Пример #1
        public static BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Book AddBook(BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.BookRequest objBookRequest)
            BookStoreAdmin.Models.book book = new book();

            BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Book objBook = new ViewModels.Book();

            using (BookStoreAdmin.Models.BookStoreAdminEntities1 context = new BookStoreAdminEntities1())
                book.title          = objBookRequest.title;
                book.description    = objBookRequest.description;
                book.fk_category_id = objBookRequest.category;
                book.price          = objBookRequest.price;

                foreach (int authorId in objBookRequest.authors)
                    book.authors.Add(new Models.author()
                        id = authorId
                book.created_on = new DateTimeOffset();


                foreach (BookStoreAdmin.Models.author author in book.authors)
                    context.Entry(author).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Unchanged;


            using (BookStoreAdmin.Models.BookStoreAdminEntities1 context = new BookStoreAdminEntities1())
                objBook = context.books
                          .Where(b => b.id == book.id)
                          .Select(book1 => new BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Book()
                    id          = book1.id,
                    title       = book1.title,
                    description = book1.description,
                    category    = new ViewModels.Category()
                        id = book1.category.id, description = book1.category.description, name = book1.category.name
                    authors = book1.authors.Select((author) => new BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Author()
                        id          = author.id,
                        description = author.description,
                        first_name  = author.first_name,
                        last_name   = author.last_name
                    price = book1.price

Пример #2
        public virtual CustomActionResult Validate(ViewModels.Book dto)
            //var c = dbSet.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id != dto.Id && q.DateStart == dto.DateStart && q.CourseTypeId == dto.CourseTypeId && q.OrganizationId == dto.OrganizationId);
            // if (c != null)
            //    return Exceptions.getDuplicateException("Course-01", "Type-Organization-DateStart");

            return(new CustomActionResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, ""));
Пример #3
        public static void FillDto(Models.ViewBookApplicableEmployee entity, ViewModels.Book book)
            book.Id          = entity.BookId;
            book.Title       = entity.Title;
            book.ISBN        = entity.ISBN;
            book.DateRelease = entity.DateRelease;
            book.PublisherId = entity.PublisherId;
            book.Publisher   = entity.Publisher;

            book.Category       = entity.Category;
            book.ISSNPrint      = entity.ISSNPrint;
            book.ISSNElectronic = entity.ISSNElectronic;
            book.DOI            = entity.DOI;
            book.Pages          = entity.Pages;
            book.CategoryId     = entity.CategoryId;
            book.CustomerId     = entity.CustomerId;
            book.Abstract       = entity.Abstract;
            book.DateCreate     = entity.DateCreate;
            book.DateRelease    = entity.DateRelease;
            book.DateExposure   = entity.DateExposure;
            book.ImageUrl       = entity.ImageUrl;
            book.IsExposed      = entity.IsExposed == 1;

            book.DateDeadline         = entity.DateDeadline;
            book.Duration             = entity.Duration;
            book.LanguageId           = entity.LanguageId;
            book.Language             = entity.Language;
            book.ExternalUrl          = entity.ExternalUrl;
            book.NumberOfLessens      = entity.NumberOfLessens;
            book.TypeId               = entity.TypeId;
            book.JournalId            = entity.JournalId;
            book.Journal              = entity.Journal;
            book.Conference           = entity.Conference;
            book.ConferenceLocationId = entity.ConferenceLocationId;
            book.DateConference       = entity.DateConference;
            book.Sender               = entity.Sender;
            book.No                    = entity.No;
            book.PublishedIn           = entity.PublishedIn;
            book.INSPECAccessionNumber = entity.INSPECAccessionNumber;
            book.Edition               = entity.Edition;
            book.DateEffective         = entity.DateEffective;

