Пример #1
        public static TvProgram FromHtml(VirtualString html, DateTime day, TvChannel channel)
            TvProgram prog;

            prog = new TvProgram(html, day);

            prog.Channel = channel;
Пример #2
 public void virtual_string_out_of_range_issue_7()
     using (Stream stream = new StupidStream())
         var v = new VirtualString(stream, 0, 256);
             // Reproduces: https://github.com/Invenietis/CK-Text/issues/7
             v.GetText(6810, 1).Should().Be(StupidStream.CharAt(6810).ToString());
             v.Invoking(_ => _.GetText(7042, 24)).Should().NotThrow();
         // Since we are here, a little systematic stress test:
         for (int start = 0; start < 300; ++start)
             for (int width = 2; width < 300; ++width)
                 v.Invoking(_ => _.GetText(start, width)).Should().NotThrow();
Пример #3
        public void virtual_string_does_not_support_multibyte_characters()
            Assume.That(false, "VirtualString does not support multi-byte characters.");
            var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);

            // i = 0 to 25: Single-byte
            // i = 26 and 27: Multi-byte
            // i = 28 to 53: Single-byte

            byte[] utf8bytes = encoding.GetBytes(testStr);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Position = 0;

                var v = new VirtualString(ms, 0, 256, encoding);
                    v.Invoking(_ => _.GetText(0, utf8bytes.Length)).Should().NotThrow();      // ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Пример #4
        public void virtual_string_does_not_support_multibyte_characters_at_buffer_edge()
            Assume.That(false, "VirtualString does not support multi-byte characters.");
            var encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false);

            // i = 0 to 25: Single-byte
            // i = 26 and 27: Multi-byte
            // i = 28 to 53: Single-byte

            byte[] utf8bytes = encoding.GetBytes(testStr);

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                ms.Position = 0;

                var v = new VirtualString(ms, 0, 27, encoding);
                    // Bug (?): Reading 57 bytes does not read 57 characters, depending on encoding and content
                    v.GetText(0, 27).Should().Be("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZü");     // But is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?
Пример #5
        internal TvProgram(VirtualString html, DateTime day)
            var textHour = html.BetweenS("<strong>Ore ", "</strong>").Split(',');
            var hour     = new TimeSpan(int.Parse(textHour[0]), int.Parse(textHour[1]), 0);
            var date     = day.Add(hour);

            var title = Utils.TextFromHtml(html.Between("<h2", "</h2>").After(">").AsString);

            _grayText = html.Between("<h3", "</h3>").After(">").AsString.Trim().Split('\n').Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray();

            if (StringUtils.UpperCaseLettersProportion(title) > 0.3)
                Title = title.ToTitleCase();
                Title = title;

            Date = date;

            if (_grayText.Length > 0)
                var progType = _grayText[0];
                var idx      = progType.IndexOf(" - ");

                if (idx != -1)
                    progType = progType.Substring(0, idx);
                    Genre    = progType;
                Type = GetProgramType(progType);

                if (_grayText.Length >= 2)
                    var yearString = _grayText[1].TryCapture(@"\((\d{4})\)");
                    if (yearString != null)
                        Year = Convert.ToInt32(yearString);

            var textID = html.BetweenS("dizionario/", "\"", true);

            if (textID != null)
                _id = textID;

                this.Url = new Uri("http://www.mymovies.it/dizionario/" + _id);
                var myMoviesId = textID.TryCapture(@"recensione\.asp\?id=(\d+)");
                if (myMoviesId != null && MoviesDatabase != null)
                    var movie = MoviesDatabase.GetMovieInfo(int.Parse(myMoviesId));
                    if (movie != null)
                        Genre     = MoviesDatabase._genres[movie.Value.GenreId];
                        IsItalian = movie.Value.IsItalian;
                        if (this.Type == ProgramType.Unknown)
                            this.Type = ProgramType.Film;

            var ratingText = html.Between("valutazione media tra critica e pubblico: ", " stelle", true);

            if (ratingText != null)
                Rating = Single.Parse(ratingText.AsString.Replace(',', '.'), System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) / 5;