public override AnyValue MapSequence(SequenceValue value) { IList <AnyValue> list = new List <AnyValue>(value.Length()); value.forEach(v => list.Add(; return(VirtualValues.fromList(list)); }
public static AnyValue Convert(IEnumerable <Notification> notifications) { IList <AnyValue> @out = new List <AnyValue>(); foreach (Notification notification in notifications) { InputPosition pos = notification.Position; // position is optional bool includePosition = !pos.Equals(InputPosition.empty); int size = includePosition ? 5 : 4; MapValueBuilder builder = new MapValueBuilder(size); builder.Add("code", stringValue(notification.Code)); builder.Add("title", stringValue(notification.Title)); builder.Add("description", stringValue(notification.Description)); builder.Add("severity", stringValue(notification.Severity.ToString())); if (includePosition) { // only add the position if it is not empty builder.Add("position", string[] { "offset", "line", "column" }, new AnyValue[] { intValue(pos.Offset), intValue(pos.Line), intValue(pos.Column) })); } @out.Add(builder.Build()); } return(VirtualValues.fromList(@out)); }
private static ListValue Children(ExecutionPlanDescription plan) { IList <AnyValue> children = new LinkedList <AnyValue>(); foreach (ExecutionPlanDescription child in plan.Children) { children.Add(Convert(child)); } return(VirtualValues.fromList(children)); }
public override ListValue Split(string separator) { Debug.Assert(!string.ReferenceEquals(separator, null)); string asString = Value(); //Cypher has different semantics for the case where the separator //is exactly the value, in cypher we expect two empty arrays //where as java returns an empty array if (separator.Equals(asString)) { return(EmptySplit); } else if (separator.Length == 0) { return(VirtualValues.fromArray(Values.CharArray(asString.ToCharArray()))); } IList <AnyValue> split = SplitNonRegex(asString, separator); return(VirtualValues.fromList(split)); }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "WeakerAccess"}) public static org.neo4j.values.AnyValue materializeAnyResult(org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.EmbeddedProxySPI proxySpi, Object anyValue) public static AnyValue MaterializeAnyResult(EmbeddedProxySPI proxySpi, object anyValue) { if (anyValue == null || anyValue == NO_VALUE) { return(NO_VALUE); } else if (anyValue is AnyValue) { return(MaterializeAnyValueResult(proxySpi, anyValue)); } else if (anyValue is System.Collections.IList) { return(VirtualValues.fromList((IList <AnyValue>)(((System.Collections.IList)anyValue).Select(v => MaterializeAnyResult(proxySpi, v)).ToList()))); } else if (anyValue is System.Collections.IDictionary) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: java.util.Map<String,?> incoming = (java.util.Map<String,?>) anyValue; IDictionary <string, ?> incoming = (IDictionary <string, ?>)anyValue; MapValueBuilder builder = new MapValueBuilder(incoming.Count); //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Java wildcard generics have no direct equivalent in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: for (java.util.Map.Entry<String,?> entry : incoming.entrySet()) foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ?> entry in incoming.SetOfKeyValuePairs()) { builder.Add(entry.Key, MaterializeAnyResult(proxySpi, entry.Value)); } return(builder.Build()); } else if (anyValue is PrimitiveNodeStream) { return(VirtualValues.fromList((( PrimitiveNodeStream )anyValue).LongStream().mapToObj(id => (AnyValue)ValueUtils.fromNodeProxy(proxySpi.NewNodeProxy(id))).collect(Collectors.toList()))); } else if (anyValue is PrimitiveRelationshipStream) { return(VirtualValues.fromList((( PrimitiveRelationshipStream )anyValue).LongStream().mapToObj(id => (AnyValue)ValueUtils.fromRelationshipProxy(proxySpi.NewRelationshipProxy(id))).collect(Collectors.toList()))); } else if (anyValue is LongStream) { long[] array = (( LongStream )anyValue).toArray(); return(Values.longArray(array)); } else if (anyValue is DoubleStream) { double[] array = (( DoubleStream )anyValue).toArray(); return(Values.doubleArray(array)); } else if (anyValue is IntStream) { // IntStream is only used for list of primitive booleans return(VirtualValues.fromList((( IntStream )anyValue).mapToObj(i => Values.booleanValue(i != 0)).collect(Collectors.toList()))); } else if (anyValue.GetType().IsArray) { Type componentType = anyValue.GetType().GetElementType(); int length = Array.getLength(anyValue); if (componentType.IsPrimitive) { object copy = Array.CreateInstance(componentType, length); //noinspection SuspiciousSystemArraycopy Array.Copy(anyValue, 0, copy, 0, length); return(ValueUtils.of(copy)); } else if (anyValue is string[]) { return(Values.stringArray(( string[] )anyValue)); } else { AnyValue[] copy = new AnyValue[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { copy[i] = MaterializeAnyResult(proxySpi, Array.get(anyValue, i)); } return(VirtualValues.list(copy)); } } else { return(ValueUtils.of(anyValue)); } }