            //  book.Issue = entity.Issue;

            book.Keywords       = entity.Keywords;
            book.Authors        = entity.Authors;
            book.IsVisited      = entity.IsVisited;
            book.IsDownloaded   = entity.IsDownloaded;
            book.DateVisit      = entity.DateVisit;
            book.DateDownload   = entity.DateDownload;
            book.DateValidUntil = entity.DateValidUntil;
            book.DeadLine       = entity.DeadLine;
Пример #4
        public static void Fill(Models.Book entity, ViewModels.Book book)
            entity.Id             = book.Id;
            entity.Title          = book.Title;
            entity.ISBN           = book.ISBN;
            entity.DateRelease    = book.DateRelease;
            entity.PublisherId    = book.PublisherId;
            entity.FolderId       = book.FolderId;
            entity.ISSNPrint      = book.ISSNPrint;
            entity.ISSNElectronic = book.ISSNElectronic;
            entity.DOI            = book.DOI;
            entity.Pages          = book.Pages;
            entity.CategoryId     = book.CategoryId;
            entity.CustomerId     = book.CustomerId;
            entity.Abstract       = book.Abstract;
            entity.DateCreate     = book.DateCreate;
            entity.DatePublished  = book.DatePublished;
            if (book.IsExposed == true && entity.DatePublished == null)
                entity.DatePublished = DateTime.Now;
            if (book.IsExposed == false || book.IsExposed == null)
                entity.DatePublished = null;
            entity.ImageUrl = book.ImageUrl;

            if (entity.Id == -1)
                entity.DateCreate = DateTime.Now;

            entity.DateDeadline         = book.DateDeadline;
            entity.Duration             = book.Duration;
            entity.LanguageId           = book.LanguageId;
            entity.ExternalUrl          = book.ExternalUrl;
            entity.NumberOfLessens      = book.NumberOfLessens;
            entity.TypeId               = book.TypeId;
            entity.JournalId            = book.JournalId;
            entity.Conference           = book.Conference;
            entity.ConferenceLocationId = book.ConferenceLocationId;
            entity.DateConference       = book.DateConference;
            entity.Sender               = book.Sender;
            entity.No                    = book.No;
            entity.PublishedIn           = book.PublishedIn;
            entity.INSPECAccessionNumber = book.INSPECAccessionNumber;
            entity.Edition               = book.Edition;
            entity.DateEffective         = book.DateEffective;
            entity.Issue                 = book.Issue;
            entity.DeadLine              = book.DeadLine;
            entity.DateValidUntil        = book.DateValidUntil;
            entity.BookKey               = book.BookKey;
Пример #5
        internal void FillBookFiles(Models.Book entity, ViewModels.Book dto)
            var existing = this.context.BookFiles.Where(q => q.BookId == entity.Id).ToList();
            var deleted  = (from x in existing
                            where dto.BookFiles.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == x.Id) == null
                            select x).ToList();
            var added = (from x in dto.BookFiles
                         where existing.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == x.Id) == null
                         select x).ToList();
            var edited = (from x in existing
                          where dto.BookFiles.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == x.Id) != null
                          select x).ToList();

            foreach (var x in deleted)
            foreach (var x in added)
                context.BookFiles.Add(new BookFile()
                    Book      = entity,
                    ChapterId = x.ChapterId,
                    Remark    = x.Remark,
                    Document  = new Models.Document()
                        DocumentTypeId = x.DocumentTypeId,
                        FileType       = x.FileType,
                        FileTypeId     = x.FileTypeId,
                        FileUrl        = x.FileUrl,
                        SysUrl         = x.SysUrl,
                        Title          = x.Title,

            foreach (var x in edited)
                var item = dto.BookFiles.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == x.Id);
                if (item != null)
                    x.Remark = item.Remark;
Пример #6
        internal void FillBookRelatedTypeGroups(Models.Book entity, ViewModels.Book dto)
            //var existing = this.context.BookRelatedGroups.Where(q => q.BookId == entity.Id).ToList();
            //while (existing.Count > 0)
            //    var i = existing.First();
            //    this.context.BookRelatedGroups.Remove(i);
            //    existing.Remove(i);
            //foreach (var x in dto.BookRelatedTypeGroups)
            //    this.context.BookRelatedGroups.Add(new Models.BookRelatedGroup()
            //    {
            //        Book = entity,
            //        GroupId = x.Id,
            //         TypeId=x.TypeId,

