internal override Expression CompileLightweightExceptionCheck(Visiting.EncoderVisitor visitor, Expression expression)
     // C# Semantics:
     // var temp = <expression>
     // if (temp is BlockResult)
     //        return temp;
     // temp
                Expression.Assign(this.TempValue, expression),
                    Expression.TypeIs(this.TempValue, typeof(BlockResult)),
Пример #2
        //internal override Expression CompileLightweightExceptionCheck(Visiting.EncoderVisitor visitor, Expression expression)
        //    var na = this.HomeContext; // Init needed stuff

        //    // C# Semantics:
        //    // var temp = <expression>
        //    // if (temp is BlockResult)
        //    // {
        //    //      if (((BlockResult) temp).HomeContext == _HomeContext)
        //    //          return ((BlockResult) temp).Value;
        //    //      else
        //    //          return temp;
        //    // }
        //    // temp
        //    return Expression.Block(
        //        Expression.Assign(this.TempValue, expression),
        //        Expression.IfThen(
        //            Expression.TypeIs(this.TempValue, typeof(BlockResult)),
        //            Expression.IfThenElse(
        //                    // Improve ... unnecessary test if the  methods doesn't declare blocks.
        //                Expression.Equal(Expression.Field(Expression.Convert(this.TempValue, typeof(BlockResult)), BlockResult.HomeContextField), this._HomeContextVariable),
        //                this.ReturnLocal(Expression.Field(Expression.Convert(this.TempValue, typeof(BlockResult)), BlockResult.ValueField)),
        //                this.ReturnLocal(this.TempValue))),
        //        this.TempValue);

        //internal override Expression GeneratePrologAndEpilogue(List<Expression> expressions)
        //    Expression result;
        //    if ((this.Temporaries.Count == 0) && (expressions.Count == 1))
        //        result = expressions[0];
        //    else
        //        result = Expression.Block(this.Temporaries.Select(binding => binding.Expression), expressions);

        //    // Somebody requested explicit return
        //    if (this._ReturnLabel != null)
        //        result = Expression.Label(this._ReturnLabel, result);

        //    // Somebody requested the home context used for block returns ... we must handle this correctly with try ... catch ...
        //    if (this._HomeContext != null)
        //    {

        //        if (this.Compiler.CompilerOptions.LightweightExceptions)
        //        {
        //            result = Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { this._HomeContextVariable }, result);
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            // Semantics:
        //            // HomeContext homeContext = new HomeContext();     ... however, this is lazy init'ed
        //            // try
        //            // {
        //            //      return <<result>>;
        //            // }
        //            // .... this is how we would like to have it ... if we could. CLR limitations do not allow filters in dynamic methods ....
        //            // catch (BlockResult blockResult) where (blockResult.HomeContext == homeContext)       ... the where semantics are not part of C#
        //            // {
        //            //      return blockResult.Result;
        //            // }
        //            // .... therefore the following implementation ....
        //            // catch (BlockResult blockResult)
        //            // {
        //            //      if (blockResult.HomeContext == homeContext)
        //            //          return blockResult.Result;
        //            //      else
        //            //          throw;
        //            // }
        //            ParameterExpression blockResult = Expression.Parameter(typeof(BlockResult), "blockResult");
        //            CatchBlock catchBlock = Expression.Catch(
        //                blockResult,
        //                Expression.Condition(
        //                    Expression.ReferenceEqual(Expression.Field(blockResult, BlockResult.HomeContextField), this._HomeContextVariable),
        //                    Expression.Field(blockResult, BlockResult.ValueField),
        //                    Expression.Rethrow(typeof(object))));

        //            result = Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { this._HomeContextVariable }, Expression.TryCatch(result, catchBlock));
        //        }
        //    }

        //    if (this._TempValue != null)
        //        result = Expression.Block(new ParameterExpression[] { this._TempValue }, result);

        //    return result;

        internal override Expression CompileLightweightExceptionCheck(Visiting.EncoderVisitor visitor, Expression expression)
            var na = this.HomeContext; // Init needed stuff

            // C# Semantics:
            // var temp = <expression>
            // if (temp is BlockResult)
            // {
            //      if (((BlockResult) temp).HomeContext == _HomeContext)
            //          return ((BlockResult) temp).Value;
            //      else
            //          return temp;
            // }
            // temp
            var x = this.BlockReturnLabel;

                       Expression.Assign(this.TempValue, expression),
                           Expression.TypeIs(this.TempValue, typeof(BlockResult)),
                           Expression.Return(this.BlockReturnLabel, this.TempValue)),
 internal override Expression CompileLightweightExceptionCheck(Visiting.EncoderVisitor visitor, Expression expression)
     return(this.OuterContext.CompileLightweightExceptionCheck(visitor, expression));