            return(new PersistentVMRole
                NetworkConfigurationSet = network,
                OperatingSystemConfigurationSet = windows,
                RoleSize = vmSize,
                RoleName = "Elastarole",
                HardDisks = disks,
                OSHardDisk = osDisk
        void PopulateVmSizeProps(AzureResourceSku source, VmSize target)
            foreach (var curCapability in source.Capabilities)
                switch (curCapability.Name)
                case "vCPUs":
                    target.NumberOfCores = Convert.ToInt32(curCapability.Value);

                case "MaxDataDiskCount":
                    target.MaxDataDiskCount = Convert.ToInt32(curCapability.Value);

                case "MaxNetworkInterfaces":
                    target.MaxNetworkInterfaces = Convert.ToInt32(curCapability.Value);

                case "OSVhdSizeMB":
                    target.OsDiskSizeInMB = Convert.ToInt32(curCapability.Value);

                case "MemoryGB":
                    target.MemoryGB = Convert.ToInt32(curCapability.Value);
Пример #3
        private static void UpdateVmSizes(IEnumerable <AzureCatalogue> azureCatalogueResult)
                var cmpWapDb              = new CmpWapDb();
                var cmpWapVmSizes         = cmpWapDb.FetchVmSizeInfoList(onlyActiveOnes: false).ToList();
                var newVmSizes            = new List <VmSize>();
                var azureCatalogueVmSizes = new List <AzureVmSizeArmData>();

                //Eliminate dupes, we only need them to establish the mappings in another method.
                foreach (var regionInCatalogue in azureCatalogueResult)
                azureCatalogueVmSizes = azureCatalogueVmSizes.Distinct(new AzureVmSizeArmData.AzureVmSizeComparer()).ToList();

                //Translate and convert each AzureVmSizeArmData object into a VmSize object.
                foreach (var vmSize in azureCatalogueVmSizes)
                    if (!cmpWapVmSizes.Any(x => string.Equals(vmSize.name, x.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        var newVmSize = new VmSize
                            Name             = vmSize.name,
                            Cores            = vmSize.numberOfCores,
                            Memory           = vmSize.memoryInMB,
                            MaxDataDiskCount = vmSize.maxDataDiskCount,
                            IsActive         = true,
                            CreatedBy        = "CMP WAP Extension",
                            LastUpdatedBy    = "CMP WAP Extension",
                            CreatedOn        = DateTime.UtcNow,
                            LastUpdatedOn    = DateTime.UtcNow

                        if (vmSize.memoryInMB >= 1000)
                            newVmSize.Description = vmSize.name + " - " + vmSize.numberOfCores + " Cores, " + vmSize.memoryInMB / 1000 + " GB, " + vmSize.maxDataDiskCount + " Disk";
                            newVmSize.Description = vmSize.name + " - " + vmSize.numberOfCores + " Cores, " + vmSize.memoryInMB + " MB, " + vmSize.maxDataDiskCount + " Disk";


                if (newVmSizes.Any())
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Exception caught in UpdateVmSizes: " + ex.ToString());
Пример #4
        public static string GetDisplayTextSizeForDropdown(VmSize vmSizeInfo)
            if (vmSizeInfo == null)

            return($"{vmSizeInfo.Key} ({vmSizeInfo.NumberOfCores} cores, {vmSizeInfo.MemoryGB} GB Memory, os disk: {vmSizeInfo.OsDiskSizeInMB}, max data disks: {vmSizeInfo.MaxDataDiskCount})");
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CreateSizeModel" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="createSizeFromApi">The size from API.</param>
        public CreateSizeModel(VmSize createSizeFromApi)
            this.VMSizeId    = createSizeFromApi.VmSizeId;
            this.Name        = createSizeFromApi.Name;
            Cores            = createSizeFromApi.Cores;
            this.Description = createSizeFromApi.Description;