            //    });
Пример #7
        internal void FillBookKeywords(Models.Book entity, ViewModels.Book dto)
            var existing = this.context.BookKeywords.Where(q => q.BookId == entity.Id).ToList();

            while (existing.Count > 0)
                var i = existing.First();
            foreach (var x in dto.BookKeywords)
                this.context.BookKeywords.Add(new BookKeyword()
                    Book  = entity,
                    Value = x.ToLower(),
Пример #8
        internal void FillBookRelatedStudyFields(Models.Book entity, ViewModels.Book dto)
            var existing = this.context.BookRelatedStudyFields.Where(q => q.BookId == entity.Id).ToList();

            while (existing.Count > 0)
                var i = existing.First();
            foreach (var x in dto.BookRelatedStudyFields)
                this.context.BookRelatedStudyFields.Add(new Models.BookRelatedStudyField()
                    Book         = entity,
                    StudyFieldId = x.Id,
Пример #9
        public static void FillDto(Models.Book entity, ViewModels.Book book)
            book.Id             = entity.Id;
            book.Title          = entity.Title;
            book.ISBN           = entity.ISBN;
            book.DateRelease    = entity.DateRelease;
            book.PublisherId    = entity.PublisherId;
            book.FolderId       = entity.FolderId;
            book.ISSNPrint      = entity.ISSNPrint;
            book.ISSNElectronic = entity.ISSNElectronic;
            book.DOI            = entity.DOI;
            book.Pages          = entity.Pages;
            book.CategoryId     = entity.CategoryId;
            book.CustomerId     = entity.CustomerId;
            book.Abstract       = entity.Abstract;
            book.DateCreate     = entity.DateCreate;
            book.DatePublished  = entity.DatePublished;
            book.ImageUrl       = entity.ImageUrl;
            book.IsExposed      = entity.DatePublished != null;

            book.DateDeadline         = entity.DateDeadline;
            book.Duration             = entity.Duration;
            book.LanguageId           = entity.LanguageId;
            book.ExternalUrl          = entity.ExternalUrl;
            book.NumberOfLessens      = entity.NumberOfLessens;
            book.TypeId               = entity.TypeId;
            book.JournalId            = entity.JournalId;
            book.Conference           = entity.Conference;
            book.ConferenceLocationId = entity.ConferenceLocationId;
            book.DateConference       = entity.DateConference;
            book.Sender               = entity.Sender;
            book.No                    = entity.No;
            book.PublishedIn           = entity.PublishedIn;
            book.INSPECAccessionNumber = entity.INSPECAccessionNumber;
            book.Edition               = entity.Edition;
            book.DateEffective         = entity.DateEffective;
            book.Issue                 = entity.Issue;
            book.DeadLine              = entity.DeadLine;
            book.DateValidUntil        = entity.DateValidUntil;
            book.BookKey               = entity.BookKey;
Пример #10
        internal void FillBookAuthors(Models.Book entity, ViewModels.Book dto)
            var existing = this.context.BookAutors.Where(q => q.BookId == entity.Id && q.TypeId == 1).ToList();

            while (existing.Count > 0)
                var i = existing.First();
            foreach (var x in dto.BookAuthors)
                this.context.BookAutors.Add(new Models.BookAutor()
                    Book         = entity,
                    TypeId       = 1,
                    PersonMiscId = x,
Пример #11
        public static BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Book EditBook(BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.BookRequest objBookRequest)
            BookStoreAdmin.Models.book book = new Models.book();
            List <int> intAuthorids         = new List <int>();

            BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Book objBook = new ViewModels.Book();

            using (BookStoreAdmin.Models.BookStoreAdminEntities1 context = new BookStoreAdminEntities1())
                book = context.books.Include("authors").Single(b => b.id == objBookRequest.id);

                foreach (var author in book.authors.ToList())
                    if (!objBookRequest.authors.Contains(author.id))

                foreach (var newAuthorId in objBookRequest.authors)
                    // Add the roles which are not in the list of user's roles
                    if (!book.authors.Any(r => r.id == newAuthorId))
                        var newAuthor = new author {
                            id = newAuthorId

                book.title          = objBookRequest.title;
                book.description    = objBookRequest.description;
                book.price          = objBookRequest.price;
                book.fk_category_id = objBookRequest.category;

            using (BookStoreAdmin.Models.BookStoreAdminEntities1 context = new BookStoreAdminEntities1())
                objBook = context.books
                          .Where(b => b.id == book.id)
                          .Select(book1 => new BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Book()
                    id          = book1.id,
                    title       = book1.title,
                    description = book1.description,
                    category    = new ViewModels.Category()
                        id = book1.category.id, description = book1.category.description, name = book1.category.name
                    authors = book1.authors.Select((author) => new BookStoreAdmin.ViewModels.Author()
                        id          = author.id,
                        description = author.description,
                        first_name  = author.first_name,
                        last_name   = author.last_name
                    price = book1.price

