protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { VipConfig config = new VipConfig(); config.VipLevel = IntParam; config.Integral = Convert.ToInt64(TextBox2.Text); config.Fresh = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox3.Text); config.Week = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox4.Text); config.Month = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox5.Text); config.Day1 = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox6.Text); config.Day2 = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox7.Text); config.Day3 = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox8.Text); config.Day4 = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox9.Text); config.Day5 = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox1.Text); config.Day6 = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox10.Text); config.Day7 = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBox11.Text); int r = FacadeManage.aidePlatformFacade.SaveVipConfig(config); if (r > 0) { ShowInfo("配置信息操作成功", "VipConfigList.aspx", 1200); } else { ShowError("配置信息操作失败"); } }
/// <summary> ///会员自动升级和消费记录插入 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool updatelevel(int userId, string xcxTemplate, int pricesum = 0) { switch (xcxTemplate) { case "food": pricesum = GetFoodVipPriceSum(userId); break; case "entpro": pricesum = GetEntGoodsVipPriceSum(userId); break; case "footbath": pricesum = GetFootbathVipPriceSum(userId); break; case "multistore": pricesum = GetMultiStoreVipPriceSum(userId); break; case "platchild": pricesum = GetPlatChildGoodsVipPriceSum(userId); break; case "qiye": pricesum = 0; break; default: pricesum = GetVipConsumptionrecord(userId); break; } bool result = false; string sqlwhere = string.Empty; VipRelation viprelation = GetModel($"uid={userId} and state>=0"); if (viprelation != null) { viprelation.PriceSum = pricesum; //获取会员卡参数配置 VipConfig vipconfig = VipConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appid='{viprelation.appId}' and state>=0"); //当前会员等级规则 VipRule rule = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"levelid={viprelation.levelid} and state>=0 and RuleType=0"); List <VipRule> updateRules = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetList($" state>=0 and RuleType=0 and appid='{viprelation.appId}' and {viprelation.PriceSum}>minMoney ", 12, 1, "*", "minMoney desc"); //是否开启自动升级 if (vipconfig != null && vipconfig.autoupdate == 1)//&& rule != null { if (updateRules != null && updateRules.Count > 0) { if (rule == null || rule.minMoney <= updateRules[0].minMoney) { viprelation.levelid = updateRules[0].levelid; viprelation.updatetime = DateTime.Now; } } } result = Update(viprelation, "levelid,pricesum,updatetime"); } return(result); }
private void BindData() { VipConfig cfg = FacadeManage.aidePlatformFacade.GetVipConfigByLevel(IntParam); TextLevel.Text = cfg.VipLevel.ToString(); TextBox2.Text = cfg.Integral.ToString(); TextBox3.Text = cfg.Fresh.ToString(); TextBox4.Text = cfg.Week.ToString(); TextBox5.Text = cfg.Month.ToString(); TextBox6.Text = cfg.Day1.ToString(); TextBox7.Text = cfg.Day2.ToString(); TextBox8.Text = cfg.Day3.ToString(); TextBox9.Text = cfg.Day4.ToString(); TextBox1.Text = cfg.Day5.ToString(); TextBox10.Text = cfg.Day6.ToString(); TextBox11.Text = cfg.Day7.ToString(); }
/// <summary> /// 储值 会员升级 /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="price"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool updatelevelBySaveMoney(int userId, int price) { VipRelation viprelation = new VipRelationBLL().GetModel($"uid={userId} and state>=0"); if (viprelation != null) { //获取储值升级会员规则 获取会员卡参数配置 VipConfig vipconfig = VipConfigBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"appid='{viprelation.appId}' and state>=0"); //当前会员等级规则 VipRule rule = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetModel($"levelid={viprelation.levelid} and state>=0 and RuleType=1"); if (vipconfig != null && vipconfig.SaveMoneyAutoUpdate == 1) //&& rule != null { int viprelationPrice = price; //默认单次充值不包含赠送的 if (vipconfig.SaveMoneyType == 1) { //表示累计充值 viprelationPrice = SaveMoneySetUserBLL.SingleModel.GetSaveMoneySum(userId); } List <VipRule> updateRules = VipRuleBLL.SingleModel.GetList($" state>=0 and RuleType=1 and appid='{viprelation.appId}' and {viprelationPrice}>minMoney ", 12, 1, "*", "minMoney desc"); if (updateRules != null && updateRules.Count > 0) { if (rule == null || rule.minMoney <= updateRules[0].minMoney) { viprelation.levelid = updateRules[0].levelid; viprelation.updatetime = DateTime.Now; } } return(base.Update(viprelation, "levelid,updatetime")); } } return(false); }
public int SaveVipConfig(VipConfig cfg) { return(_aidePlatformData.SaveVipConfig(cfg)); }