            this.IsActive    = createSizeFromApi.IsActive;
            Memory           = createSizeFromApi.Memory;
            MaxDataDiskCount = createSizeFromApi.MaxDataDiskCount;
Пример #6
 // https://management.core.windows.net/<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/<service-name>/deployments/
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to construct the command to create a virtual machine deployment including the creation of a role
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceName">the name of the cloud service</param>
 /// <param name="template">the image template of the virtual machine</param>
 /// <param name="storageAccountForVhd">the storage account used to store the virtual machine images of data and os</param>
 /// <param name="size">the required size of the virtual machine</param>
 internal CreateVirtualMachineDeploymentCommand(string serviceName, string storageAccountForVhd, VirtualMachineTemplates template, VmSize size = VmSize.Small)
     AdditionalHeaders["x-ms-version"] = "2012-03-01";
     OperationId        = "hostedservices";
     ServiceType        = "services";
     HttpCommand        = serviceName + "/deployments";
     VirtualMachineType = template;
     CloudServiceName   = serviceName;
     VhdStorageAccount  = storageAccountForVhd;
     Size = size;
 // https://management.core.windows.net/<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/<service-name>/deployments/
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to construct the command to create a virtual machine deployment including the creation of a role
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceName">the name of the cloud service</param>
 /// <param name="template">the image template of the virtual machine</param>
 /// <param name="storageAccountForVhd">the storage account used to store the virtual machine images of data and os</param>
 /// <param name="size">the required size of the virtual machine</param>
 internal CreateVirtualMachineDeploymentCommand(string serviceName, string storageAccountForVhd, VirtualMachineTemplates template, VmSize size = VmSize.Small)
     AdditionalHeaders["x-ms-version"] = "2012-03-01";
     OperationId = "hostedservices";
     ServiceType = "services";
     HttpCommand = serviceName + "/deployments";
     VirtualMachineType = template;
     CloudServiceName = serviceName;
     VhdStorageAccount = storageAccountForVhd;
     Size = size;
 void IUtf8JsonSerializable.Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer)
Пример #9
        public void Vm_getSizeCategory()
            var vmSize = new VmSize()
                Key = "first", NumberOfCores = 4, MemoryGB = 3, OsDiskSizeInMB = 1000, MaxDataDiskCount = 4

            var result = VmSizeUtil.GetDisplayTextSizeForDropdown(vmSize);

            var expectedResult = "first (4 cores, 3 GB Memory, os disk: 1000, max data disks: 4)";

            Assert.Equal(expectedResult, result);
        bool ShouldBeExcluded(VmSize curVmSizeInDb)
            if (curVmSizeInDb.Category == "unknowncategory")

            if (curVmSizeInDb.Category == "gpu" && curVmSizeInDb.Key != "Standard_NV8as_v4")

            if (curVmSizeInDb.Key.Contains("_v4"))

