         * Sets the values that will be used to transform raw input events into view movements. ViewInputAttributes
         * define a calibration value for each combination of device and action, and a general sensitivity value
         * for each device.
         * @param attributes values that will be used to transform raw input into view movement.
         * @throws ArgumentException if <code>attributes</code> is null.
         * @see ViewInputAttributes
        public void setAttributes(ViewInputAttributes attributes)
            if (attributes == null)
                String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AttributesIsNull");
                throw new ArgumentException(message);

            this.attributes = attributes;
        public AbstractViewInputHandler()
            this.enableSmoothing = true;
            this.lockHeading     = true;
            this.stopOnFocusLost = true;
            this.attributes      = new ViewInputAttributes();

            // Actions for the pointer device
            this.mouseActionMap          = this.attributes.getActionMap(ViewInputAttributes.DEVICE_MOUSE);
            this.keyActionMap            = this.attributes.getActionMap(ViewInputAttributes.DEVICE_KEYBOARD);
            this.keyModsActionMap        = this.attributes.getModifierActionMap(ViewInputAttributes.DEVICE_KEYBOARD);
            this.mouseModsActionMap      = this.attributes.getModifierActionMap(ViewInputAttributes.DEVICE_MOUSE);
            this.mouseWheelModsActionMap =