Пример #12
        public async Task <ViewModels.Book> GetEmployeeBookDto(int id, int employeeId)
            var book   = new ViewModels.Book();
            var dbbook = await context.ViewBookApplicableEmployees.FirstOrDefaultAsync(q => q.BookId == id && q.EmployeeId == employeeId);

            ViewModels.Book.FillDto(dbbook, book);
            var dbbookfiles = await this.context.ViewBookFiles.Where(q => q.BookId == id).ToListAsync();

            book.BookFiles = new List <ViewBookFileX>();
            foreach (var x in dbbookfiles)
                var bf = new ViewBookFileX();
                ViewBookFileX.FillDto(x, bf);

            //book.BookKeywords = await context.BookKeywords.Where(q => q.BookId == id).Select(q => q.Value).ToListAsync();
            //book.BookAuthors = await context.BookAutors.Where(q => q.BookId == id).Select(q => q.PersonMiscId).ToListAsync();

            //book.BookRelatedAircraftTypes = (await (from x in context.BookRelatedAircraftTypes
            //                                        join y in context.ViewAircraftTypes on x.AircraftTypeId equals y.Id
            //                                        where x.BookId == id
            //                                        select y).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels.AircraftType()
            //                                        {
            //                                            Id = q.Id,
            //                                            Manufacturer = q.Manufacturer,
            //                                            ManufacturerId = q.ManufacturerId,
            //                                            Remark = q.Remark,
            //                                            Type = q.Type
            //                                        }).ToList();

            //book.BookRelatedEmployees = (await (from x in context.BookRelatedEmployees
            //                                    join y in context.ViewEmployees on x.EmployeeId equals y.Id
            //                                    where x.BookId == id
            //                                    select y).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels.EmployeeView()
            //                                    {
            //                                        Name = q.Name,
            //                                        NID = q.NID,
            //                                        PID = q.PID,
            //                                        Location = q.Location,
            //                                        CaoCardNumber = q.CaoCardNumber,
            //                                        NDTNumber = q.NDTNumber,
            //                                        DateJoinCompany = q.DateJoinCompany,
            //                                        Id = q.Id,
            //                                        IDNo = q.IDNo,

            //                                    }).ToList();
            //book.BookRelatedGroups = (await (from x in context.BookRelatedGroups
            //                                 join y in context.ViewJobGroups on x.GroupId equals y.Id
            //                                 where x.BookId == id
            //                                 select y).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels.JobGroup()
            //                                 {
            //                                     Title = q.Title,
            //                                     FullCode = q.FullCode,
            //                                     Remark = q.Remark,
            //                                     Parent = q.Parent,
            //                                     Id = q.Id,
            //                                 }).ToList();
            //book.BookRelatedStudyFields = (await (from x in context.BookRelatedStudyFields
            //                                      join y in context.ViewOptions on x.StudyFieldId equals y.Id
            //                                      where x.BookId == id
            //                                      select y).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels.Option()
            //                                      {
            //                                          Title = q.Title,

            //                                          Parent = q.Parent,
            //                                          Id = q.Id,

            //                                      }).ToList();

Пример #13
        public async Task <ViewModels.Book> GetBookDto(int id)
            var book   = new ViewModels.Book();
            var dbbook = await context.Books.FirstOrDefaultAsync(q => q.Id == id);