 /// <summary>
 /// Selects the size of the VM to provision
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">the size of the VM to provision</param>
 /// <returns>An IVirtualMachineDeployment interface</returns>
 IVirtualMachineDeployment IVirtualMachineDeployment.WithVmOfSize(VmSize size)
     Properties.VmSize = size;
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to get a single deployment containing the SQL Server 2012 image
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A complete deployment of the SQL Server 2012 image</returns>
 public static Deployment GetDefaultSqlServer2012Deployment(string cloudServiceName, string storageAccount,
                                                            VmSize vmSize = VmSize.Small)
     return(AddPersistentVMRole(cloudServiceName, PersistentVMRole.GetDefaultSqlServer2012VMRole(vmSize, storageAccount)));
Пример #13
 public static PersistentVMRole GetDefaultVMRole(VmSize vmSize, string storageAccount, string password, string computerName, string roleName, InputEndpoints inputEndpoints, string imageName, List<string> subnetNames)
     // add the endpoints collections to a network configuration set
     var network = new NetworkConfigurationSet
         InputEndpoints = inputEndpoints,
         SubnetNames = subnetNames
     // build the windows configuration set
     var windows = new WindowsConfigurationSet
         AdminPassword = password,
         ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon = true,
         ComputerName = computerName
     OSVirtualHardDisk osDisk = OSVirtualHardDisk.GetCustomServerOSImage(storageAccount, imageName);
     DataVirtualHardDisk dataDisk = DataVirtualHardDisk.GetDefaultDataDisk(storageAccount);
     var disks = new DataVirtualHardDisks();
     return new PersistentVMRole
         NetworkConfigurationSet = network,
         OperatingSystemConfigurationSet = windows,
         RoleSize = vmSize,
         RoleName = roleName,
         HardDisks = disks,
         OSHardDisk = osDisk
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to get a single deployment containing the SQL Server 2012 image
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A complete deployment of the SQL Server 2012 image</returns>
 public static Deployment GetDefaultSqlServer2012Deployment(string cloudServiceName, string storageAccount,
                                                            VmSize vmSize = VmSize.Small)
     return AddPersistentVMRole(cloudServiceName, PersistentVMRole.GetDefaultSqlServer2012VMRole(vmSize, storageAccount));
 /// <summary>
 /// Used to direct the user to the image for the default Sql Server 2012 image
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>A persistent VM Role containing the data to execute the image</returns>
 public static PersistentVMRole GetDefaultSqlServer2012VMRole(VmSize vmSize, string storageAccount)
     // build the default endpoints
     var inputEndpoints = new InputEndpoints();
     // add the endpoints collections to a network configuration set
     var network = new NetworkConfigurationSet
                           InputEndpoints = inputEndpoints
     // build the windows configuration set
     var windows = new WindowsConfigurationSet
                           AdminPassword = "******",
                           ResetPasswordOnFirstLogon = true
     OSVirtualHardDisk osDisk = OSVirtualHardDisk.GetSqlServerOSImage(storageAccount);
     DataVirtualHardDisk dataDisk = DataVirtualHardDisk.GetDefaultDataDisk(storageAccount);
     var disks = new DataVirtualHardDisks();
     return new PersistentVMRole
                    NetworkConfigurationSet = network,
                    OperatingSystemConfigurationSet = windows,
                    RoleSize = vmSize,
                    RoleName = "Elastarole",
                    HardDisks = disks,
                    OSHardDisk = osDisk
 /// <summary>
 /// Selects the size of the VM to provision
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">the size of the VM to provision</param>
 /// <returns>An IVirtualMachineDeployment interface</returns>
 IVirtualMachineDeployment IVirtualMachineDeployment.WithVmOfSize(VmSize size)
     Properties.VmSize = size;
     return this;
        public async Task UpdateVmSizeCache(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var currentUser = await _userService.GetCurrentUserAsync();

            var regionsFromDb = await _db.Regions.Include(r => r.VmSizeAssociations).ThenInclude(va => va.VmSize).Where(r => !r.Disabled).ToListAsync();

            if (regionsFromDb == null || (regionsFromDb != null & regionsFromDb.Count() == 0))
                throw new Exception($"Could not update Vm Size Cache, No regions found in DB");

            foreach (var curRegionFromDb in regionsFromDb)
                _logger.LogInformation($"Updating VM Size Cache for Region: {curRegionFromDb.Key}");

                    var resourceSkusFromAzure = await _azureResourceSkuService.GetSKUsForRegion(curRegionFromDb.Key, "virtualMachines", filterBasedOnResponseRestrictions : true, cancellationToken);

                    if (resourceSkusFromAzure == null || (resourceSkusFromAzure != null && resourceSkusFromAzure.Count() == 0))
                        throw new Exception($"No VM SKUs found in Azure for region {curRegionFromDb.Key}");

                    _logger.LogInformation($"Updating VM Size Cache for Region: {curRegionFromDb.Key}. Found {resourceSkusFromAzure.Count()} SKUs for region");

                    var existingSizeItemsForRegion = curRegionFromDb.VmSizeAssociations.ToDictionary(r => r.VmSize.Key, r => r.VmSize);

                    var validSkusFromAzure = new HashSet <string>();

                    VmSize curVmSizeInDb;

                    foreach (var curAzureSku in resourceSkusFromAzure)
                        if (existingSizeItemsForRegion.TryGetValue(curAzureSku.Name, out curVmSizeInDb))
                            curVmSizeInDb.Category = AzureVmUtil.GetSizeCategory(curAzureSku.Name);

                            if (ShouldBeExcluded(curVmSizeInDb))
                                var toRemoveFromDb = curRegionFromDb.VmSizeAssociations.FirstOrDefault(ra => ra.VmSizeKey == curVmSizeInDb.Key);
                                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                                PopulateVmSizeProps(curAzureSku, curVmSizeInDb);
                                curVmSizeInDb.DisplayText = VmSizeUtil.GetDisplayTextSizeForDropdown(curVmSizeInDb);

                                //Get updated price for VM Size and set on db entry
                                var regionAssociation = curVmSizeInDb.RegionAssociations.Where(ra => ra.RegionKey == curRegionFromDb.Key).SingleOrDefault();
                                regionAssociation.Price = await _azureCostManagementService.GetVmPrice(curRegionFromDb.Key, curVmSizeInDb.Key);

                                await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                            //Size item might exist in db for other region
                            curVmSizeInDb = await _db.VmSizes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(r => r.Key == curAzureSku.Name);

                            if (curVmSizeInDb == null)
                                curVmSizeInDb = new VmSize()
                                    Key = curAzureSku.Name, CreatedBy = currentUser.UserName, Category = AzureVmUtil.GetSizeCategory(curAzureSku.Name)
                                curVmSizeInDb.Category = AzureVmUtil.GetSizeCategory(curAzureSku.Name);

                            if (ShouldBeExcluded(curVmSizeInDb))
                                //Dont want to include these

                            PopulateVmSizeProps(curAzureSku, curVmSizeInDb);
                            curVmSizeInDb.DisplayText = VmSizeUtil.GetDisplayTextSizeForDropdown(curVmSizeInDb);

                            //Add to lookup
                            existingSizeItemsForRegion.Add(curAzureSku.Name, curVmSizeInDb);
                            var priceOfVm = await _azureCostManagementService.GetVmPrice(curRegionFromDb.Key, curVmSizeInDb.Key);

                            //Add to DB
                            curRegionFromDb.VmSizeAssociations.Add(new RegionVmSize()
                                Region = curRegionFromDb, VmSize = curVmSizeInDb, Price = priceOfVm

                            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();


                    //Delete those that are no longer present in Azure, or that does not pass the filter
                    foreach (var curDbSize in existingSizeItemsForRegion.Values)
                        if (!validSkusFromAzure.Contains(curDbSize.Key))
                            var toRemoveFromDb = curRegionFromDb.VmSizeAssociations.FirstOrDefault(ra => ra.VmSizeKey == curDbSize.Key);

                            if (toRemoveFromDb != null)

                    await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

                    _logger.LogInformation($"Done updating VM Size Cache for Region: {curRegionFromDb.Name}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError($"Update VM Size cache: Unable to update Size cache for Region {curRegionFromDb.Key}. Se inner exception for details", ex);

            _logger.LogInformation($"Deleting Vm Size entries not associated with any region");
            foreach (var curVmSize in await _db.VmSizes.Include(s => s.RegionAssociations).ToListAsync())
                if (curVmSize.RegionAssociations == null || (curVmSize.RegionAssociations != null && curVmSize.RegionAssociations.Count == 0))

            await _db.SaveChangesAsync();

            //TODO: Delete size records with no associated region?
            _logger.LogInformation($"Done updating VM Size Cache");