            ViewModels.Book.FillDto(dbbook, book);
            var dbbookfiles = await this.context.ViewBookFiles.Where(q => q.BookId == id).ToListAsync();

            book.BookFiles = new List <ViewBookFileX>();
            foreach (var x in dbbookfiles)
                var bf = new ViewBookFileX();
                ViewBookFileX.FillDto(x, bf);

            book.BookKeywords = await context.BookKeywords.Where(q => q.BookId == id).Select(q => q.Value).ToListAsync();

            book.BookAuthors = await context.BookAutors.Where(q => q.BookId == id).Select(q => q.PersonMiscId).ToListAsync();

            book.BookRelatedAircraftTypes = (await(from x in context.BookRelatedAircraftTypes
                                                   join y in context.ViewAircraftTypes on x.AircraftTypeId equals y.Id
                                                   where x.BookId == id
                                                   select y).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels.AircraftType()
                Id             = q.Id,
                Manufacturer   = q.Manufacturer,
                ManufacturerId = q.ManufacturerId,
                Remark         = q.Remark,
                Type           = q.Type

            book.BookRelatedEmployees = (await(from x in context.BookRelatedEmployees
                                               join y in context.ViewEmployees on x.EmployeeId equals y.Id
                                               where x.BookId == id
                                               select y).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels.EmployeeView()
                Name            = q.Name,
                NID             = q.NID,
                PID             = q.PID,
                Location        = q.Location,
                CaoCardNumber   = q.CaoCardNumber,
                NDTNumber       = q.NDTNumber,
                DateJoinCompany = q.DateJoinCompany,
                Id   = q.Id,
                IDNo = q.IDNo,
            book.BookRelatedGroups = (await(from x in context.BookRelatedGroups
                                            join y in context.ViewJobGroups on x.GroupId equals y.Id
                                            where x.BookId == id
                                            select new { y, x.TypeId }).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels./*JobGroup*/ BookTypeGroup()
                Title    = q.y.Title,
                FullCode = q.y.FullCode,
                Remark   = q.y.Remark,
                Parent   = q.y.Parent,
                Id       = q.y.Id,
                TypeId   = q.TypeId ?? -1,
                Type     = getTypeByTypeId(q.TypeId)
            book.BookRelatedStudyFields = (await(from x in context.BookRelatedStudyFields
                                                 join y in context.ViewOptions on x.StudyFieldId equals y.Id
                                                 where x.BookId == id
                                                 select y).ToListAsync()).Select(q => new ViewModels.Option()
                Title = q.Title,

                Parent = q.Parent,
                Id     = q.Id,
            book.Chapters = await context.ViewBookChapters.Where(q => q.BookId == id).OrderBy(q => q.Fullcode).ToListAsync();

Пример #14
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> PostBook(ViewModels.Book dto)
            // return Ok(client);
            if (dto == null)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // return BadRequest(ModelState);
            var validate = unitOfWork.BookRepository.Validate(dto);

            if (validate.Code != HttpStatusCode.OK)

            Book entity = null;

            if (dto.Id == -1)
                entity = new Book();

                entity = await unitOfWork.BookRepository.GetByID(dto.Id);

            if (entity == null)

            //ViewModels.Location.Fill(entity, dto);
            ViewModels.Book.Fill(entity, dto);

            unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookRelatedAircraftTypes(entity, dto);

            unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookRelatedEmployees(entity, dto);
            unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookRelatedGroups(entity, dto);
            //unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookRelatedTypeGroups(entity, dto);
            unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookRelatedStudyFields(entity, dto);
            unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookAuthors(entity, dto);
            unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookKeywords(entity, dto);
            unitOfWork.BookRepository.FillBookFiles(entity, dto);

            var saveResult = await unitOfWork.SaveAsync();

            if (saveResult.Code != HttpStatusCode.OK)
            await unitOfWork.BookRepository.UpdateChapters(entity.BookKey, entity.Id);

            saveResult = await unitOfWork.SaveAsync();

            if (saveResult.Code != HttpStatusCode.OK)

            //string webUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["web"] + "downloadhandler.ashx?t=bookarchive&id=" + entity.Id;
            //object input = new

            //string inputJson = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input);

            //WebClient client = new WebClient();
            //client.Headers["Content-type"] = "application/json";
            //client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

            //string json = client.UploadString(webUrl, inputJson);

            dto.Id = entity.Id;